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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

Page 74

by Jamie Knight

  Emma looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

  I grinned. “I mean it, for real, and as soon as possible.”

  Chapter Twenty - Emma

  It's funny how things work out sometimes. Not only did I not really know that Noah had a sister, but I also had no idea that we would get along so well. The seating had put us at the same table through our shared connection to Noah, but as far as I could tell, that was where the similarities began and ended.

  To be fair, it was partly based on my prejudices. Not in terms of them being rich but more my assumption that they were snobby and raised in a blithe little bubble ignorant of the rest of the world. If that was the case, which I really didn't think it was, the plan had failed miserably, and Sarah was even more of a hellraiser than Noah had been showing himself to be.

  I guess it made sense. He did have a bit of an image to keep up, being a bit time lawyer and all. Sarah, on the other hand, didn't seem to have a single fuck left to give. A theory confirmed when she had tried to light a cigarette within minutes of sitting down. I say tried because Mrs. Wells batted the cigarette out of her mouth before Sarah could get the lighter ignited, sending the mercifully unlit cigarette flying across the room.

  “Jesus, mom!” Sarah protested.

  “Language,” Mrs. Wells shouted back.

  The two women started at each other like pro boxers in a promo video until, eventually, shockingly, Mrs. Wells looked away.

  I felt pretty bad and oddly proud at the same time. Bad for Mrs. Wells, who clearly didn't have the authority she thought she did, and proud of Sarah for not taking any shit, wishing I had her level of guts. I had been raised to respect and defer to my elders, even when they were wrong.

  “Can you teach me to do that?” I whispered.

  “Sure,” she said taking another drink of her tonic.

  “Designated driver?” I asked.

  “Bang on,” she said, slamming the glass upside down on the table, “sorry, old habits.”

  “That's okay,” I said.

  “You drink?” she asked pointedly.

  “Um, not really. I was pretty strongly discouraged as a kid. I'll sometimes drink when I'm in the mood.”

  “The mood to be naughty?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, blushing slightly.

  “I knew it,” Sarah said smiling a crooked smile.

  “Knew what?” I asked.

  “That there was bad girl spirit in their behind that sweet facade.”

  I'd never really thought of it as a facade before but in my heart, I knew that Sarah was absolutely right.

  “H-how did you know?” I asked.

  “Takes one to know one,” she said with a sly wink.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I said blushing again.

  “And that is your greatest advantage,” Sarah said.

  “What is?”

  “You're unassuming cuteness. So adorable and innocent, well trained I'm sure. Religious parents?”

  “Yeah and convent school.”

  “No one will ever see you coming.”

  I was about to say something I hoped would be cool but would probably just end up being embarrassing when I was rescued by the appearance of the emcee on stage.

  The introduction they gave Noah was extremely flattering and a bit more thorough than I expected, especially considering that there was apparently no introduction needed. Still, though, it was nice to know that there were other people who saw Noah the same way I did. If anything, the needlessly in-depth introduction served as a reminder of what attracted me to Noah in the first place.

  As he came out onto the stage, I could feel my love for him grow — not metaphorically either. There was actually a tangible swelling feeling in my chest like I might actually burst with all the love and pride I felt for him. I really didn't care that this was all supposed to be fake — to make him look good for his peers and ward off his mother and crazy ex. That was how it started, but that wasn't how it had to end. We could write a new story. One with a happy ending.

  When Sara first shouted out during Noah's speech, I had actually thought that she was heckling him. Until he responded with some good-natured teasing of his own. Then I realized that it was just how they were with each other. I even got comfortable enough to join in with the third instance of shouted agreement, getting my first ever high five out of the deal. My hand stung, Sarah was very strong, but it was all good.

  There were some pretty shocking revelations during his speech, which had become a freestyle confessional somewhere along the way, as well as some confirmations of things I had already suspected. Especially considering the nature of his work as a lawyer. Part of me wasn't sure how I felt about him intentionally going into some of the worst places in the world, even if it was to make it be a better place. If we were to be together, I would constantly be worried about him getting hurt. Though given the evidence that didn't seem like a very likely scenario. He had already survived at least three bullets and was clearly made up of sterner stuff. I could feel all my insecurities and fears melting away.

  The true shock, however, came at the end. I had imagined Noah asking me to marry him many times over the time we had been together. To be his real fiancée as opposed to his fake one. None of it prepared me for when it actually happened. Possibly even more surprising at least to myself, was how I reacted.

  “Yes!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, causing many a head to turn my way.

  The heads continued to follow me as I made my way up to the stage. The shock soon giving away to thunderous applause. Noah pulled me up onto the stage and into his arms as we kissed passionately.

  I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real. Not only did I have a start-up business in the career I always wanted but a hot, and deeply principled, lawyer as a husband as well.

  Chapter Twenty-One - Emma

  I had thought April the first had been a joke. Though with Noah's dry brand of humor, it could be difficult to tell. He had been joking about having the ceremony in a cathedral. Which was probably for the best. Clever boy that he was, my sweet darling Noah figured out a way for the least drama by the bringing together of our two tribes, a simple but beautiful ceremony in the woods.

  “How do I look?” I asked, turning to face Sarah, who had just finished fastening the back of my wedding dress.

  “Scrumptious,” she replied, going to retrieve my floral wreath headpiece, “then again, you would probably look good in a potato sack.”

  “Let's hope that never comes up,” I giggled.

  Technically, the wreath was a pagan symbol, but I liked it and really didn't think anyone else would notice much less care. Noah and I had considered putting up a Maypole as a joke but in the end, decided against it.

  Outside the confines of the trailer Noah had rented for me to get changed in, the accordion music reared up, an organ, while traditional, just not being feasible for the setting. We had a bit of a debate about what the song should be — the bridal chorus and the Pachelbel Canon in D not even being on the table. We had it down to the first of the Goldberg Variations and “I Vow To Thee My Country.” In the end, we went with the latter mostly due to length.

  Bunches of seasonal flowers in hand, I stepped carefully out of the trailer and made my way to the area set up for the ceremony. I could see Noah standing at the end of the two rows of folding chairs in front of the portable arch, decorated with flowers. I smiled at the sight of him.

  Sarah, my maid of honor, marched before me after whispering encouragement. I had done the rehearsal in heels, which proved to be a bit of an issue on the grass. Breaking with tradition, not for the first time, I walked the makeshift aisle shoeless, my bare feet hidden under my floor-length wedding dress which had been Noah's grandmother's.

  We couldn't decide on a priest, so again, we compromised going with a justice of the peace. Noah suggested a sea captain but, in the end, agreed with me that it would be a bit too surreal.

  “Hey sexy,” I whispered, as I got
to the front.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he replied.

  I had to resist the urge to jump the gun and kiss him right then and there. Noah wore a version of the tux he had to the awards dinner, only this time leaving the shirt open at the neck.

  “Dearly beloved,” the justice began, “we are gathered here this fine day to join Noah and Emma. I understand you have written your own vows?”

  “We have,” Noah said.

  “Noah Issac Wells,” I said, going first, “I've spent a lot of time looking for love. The person who would complete me and share my life. I have found him in you.”

  “Emma Catharine Oritz, I never thought I would fall in love. I never really knew what love was until I met you.”

  “By the power invested in me by the state of California,” the justice declaimed to all assembled, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Noah put his hand gently on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders leveraging myself up onto my tiptoes and we locked lips, not even thinking about adding tongue.

  The reception was held in a shelter in the day-use area of the park, rented especially for the purpose. The catering was excellent, and I had to fight the urge to take notes. The entire firm turned out for the ceremony, all of them seeming happy about the union. Especially Jim and Ann.

  “Here you go,” Noah said, handing me the spritzer I had asked for. We kissed as he sat down next to me.

  “Won't your mother object?” I asked playfully.

  “We're married so it's allowed. Besides which, she didn't seem to mind the cafe incident.”

  “Cafe incident?”

  “When I first told you about the opening at Drew's party.”

  “Oh, right, that cafe incident.”

  “She saw and was mostly just happy I was in a relationship.”

  “That's actually nice in a weird way.”

  “Mom in a nutshell.”

  “I suppose congratulations are in order.”

  We looked at the same time as though we planned it, seeing Jim decked out in his usual best, in this case, with the addition of a silk pocket square. A simple but very tasteful touch.

  “Damn straight,” I said, in jest.

  After a customary round of hugs, we all sat down at the picnic table Noah and I had staked out for ourselves.

  “How's married life treating you so far?” Jim asked.

  “Great!” Noah replied in a way that made me kiss him on the cheek, “I mean it's only been about an hour and a half but so far, I can't complain.”

  “And you won't if I have anything to say about it,” I said, taking him by the hand.

  “How sweet,” Jim smirked.

  “Something I doubt anyone will be saying at Sarah's upcoming nuptials,” Noah said.

  “I still can't believe she caught the bouquet,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Daddy!” we both looked to see little James toddling towards his dad.

  “Hey, little man,” Jim said.

  James was one of several kids running around the place, working off the energy they built up after having to sit for nearly an hour.

  “Bet you two will be having kids soon,” Jim said, picking up James and putting him on his lap.

  “I hope so. I can't think of anything better than having some little Emma's running around.”

  “Be careful what you wish for. It might happen sooner than you think,” I warned, giving my new husband a wink.

  Epilogue - Noah

  One of the few concessions to tradition we made was hiring a limo to take us to the airport to go on our honeymoon. We had spent the first night after the wedding at a cute, local hotel made up to look like a Tudor mansion.

  I definitely wanted to have sex with Emma and was pretty sure she felt the same, but we were both simply too drained, so we spent the night cuddling instead, which was really nice in its own way.

  Oddly, I could have sworn that Emma's breasts were getting even bigger.

  I had chartered a jet to take us from California to Hawaii, a trip I was assured wouldn't take more than six hours. At least from airport to airport. The hotel would be another matter, but we would deal with that when we got there. Which frankly couldn't happen soon enough.

  “I was thinking about what Jim said about us having kids,” I said.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah, and I was thinking we might want to try and make a baby while we're on our honeymoon. It seems fitting, somehow.”

  “Oh, I agree. The problem is, it’s a bit late for that.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, a concerned.

  Emma beamed. “I'm already pregnant. It happened when I was on top and you came inside me.”

  “I—” My mouth fell open, and I just stared at my beautiful wife. I was beyond words. The happiness was so completely overwhelming.

  I took Emma gently as I could, despite my excitement and joy, and I kissed her deeply. She returned my affections, tears of joy wetting both of our faces.

  The closeness continued on the plane, Emma basically sitting in my lap all the way to the island with a great deal more kissing and cuddling happening before the wheels touched the tarmac at our final destination.

  There was another limo waiting for us outside the airport. We hadn't checked any luggage and were able to walk past the depressing semi-circle gathered around the baggage return. The only downside was that we didn't get one of those neat flower necklaces when we came down the stairs off the plane. Those were only for people who took one of the commercial carriers. It's prejudice, I tell you.

  After the world's fastest hotel check-in, I scooped Emma up into my arms and carried her up the three flights of stairs to our room, taking them two at the time. Emma was holding the keycard, which cut down on the time it took to get into the room. Still kissing my beautiful wife, we headed straight for the bed.

  Laying Emma down gently on the bed, she sat up as I sat down on the edge of the bed. Picking up our kissing where we left off, we started the slow, meticulous process of stripping each other down to nothing.

  Instinctively, I put my hand on Emma's belly. She lay her hand on mine, stroking it gently. I let out a breath, regaining my resolve, and kissed her a hand, leaving my hand where it was.

  Before I knew what was happening, Emma climbed up onto my lap and eased herself down, pushing my hard cock up into her. It was a position we hadn't done before or even really thought of, but it really was perfect. Especially considering our difference in height. It allowed both of us to be comfortable while still able to be able to look each other in the eye as well as kiss, should we wish to do so, which of course we did.

  An added advantage the seated upright position was that the balance was a lot more predictable, and Emma, who really was the main active participant, could go as fast or as slow as she wanted with nary a wobble. I put my hands on her ass just in case something went wrong. Never mind the fact that it also felt fucking amazing.

  “You like that, honey?” Emma asked, picking up her bouncing speed.

  “Fuck yes,” I said.

  “You like that tight little pussy?”

  “Oh, yes. You like that cock?”

  “That cock is amazing,” she enthused.

  We kissed again and she started going even faster, her moans and gasps giving me an idea of just how good it felt for her to have my huge cock slamming so deep inside her beautiful pussy. It was the best sex I'd ever had in my life, there was no doubt about that. One of the downsides to this, however, was it wasn't very long before I wanted to cum.

  “Can I cum in you?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Emma said beaming.

  She went a bit faster and a touch harder, her pussy getting even tighter on my cock until there was no way I could possibly hold it in anymore and I unloaded deep inside her. Emma came soon after, holding on to me tight. I returned her embrace and spoiled her with kisses as she trembled against me.

  After a long moment, she leaned ba
ck so I could see her. When she did, she had tears in her eyes.

  “Honey,” I said softly, reaching out to wipe her tears away.

  “No,” she said, taking me by the hand and giving it a soft kiss, “they're happy tears.”

  “I know what you mean,” I said, meaning that with my heart and soul.

  “I can hardly believe it,” she said.

  “About the baby?” I asked.

  “Everything. Finding you, having a baby, getting a whole new family, including an awesome sister. It is everything I've ever wanted and now that I have it doesn't quite seem real.”

  “Oh, it's real,” I said, moving my cock slightly inside her, making her gasp with pleasure.

  “Yeah, it is,” she said with the biggest smile I had ever seen.

  Suddenly, she shifted her weight, moving to take my cock out of her. I thought maybe I had done something to upset her.

  “What're you doing?”

  “I want to try something,” she said, taking my freshly extracted cock firmly by the base. “Trust me.”

  “Of course, I —”

  I didn't get a chance to finish, my ability to speak quickly overridden by the pure joy of my cock sliding up into Emma's little virgin asshole.

  “A-are you sure?” I managed.

  “Yes, please,” she begged.

  “Okay, j-just, be careful.”


  “If it hurts, we'll stop.”

  “Okay,” she said.


  “I promise,” she whispered.

  Using my hand position to gently spread her ass, I held still as she eased herself up and down my shaft, losing her final virginity, appropriately enough on our honeymoon. Her maidenhead was long gone but at least we still had this. I didn't really hold with tradition, but it was nice to have something to make things really special for our first time since getting married.


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