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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 21

by Peyton Banks

  A tear trails his cheeks, and I rush to his side, pulling him into my chest and holding him tight. I’ve never lost anyone close to me and can only imagine the pain he’s harboring. I can feel the weight on his shoulders as he allows himself to break down in my arms, clutching my waist as if he’s afraid to let me go. His words from this morning replay in my mind, and I understand now why he feels he’d hurt me.

  I cup his face, lifting his head so I can see into his eyes. “Look at me.” I take him in, inspecting his pain and wishing I could help ease it. “I’m so sorry.” My voice cracks as tears pool and seep down my cheek. “I can only imagine the burden you’ve been holding on to, but that was not your fault. Okay? It was a freak accident, no one could have controlled that. I know you blame yourself, I can see why you would, but you can’t. It’s not fair to you. From the light in your eyes when you first said her name, that tells me she loved you very much. So…”

  He drops his head.

  “Hey, hey…she did. And I’m sure she wouldn’t want you carrying this pain… this darkness in your heart. She’d want you to heal, to live. Don’t let her memory be in vain.”

  Zander sits up and wipes his tears. When he sees I’ve shed my own, he strokes my cheek, catching the drops with his thumb. He doesn’t use his words to say it, but the tenderness in his touch lets me know he’s thankful. Whether it’s for my words, my embrace, or what, doesn’t really matter. I just want him to know I understand, and I want to be there—if he’ll let me.

  “Is that why you became a ranger?” I ask to break the silence.

  He nods. “Yes. I felt like I couldn’t leave, like I owed it to her to save people, to make sure no one else lost their life on this mountain. When Ian told me you were out there searching for me, in the middle of a storm, I panicked. All the hurt and disgust I had for myself came flooding back. And I realize I haven’t cared for anyone like that in a long time. I help people every day, but what I felt knowing it was you out there… Listen, I’m sorry. I’ve been all over the place with my feelings and actions toward you. And even though you scared the shit out of me tonight, thank you for braving the outdoorsy shit for me. But this is why I say we won’t work, it’s better for us—”

  “No. You don’t get to make decisions for me. I get you’re afraid. You’ve lost a lot.” My tone is weak, and my fingers tremble as I try not to cry again. “And I understand you feel you can’t bear to lose any more. But you’re strong, and maybe you don’t realize it, but you are. I can’t take away your demons, Zander. And lord knows, I’m a hot mess when it comes to the dating game. But these last few days taught me that beautiful things happen when you just let things run their course. Even though I’ve apparently fallen for the wrong guy.” I laugh, and so does he.

  “Yeah. What was that about?” He smiles softly.

  “Apparently, your friends and mine thought it wise to set me up on a blind date. I was pissed, but then you walked in through the door. And, honey, the attraction was soooo there.”

  He laughs.

  “So, I said what the hell. But then you were all weird about it, which made things very awkward. But it makes sense now, considering I was supposed to be meeting Brady.”

  “So you didn’t know about him before today?” he quizzes.

  “Not at all.”


  “Exactly. I wanted to be pissed with all of them, but I wanted to clear things up with you more.”

  “What are you saying?” He takes my hand, kneading my palm with his thumb.

  “That I meant it when I told you I didn’t want to fix you, but I’d love to be your distraction.”

  The corners of his mouth lift to his eyes as confidence reenters him, that same primal demeanor from this morning resurfacing. He pulls me close and unzips my winter coat, letting his hands roam freely underneath it. My nipples harden from both his touch and the sudden chill that wraps around my body. He drags his fingers along the outside of my clothing, and even with the barrier in between us, my skin heats and the muscles between my thighs clench.

  He tilts his head back, darting his gaze over my face as if he’s searching for something. By the devilish smirk and the delicious lick of his lips, my guess is he finds what he’s looking for. I impatiently push myself farther into him, begging him to kiss me. When he does, my shoulders relax, and I melt into his touch.

  “Are you sure you want to try this? Because I need you to be more than my distraction.”

  “I can live with that.”



  The sun shines in through the gaps in the window from where Ariya removed the boards for last night’s fire. I must admit I’m impressed she even knew to try that. With my nerves being in such a frenzy over her being lost out there, I couldn’t think straight, so the last thing on my mind would’ve been using those planks. Not to mention the fear I felt for her brought back memories of Melissa. I loved her with my whole heart, and it crushed me when she was taken away from me. Ariya’s right, I blame myself. She was only out during that storm because we’d been fighting. But she’s also right about one other thing…Melissa would not want me sulking and refusing to live. She’d want me to be happy and to remember her for the good times.

  I glance down to a sleeping Ariya, wrapped snugly between my chest and the blanket we folded in half for added warmth and a barrier from the dirty floor. It feels amazing having her in my arms and, like before, the sensation is somewhat familiar. After she braved the mountains for me and opening up to her last night, I can’t help but wonder if our meeting was fate. They say you’ll have three loves in one lifetime. Melissa was my first greatest love, Trixie, my German Shepard my second, and maybe, just maybe Ariya’s meant to be my last. I brush a braid from her face, admiring her features. I rub her thick lips with the pad of my thumb, tracing the heart-shaped curve of the top while wanting desperately to suckle the bottom.

  A soft snore escapes her, and I smile at the whistle lingering at the end of her breaths. To think she came into my world so unexpectedly but may very well be what I’ve needed. Hell, she wasn’t even supposed to meet me. Brought here for my friend who, if I’m being honest, thankfully didn’t make it in time to be introduced to her. Last night opened my mind and even my heart to the possibility of finding happiness again. I’ll never forget Melissa, and from our short discussion, something tells me Ariya won’t let me.

  “Why don’t you kiss me already.” Her words are more of a demand than a question.

  I smile as her eyes flutter open and realize she’s been awake this whole time. God, she’s beautiful. I caress her cheek before moving my hand to her neck and pushing the collar of her shirt out of the way to peck the scripted words inked into her shoulder: Through the mud, grows beauty and strength. The meaning rings true because at the end of every dark path is light. It may not feel that way, for a long time, but all it takes is persistence, and you’ll come out on the other end brave.

  I nibble her flesh then suck away the pain. She rolls on her back, and I hover above her, enjoying the feel of her palms on my face. She lifts her head, closing the distance between our mouths, and I kiss her, devouring the taste of her as if it’ll be our last. Rolling me onto my back, she takes the lead, straddling me but never breaks our embrace. I roam my hands over her body, recognizing the heat of desire surging beneath her skin. My stomach tightens as my manhood stirs to life, stiffening between us. Ariya moans at the pressure of it against her center and grinds ever so slightly. The movement sends chills through my pelvis to my toes. I tug at her shirt, only to be interrupted by blaring from outside.

  “Shit,” I blurt out, now distracted.

  “What?” She pants with her chest heaving.

  I rub my eyes and lift up on my elbows. “It’s Steve. He’s plowing us out.

  “How’d you know?” She sits back, still in the riding position.

  “Chief told me last night she’ll get him out here first thing this morning. Let me go make sure he can
maneuver around my truck.”

  She groans but slides out of the way. Hopping to my feet, I slip back into my boots and adjust my crotch to hopefully hide my erection. When I step outside, Steve waves, and I silently curse him for not taking this day to be just a little late.



  I let out a deep breath, slightly irritated we were interrupted, but soon get over it. The point is, we’re safe and will be able to make it back unharmed. I pull down my shirt and stand to put on my shoes and coat before packing away his things in the duffle. His cell rings, and I peek to see Ian’s name on the Caller ID. I answer it, expecting Karen’s or Jasmine’s voice to pour from the other end. I’m right.

  “Are you guys okay?” Karen beams.

  “Good morning. We are. Some man named Steve is digging us out now, we should be back soon.”

  She sighs. “Ariya, I am so sorry. We are so sorry. We shouldn’t have gotten involved, trying to set you up with Brady. Even more, I shouldn’t have recommended you go after Zander. I didn’t know a storm was coming.”

  As she talks, I creep over to the door, opening it to watch Zander’s interaction with his colleague. I come to terms with the fact I’m actually not sorry any of this happened and a smile forms. Granted, I’m still not trying to die on a mountaintop, and my fear of forest animals that can kill me remains very real. But if they hadn’t interfered, Zander and I wouldn’t have met.

  “It’s okay. I survived and will see you all soon. I love you both and know you were only wanting to see me happy. I wasn’t on board, and I beg you bitches not to try anything like this again, but it wasn’t all bad.”

  Zander approaches, stomping his feet on the screechy porch. “Ready?” His hands land on my shoulders, and he squeezes.

  I nod. “We’re on our way,” I speak into the phone and disconnect the call.

  We walk into the cabin to find the entire crew on edge. Karen and Jasmine rush me while the boys bombard Zander. You’d think we’d been presumed dead for months with the way they’re acting. Karen hands us both bottles of water while Jasmine loads two plates with food. Zander takes no time digging in, but I don’t really have an appetite.

  “Not hungry?” Jasmine quizzes, searching my face for answers.

  “Not really.” I sip my drink.

  “Did you at least get to talk to him?” Karen joins in.

  I sigh. “We did talk.”

  “And?” they both pry, and I chuckle.

  “And, I don’t know.” My brows pinch as I tilt my head to the side. “We connected and he opened up to me. I think it was good.” I shrug.

  “Don’t play coy.” Jasmine’s hand goes to her hip.

  I laugh. “I’m not. I think we’re going to see where this leads. He loves his job here, and I can take my work anywhere. So, to start, we’ll do some visits and go from there.”

  “Eeek,” Karen shrieks. “I’m so excited.”

  Jasmine and I stare at her.

  “I am. Come on now, Jasmine. You were just as eager to this setup as I was. We didn’t expect the plot twist that is Zander, but I say we won,” Karen says proudly.

  “Ooo. Brady.” I wince.

  “Oh, he’s fine.”

  I peer over my shoulder, finding the four guys cackling like nothing’s wrong. I pay close attention to Brady and Zander, and it does look like things are fine. Karen nudges me forward, and the three of us join the group. She and Jasmine intertwine themselves in their boyfriend’s arms while I sit awkwardly in the chair.

  “So, what’s the move? You and Ariya a thing now or what?” Brady asks boldly.

  Zander glances to me, a smile a mile long plastered to his face. “Are we?”

  I grin. “Seems like it.”

  Karen squeals and clasps her hands.

  “Brady,” I say nervously. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea I was to meet you.”

  “No biggie. They filled me in last night. It’s kind of bogus how they went about it.” His voice raises a hitch in their direction, but he settles again when he readdresses me. “But Zander’s my guy, so I’m happy if you two found something. I know my lady’s out there somewhere.”

  “Thanks, man.” Zander pulls his friend into a brotherly embrace before redirecting his attention to me.

  He grips my hand, guiding me from my seat and back into the kitchen. His back is to our friends, providing somewhat of a barrier between us and them. I look into his eyes, wondering what he’s preparing to say.

  “Listen, I know we’ve sort of passed this last night. But I wanted to say thank you. Yesterday was…you were the first person I talked to about my wife. I never felt comfortable enough to share my feelings with anyone, not even them. Which I know isn’t good, because we’ve been friends forever, and I know they love me like a brother. It’s just everyone, from the funeral to the present, wants to tell me how sorry they are for my loss. They pity and feel sad for me. So, it was much easier to isolate from everyone and relationships on any level. With you, it was different. You didn’t see the pain or the incident that led to it. You saw me, and you focused on me. I appreciate that and feel like maybe I can have happiness again...with you. An avalanche swept in and turned my world upside down all those years ago. And even though we weren’t in one, the feelings I have for you damn sure hit me like one. I don’t want to miss out on that.” He chuckles nervously.

  “Neither do I.” My heart flutters at his words, because I know I feel the same way.

  He strokes my cheeks. “Plus, I was certain with your disdain for nature, you were a stuck-up city girl…” He laughs when I slap his arm. “Who would never survive in the wilderness. But now I know I was wrong, and maybe you can survive my mountain.”

  Lifting up on my toes, I meet him for a kiss and melt into his embrace. It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to lose myself with someone, and I’m glad it’s with him. Our attraction felt instant, raw, something you don’t find very often. He didn’t try to impress me but somehow managed to do just that. I’m a far cry from a lover of mountains, but I can settle with falling in love with the man in them.

  * * *

  The End

  I hope you enjoyed Ariya and Zander’s story. Join the mailing list to be alerted when Avalanche is rereleased with added chapters. In the meantime, be on the lookout for the tales of how their friends found love. Join here!

  About the Author

  Sade Rena writes sexy, contemporary multi-cultural romances where the heroes are sweet on their ladies, dirty in bed, yet totally irresistible.

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  Writing is her first love, but as a creative entrepreneur, she enjoys creating products and content that encourages and supports other creatives. When she is not writing or creating, she’s busy organizing All About The Indies, a multi-author signing.

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  Social Media

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  Ghost Flowers


  We knew each other in another life. Times were much simpler then. I was someone she saw as a friend, and I knew that I would never be able to let her go. Then one day, she disappeared.

  * * *

  That’s when everything changed. I felt myself spiraling into a void I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to climb out of. Not until that day I saw her again for the first time in years. A fire started burning deep inside of me that no one would ever be able to quench.

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  But I’m ready now.


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