So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 149

by Jamie Knight

“I know, I know. Are they upset?” By “they,” I mean Kane and Ashton, the McKenzie and Smith of McKenzie and Smith Tech. They are both good guys, but CEOs like to have their way.

  Jake shakes his head slightly. “No, everything’s still fine. With the announcement out, it wouldn’t look good for either of us to have the merger dissolve now. I’ll fax Maria over copies immediately. But I came to talk to you for another reason. About a certain new employee we have.”

  “A certain new employee?” I blink at him, feeling momentarily dumb.

  My mind races with ideas. Jake and I have similar taste in women, did I miss a new potential pet? It has been a while. Maybe some lovely lady with long blonde hair that I can wrap around my palm as she is sucking my cock.

  I smile, content in my daydream. Noticing my lack of attention, Jake clears his throat. He does it twice before I look at him again.

  “Maggie Chambers. She needs special accommodations for her wheelchair. She’s going to need a taller desk with no drawers, and we’ll need to install a ramp in the cubical area.”

  Huh? What a strange coincidence. I’m actually reading a book with a character that has a disability, but he works from home. The whole plot of the novel revolves around how he doesn’t want anyone to know about his disability, so he does everything he can to hide it. It’s been a great read so far.

  In all honesty, I’d rather be reading that right now than dealing with Davies & Sons stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my job and love being a lawyer, but it’s not where my passion lies. A good book would be a great distraction right now.

  “Goddammit! Dan! Are you listening to me?”

  “What? Sorry?” I blink at my little brother, leaning forward in my desk chair.

  Jake puts his hands to his temples then pulls them down his face. “Our new employee, Maggie Chambers, is waiting outside of your office because she doesn’t have an appropriate desk or any other accommodations so that she can work. I asked you last week to look into it and order what’s needed, it looks like you didn’t.”



  Now I’m feeling terrible. This is something I should have been on top of. We are a big firm, but I like to do my best to make sure that our employees are comfortable. And I fucked up because now we have Maggie who agreed to work for us, and I haven’t even done the bare minimum.

  I stand, grab my suit coat from my coat rack, and slip it on. “Let me take care of this. I’ll make sure it’s gets done. I promise.”

  “Yeah?” Jake raises one eyebrow.

  “Yeah, I promise. In fact, I’ll do it right away.”

  He sighs and drops his folded arms. “Okay, okay. Sorry if I sound like such a hard ass.”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s my fault. I’m always off on some other planet. Thanks for always being there for me and calling me out when I’m not doing what I should be. You’re one of the main reasons things don’t fall apart around here.”

  I don’t know how my little brother manages it all. His brain is just different from mine, which I believe is part of the reason why we ended up working so well together.

  “It’s really no problem, Danny. I can understand why you need to escape into a book every now and again or have alone time. The real world is quite chaotic.”

  That’s the understatement of the century. Things are much better now being grown up and all, but reading was really the only way I knew how to cope growing up. My dad was barely there after mom died. I wasn’t just carrying the weight of my own emotions but of my siblings. Being the middle child, I just naturally became their caregiver. Everyone thinks things were peaches and gravy for me growing up because we had money, but we just kept the sadder parts hidden away from the world.

  A good book was always there for me. I never let go of the crutch, though. Even in these more stable times, I always go back to what I’m used to.

  I button my coat then pat Jakey on the shoulder. “Yeah, so I’ll take care of Maggie. Why don’t you go get done whatever it is you need to get done?”

  “I’ll go do that.” Jake gives me a little salute before leaving my office.

  Taking a minute to collect myself, I breathe in deeply. I really hate trips down memory lane. My sister would tell me to go see a therapist, and I’d tell her to mind her business, and then she’d tell me I am her business. Just because I avoid thinking about my childhood doesn’t mean I’m not a functioning adult. I help run an entire law firm! Yeah, Jake picks up some of the slack because my nose is consistently in a book, but everyone needs help here and there.

  “Everything’s fine,” I tell myself because that’s the truth.

  I look through my cabinet, finding the file on Maggie Chambers. I must have put it in there thinking I’d get to it, but obviously, I’d forgotten all about the damn thing.

  “Chambers. Maggie Chambers.”

  I’d feel like kind of a dick making her tell me what she needs. This is something that should have been taken care of, so there has to be a way for me to get a list of requirements without overburdening Maggie. Looking at her employment history, I see she used to work at Samuels & Samuels. That’s actually not too far from here.

  Our firm has crossed paths with theirs a few times. The lawyer who was in charge of it was some woman I can’t really remember. I do remember getting a vibe that she didn’t like me, though. It was probably just typical firm vs. firm bullshit. She probably won’t be happy to have me come crashing into her office to ask about what kind of accommodations I should have, but I feel like it’s the best method and the quickest.

  Plus, it’ll give me a reason to get out of the office. Ever since taking over from my dad, I’ve been stuck on the admin side of things. I don’t totally hate it, but I’d rather be fighting for people in court. Becoming a lawyer came about because my dad was one, but in law school, I got to see how a lawyer can really help people in need. I had some chances to do that when I was starting out, but soon Papa Davies wanted to start priming us to take over for him, so I lost touch with that side of the law.

  Nowadays, I just try to make sure I’m not a horrible boss. If I can’t be an idealistic lawyer, then I can make sure my people are comfortable.

  I grab my wallet and leave my office. This trip might even be doubly useful. Liaising with the other law firms in the city is a priority. My dad had relationships with some, but he’s always been a little haughty. He never got to know the smaller firms until they started bringing in serious cash. I don’t want to be like that. Maybe my visit can be a peace offering. The owner of Samuels & Samuels will hopefully drop their grievances against us.

  I should pick up some kind of small gift like a bottle of wine or some flowers or something. There’s a friendly little indie bookstore on the way there. Maybe I can pick up a book for them and a book for me. Killing another bird in this one trip. I’m almost done with the book I’m currently reading. I’ll need something new to pass the time.

  It looks like I have another long list of things to get done.

  Chapter Four - Dan

  I’m on my way out of the office when I remember that Jake said Maggie was already here. I don’t actually know where her desk is, so I do a little wandering around. We moved into this building about a month ago in preparation for the merger. We’ve got a lot more space and a lot more employees. Maggie Chambers is one of those new hires.

  “Maggie?” I see a young woman in a wheelchair, not so comfortably organizing a desk.

  “Oh, my goodness! Mr. Davies!”

  She looks stunned to see me. I don’t want her to panic or anything, so I immediately do my best to diffuse the situation.

  “Daniel or Dan is fine. I just wanted to stop by and apologize for not having your accommodations ready in time. This is one hundred percent on me, and I promise I’ll do something to make it up.”

  “Oh no, you don’t have to do that. It really isn’t a big deal.” Maggie is shaking her head and waving her hands.

  “It is, Maggie.
It makes me kind of a jerk. You don’t have to respond to this at all. I actually have to step out for a little bit, but I will be back not too long from now. Hopefully, we can have a short talk about how to make your time here as comfortable as possible.”

  Maggie nods and smiles. “Okay, that sounds good. Thanks.”

  Before walking away, I take a glance at the things she’s setting up. I notice a framed photo of a cat.

  “You know, I love pets.”

  “Huh?” Maggie looks up at me. “Right, my cat. That’s my cat,” she smiles, holding up the photo for me to take. I do so to give myself a closer look. It’s definitely a cute kitty, yellow with large orange strips. It looks a little annoyed, but what cat doesn’t.

  “What their name?”

  Maggie smiles. “His name is Mr. Kitty. I know it’s a little dumb, but my niece named him when she was five. I ended up kind of liking it in the end.”

  “It’s not dumb.” I hand the picture back to her. “Right, so, when I get back from my outing, we can talk. Feel free to look around the office, get a feel for the layout.”

  “Yeah, okay. See you later.”

  I leave Maggie to explore the office. It’s an excellent chance to see if there’s anything besides the desk and ramp that we might need.

  I’ve been trying to talk to all of our employees a lot more lately. Most of them had a reaction similar to Maggie’s. Quite a few of them thought they were in trouble. I don’t think I’ve cultivated a reputation of being a hard-ass, but maybe my lack of interactions did that.

  Back at the old Davies & Sons, I created this bubble for myself. I didn’t outright ignore people or anything. It was more like I never went out of my way for any interaction that wasn’t work objective related. I can see how that might make my employees think that I didn’t care about them. That’s a perception they have of me, which I would like to change.

  Heading out of the building, I stroll towards Samuels & Samuels. It’s a lovely day, so I do take my time. Yeah, I was way behind on some work, but some fresh air should do me some good. Maybe even improve my output.

  Stopping at the little indie bookshop, I head immediately to my favorite section. I visit the bookstores of the city quite often. I mean, I haven’t gotten to them all yet, but that is a goal of mine. Something I decided to do when Davies & Sons first set up shop in Manhattan. I have been to this one before, but it’s out of the way of my usual route. So, I’m not a regular here or anything, but it has the old familiar smell that makes it and all other places like it feel like home.

  I find something for myself rather quickly, an old sci-fi pulp. I haven’t read one of those in a while. These were the types of books the peppered my childhood. It’s time to revisit one. I tuck it under my arm while looking for something to present to the lead lawyer at Samuel & Samuels. I don’t know this person at all, so I’m taking a total shot in the dark. You can never go wrong with classics, and Austen has always been a particular favorite of mine. I guess I couldn’t go wrong with Pride & Prejudice.

  I run my finger along the spines of the books, making my way through the A’s until I get to Austen and then until I find just the spine I am looking for. I pull the book off the shelf and give it a quick inspection. It’s a beautiful hardback, one of the nicest I’ve seen on Pride & Prejudice. This will have to impress this lawyer. I mean, even if they aren’t a bookworm like me, the sheer beauty of this book should be enough to delight them.

  I start thinking about how absent-minded around the office I’ve been lately. Typically, I’ll miss one or two things here or there, and my brothers are there to pick up the slack. But these past few weeks it’s gotten worse. I forgot to prepare for a whole employee! Maybe it’s because I haven’t gotten laid in a while. It’s a primitive thought, but if I have my dick in my pants for too long, my mind does get cloudy. Masturbating will momentarily take care of the problem, but I need a pet to get me back on the intense focus train.

  It’s just that I’ve been far too busy to go looking for a one-night stand. I prefer them, which is why I haven’t had a relationship in years, but it takes a little extra effort when you’re not in a relationship because then you have to go out and find someone. I like the secrecy, but this merger has taken a lot of time away from my other activities.

  Maybe I need to find another semi-regular person. At least for the time being. That way, I don’t have to waste time looking. Finding the right girl for one of those takes even more time. It can’t be just anyone. It’s strictly business for me when it comes to my relationships. I have everyone — even the one-night stands — sign something. But finding something more long-term takes a lot more groundwork. But, once it’s laid, things are generally smooth sailing — for a while, that is.

  I’d love to tie someone up. I actually bought a book on knots recently, and after seeing all the different kinds, I’ve been dying to try them out. I need something where I am in complete control. I want her begging for me, begging for my cock. That’s the shit that gets me off. I think I’d want to blindfold my pet as well. Usually, I just go for a gag, but I’m in the mood for the whole package since it’s been so long. I’d make this new girl scream like no one has made her scream before.

  Sometimes, I go to the local BDSM club to find someone to play with, but the club is better to find someone whose name I don’t even have to learn. That’s not what I want, however. I’ve got a lot of contraptions I want to try out at home. The kinds of things you don’t randomly spring on someone, but the ones you build up to. Having a pet is always a lot more fun, anyway. Then I could test her limits over time, test mine as well.

  This line of thought has gotten me frustrated, which I hate being. I might have to settle for the Dark Club, just to get a quick fuck to satiate me while I take the time to find someone. I mean, having my nose in a book or my eyes on my computer doesn’t help. I have to dedicate actual time to this pursuit. Tonight, I’ll think of other ways to meet a pet. I’m sure there’s some kind of community around here I can discreetly scope out. If I don’t, I might just totally lose my mind to lack of sex, and that won’t benefit anyone.

  Chapter Five - Dan

  It takes me a little over twenty minutes to get to Samuels & Samuels. I didn’t come up with any solution to my lack of pet problem, but that is something I can deal with later as it is a personal thing. I’ve gotten myself into work professional mode, so I can get these accommodations exactly right for Maggie.

  The door to the small office is open, but I knock anyway.


  When I walk in, there’s no one in the front. The office looks very empty. I take a quick look around, spying a half-full coffee cup. It still seems pretty warm. That, coupled with the door being unlocked and all the lights being on, confirms my original hypothesis. There has to be at least one person here.

  I’m not sure what to do with myself. It would be rude to go further into the office. I’ve never been here before, and I have zero relationship with the owner of Samuels & Samuels. I’m here to get off on the right foot, so I awkwardly hang back, hoping that someone will pop up.

  “Hello!” I say a little louder the second time.

  “Just a second!”

  Hearing a woman’s voice calms me down a little. It feels good having someone acknowledge that I’m here.

  It’s kind of surprising that there is no one working upfront. From what I know about Samuels & Samuels, they are a smaller firm with only one lawyer, but they have a good roster of clients. Last time I heard anything from them, they had just gotten some work with McKenzie Tech. I mean, they’re clearly not working together anymore, but when they got that work, it was a big deal. The one lawyer firm would have had to have a handful of assistants to get that gig.

  I wonder what happened since then. All those legal aids seem to be gone.

  “Sorry about that. We’re a little short-staffed, but I can help you with whatever you need.”

  A young woman walks out from behind the back. S
he hasn’t looked my way yet, trying to get the large stack of folders she has in her hands onto a desk, but a lot of the desks are already covered.

  “Here, let me help you.”

  I put the books I have down and walk towards her. She finally looks up at me. Initially, there’s a smile on her pretty face, but when she looks at me, it fades away.

  “No, I’m fine. I’ve got it,” she snaps oddly.

  Her pink, soft lips purse and her brown eyes go cold. The woman backs away from me and drops the papers onto a chair. I’m confused by the sudden hostility. I’m sure I’ve never met her before, so I don’t know what this stranger could have against me. It also sucks because seeing her full-on like this — no large stack of files blocking my view of her hourglass-shaped body — sends all kinds of pleasurable messages to my brain.

  Her curves are absolutely immaculate, full hips, small waist, and big firm breasts. It might be the fact that I’ve been in a dry spell, but I want to bury my dick deep inside of her pussy. I’d do it right here if she was down.

  “Are you here for something?”

  I snap out of the vivid sexual fantasy I’m having — realizing I am staring at the way her tight skirt clings to her thighs — and find myself smiling. Just because I came here to do some research doesn’t mean I can’t see if this girl wants to get drinks sometime.

  “Good morning,” I say, reaching out my hand. The pretty girl doesn’t take it, so I have to awkwardly pull it back. “Yes, I wanted to ask you some questions about Maggie Chambers.”

  Leaning against a desk, she crosses her arms over her chest and raises one arched eyebrow as she glares at me. “Why?”

  Despite her cold attitude, I keep smiling. I know I can melt this woman. “Well, she’s working for me now, and I wanted to get some information about how she works.”

  “Oh, okay.” Her voice has an edge of annoyance.

  I could see how having me come here asking about her former employee could be irritating, but the stranger also seems mad at me about something. I can’t pinpoint what. Maybe that’s just her general demeanor. Feisty.


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