So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 151

by Jamie Knight

  I’d fuck that mouth of hers, listening to her gag as the tip of my dick hit the back of her throat. Fuck! She’d look up at me, pleading with those liquid brown eyes. Begging me for more. I’m moving my hand faster and faster on my shaft, getting excited by the simple thought of face fucking this woman. Having her long brown hair wrapped up in my fist as I pull it and her mouth closer to my balls.

  Her cheeks would be so warm and soft. Using her tongue, she would trace patterns up and down my cock, tickling just slightly, before sucking down hard—perhaps a little defiant—like a good pet should.

  “Jesus!” I come a lot faster than I was expecting, the seed spurting out of my dick and into my hand. I slump into my seat, catching my breath. I’ve never come like that just thinking about someone. I don’t even know her name, and she’s got me tied up in all kinds of knots that I do not understand.

  I get up and head over to the kitchen the clean myself up. While I’m washing my hands, I think about her. I should walk away. I didn’t see a point in working so hard just to get someone’s attention, but I’m starting to see all of this from a new angle. I don’t think I can ignore whatever it is that’s going on here. I want to get to know this girl. I’d like to, at the very least, know her name.

  I turn the water off and get a dishrag to dry my hands. I know where she works, and I have the number for Samuel & Samuels. Maybe it’s time to strike a deal with this feisty woman—something she cannot refuse.

  Chapter Seven - Gemma

  I can’t believe Dan Davies came to my firm. Daniel FUCKING Davies. He was literally standing right over there, looking at our little rinky-dink operation. I’m sure he thought Samuel & Samuels was a joke, but he didn’t show it.

  He was full of himself. He probably thinks he’s God’s gift to women—although I can see how he would. Dan’s so tall and commanding with those broad shoulders and gorgeous head of wavy, dark-brown hair. And the warm way he smiled at me, it really made me feel confused. I’m not sure if Davies was flirting or not. My guess is that he does that with everyone. Word on the street is that Davies is a bit of a player, always with a different woman each night.

  I can see why people throw themselves at him. Daniel is the most attractive man I have ever seen. Even through all the disdain I have for him, I can acknowledge that the guy is sexy. Hopefully, he didn’t pick up on any desire from me. I hated him before he even walked into my office, and that was the exact vibe I wanted the stuck-up lawyer to feel.

  “Gemma!” Poppy walks into the office, literally singing my name.

  My best friend used to do musical theatre, so she has a big personality. Sometimes I think she still believes she is onstage and not working as an underpaid secretary. However, she’s always upbeat and bubbly, something I desperately need in this time of my life.

  “Hey, Poppy. I’m almost done. I just have to put this pile of stuff away.”

  When I’m not making phone calls, I am filing. My mother didn’t have the most exceptional system when it came to all the paperwork. She somehow understood it all, but now that she’s gone, I need to organize it in a way that I can access. There’s still a lot to get through, but I’d say I’m at least halfway done.

  My companion bounces slightly. She lands on a desk and crosses her legs in a very dance-like fashion. “Oh boy, do I have stuff to rant about today. Toby was his usual fuckwit self. A drink is very much needed.” Poppy pulls her purse up, grabs her compact, and reapplies her bright red lipstick. “Maybe even two drinks.” She winks at me exaggeratedly.

  I chuckle. Poppy hates Toby, her boss at the New York City Department of Buildings. I’ve only met him once when she took me on a tour of her office. He seemed okay. I have a sneaking suspicion Poppy has a crush on him that she doesn’t want to admit to herself, but I go along with whatever the rant of the day is.

  Putting the last file on the pile in place, I turn towards my best friend. “I am ready to listen. I’ve got some news of my own. I need at least two margaritas with extra tequila.”

  Poppy nods. I grab my purse, and we walk over to our favorite spot in Manhattan. Sadie’s is a small Mexican restaurant, kind of a hole in the wall, but they have the best margaritas, and it’s never overly crowded.

  “Poppy! Gemma! I made sure to save your usual spot!” Ian, the bartender, waves us over to the stools we always sit at by the red and green painted bar. Poppy immediately starts in on the free chips and salsa. He has our drinks in front of us a minute later without us needing to order.

  “Thanks, Ian. You’re a lifesaver.” Poppy holds her strawberry, mango margarita with both hands, downing a third of it in one gulp.

  “Let me guess. Problems with Toby.”

  Ian gives me a knowing look. He’s in on my little theory, but we’ve kept it to ourselves. I’m sure if Poppy knew what we were thinking, she would drop dead. The thought of her having positive feelings for Toby is unthinkable for her.

  My best friend rolls her eyes. “He’s such an idiot. I mean, he’s always trying to have these conversations with me like I want to talk to him. Where in my demeanor have I hinted at liking this man?” Ian and I shrug, shaking our heads. “He told me about his new hobby today. He’s super into plants or whatever, so he’s starting a rooftop garden, which is great and stuff, but I’m not the one to tell. I’m sure Marcia would be way more receptive to his personal life saga.”

  I give Ian another look. Marcia is the crux of our theory. Poppy has worked with Marica longer than she’s worked with Toby. Now, Marcia truly does suck. She’s always undermining Poppy and being passive-aggressive. When Toby started at Poppy’s office, he was friends with Marcia. I think he might still be, and that is where all of this hate stems from. I wish I could see some of this day to day. It feels like a soap opera from where I’m sitting.

  “I’m sure he’s told by her by now,” I comment.

  “Yeah, probably.” Poppy sounds so disgusted. I take a sip of my margarita. “What’s your news? You said you had news?”

  “Yeah, um, Dan Davies stopped by the firm today.”

  “Excuse me!” Poppy yells so loudly, half the bar looks our way.

  “Bring it down, please,” I plead.

  She leans down, pulling one of my hands towards her. “Isn’t that the guy you were complaining about this morning? With the article?” Her bright blue eyes are almost popping out of her head.

  I nod as I take another sip of my classic margarita. “Yeah, the Dan Davies of Davies & Sons. One and the same.”

  Poppy gasps so loud, I can tell that Ian is having a hard time not laughing. “Don’t you hate him?”

  I raise my eyebrows at her. “I’ve expressed hatred towards Davies in the past, yes. But he like totally deserves it. His big stupid law firm is putting all the smaller firms out of business, trying to monopolize all the business. Like doesn’t that make him a giant skeezeball? And after hoarding all of that money, he can’t even properly accommodate a disabled employee!”

  Now I’m the one yelling. I pick up my drink and take a gulp. Hating Dan was a given, but I didn’t think it would make me so heated.

  “Wow. You have a lot of opinions about him.” I’m not sure I like Ian’s tone. The bartender seems to be implying something.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, furrowing my brow.

  Poppy and Ian share a look. “You do think about him quite a lot,” she points out. “Every time there’s an article, I get that link along with a paragraph long text as to why Daniel Davies is the scum of the earth.”

  “He just grinds my gears. Maybe I overdo it, but if he didn’t suck so much…”

  Usually, Poppy goes along with my trash talk. She’s never really questioned it. It makes me glad I didn’t tell her about the not so unpleasant parts of Dan’s visit. I’m sure she’d latch onto the fact that he did something sweet, like buying a cat poster, as some kind of redeeming quality. It’s not like a hundred bucks put a significant dent in his wallet or anything.

Sounds like he’s grinding more than your gears.” Poppy gives a look before slyly taking a long sip of her margarita with her straw.



  “What are you trying to say?”

  “What I’m saying is that it sounds like your relationship with Daniel Davies is more of a love/hate thing or a hate-to-love type deal. We’ve all seen the pictures, and he is undeniably hot.”

  I KNOW he’s hot. It’s another reason why Dan aggravates me so much. Why does he get to be wealthy AND successful AND hot? It’s stupid, and it’s dumb, and the universe gave him too much.

  “Just because he’s attractive doesn’t mean that my hate for him means anything deeper than hate.”

  Now I’m thrilled I didn’t mention any of the flirting. Dear God! I’m sure Dan does that with every woman he talks to. What brings me the most shame is the fact that I flirted back.

  Ugh! I flirted with Dan Davies all because he was cute and then bought a cat poster. Am I really that easy to manipulate? It would appear so.

  “Anyway, what you’re saying is so far from the truth.”

  “Come on, Gemma. You don’t think this hatred is leaning more towards obsession? Not at all?”

  “I think we should just drop this whole thing and enjoy our margaritas. Clearly, we’re on opposite sides of this debate, and tipsy me is not going to be able to convince you of your wrongness.”

  Poppy shrugs but stops with her argument. I wish she would just agree with me and tell me not to bother myself with Dan at all. The truth is that man gets to me. He annoys me in a way that makes me want to fuck him. I have yet to admit that out loud, but having the thought in my head is currently enough to make me feel hot and bothered.

  “You know what? I can drink to ignoring life’s problems.” Poppy’s raises her glass, and I can’t help but join her in her absurd toast. I’d rather get a little drunk off of margaritas with my friend than think about my idiotic little attraction.

  “Bottoms up!” I shout, clinking glasses with my best friend.


  I probably drank a little too much, given that I have to go to work the next day, but it was totally worth it. Poppy and I had a blast. She was able to shove Toby to the recesses of her mind, and I did the same with Dan. What sucks is that the second I got my ass home, I was thinking about him all over again.

  “Jesus Christ, Samuels! Get it together.”

  It’s just because he’s cute. I mean, it was my first time seeing Dan so up close, and all those pictures he’s had in magazines and the like did not do him justice.

  I drop my bag on the table and get myself some comfy clothes. It’s time for some more distraction. A book should do the trick. I just started this new novel, and I’ve been hooked since the first page. That should be enough to make me forget all about Daniel Davies. He won’t even be a blip on my radar.

  Getting into my reading chair, I place a hot cup of tea on the small table next to me. I open up my book to where I had stopped last night. I try to read, but my mind is overcome with thoughts of Dan. Why did he have to come into the office today? He could have easily looked this shit up online or had an assistant do it. I’m sure Davies & Sons is just swimming in employees with the amount of capital they bring in.

  “Stupid Dan…” I mumble to myself.

  My body isn’t going to let me simply forget him. My hand just absent-mindedly went to my breast. I roll my nipple between two of my fingers, imagining that Dan and I are in one of these romance novels I’m always reading. If anything, he’d probably fuck me really well. He looks like the kind of guy who knows he’s good at sex.

  I drop my book to the floor and slide my hand into my panties. Honestly, I wish he was here right now. I just want to get it over with, having sex for the first time. Dan Davies is as good as anyone to satisfy this need of mine.

  His big strong hands would pull me to him, I’d feel the outline of his cock. He’s big, I know he’s big. I use two of my fingers to open myself up, swirling my finger around the opening of my pussy. Dan would take up so much space in my little apartment. His whole body would hover over mine like the monster that he is.

  “Asshole,” I gasp.

  He’d punish me for talking back. I’d want him to. To spank me, tie me up, show me exactly who’s boss. Even though I hate his guts with every fiber of my being. The fact that I hate Dan might make the sex even hotter. Oh fuck, his big cock would feel so good inside of me.

  My mouth hangs open as my orgasm builds up in my center. I picture Dan’s face above mine, a hair’s breadth away. His lips looked so soft, I want to feel them skiting all over my skin, nipping at the surface.

  “Jesus Christ!”

  I come on my couch, wriggling around. It’s like a thousand tiny little explosions are going off in my clit. My whole body tingles, and I barely know what to do with all of it. I collapse onto the couch, my muscles relaxing.

  That was really… something. Wow. I’ve touched myself quite a bit — since I’m seemingly the only one who will — and it has never felt that great.

  But it’s all a fantasy. I can’t go anywhere near Daniel Davies. He’s the enemy. I know that sounds overly dramatic, but I have my mother’s law firm to save. Yearning for Dan will just lead to sadness. It’s not like he wants me or anything. He’s just a notorious flirt who made eyes at the only other person in the room. It all means nothing. He’s cute, and I needed to have an orgasm to relax, and I am a lot more relaxed. I feel like I can read without getting distracted now.

  I pull up my pants and notice that my tea is now cold. I reheat it and then get right back to reading. Today was just unexpected. Everything will go back to normal, and I’m fine with that even if normal kind of sucks.

  Chapter Eight - Gemma

  I woke up with the exact hangover I was expecting. It’s not the worst I’ve had — that is reserved for some crazy nights I experienced while as an undergrad — but I’m not feeling great. Since I’m half of the office and do a hefty majority of the work, I have to go in. I pop a couple of Tylenol, drink a cup of coffee, and head towards the subway.

  Angela has regulated herself to the back like she usually does. She said she was going to organize receipts, and I just left her to it. I’m not sure if she’s really doing anything, but I’m not going to be checking up on her today. There’s a lot more I have to get done, so I gather all the focus I can muster and channel it towards my personal to-do list.

  I’m working on digitizing our filing system when I hear the front door open. I look up to see Daniel Davies standing in my office again.

  What the hell?

  I can feel myself blushing. There’s no way he could know what I did last night. It’s literally impossible, but my heart is pounding as if he’s come here to tell me off for thinking about him in that way.

  What a stupid thought.

  I play off the fear in my heart by rolling my eyes and drawing from my annoyance. Because I’m also annoyed at the fact that he’s here.

  “What else do you want?”

  A look of surprise passes over Dan’s handsome face, but he quickly hides it. He replaces it with a smirk. I might have fantasized about that smirk last night, but right now, it’s fully frustrating me.

  “I just came to talk to you some more.”

  “The instructions I gave you yesterday weren’t enough?”

  If he’s here to ask about accommodations again, then this man is a complete idiot. I gave him a comprehensive list of what he needed to do and buy.

  “I’m not here to talk about that. I actually have a proposition for you. It might actually make you happy to see me.” He glides towards my desk, smoothly unbuttoning the two buttons of his slick, navy-blue suit coat.

  I want to audibly groan, but that might be overdoing it with the theatrics. But Davies’ presence here is getting worse with each passing second. What could he possibly have to offer me?

  I raise my eyebrows and frown at him. “I highly doubt

  He reaches out, placing one finger on the top of my desk and gliding it over till he hits a Samuels & Samuels pen. “Well, we’re in the same business. I’m Dan Davies. I run Davies & Sons. I think we could help one another out.” He’s acting like telling me his name again and where he works is some big reveal.

  “I know who you are, and I know where you work. I still have the same doubts.”

  “Why?” He pulls back. The man actually looks a bit befuddled.

  I sit up in my seat, letting out a sigh. I don’t want to explain to Davies why I don’t like him. I was hoping that it was obvious.

  “Well, Daniel, your big fancy law firm is going around monopolizing the legal business in the city, but you’re packaging it as if it’s some kind of universal good. I’ve read the interviews and perspectives. There’s a clear bias leaning towards you guys. In the end, your ‘business proposals’ end up hurting smaller firms like mine, and I’m sure whatever you have to say is just going to be another thing that boosts your firm while costing mine money.”

  I wait to see what Dan has to say.

  I’ve wanted to tell him off for years for sitting up in his ivory skyscraper, thinking he’s some benevolent force in this world. He needs to come down from his high horse and realize he isn’t better than the rest of us.

  He blinks his golden-brown eyes at me, his face still surprisingly slack. “Is that what you think?”

  I nod. “It’s what I said, so it’s what I think, yeah.”

  The tall man takes a step back. “Well, that explains why you were so mean to me yesterday. But that’s okay, I didn’t take it personally. I know you’re into me even though you don’t want to be.”


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