So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 150

by Jamie Knight

  She waves a small, slender hand for me to go on, so I do. “I guess my first question would be about an appropriate desk for her wheelchair. Is there a particular brand I should get? What did she use while she was here?”

  The woman turns to the left. Her profile is lovely, with her dark-brown hair up in some fancy manner. She points.

  “We didn’t get rid of it after she left, so you can look at it. It’s right over there. The brand and I think the model number is under the top of it. Maggie might like an upgrade, though. That one is kind of an older desk at this point.”

  I glance at her a few times before walking over to the desk. I can tell she’s trying not to look at me, casually flipping through the papers in her chair. When I go to check out the desk, I see her eyes slowly find their way over to me. I smile slightly. It’s a good sign that she’s checking me out when she thinks I won’t notice.

  I find the information she mentioned under the desk but realize I don’t have anything to write it down with. I stand up straight again.

  “Um,” I’m searching my head for her name, but remember we didn’t do introductions. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t tell you my name. I’m Daniel Davies. I work over at Davies & Sons.”

  “I know who you are,” she snaps.

  The woman is still keeping everything pretty humorless. I’m a little worried she’ll deny my request for some paper and pencil with that cold attitude she’s throwing my way. I’m waiting for her to say her name, but she doesn’t offer it to me. And I’m not sure if I’m allowed to ask.

  “So, I found the name of the desk on the bottom, but I didn’t bring anything to write with. Could I bother you for some paper and maybe a pen?”

  The brunette looks at me like I’m the biggest idiot on the planet. She rolls her eyes before going into one of the drawers at her desk, digging through it.

  “Of course, you didn’t bring anything,” she mumbles. The fact that she ever so clearly does not like me is just revving me up. I want to get her on my side for some reason. I have no idea how to do that, though.

  “Here.” She hands the materials to me with a sigh. I take them, thanking her, and quickly write down the manufacturer for the desk. “You’ll need more than just a desk for Maggie. There needs to be a ramp wherever you have stairs. Maggie can reach for this, but you don’t want to have her in a hunched over position for too long, it exacerbates her back problems. So, you’ll need certain tech things to make working easier. I mean, it probably doesn’t matter since you’re not going to do all that is necessary anyway.”

  For some reason, that comment annoys me. Maybe she has a bad opinion of me because of my family name, but she’s acting like she knows me.

  “I do plan on getting Maggie whatever she needs. That’s actually why I’m here.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever.”

  She doesn’t seem to believe me. It’s not like I need to convince her, but I want to. I can’t get enough of whatever her deal is. I want to be with her, even if she does hate me.

  The woman picks up some of the folders she has on her chair and starts to put them away. It’s going to be like pulling teeth to get anything out of this woman.

  “What other things would you recommend I get for Maggie?”

  She sighs loudly. “For starters, the desk, a keyboard shelf with mouse extension, a large monitor, moving monitor stand,” she continues listing off things while she files.

  I’m writing like a mad man trying not to be distracted by her plump ass. She’s bent over probably with zero idea of what she’s doing to me. I want this girl. I want her to scream my name with pleasure, and my dick is straining against my slacks. However, I manage to get everything down she tells me. I didn’t even know about the various medical supplies Maggie required.

  “Make sure not to just buy things. Maggie’s going to feel horrible if she already has something and you go out and buy it. Even if it’s barely any money out of your bank account, she’ll obsess over it for weeks, so double-check with her before purchasing anything.”

  “I will, I will.”

  She sure knew a lot about not just Maggie’s needs but also her personality. I wonder if she knows this much about all her employees — though I’m not sure if she has any at the moment. I don’t want to ask about it because it would come off as rude, inquiring into why her firm is seemingly doing worse. And where is that older woman who used to run it? Maybe this woman’s in charge now. She seems to be.

  Maybe Ms. Samuels retired just like my dad. It’s really none of my business, and I don’t want to give this stranger any more reason to hate me. Especially since I’m hoping we can get closer, in the biblical sense.

  Looking above Maggie’s old desk, I notice a poster for the first time. The cat on it looks a lot like Mr. Kitty. That has to be Maggie’s.

  “Let me guess, this is too much, and you just decided to fire Maggie?”

  I turn towards her, shocked. Where did she get that idea from? Why did she think I was asking all those questions and took such detailed notes?

  “No, not at all. I was just looking at that poster.” She looks where I point to. “I was thinking of buying it for Maggie. Does a hundred dollars sound fair?”

  Her eyes go wide before I notice a slight smile on her lips. I can tell she’s trying to suppress it, but it looks like she just can’t help herself.

  “Oh. Yeah, you can buy it. That price is fine.”

  She is flustered, rubbing her face with her hands. A sense of pride takes over my body. Even though this woman seems to hate me, I was still able to make her smile. I hadn’t lost my touch. It just took a little extra elbow grease. Maybe with some more effort, I could get her to even like me.

  I take out my wallet and hand over the cash. The brunette looks a little scared to take it but does, tucking it away in her pocket. She looks at me without saying much of anything for a couple of seconds but then shakes herself out of the haze she’s in.

  “Um, let me wrap it up for you.”

  She goes over to the poster and takes it down. I watch as she reaches up, the hem of her skirt lifting and showing more of her thighs. I could grab that ass right now, but I understand the concept of control, so I regulate myself to watching her.

  Once she’s gotten it down, she rolls up the poster and tapes it down with a piece of masking tape.

  “Here, ya go.”

  The pretty girl hands me the poster the longways. That way there’s zero chance of any accidental touching.

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course.”

  We look at one another for a little bit. I think it might be a good time to see if I can take this any further, but she heads back towards her desk.

  “Well, good luck with everything. Maggie’s great, and I’m sure you’ll love having her. And she’ll adore you for getting her that poster.”

  “You think?”

  “Yeah. Maggie’s sweet, and her love of cats is the easiest way to ingratiate yourself towards her.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  The conversation kind of falters from there. I head towards the door, but before leaving, I see the purchases I made before coming here. I still don’t anything about this woman, but I think she’s the kind of girl who would appreciate the gift, even if it comes from me.

  “Uh, I forgot that I wanted to give you this. Just kind of like a gift between firms.”

  I hand the package over, and she looks down at it. She’s not giving it a favorable look, but I’m not going to take that as a bad thing. She’s already warmed up to me slightly, though it looks like it was only for a moment. This book could be another push in the right direction.

  “Uh, thank you.”

  She doesn’t open it. Worse, she doesn’t even leave it on her desk. Instead, she opens the lowest drawer and stuffs it in there.

  Jesus Christ.

  “Goodbye.” She waves at me and then turns back to her files. I have officially been dismissed.

nbsp; “I’ll see you around then.”

  I wait to see if she’ll look up, and she does. I give her a little wink. Her cheeks color before her eyes dart away quickly. I smirk before leaving.

  Regret hits me as soon as I am outside. I didn’t even get her name. I’m such a fucking idiot, thinking I still had it when I can’t get a girl’s number.

  Clearly, she wasn’t interested. She essentially threw the gift I gave her away. I’m sure she was displaying the bare minimum amount of politeness when she put it in her desk. It’s probably in the garbage now that I’m gone. I shouldn’t even care. If she doesn’t want anything to do with me, then that’s that. I guess I’m just not used to being rebuffed.

  “Grow up, Davies,” I whisper to myself. I should focus on getting Maggie comfortable. Now that I’ve got all this info, I should be able to fix this little mess I created.

  Chapter Six - Dan

  About twenty minutes later, I walk back into the McKenzie Tech office, poster in tow. Maggie is at her desk. I hope she didn’t just wait for me here and took a tour of the office like I suggested.

  “Hey, Maggie.”

  She turns towards me and smiles. “Hey, Dan. I looked around the office like you said, and it’s really nice. I’m super happy to be working here.”

  I give her a big smile. She really seems like a nice woman. “Hopefully, I can make you even happier with the proper equipment. I actually have a list. Just to make sure I’m not overburdening you with too much, is there anything that you already have that you don’t want a replacement for? You can just place an ‘x’ by those ones.”

  I hand her the list I made back at Samuels & Samuels. Maggie quickly goes through the list, crossing out a few things already.

  “Thanks for doing all of this. I really appreciate it. Some employers wouldn’t even bother. Or they’d make up some excuse not to hire me.”

  Leaning down, I gently put my hand on her shoulder. “You’re a valuable member of our team, so I’d like for you to have a solid work environment. I’m going to order all of this right away, but it’ll take some time for it to arrive. Since this is one hundred percent my fault, you can have a later start date. Davies & Sons will just give you some paid time off. Once it’s all set up, we’ll give you a call to come in.”

  It looks like Maggie is starting to tear up, but that goes away quickly, and she nods. “Yeah, thanks again. I feel like all I’m doing is saying thank you. I must sound like an idiot.”

  “Not at all,” I shake my head. “Oh! Before I forget. I got this for you. I saw it at your old office, and,” I trail off, not sure how to finish the thought. “Here,” I say, handing over the poster.

  Maggie smiles a little while she unfurls the paper. Her grin grows even more prominent once she sees what’s on it. “It’s my old poster. How did you get this?”

  “I had some business over there and immediately thought of you when I saw it.”

  She looks at the poster again. “Thanks so much. Gosh, you really have a way of welcoming the new people.”

  I laugh a bit awkwardly and shrug. “I’m just doing my best. You can stay if you’d like, but don’t feel any pressure, though.”

  Maggie nods. “I think I might hang this up before I leave. Thank you again. I can’t wait to actually start working. Looks like it’s going to be really great being here.”

  I leave Maggie to whatever she wants to do, heading to the break room. I could use some tea right about now. It’s been quite a day.

  My thoughts keep drifting back to the woman at Samuels & Samuels. I can’t for the life of me figure out why she hates me so much. But I like a challenge. There is something about changing a girl’s mind that just makes her even more desirable. Going from a cold shoulder to a warm bed would be an excellent way to get a new pet. I only have to figure out how to get the ball rolling.

  I’m heating up the water, sifting through all the different teas we have when I see my brother walk in. Jake stares at me a moment, then leans against the opposite counter looking smug.

  “Hey, Dan.”

  “Jake.” I’m still trying to decide on a tea but stop when I realize Jake is giving me a strange look. “What is it?”

  He smiles and raises his eyebrows at me. “You’re in a good mood. Any reason?”

  “I just took a little walk, got myself some fresh air,” I shrug.

  “Is that all? You know, you only ever drink tea when you’re feeling outstanding. And this demeanor is similar to when you’ve found yourself a new pet. But you weren’t gone for very long. I don’t know if you have that kind of luck, but who knows?”

  My little brother has always been the perceptive one. It takes a lot to pull the wool over his eyes. However, there is no way I can let him know he is right. Jake will get too smug.

  “You’re right that I’m in a good mood, but I haven’t found anyone new. I doubt I’ll be able to for a while. I think I’m just starting to get a handle on this merger. I had a great talk with Maggie and made sure to right my mistake.”

  Turning my back on him completely, I open the cabinet that holds the mugs and look for my favorite — a large dark blue cup that will keep me from having to come back here every hour.

  “O-kay.” Jake doesn’t seem to believe me, but there’s no evidence to the contrary. He stares at me one more time like he is trying to break a witness on the stand but finally gives up. “Well, I hope this good mood persists, I guess.”

  My brother leaves me to find my mug, which I do. I find the right flavor — black tea with hints of peach — and start to steep it. I think about what Jake said about my mood. It does feel like I’ve found someone new to play with, but it’s not like she wants to play with me. It’s crazy how the only woman I’m interested in isn’t interested in me. It’s odd for me because they’re usually throwing themselves at me. Sure, it sounds cocky or whatever, but it’s the truth. Maybe there’s some kind of lesson in this.

  I get my tea and head back to my office. There’s still a whole stack of paperwork I need to get through.


  The end of the day — and the end of the paperwork — finally comes, which means I can go home. I bought a penthouse a few miles from the office. Manhattan is nice, but there’s a bit more hubbub than I’m used to. I’m still on the island, and where I am is always busy because it is a city, but I got into a calmer area.

  The building is a renovation. An odd mix of modern elements with old art deco styled architecture. Overall, that means a lot of steel and glass. That’s what drew me here, that and the view.

  As I approach the extremely tall, glass-lined door, the man in a burgundy uniform tips his hat. “Good evening, Mr. Davies.” Robert is on duty as the doorman tonight as he is almost every night I come home. I like the older man. He is very formal.

  I pause a second to chat. “Hello, Robert. Did you have a good day?”

  He smiles. “Uneventful as always. You, sir?”

  “Same old, same old.”

  We both laugh as he hits the button that opens the automatic door.

  “Have a good night, sir.” He relaxes a bit, standing with his arms behind his back and gazing out into the street.

  After nodding to Robert, I head over to the stainless-steel elevator and head up to the top floor. From there, I’ve got a fantastic view of the water. I love to get myself a bowl of grapes and sit in the alcove by the full-room-sized window, reading whatever book I’ve got on the docket. It’s my sanctuary after a long day’s work.

  After getting myself cleaned off from the day, I place the sci-fi book I just bought on one of the recessed shelves in the living room and get the book I’ve been reading from my bedroom. With my plate of grapes in hand, I take my usual spot and open up to where I last stopped. I’m on the last chapter and plan on finishing the book tonight. I already know what I want to read next, but it’s always a little sad to part with a story, especially after sitting with it for a while.

  “Well, let’s get this done.”
  I read the first sentence of the last chapter before my mind starts to wander. I begin to think about that girl from the law firm.

  But no! She doesn’t like me. She made it evident that she doesn’t like me. What’s the point of fantasizing about her or her perfect ass? It’s not like there’s a damn thing I can do. I should just read my book tonight, and this weekend I’ll check out one of the other BDSM clubs. I’ve heard about one called Club Lush, maybe I can find someone there.

  I look back down at the page and try to reread the chapter. This time I get three sentences in before my mind decides it’s over reading. I’ve never had trouble escaping into a book. It’s my go-to whenever I want to think about something else, but all I can think about is this girl who wants nothing to do with me.

  Or maybe not? I mean, I did get her to smile. Does any of it matter, though? I’m such a dumbass that I didn’t get her name. What an idiot! I should have just asked. It wouldn’t have been weird. It’s what people do! Maybe she thought I was odd or that I didn’t care. The truth of the matter is I care more than I’d like to admit.

  There’s something about her. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt electricity between us. I wasn’t even in her office for an hour, but the universe is telling me there’s more to this stranger and me.

  Maybe I’m just meant to fuck her. It could be my mind playing tricks on me. I haven’t had sex in a very long while, longer than I like to think about. I see women every day, but she’s the first to strike something in me. If she gave me any positive signal, I would have tied her down on one of those desks. I wouldn’t have cared about the papers.

  I imagine the stranger’s long legs wrapped around my hips, pulling me into her. My cock strains in my pants. I wasn’t planning on masturbating tonight, but since reading isn’t working out, it’s something to do. I throw my book on the table by my grapes and lean back in my chair. I slip my pants and underwear down a little to release my dick.

  Wrapping my hand around it, I think about that sassy little mouth she had. I imagine her full lips wrapped around my shaft, her pink lipstick getting all smeared. With long hair like that, I could pull it up and wrap it around my hand, using it was a leash to guide the movements of her mouth. I liked how feisty she was, but I wouldn’t be able to just let her talk to me like that. I’d have to let her know just exactly who’s in charge.


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