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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

Page 59

by Jamie Knight

  “My friend Sally. The person who baked this cake. Is she still here?”

  “Hmm, no,” Michelle says. “I think I saw her cute little bakery van earlier, but she got in and out pretty quickly after putting the cake in the freezer.”

  “Wow, she was fast,” I reDaniel. “Good for her.”

  Sally had recently upgraded her bakery and bought the van for deliveries. It didn’t hurt that Mikewas a billionaire and could invest in her business. But it was also doing well in its own right.

  “Yeah. I think it must be resort policy to have the vendors take up the least amount of time and space as possible, or something, because that’s what they always seem to do,” Michelle says. “They probably don’t want them getting stuck up here on the mountain in case there’s a snowstorm, so for sake of avoiding liability, they send them away quickly. Or maybe they don’t want the riff raff service providers fraternizing with the uppity resort guests. I don’t know. No one tells me anything, since I’m too low on the totem pole.”

  “Well, I’d better this stuff out there,” I tell her, making my way back to the party.

  “I think there’s some serious over-compensating going on here.”

  Michelle picks back up on her little tirade from before as she grabs some serving items and follows me down the hallway, back to where the kids are.

  And Daniel. Obviously I can’t forget that it’s where Daniel is, too – with his broad, tall shoulders and his handsome face and his head full of brown hair, that doesn’t look a day older than his son’s, even though I’d expect a guy that much older than I am to be balding by now.

  “I mean, the kid’s dad has to feel guilty about divorcing his mom or something, or about being gone at work all the time, to throw a party fit for a king for a six year old,” Michelle rants on and on.

  My ears prick up a bit at the part where she says maybe he’s divorced.

  Probably he is, since, again, I didn’t see a ring, but some people take it off to ski, lest they lose it in the snow. Still, I don’t want to get my hopes up.

  “I wonder how big of a check he wrote to the resort,” Michelle says.

  I’m getting nervous that the young partygoers will be able to hear us soon, even if they are just kids and won’t understand.

  And what if Daniel were to overhear?

  “Well, let’s not forget that checks like that pay for us to have our jobs,” I whisper back to her. “We need to be nice to the guests.”

  I turn to glare at her, but she just rolls her eyes. It’s then that I notice that Jason and Matt are behind us.

  One of them is carrying the heavy cake and the other one is carrying some kind of wired contraption that looks like the miniature version of a ramp that a truck drives up when it needs to be fixed. The name of it escapes my memory, if I ever even knew what it was called.

  Let’s just say that I make a better ski instructor than waitress or truck mechanic.

  “Here, I’ll help you,” Daniel says, rushing up to relieve me of the tray.

  “It’s fine,” I tell him, at the same time that Michelle huffs under her breath, “Oh, sure, help the pretty girl.”

  “Whatever,” Matt jokes, as he and Jason start setting up the cake. “No one helped us carry these monstrosities.”

  He sees Daniel and adds, “No offense, sir.”

  “None taken,” Daniel says, offering a good-natured chuckle.

  Then his tone of voice turns somewhat apologetic.

  “I know this cake was a bit of an extravagance, but Charlie’s former nanny suggested it, back when she was still working for us. Charlie overheard and couldn’t get the idea out of his head, even after the nanny left. Or maybe he misses the nanny and that’s why he kept insisting on this cake.”

  “It’s no problem,” Jason says. “We aim to please the customer.”

  I shoot Michelle a glance that says, “See? That’s how we should be.”

  They plug in the cake – now, that’s a phrase I never thought I’d have to utter – and suddenly Charlie and his friends are surrounding it.

  “It’s Optimus Prime!” Charlie shouts, and all his friends are clapping.

  I shoot a blank look at Daniel, who fills me in.

  “It’s a Transformer,” he says. “Like, Bumblebee? But this one is the one who is in charge of all the Transformers.”

  “I see,” I tell him, except I only kind of do.

  I’m definitely not up to date on movies or TV shows. Especially not those that are aimed at kids.

  “Now everyone has to sing me happy birthday!” Charlie demands.

  “Charlie!” Daniel snaps. “Don’t whine and bark orders to your friends!”

  Then Charlie makes an “oops” face. It’s true that he was being whiny, but there’s a cute smile on his face that makes me want to forgive him immediately for his transgression.

  “Sorry, Daddy,” he says.

  “You have to wait for this first,” Jason instructs, with a child-like excitement in his own voice as he lights two candle strings on top of the robot-cake’s head, which look like antennas.

  Charlie’s friends sing him Happy Birthday and then Charlie blows out the candles. Suddenly, Jason pushes a button near the cake, and it begins to talk!

  “Autobots, roll out!” it says.

  And then, the cake seems to come to life, expanding into three different layers. The first is one set of wheels; the second is another, and the third is the front part of the truck, which now looks like a head standing on top of a body.

  “Wow!” everyone, including me, shouts.

  Even Michelle looks a little impressed. I’ve never seen a cake that transforms from a truck to a robot before, and apparently, neither has she.

  This cake is the bomb and I will definitely have to congratulate Sally on a job very well done. It’s half cake, half robot – just like a Transformer.

  While everyone is still clapping, Charlie runs over to me and says, “I want some juice now!”

  He starts to reach out to take the juice from the tray. Daniel is quick to remind him to say please, and I pull the tray back a bit to give him time to listen to his dad.

  Soon that cute “oops” look is back on his face and he’s saying, “Sorry! Please?,” but Michelle seems too upset about his behavior to be able to hold back.

  “No, you can’t,” she says, trying to push his arm out of the way.

  He looks surprised and pushes his arm the other way as a sort of defense mechanism, knocking the cup of juice over and spilling its contents.

  I gasp, and so does Matt and Jason.

  “I’m going to get a soapy towel,” says Matt, and Jason begins cutting the cake.

  They are all business but you can tell that they’re a bit worried about how the rich resort guest who is paying for this lavish party will react to Michelle’s antics.

  “Why did you do that?” I hiss to Michelle, under my breath.

  “I’m sick and tired of spoiled, entitled rich kids being brats,” she responds, loudly.

  “Hey!” I tell her. “It’s not his fault.”

  Under my breath, I tell her, “He can’t help that that silver spoon that was in his mouth when he was born. Plus, he’s cute.”

  Louder again now, I say, “Here you go, Charlie.”

  I hand him another cup of juice and he says, “Thanks!” and skips back over to the cake, apparently unfazed.

  Michelle says, “Yeah, I think it’s more like you think his dad is cute and so you’re willing to cut his kid some slack.”

  I don’t say anything in response, just let my jaw hang open. I’m really getting annoyed at her and I don’t know who she thinks she is.

  Matt returns with a dish towel that he hands to Michelle.

  She looks at him and says, “I’m not the janitor.”

  “Come on, Michelle,” Matt urges her. “Do you want to lose your job?”

  She begrudgingly begins to clean up the juice.

  “You’re really good with him,
” Daniel tells me, nodding approvingly. It seems he isn’t too fazed by what just happened. “Would you like a job as his nanny?”

  “That’s the lamest pick-up line I’ve ever heard,” Michelle groans, under her breath.

  “You don’t think I’m a good ski instructor?” I ask, deciding to throw him a little attitude and play hard to get.

  “Oh, of course I do,” he stammers.

  I’m glad I’ve managed to make him tongue-tied. It seems he is usually a fast talker but only I can slow him down. Just like out on the slopes, I imagine.

  I have a quick fantasy of the two of us shredding some snow and then fucking like little white bunnies on top of it. Maybe after our roll in the snow we could warm up with some hot chocolate and a dip in some hot springs or a jacuzzi.

  But I tell myself to stop thinking that way, since apparently, it’s already obvious that I’m into him.

  “Then what makes you think I’d want to be a nanny?” I respond to Daniel, before he has time to recover. “Maybe you really are entitled, like Michelle here says.”

  “What?” he protests. “I didn’t mean it like that at all.”

  I smile at him, resisting the urge to also wink, because that might be over-playing my hand a bit. In reality, this ski instructor gig is only a temporary, seasonal one and it doesn’t pay that well. I would be a fool not to consider other options.

  But I still don’t know if he’s married or not and I’m not sure I should take a job working so closely to a man I’m attracted to and who is obviously flirting with me before I find that out. Plus, it is rather presumptuous of him to assume I’d jump at this chance, for a stranger I just met. Even if he is a hot stranger – a hot stranger who knows he’s hot.

  “Look,” Daniel says, his voice actually sounding a bit desperate. “The last nanny I had working for me quit, and I really need someone soon, or I wouldn’t be asking. You and Charlie seem to get along. And I’d be willing to pay a hundred.”

  “A week?” Michelle snorts, then hisses, “Rich people are always so cheap.”

  “An hour,” Daniel corrects her.

  I look at him with my mouth hanging open – and Michelle is doing the same, of course. I mean, who wouldn’t be?

  What’s the catch? I wonder, but Michelle recovers faster than I do, and asks the question for me.

  She’s probably prompted to do so by the fact that Charlie and his friend are now fighting over the Transformers toys he was supposed to be giving out as favors but is hoarding to himself, with his arms crossed tightly over them while the other kids try to rip them out of his grasp.

  He yells, “No, never! It’s my birthday, not yours!”

  “How many other nannies have you been through?” Michelle asks Daniel. “That you have to pay that much to get one, I mean.”

  “Look,” he says, glancing down as if he’s been caught.

  Damn, Michelle knows her stuff.

  “Quite a few,” he finally admits. “But I know that the right person will —”

  “Why did they all leave?” she asks, without letting him finish his sentence.

  “Charlie’s had some, um, behavioral problems as of late,” he says. “I know it’s only temporary though, and only because I’m working so much, and I’ve not been around enough for him…”

  “Told ya,” Michelle says, elbowing me. “Next you’ll find out that he cheated on his wife and she hightailed it out of there.”

  “What do you say?” Daniel asks me, looking right at me as though trying to avoid having to talk to Michelle, a decision I can’t exactly blame him for. “At least think it over?”

  “Okay,” I say, looking at the clock and realizing my shift is over.

  He sighs in relief, but I’m quick to clarify.

  “I’ll think it over, later,” I tell him. “I have to go now, though.”

  “What? Really?” he asks, looking as if no one has ever turned him down.

  And that’s because they probably haven’t, I think, noting his handsome face and tall physique again.

  “At least let me give you my number,” he says.

  “Maybe,” I say, as he takes a card out of his wallet and extends it to me.

  A hundred dollars an hour is a lot to turn down without properly ensuring that I had had his contact information, but sometimes I like to take a walk on the wild side like that. I’m not even sure I should do it, and perhaps this potential roadblock will help fate decide for me.

  I finally decide to grab the card out of his hand and then I look down at his little boy.

  “Goodbye, Charlie,” I tell him, as I head towards the exit so I can collect my skis and go home. “Happy birthday.”

  To my surprise, he runs over and hugs my leg, tight.

  “Bye, bye, nice lady,” he whispers, loudly enough for me, and Daniel, to hear it. “Thanks for the juice!”

  Now it’s Daniel’s turn to let his mouth hang open.

  And that’s how I leave him as I head out into the billowing snow.

  Chapter 3 - Daniel

  “Are you listening, Mr. Roberts?” one of my interns ask me.

  Nodding my head, I say, “Oh, yes, of course,” even though it’s an obvious lie.

  I feel bad; the interns are demonstrating software development projects I had asked them to prepare, and they are doing a decent job at it, for being complete newbies, but my mind has obviously been somewhere else.

  It’s still up on the mountain, with Catharine. And I’m still wishing that my cock could be buried in her.

  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her, even though I tell myself to knock it the fuck off.

  I don’t do relationships, and not just because I want to protect Charlie from a revolving door of women who might not work out, although that’s definitely part of the reason. But also because I find it easier with my busy schedule to just do quick hook-ups and not have to worry about the emotional stuff. Plus, it’s usually more exciting that way, too.

  But Catharine has really gotten into my head and I can’t fucking get her out. Maybe it’s just because she gives me a chase – I can never resist a challenge. But I have a feeling her gorgeous curves and sassy attitude and pretty eyes all have something to do with the fact that she makes me feel dazed and confused about my intense focus on her, too.

  After trying yet again to listen to the interns’ presentation and failing miserably, I tell them it’s time for a break.

  “Let’s take five, guys and gals,” I tell them. “Actually, let’s make it an hour-long break, and you can go grab Starbucks on the company tab if you want.”

  They act as if I’m Boss of the Year as they get up, slapping me five on their way out. But really, it’s not that I have an altruistic desire to make them happy. Rather, I called the break from the meeting because I need to do something about the fact that Catharine is in my head so much.

  Perhaps physical release will help me release this mental obsession. I lock my office door and strip down to my underwear. Then I go to my private gym that’s inside my large office, and I run hard and fast on the treadmill.

  It’s not hard and fast enough. I can still hear her feisty voice over the pounding of my footsteps on the machine. I can still see her gorgeous eyes and her perfectly hourglass shape even though there’s a TV screen playing the news in front of me.

  I remember how when we were having cake, she had taken her ski coat off and she had a fleece underneath but it was thin and I could see the shape of her nipple poking out from underneath it. I imagine squeezing her nipple between my fingers and then sucking on it with my mouth.

  I want to make her feel so damn good. I know she could make me feel really good, too.

  I get off the treadmill and get down on the floor and do pushups – one, two, three – but I still can’t get her off my mind. My cock is getting hard no matter how much I will it not to – four, five six. I tell myself I can’t possibly jerk off while thinking about Catharine at the office – seven, eight, nine. That wou
ld be too far and what if someone knocked on the door and I had to hurry up and go answer it?

  By the time I get to ten, eleven, twelve pushups, I realize it’s futile to fight this force that is pushing me in my mind. I go into my sauna and I pull down my underwear.

  My cock hurriedly makes its way out, as if it was being suffocated to death while being denied its freedom to be pleasured while I think about Catharine. It doesn’t flop out, because it’s hard. It stands straight up as if begging for my attention.

  I wrap my hand around my shaft and move it up and down while I’m wishing it was Catharine’s hand. I feel pre-cum on the head of my cock and wish that Catharine could look it off. I want to bend her over and fuck her senseless.

  I think about sucking her cute little nipple while I jerk myself off, letting loose now and really pumping hard and fast. Soon I’m cumming while I think about making her cum, by moving my mouth down to her pussy and sucking on her hard little clit. The thought of it is just too over-powering and I find great relief in my orgasm.

  I hurry into my shower so I can clean up and get back to the meeting I’d temporarily called off. But I start to realize there’s a way I might be able to get Catharine’s contact information.

  As soon as I’m out of the shower, I pick up my phone to call the ski resort, my heart beating nearly as quickly at the thought of seeing Catharine again as I had just been beating off my cock at the thought of fucking her.

  Chapter 4 - Catharine

  I’m at home in my bath tub – one of my favorite things to do since I’m on the cold slopes so much is to take a warm bath when I’m not – and all I can do is think about Daniel. His curly brown hair and light green eyes. His broad chest and wide shoulders and tall height.

  I find myself touching my pussy as I imagine what his chest must look like. And what I want him to do to me. I bet he could throw me over his shoulder and ski down the mountain, and then throw me in the snow and warm me up by covering me with his strong body and filling my pussy with his big cock.

  I put my pussy up to the faucet so the water can do to it what I wish Daniel would. Meanwhile, I’m rubbing my clit and thinking about him kissing my neck, my breasts, my stomach, and, finally, my pussy that is feeling so good right now.


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