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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 27

by Peyton Banks

  “That’s a hard pass from me. Little kids dancing around on stage is not my thing.”

  “They’re not little kids. My sister is twenty-three.”

  “Oh, well, in that case, no.” We share a laugh.

  I pop a pod in for coffee setting the brew cycle on strong.

  “Did you stay up late or something?” Caleb continues.

  A yawn comes out of my mouth before I can answer. “After I dropped Tessa and Courtney off, I came home, showered, and crashed, hard.”

  “Who’s Tessa?”

  “My sister’s best friend.” I slide a cup of joe over to him and he takes a sip.

  “Is she cute?” He asks, setting his cup down and adding a little sweetener.

  “I don’t know. I don’t look at her like that. She’s like a sister to me.” Not sure if I’m trying to convince him or me. Caleb is a good dude and all, but he has doggish ways about him. Not that I would care if they met and got together or anything like that, ’cause I don’t have a crush on her or whatever.

  “Maybe I should go to this dance thing.” He flashes a sly smile giving indication his thoughts are not pure.

  I take a sip of my straight-up, no-chaser coffee. "I don't know, man. I'm sure it's going to be pretty boring. Forget I asked," I answer between swallows and trying to keep my expression neutral while hoping he takes the hint.

  “Shoot me a picture so I can see what’s up.”

  I change the subject, hoping he doesn’t press the issue. “So, I saw the email last night. Three days off instead of two, and permanent twelve-hour rotations effective immediately. That’s cool. I can use the extra day off.”

  “I hear ya. We ran into a few of the responders from firehouse forty-seven at the bar. They said a few spots may be opening soon for EMTs and medics. I think I’m going to refresh and apply. You should, too.”

  I shrug in response as I polish off my first cup and go for another. “I don’t know.”

  “It’s no different than what we do now except you’ll become a firefighter.” He chortles.

  I take my first sip of my refreshed beverage. “Two cups of coffee at four in the afternoon? Are you sure you didn’t have a date and crashed hard after getting your nut? That’s the only time I sleep this late and have to wake up with joe juice.”

  I think back to my thoughts of Tessa and how even after going to bed, I couldn’t shake her laugh or her smile from my mind. “No dates, just real tired.”

  My phone rings and, based on the ringtone, I know it’s my sister.

  “Courtney, I know. Pick you up in an hour.”

  “Well, actually, change of plans. Can you just meet me up there? Tessa is really nervous and she’s panicking hard. Im’ma have Dad to drop me off after we leave here. I guess you don’t have to come after all, and you can just hang out with your friends or whatever.”

  I don’t want to sound crazed, so I try my best to play it off. “Oh. Well, I’ll still be there. You know, to support the arts.”

  “Mmhmm. Whatevs. I’ll see you soon.” She disconnects.

  Caleb is staring at me. “You forgot to tell her to send a picture.” He holds his hands out for emphasis.

  I walk away before answering. “I’ll get one tonight. In fact, I need to get a few things done first. When it’s over, I’ll message you to see where you are.”

  “All right, man. I’ll get up with you later.” Caleb says.

  We give each other bro-hugs and he leaves.

  Before getting ready, I do some light housework leaving me more free time while I’m off.

  I bundle up my uniforms to drop off at the cleaners, run the vacuum, and wipe down my kitchen counters. Once I finish, I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower to allow the water to warm then return to my room and grab a pair of jeans and a fitted t-shirt from my closet. With my selected attire complete, I jump in the shower and start cleansing my body. Why am I stressing this? I feel like I’m preparing for a date with all this effort I’m putting into getting dressed for a dance presentation from my sister’s best friend.

  After my shower, I dry my body, put on my clothes, and head out to run my errands before going to the theater. Along the way, I spot a few colleagues assisting with an accident. This makes me think about what Caleb said to me earlier. I had dreamed of becoming a fireman when I was younger, but my time here has changed my path. Mainly because I find myself developing relationships and having a more consistent schedule and not having to stay at the firehouse for long periods of time.

  “Hi, Austin. I see you are dropping off earlier than usual,” Mrs. Corrine says when I enter the storefront.

  “Yeah, got an extra day off this week, so I’m using today to knock out all my errands, leaving the next two days clear to relax.”

  “Sounds good. Wish I had a day or two off. Your clothes will be ready tomorrow after five p.m. See you then.”

  The chimes ring once again, signaling my exit. My stomach rumbles from the whiff of cheese and marinara from the pizzeria next door. I check my smart watch and notice I have time to grab a slice.

  “Hi, what can I get for you?” the middle-aged man from behind the counter says. The way the place is set up, you can see the staff make the pizza right in front of the customers. From the dough being tossed into the air, to an employee shredding the mozzarella cheese.

  “I’ll take one slice and water.”

  “That’ll be five bucks.” He hands me my number and bottle of water. I take a seat near the window.

  Scrolling through social media on my phone, I see my sister’s post about tonight’s production. The thing that catches my attention the most is the picture of Tessa. She’s dressed in a flowy skirt, standing on the toes of one foot, and the other leg is extended straight above her head with her toes pointed.

  “Whoa. She’s flexible,” the young man says as he brings my food.

  I quickly close my screen and give him a sideways glance. “Thank you.” The gratitude comes out, stopping any unpleasant words from falling out of my mouth. The first bite quells the rumbling in my stomach while the second bite satisfies. My phone rings, and I roll my eyes.

  “Court, I’m trying to eat.”

  “Cool. You need your nutrition. I just wanted to say I got you a VIP pass so you can come backstage and let me know you’re here. Just give them your name at the box-office window.”

  “Okay, thanks, sis. I’ll try to be there soon so you can stay with Tessa. How is she doing?”

  “Her nerves are a little calmer since I got here, but she’s still a wreck.”

  “You guys perform all the time, why is this one any different?”

  “Well, I’m not at liberty to say. Just know she has a lot riding on this. Something she wants to do for her future.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. I’m finishing up my pizza and I’ll be on my way. Do you need me to bring you two anything?”

  “She loves sour gummy worms. She’ll need those after tonight. That and a shot of something strong.”

  “I’ll stop and grab a bag or two. See you soon.” The time flashes on my phone, and the performance starts in an hour. The thought of going backstage without a gift or something for the star is bad karma. I chase the rest of my food with water and go outside to the corner market and grab the candy and pocket mints to kill the pizza on my breath. A bouquet of flowers catch my eye, and I add them to my items before checking out at the register. Jumping into my Jeep, I proceed to the Majesty Theater.

  Okay, maybe I need to own up to the fact that Courtney was right, and I do have a crush on Tessa. I think I’ve had feelings for her for a little while. From the time they graduated high school, I’ve always felt something but never knew what it was. Infatuation surely wasn’t on my radar. I’m only three years older than they are, so dating her would’ve been on the grounds of wrong. When they graduated high school, I could tell she had matured from the braces-wearing little girl I’d come to know, but when they left college, she was different. Some part
of me always knew that, I guess.

  The line outside the box office stretches along the sidewalk and down the street two blocks. Fortunately, I’m able to grab a parking spot near the backdoor exit. I tap at the door to see if anyone will answer before sauntering up to the ticket window.

  “If you are on the VIP list, please check in with the usher on the inside,” the woman says using the loudspeaker. “If you are not on the list, you will be redirected back out here to the end of the line. I suggest you think twice about trying to pull a fast one.”

  A few people who started to make their way out the line quickly retract.

  Stepping up to the podium inside, I state my name. “Austin Lancaster, I should be on the VIP list.”

  The tall, thin young man with glasses uses his flashlight to go over the list.

  “Hmm, Lancaster, Lancaster, Lanc— Oh yes, Austin Lancaster. There you are. Here is your access badge, and you are in the center section, row A, seat five. Good spot for tonight’s show. Enjoy.”

  I detour and go to the stage entrance on the left, looking for my sister and Tessa. The hustle and bustle of people getting ready is what I run into when I step behind the scenes.

  “Have you seen my double-sided tape?” one young lady calls out.

  “Is the set ready? If so, get it in position. This is not a rehearsal, people.”

  I can only assume that is the producer barking out those orders. My search continues until I spot Tessa bent over with her ass on display. Like I said, not boring. She rises back up, extending her arms as far as they will reach then bends backwards. Our eyes meet, and she pauses all extending.

  “Oh, Austin. You made it,” she says embracing me.

  Her smell is intoxicating, but the rapid beats of her heart pressed against me is what captivates me the most.

  “I had to come support you.”

  Our hug breaks, and we stand there passing glances at each other with shy smiles. She bites her bottom lip and goes to speak when Courtney interrupts.

  “Hey, Austin. Did you have any problems getting in?”

  “Uh, no. They had a separate check-in for VIPs.” I flash my badge for emphasis.

  “Oh, yeah. Tessa, these are for you.” I hand her the items I picked up at the store.

  “Sour gummy worms. My favorites,” she gushes.

  “Courtney said they would help you calm down. Or at least that’s the hope.”

  She smiles and looks admirably at the flowers. “These are beautiful, Austin. Thank you.” She kisses me on my cheek.

  The heat rises on my face. “You’re welcome. Good luck out there tonight.”

  Courtney smirks at us both.

  “Tessa, honey. We need you in position. Darius is already on stage,” the director says.

  “See you after the show,” I say as she is rushed to the platform.

  She bites and licks her lip. “See ya.” Her eyebrow raises slightly as she walks away.


  I look over my program, scanning for any hints that’ll tell me why this show is so important to Tessa. But all I’ve gathered is she’s the writer and featured dancer. Each contributor in tonight’s piece have a bio listed next to their picture and name. There’s even a mention of my sister, although she won’t be on the stage. The image is one of her jumping in the air doing the splits. A good shot if I say so myself. The lights go dark, alerting the show is about to begin.

  “Uh, Austin. I feel that I must warn you. This is an erotic burlesque-style show. So, you might see Tessa perform some risqué moves,” Courtney says as she slides into the seat next to mine.

  I clear my throat and sit upright. “You could’ve told me,” I say while adjusting the seat of my pants from the immediate reaction I have to her warning.

  “If I did, I know you wouldn’t have showed up, no matter if Tessa was dancing or not.”

  “Are you going to tell me why this is so important to her?”

  “That’s for her to tell. Not my place,” she concedes.

  A familiar song plays, and on the stage are scantily dressed women in black vinyl-type outfits with the ass cheeks missing and red X’s across the breasts. They are straddling chairs, and when the words commence, they begin to dance. A man comes through and dances with each person one by one. They sit back in their chairs and continue the routine as he makes his way down the line.

  When he reaches the end, one woman stands, wearing white instead of the color choice for the others. Upon closer look, I can see it’s Tessa. He positions her front and center, and they go through a variety of moves that includes dips and twirls, all on beat with the music. The way her body guides along the waves of the music, in sync with every underline melody, is mesmerizing.

  “Wow,” I accidently let out.

  Courtney laughs, and I strike her in her arm lightly.

  “She is fabulous at what she does,” Courtney adds.

  That’s an understatement, I think while being unable to tear my vision away from her performance. The audience claps at the end of the scene, and she scurries offstage while the curtains close. You can hear the stagehands changing the set for the next song. From the bottom of the curtains, I see shadows of people moving around. The tunes of Wicked Games by The Weeknd echoes through the stadium, locking me in a trance. It's one of the sexiest songs I know, even though it’s a bit dark. A young man sits, watching intensely while a woman dances in a cage in front of him. It’s seductive, and even in a room filled with people, it feels…personal.

  She writhes and moves, and it’s hard to still my arousal. I clear my throat again and sweep my eyes around, recognizing that lustful gaze on the faces of others. I swallow hard when she turns, and I see that it’s Tessa. The cage door opens as she twirls, giving us her back again. He lifts Tessa, freeing her, and as the song reaches the high peak that goes into the chorus, he raises her higher with one hand. She slides down his body sensually and kicks her leg straight up to rest it on his shoulder.

  “Fuck…” The whisper enthusiastically.

  My sister passes me a tissue.

  “What’s this for?”

  “To clean up after you finish jerking off.” She giggles, and the person next to her chortles, too.

  “Courtney, that is your best friend.”

  “And? Go for it. Stop acting like it’s forbidden.”

  A patron shushes our loud whispering, scolding us for disrupting their viewing pleasure. Courtney looks at them with a mean face, and I refocus on the dance.

  “I’m gonna go help her get dressed, rather undressed for the next part. Be right back.” Courtney huffs before leaving.

  Replaying her mention of undressed leaves me wondering what the hell have I gotten myself into.

  The rest of the evening is even hotter. Tessa dances the majority of the time, but there are a few acts that feature the individual sexes in group or duo settings. The entire recital is well worth my Friday night. Better than hanging out at any bar. After the curtain call, I make my way to the back to where the production team and guests are standing in lines clapping and cheering them on as they step offstage. Hugs and tears are shared. Tessa appears clothed in a robe, and I straighten up, preparing to embrace her but another person steps in. He picks her up, twirling her around before allowing her to stand.

  “Tessa, baby. That was magnificent. Your presentation was outstanding, and the choreography was on point. It would be hard pressed for them to say no.”

  “Stephen, thank you,” she says. “I hope they were pleased. To take this on the road as a tour would be phenomenal.”

  And now I know why this is so important. “So, you’re leaving me?” I step up to say.

  “Austin.” She grabs me into her arms, her body more at ease than it was earlier. “I can’t tell you how much it meant to me to have you here.”

  “I’m glad I was able to make you happy. Now you can eat your gummy worms and relax.”

  She giggles and grabs my hand. “You want to share them with me?”
/>   Her gaze is inviting and stirs something inside.

  I go to answer, but Courtney interrupts.

  “Tessa, huge after-party at Bali’s house. We have to go,” she excitedly states, pulling Tessa away from my sight.

  Tessa looks back to me and smiles. “Austin, you should come with us.”

  If nothing else, she’s shooting her shot, and I’ll be damned if I let it foul or get blocked. “Sure. I don’t mind,” I answer.

  “Cool. My big brother policing me at a party. That’s exactly what I need.” Courtney’s snarky remark casts a look of doubt onto Tessa’s face.

  “I’m going as a guest of the most beautiful woman in the room, Court. Not going to be worried about you.” The words take form and escape without me giving much thought.

  Her mouth widens into a sultry smile, and I can hear my sister’s audible approval.

  “Great. Since Tessa drove here, I will ride with her and you can follow. But first she has to change into something more befitting of the event. Hang tight, bro. We’ll be right back.”

  “Actually, I’m going to my truck. I’ll meet you outside.”

  Courtney drags Tessa away, and I head out to my vehicle. Upon entering, I go over my emails to make sure nothing new about work has come in, and of course, my social media platforms. I really don’t go on there, but sometimes people post some funny shit. Not to mention the celebrity postings that give you just a little glimpse into their life. When I open the IG app, the first thing I see is a picture of Tessa and the guy she was dancing with locked in a lover’s embrace. The caption reads: Too hot for the stage!

  I study her features from her lengthy legs and shapely body, to her firm breasts and round, voluptuous, tight ass. Her outfit, or lack thereof, leaves barely any room for the imagination. The way the latex hugs her curves is like it’s imitating her skin. There’s a twinge in my pants as I continue to go over the pictures displaying her various movements. Long leg kicks, to the splits, to floor movements with her back arched. All tastefully done, but sensual, nonetheless.

  A tap at my window brings me from my trance.

  “Watching porn in your car? Come on, bro, do that shit at home.”


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