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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

Page 159

by Jamie Knight

  Chapter Twenty-One - Gemma

  “That sounds so hot.”

  My best friend blinks at me, obviously imagining something I wish she wouldn’t as she sits forward on her bar stool with her mouth hanging half-open.

  I just told Poppy about what happened between Dan and me. She was listening to me such attention that I had to stop a few times just to clear my throat. Now that the story is over, I’m anticipating a tidal wave of questions. Poppy is the queen of intensity, and per usual, she’s focused on the dirty details.

  “Oh my God, against a desk… That must have been some of the best sex.”

  Poppy isn’t wrong. Even though it’s the only sex I’ve ever had, I know it was out of this world. My orgasm was way too intense for it to be an everyday one. I’m almost trembling at the thought of it all.

  “It was nice.” The understatement of the century.

  She sits up and laughs. “Nice! I’m sure it was more than nice. And what a great way to lose your virginity. I’m so happy for you, and I’m going to drink to that.” Poppy holds up her Margarita and takes a very long sip. I take one too because I could use the alcohol.

  I know Poppy’s means well, but she’s not really listening. I’m sure it’s just the excitement. This is the first time I’ve had anything happen with a guy since we’ve been friends — something serious anyway. And neither one of us has done anything like this before. The territory is unknown and admittedly a little scary.

  “Thank you for gracing me with the details. I’ve needed it. Toby has been getting on my nerves, so you are the perfect escape.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I’m still fretting over my things, but I don’t want Poppy thinking I don’t care about her problems. She’s my best friend, and I’ll always be there for her.

  “God no. I want to drink this drink. That is what I want to do.”

  “Well, there’s more I wanted to talk about.”

  Her jaw drops open, and her eyes go wide. “Are you telling me he did other stuff?”

  I shake my head. “No, that’s not it. I want to talk about some of the stuff he said. I don’t know, Dan’s just so hard to read. It’s like day and night with him.”

  I wish Davies would commit to a mood, so I would know what to do. I told myself to keep my feelings out of it, but it seems like that’s easier said than done. And it would be easier to do if Daniel stopped giving me all of these mixed signals. I can’t tell if he wants more, and I don’t want to keep opening myself up to be hurt.

  “What did he say?”

  “Well, he called me dirty.”

  “What was the context?”

  “He said that he chose me to be his pet because he knew I liked it dirty. It felt like he was calling me a whore.”

  That softness he had before, when he kept asking if I was doing okay, it was like it all evaporated. Like a switch went off, and Daniel decided to say something mean. Was it to push me away? Our contract says it’s just about sex. Maybe I should take that to heart more.

  “Oh, I think you’re reading too much into it,” Poppy says almost immediately like she knows it’s the truth without a doubt in her mind. I trust her opinion, but I need to know more, so when I get home, I don’t rationalize myself right back out of the happy place she’s hopefully going to get me to.

  “What do you mean?”

  She swishes her drink a little and takes another sip. “He probably just meant that he knew you’d be down for the kinky stuff he likes to do. And he was right. You’re enjoying the time you spend with him, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I shrug. “I’m just not sure, Poppy. I feel like my head gets all cloudy whenever I talk to him or just have to be around him. It’s like I can’t think straight.”

  I’ll go in with a whole plan on how to guard my heart, but then the moment Daniel walks in, I’m putty in his hands. He could do whatever he wants to me, and I would ask for more.

  Poppy puts a hand on my arm. “It’s because the sex is so good. I know the feeling. I mean, I’ve never had anyone as good as Daniel Davies sounds, but there have been times I’ve gone a little cuckoo over a man because he made me come really hard.”

  Maybe it’s that. It could be the sex, and I’m taking it all too seriously, reading into things that don’t need to be read into to. Daniel said our arrangement was meant to be a bit of fun, and I should have fun. If I’m not having fun, then what even is the point?

  “You’re probably right. Davies doesn’t seem like someone who would say something just to be cruel.”

  He wouldn’t have said it to be mean. I could tell Dan it hurt my feelings, and I know he would apologize. I’m realizing that some of my assumptions of him came out of nowhere. He did all that stuff for Maggie, and his other employees look happy enough.

  “I know!” Poppy takes another sip of her drink. “If you know of any man like the one you’ve got, please send him my way. I haven’t had a time half as good as the ones you’re describing in a hot minute.”

  “Okay, Poppy. If I find a guy like Daniel, I promise to pass your number along.” I’m not sure how I’d know, but I would if I could.

  I’m going to enjoy this happy hour I’m having with my friend. I had a great first half of my day, and I should enjoy this second half. All my worries just don’t matter. This is just for fun, and I can handle that.

  I raise my glass. “Bottoms up!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Dan

  One Month Later

  Looking up at the sky, I get lost in thought as I stroll to Gemma’s to give her the first month’s payment. I could wire her the money, but that’s not what I want to do. I want to see her. I’ve been trying to just let myself ride this strange wave of feelings, hoping it will go away. I’m still avoiding going too far, but one hundred percent denial wasn’t working. Which is why I am trying this other method.

  I get to Samuels & Samuels and see Gemma talking with a client. Over the past month, she’s hired another person to help take on the extra work after Angela left.

  I let her finish up before walking over. “I wanted to give you this,” I say as I hand over the check.

  Gemma takes a quick look at it before placing it in her desk. “Thanks. Funny enough, things have been going really well around here. Lots of our old clients have come back, and I’ve even gotten new ones. It’s strange luck, I guess.”

  “Yeah, probably that,” I smile. I’m glad that I’m making her so happy.

  She’s in such a different state than when we first came to one another. I can see so much of the stress Gemma was carrying has left her, and that is in part thanks to me — even if she doesn’t know it.

  I should stop, though. She’s in a good place, which was the plan. If I keep having Jake send clients over, it won’t be to simply help out a little. Soon, it’ll be an attachment thing. I could have gone to Jake a couple weeks ago, but I just couldn’t bring myself to stop helping.

  “Would you like to go on a date?”

  Did I just ask that?

  I snap out of my thoughts and back to reality. Gemma looks surprised as well. A date isn’t something we’ve ever talked about. It’s such a departure from what I originally intended for us to engage in, but it’s out there now.

  “A date?”


  “Um, yeah, I think I would like that.” Gemma smiles even more, looking down at her hands.

  I’m not sure if I was expecting her to say yes or not. I’ve never taken a pet on a date. I wonder if she’s only saying yes because of the contract. I did make the stipulation that whatever I want is what goes, but this girl seems to actually like me. The way she’s acting, it has to mean more, right? Do I want it to?

  I can’t believe I’m doing this, but all I’ve thought about is Gemma ever since this whole thing started. I want to have her on my arm around town. I want to claim her in a way that everyone can see.

  Strange indeed.

  “Why don’t you close early,
so we can celebrate your first month’s payment and your business going well?”

  “Oh, yeah. I can do that.”

  Gemma seems a little disappointed, but I’m not sure by what. Did I say something wrong? I keep messing things up. The reason why I decided to change how I’m responding to this relationship is that I knew I hurt Gemma when I said those things about her being dirty. It was a dick move to blurt it out like that when she was just trying to talk. I’m trying to do better, but I still fuck up occasionally it would seem.

  “I’ll pick you up in a few hours. Why don’t you,” I reach into my wallet and take out my credit card, “get yourself something nice to wear. I want this to be a fancy evening.” Gemma looks at my card in my hand like I’m trying to hand her a loaded gun. “It’s fine. It’s a present from me to you.”

  “O-kay.” She takes the card from my hand.

  “I’ll text you, and you can tell me where to pick you up. And think really fancy for tonight.”

  Gemma nods again. I feel like I should hug her or something, but I also feel like that would be awkward, so I wave goodbye and leave. For all my worldly knowledge, I do not know how to do a healthy relationship.

  Jesus Christ.


  It’s almost time for head out to pick up Gemma. I think these few hours should have been enough for her to find something to wear. I stopped by the office before heading home to let Jake know I had a date tonight, so I wouldn’t be available. He gave me a look but didn’t ask any questions. I know he’s having all kinds of thoughts about my relationship with Gemma, but he’s been keeping them to himself. I should ask him for some advice. He’d probably have some super helpful insight.

  I get my suit on for tonight and head downstairs. The limo is already waiting. I’m worried it might be overkill, but it’s already here, so I’m just going to go with it. Gemma texted me an address already, so we’re on our way.

  The ride is short, but I can’t settle down, maybe this is a mistake. I should stop. I should change our plans and just take her back to my place for some fun. I should do so many other things, but I can’t stop things once they are in motion.

  I text when we reach her building.

  Be down in a minute

  I’m crazy nervous. It’s wild. I’m doing some breathing exercises, so I don’t get all shaky when Gemma gets here. It’s not like I’ve never been on a date. It’s just been a while. I’ve brought women to events I’ve gone to, but it was never serious, not like what’s going on between Gemma and me. I really want to impress her.

  I hear the door open, and Gemma is standing right outside of the door.

  “Hi.” She waves to me before stepping in.

  I need to snap out of it. I should have helped her in. Thankfully, the driver is more aware than I am.


  I look at the dress she’s wearing. It’s a brilliant red and has a deep plunge. Her breasts are sitting perfectly. I’m almost tempted to grab her, but there is a dinner we need to get to.

  “You look beautiful.”

  Gemma looks down at her dress, picking at some of the fabric. “Thanks. I spent way too much time trying to decide. Not the greatest at buying clothes. It’s whatever.” She seems a little nervous too. It feels nice to know I’m not the only one freaking out a little bit. “So, where are we going?”

  “I think I’m going to keep that a surprise.”

  I tap on the divider to let the driver know we’re ready to go. The car starts and Gemma leans back in her seat. She looks at the window watching the city go by. I let my eyes run down her body. I’m still not sure if having this date was a good idea. It looks like we’re about to find out.

  We end up at one of my favorite Italian restaurants, Del Posto. The tall columns and crisp white table clothes give this place a classic elegance. I reserved a two-person table near one of the large windows, so we can have a bit of privacy and watch the city walk by.

  “I can’t believe we’re here. This place is so high-class.” Gemma is looking around the restaurant, taking in the opulence. For me, it’s just another day. I eat here, not all of the time, but fairly often. “They don’t even have prices on the menu. Goodness.” She looks over the choices, her eyes widening.

  “Order whatever you want.”

  Gemma looks up at me and nervously smiles before going back to toiling over the menu. I already know what I want, the aged ribeye. Chewing on some meat should be good.

  The waiter comes over, and I order some wine before turning all of my attention over to Gemma.

  “So, I don’t really know a lot about you.”

  She smiles slightly, still engrossed by the menu. “Hmm. What would you like to know?”

  “How’s law school going?”

  Her face lights up. “It’s going well. I’ve already scheduled my exam since I’m graduating in May. I’m taking the one in July. Pearl. You’ve met Pearl, the new hire, she’s already passed, so she’s been picking up the slack for me. But, yeah, hopefully when July passes, I’ll be a fully-fledged lawyer.”

  Her enthusiasm is infectious, and I find myself smiling. “I remember taking the bar. I think my main source of nutrients was coffee. It was nice while it happened, but I am glad it’s over.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to just be done with it. My friend Poppy has been helping me study, but she’s easily distracted, so I might have to find another study buddy.”

  Poppy? I’d never heard of Poppy. I don’t think I know any of Gemma’s friends. I’ve kept myself from learning about her life. But my curiosity is starting to get the best of me.

  “We could always study together. I did say it’s been a while since I’ve taken it, but I still know a good amount about law, being a lawyer and all.”

  “Thanks for the offer,” Gemma giggles, “but I remember the last time you ‘helped me study.’ Not much studying was done.” I furrow my brow because I don’t know what Gemma is talking about. “When you spanked my ass every time I got a question wrong.”

  I almost choke on the sip of water I am taking. Right. That was the night she agreed to sign the contract.

  “I can be serious if you need me to be. I promise.”

  “Mmhm,” Gemma nods like she doesn’t believe me.

  I can see why she’s hesitant to believe me. We haven’t done much of anything outside of great sex. I’ve been trying to take baby steps, but they’ve been just that — baby steps. This date is the most significant attempt I’ve made. I’m going to show her that we could be a little more.

  “Why don’t you ask me something?”


  Before Gemma can say anything, the waiter is back with our wine and to take our order. There’s a pause in our conversation, so we can say what we want. I order my ribeye, and Gemma gets the shellfish.

  Once the waiter is gone, Gemma turns back to me, her face suspicious. “I don’t know much about you either,” she comments.

  It’s interesting how two people can spend an entire month together and keep so much of their past hidden.

  “Is there anything you want to know?”

  She sits back in her seat to take a moment to think. “What’s your favorite color?

  “My favorite color? Hm…” I’ve never thought about this. I’m not sure if I have one, but I want to give her an answer, so I do. “Well, tonight, it’s red.”

  My date looks confused for a second and then glances down at her dress. “Oh, I see. Thanks. Red was actually my mom’s favorite color. Really bright red like this one. I think It’s why I ended up choosing this dress. She informed a lot on my lists of loves. She’s why I love books, why I became a lawyer…” Gemma trails off, her eyes getting a little misty. “Sorry, I don’t get to talk about her often. She passed away not too long ago. It’s why I was running the firm without a law degree.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Must have hit your family pretty hard.”

  She shakes her head. “My family is just me. My dad left a long
time ago, so…”

  I must have hit a nerve. It’s clear this is something Gemma doesn’t want to talk about. I don’t want to leave her hanging all by herself in it, so I offer something of myself.

  “I know a little about that.”

  “About what?”

  Once again, the waiter comes, interrupting our conversation. I welcome it because talking about my family always feels weird, but I know once the waiter leaves, Gemma is going to ask questions. She’s not going to let something like go.

  Once we’re alone again, I cut into my steak and put a piece into my mouth — just more time to not talk before we have to. Gemma eats a small piece, but she swallows it quickly, looking back up at me.

  “What were you talking about before?”

  “Oh, just that I understand what it’s like to have a parent not really be there.”

  I’ve decided to just talk about it a little bit, but then I’m going to steer clear of my childhood. I’m only doing the small amount I’m about to because I feel obligated to match some of Gemma’s energy. I don’t want her to feel alone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Gemma

  Dan looks down as he talks. He almost looks shy, and it’s clear that he rarely tells anyone about his childhood. “So, yeah, my mom died when she was trying to pursue her own career as a model, and my dad had his hands full with his firm. He did pay attention to us to push us to become lawyers that stuck with me and my brothers. My sister managed to forge her own path outside of parental influences…”

  I’m so fascinated with everything he’s just told me. Daniel never talks about his family. I mean, I don’t either, so I can’t act like it’s so wild. It also sounds like Daniel feels weird about his childhood. I don’t want to push him to reveal things he doesn’t want to, but I’d like to hear him talk about his life in general.

  “So, both of your brothers work at the firm?” I prompt.

  “Yeah, both Jake and William work with me. We all worked there when my dad did, and they stayed on after he retired. William went part-time, though. He…um, spends a lot of time with his new love. They both like going to the club my sister partially owns.” That sounds so cool. It seems so exciting to own a club.


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