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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 15

by Peyton Banks

  “Okay. Let’s do food, and I’ll start. Asparagus. Babe?” Karen looks to her left at Ian.

  He leans back, using the palm of his hand to balance himself. “Um. Asparagus, bananas.”

  “Uh-uh. She said food not fruit,” Noah teases.

  “Man, whatever. Fruit is still a food. She didn’t say it couldn’t be fruit.”

  “Let’s just make the theme, things we eat,” Ariya butts in, pulling her knee to her chest.

  “Yeah, let’s do that,” Karen agrees. “Zander, it’s on you.”

  I shift and sit upright, giving myself a moment to think of the next item. “Asparagus, bananas, cheese.”

  “Aight… Aight. Let’s see. Asparagus, bananas, cheese, duck.”

  “Duck?” Jasmine blurts, dragging the word out. Everyone laughs. “You’re weird and evil eating ducks. Okay. Asparagus, bananas, cheese, duck, eggplant,” she adds without hesitation.

  “I see you, baby.” Noah leans in to kiss her.

  Ariya’s next in line and breathes in deep then makes her attempt. The rise and fall of her chest distracts me, and I tune the room out. Her lips are moving, but I don’t hear the words. Instead, I outline her mouth in my mind before setting my sights on her face. When I first laid eyes on her earlier, I could see how beautiful she is. But with the flames dancing against her smooth brown skin, she’s astonishing. Her cheeks raise into a smile, showing off pearly white teeth. That sweater still hangs off her shoulder, exposing a tattoo, and I wonder what it says. My turn comes again, but it isn’t until Noah kicks my boot that I realize it. I recite everything only to fall short when I reach the letter F.

  “What?” Noah’s voice screeches high, almost like the sound of tires skidding on pavement. “Z. Fries sound nothing like flounder.” He rubs his hands together sinisterly. “Take that shot, boy.” He slaps my arm, and I nearly drop my drink.

  Everyone laughs but Ariya. Instead, she watches me intensely, almost as if she’s daring me to follow through. I lift the cup to my lips, pausing just enough to brace myself. I toss it back, but keep my sights fixed on her, turning it upside down to show I finished it all. They continue to chuckle, cheering me on for not backing out. Noah takes his turn, and we continue for nearly three rounds with different themes. Some of us drink more than others, but it’s overall good fun.

  “That was good,” Jasmine says, sitting back into the cushion of the couch.

  Noah’s slouched against her leg, with his mouth wide open. Somewhere in between the last round, he’s dozed off and is snoring loudly. Unable to resist, I reach for the bag of M&Ms Karen brought over and toss one in his direction. I make my mark, landing it right on his tongue. He breathes in, sucking the candy down his throat and shoots right up.

  “Stop fucking playing, Z. I know it was your ass.” He pats his chest to keep from choking.

  I smile slyly and pop a couple in my mouth while the rest of them laugh and tease. Ariya’s smile steals my breath again, and if not for Noah kicking my shoe, I’d still be staring at her.

  “What was it?” he asks.

  “An M&M,” Jasmine says before I could get the chance.

  “That’s your ass. I’ma get you.”

  I nudge him back, still pleased with my mild torture, even though I know I’ve just started a war. The sad part about it is, there’s no way to escape it. Thanks to the storm, I’m stuck here all night and out in the open while they’ll be locked in the three rooms.

  Karen looks at the smartwatch on her wrist and whispers to Ian. A second later, they stand and make their way upstairs. Not long after, Noah and Jasmine follow their lead, leaving me alone with Ariya. For a moment, we sit here awkwardly trying not to look at each other until she eventually swings her feet off the sofa. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t keep from looking on as she kneels and begins cleaning things up. She stacks the cups and bunches the open bag of chips in her grasp. The snacks crunch, snapping me to reality.

  “Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to help?” she says on her way into the kitchen.

  I push off the floor, groaning as I struggle to my feet. “My bad.”

  “You’re drunk, too, huh.” The trash can screeches when she opens it.

  “It seems that way,” I answer while cleaning up the empty liquor bottles and carrying the leftovers from our now cold and probably stale nachos over to the counter. I pop a piece of chicken into my mouth, throwing the rest away.

  Ariya removes two water bottles from the fridge and hands me one before sauntering over to the pile of wood. She tucks her drink under her arm and grabs two blocks from the stack. Her actions remind me to nurse the dimming flame of our current fire. As I make my way over, she strolls past me and carries her stack up the stairs. I watch the sway of her hips until she’s no longer in the path of the only lighting we have.

  Picking up a few pieces of cedar, I toss them in the pit and spread out the flames until they grow to their fullest potential. I attempt to lie down for the night, but a thump from upstairs catches my attention. After a few seconds, curiosity gets me, and I spring up off the couch and over to my coat to remove my flashlight from the front pocket.

  I reach the top, flipping on the device and shine it down the hall. It’s dark once I turn the curve away from the staircase. Every door on this floor is closed tight except the first one. I step close and prepare to knock when she mutters. Tapping the handle on the door, I slowly inch it open and light the room. Ariya’s standing in front of the small furnace, struggling with a match.

  I rush in. “Here, let me.” I take the box from her and shove my flashlight under my arm.

  She doesn’t hesitate to accept my help. “Thanks. My hands are damp from the water bottle.”

  I smile, even though I know she can’t see it. “That’ll do it. Okay, hold these. You’ve got to tuck them in at an angle, otherwise, you’ll burn the whole house down,” I say, noticing how both blocks of wood hang out of the opening.

  “I tried to get it in, but it wouldn’t fit,” she offers and shines the light for me.

  Removing both pieces, I strategically place them back inside, and with a little pressure they’re secured and confined to the pit. “It takes practice working with these, but once you get the hang of it, you’re good.” I step back, checking it out. “Can you give me two matches please?” I hold my palm out.

  My wrist twitches when her nails graze me, sending a tingling sensation up my arm. My gaze falls to her hand, and I involuntarily close mine over hers. She jerks as she straightens her posture and peers up at me. Releasing her, I allow the matches to fall into my grasp and swipe them against the wall, igniting them, not giving her the chance to hand me the box.

  “Oh,” she whimpers. “That’s one way to do it.”

  I chuckle, finding her sarcasm a pleasant distraction. All night, she’s blurted out little bits of a comedic flare, and I wonder if this is her every day. She seems full of life and personality. I take the box from her grip and set it on the tiny mantel. She passes me the flashlight with a soft smile. I accept, nodding to thank her. Even though the fire’s started, the room is still chilled, and by the shiver she releases, I know she feels it. I glance at the bed, spotting a quilt at the foot of it. I snatch it off and drape the thick cover over her, unintentionally wrapping her in my arms.

  With her arms folded to her chest and pressed into mine, I search her face. Once again, the glow from the flames dances off her skin, giving her a radiant appearance. I continue to hold her, lost in her eyes and the feel of her breath on my neck. She stands just under my chin, making me guess her height. I don’t get to ask her because she licks her lips, and just the sight tightens the front of my pants. She had to feel it, I know she does, because every inch of her is flush against me. Her breathing changes, and soon mine matches hers. Quick, shallow breaths flow between us as I fight the urge to kiss her. But she surprises me and lifts up on her toes, bringing her plump lips to my face.

  I watch them closely, storing eve
ry tiny crease and groove into memory. The difference in color from her darker top lip and the lighter bottom one is beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever found anyone’s lips attractive before. Well, I have, but something about hers is more enticing. It could be the liquor and the coziness of the fire messing with me, but either way I want to taste them. I search her eyes for approval. Finding it, I crash my mouth down on hers.

  I grip her back, pulling her as close as humanly possible while letting my tongue dance around hers. The vodka still lingering on her breath fills my lungs as I devour her. My hands find their way to her ass, and when she doesn’t slap them away, I squeeze. Lord, do I squeeze, loving the feel of her thickness in my palms. She’s about average build, carrying most of her weight in her backside, and I can’t say that I mind it at all.

  She frees her arms from between us and loops them around my neck, deepening our embrace. A moan escapes her, feeding my need to have her. I pivot to the right and walk her backwards, our mouths still locked together until we reach the wall. Ariya tilts her head back, staring at me with hunger in her eyes. I look at her lips again, then back up, wishing I could really see into them. It’s no longer so dark that we can’t make anything out, but it’s just a subtle glow, and I like to watch the reactions of the women I make out with.

  She licks those lips again, and my belly fills with desire. A low growl is all I have to offer. I let the quilt fall to the floor and scoop her up in my arms. She whimpers softly at my actions but follows my lead with no instruction and wraps her legs around my waist and her arms still in place. The seat of her jeans rests atop my growing erection, the tip of my dick straining behind the fabric. It’s a pressure I live for, a pressure that drives me wild and ravenous. I slide my hand under her shirt while continuing the assault on her mouth.

  Her skin is soft to the touch, yet slightly chilled from the low temperature in the air. I run my fingers along her bra, the lacy material doing nothing to conceal her hardened nipples. I pinch them through the barrier, loving the little squeals she makes. Releasing it, I trail my hand to the top of her breasts to trace the curve of them then lift the bra over the right one and letting it spring free. I take it in my hand, giving it a soft squeeze, and return my attention to her pert gumdrop-size mound. I spread my legs for added support for the both of us. My mouth waters thinking about taking her nipple between my teeth. I imagine the pleasure she’ll feel if I nibble softly. Or maybe she’ll love it better if I suckled her whole.

  I pull away and plant a kiss to her chin, then her neck, then the spot on her shoulder where the tattoo I admired from afar sits. She tilts her head, opening herself up to me, her body and breaths begging me to continue. Wondering if her skin tastes as good as it looks and feels, I lick her until I reach her areola. Even in this lighting I can see the darkened circle and kiss her there. She runs her fingers through my hair; her nails scraping along my scalp feels incredible. I inch lower and lick my lips, leaning in to finally have my taste.

  “Yo, Z. You still up, man,” Noah’s voice rings through the hall, snapping both our gazes to the door.

  I widen my eyes when I realize that we left it open. I quickly place her back on her feet and help her pull the sweater down to her waist. My heart pounds as I breathe in deep to finally get myself together.

  “Yeah, Noah.” I squeeze my eyes shut then peer over at her with one open. She looks presentable, so I inch for the door. “I’m in here.”

  Noah stops before he passes her room and pivots in our direction. “Oh. You needed a fire, too, huh?” he asks Ariya.

  “I couldn’t figure it out.” She says.

  His slippers scrape along the floor. “My man, ever the saint. Can you come hook me and Jas up? You know I don’t know how to do that type of shit.” He laughs at himself and pats my shoulder to guide me out. “Goodnight, Ariya,” he adds.

  She mutters a response, but I don’t think it was to tell him goodnight. We cross the threshold with Noah’s hand kneading my shoulder. I take one last peek inside to find her tossing her head back, undoubtedly in frustration. Believe me, I know how she feels. It’s a good thing Noah showed up when he did, or I’m sure we both would have done something we’d regret in the morning.



  Pots clinking and water running pulls me from my sleep. It’s morning, and the sun shines into my room, blinding me before I can fully adjust to waking up. I don’t remember when I passed out last night, and thanks to that damn drinking game, I have the worst headache.

  I sit up and grip the back of my neck to work out the kink from sleeping wrong. Everything is fuzzy with most of what I remember about last night being a blur. We were playing, I took way too many shots, and I recall trying to set the fire, but the rest is distorted. I close my eyes, sighing when images of Zander with my titty almost in his mouth flashes in my mind.

  “Great. I got drunk and made out with the ranger.” I climb out of bed and grab my toiletry bag along with a change of clothing.

  With a yawn, I step into the hall and head toward the bathroom at the end of the hall. Ian exits as I approach, giving me a warm greeting while hopping across the walkway to his and Karen’s room. It takes me some time to bathe, brush my teeth, and dress myself. After I drop off my things, I tug on the hem of my shirt and make it downstairs where everyone else seems to be. When I reach the kitchen, Jasmine is scrambling eggs.

  “Good morning.” I reach around her and steal a strip of bacon from the plate.

  “Aye. Hands,” she barks.

  “They’re clean, I just got out of the shower.” I blow her a kiss and lean against the sink.

  I walk to where the kitchen leads into the large common room. Noah, Karen, and Ian sit in different areas of the room conversing and enjoying each other’s company. Zander wasn’t upstairs, and he’s not here now, so I wonder if he was able to make it back to work. I don’t know if I’m glad he’s gone or disappointed. Last night had to be a fluke. One brought on by the excessive drinking. He had no interest in me before liquor became a part of the equation. So, it’s a good thing Noah interrupted whatever was about to happen between us. We’d both feel crappy about today, and that’s a vibe neither of us need.

  Jasmine finishes cooking and plates the food. Bacon, eggs, and toast for everyone. She hands me two to carry to our friends while she takes the others. After everyone is served and seated, I swing back for my own and notice there’s a sixth dish. Just as the realization sets in, the back door flies open, and in comes the ranger with a gust of wind in tow. He removes his coat and stomps his feet on the mat.

  “It’s still bad out there?” Ian asks.

  “The snow stopped, but the winds are still heavy. The generator should be fine now. Whoever had this cabin first must have messed with the transfer switch. I’ve flipped it on, so if you lose power again, there shouldn’t be any problems.” He hangs the coat on the back of the dining chair.

  Zander doesn’t notice me watching him from my spot in the kitchen. But as he reaches for his radio, I keep my gaze locked on him. Static pours from the receiver before he presses a button and makes the call. A few seconds later, there’s a click, and the sound of another’s voice rings out at him.

  “Go ahead, Zander,” the woman says.

  “I’m still at lot fifteen. We lost power last night, but it’s back up and running now.”

  “Same for us, but we’re okay now.”

  “Has anyone heard from sixteen and seventeen?”

  “Yeah, I got a hold of them when the power came back on. Everything’s working fine where they are. Both generators kicked in and kept them afloat.”

  “That’s good. The one here didn’t shut on. I went out there this morning and found that the switch was off.”

  “Damnit, Nate. He was up there yesterday running maintenance on it. Must have forgotten to set it back. I’ll talk to him. How are the residents?”

  Zander glances over the room, but when his gaze meets mine, he flinches and takes
a moment to answer the woman’s question. It’s not until Noah asks if he’s fine does he break our stare down and refocuses on the conversation.

  He clears his throat. “Sorry, everyone’s good. Even looks like the power cut back on fast enough to save their food.”

  “That’s great. Listen, I hope they don’t mind you crashing there a little while longer. The snow may have stopped, but the wind is still pretty bad, and we’re up to the porch in inches.”

  “It’s like that over here, too. I’ll be fine until it’s safe to get out there.”

  “Okay, awesome. I’ll check in on you later. Stay warm.”

  “You, too.” He removes the radio from his waistband and shoves it into the pocket of his uniform coat. “You guys don’t mind, do you?”


  “Not at all. There’s a plate for you in the kitchen,” Jasmine offers.


  “You tried to get out of this, this weekend, but look at you. Stuck with us anyway,” Ian adds through a mouthful.

  “Like the good old days. Yo, what time did we crash last night?” Noah joins in.

  “I don’t know, man. It was pretty late.” Zander hesitantly walks over to the kitchen, pausing a few feet from its entrance.

  I raise my brow and nod toward the serving Jasmine left for him. He bows his head in gratitude and strolls to grab it. I peek over my shoulder to steal a glance, snapping my eyes forward before he can turn around and catch me. Picking up my plate, I snatch a fork and head for the sofa. On my way out, he whispers something to me, but I don’t bother to find out what. If being in the same room with me makes him squirm, then I have nothing else to say.


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