Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection Page 33

by Peyton Banks

  “We appreciate you being considerate, but it’s okay. We accept your relationship,” her mom cosigns.

  I giggle at how hard I’m trying to impress them and keep letting the little-known fact escape my mind…we already know each other.

  “Yes, Tessa. I’ll help you. That reminds me, I picked up something to help with your showers.” I jog to her room and come back with a bag from the big-box store. “Over in the health section, I saw these cast covers designed for every injury you can think of. You slip this over your leg and then push down to form a seal, making it waterproof.”

  “This looks like a condom,” Tessa jokes.

  My eyes widen, and my back stiffens at her innuendo, but it’s the laughter coming from her dad that ultimately lightens my mood. I know he’s already expressed his approval of our relationship, and I appreciate that, but I still haven’t fully wrapped my mind around being freer around them. I smile awkwardly, telling myself to relax.

  Her mother shakes her head at Tessa’s antics then changes the subject. “George, let’s go get dressed so we can go. Austin, do you need anything while we’re out?”

  “No, thank you. I got everything I need right here.” I take Tessa’s hand and place a soft kiss on the back of it.

  She blushes and takes her last bite of food. “Okay, ready for my sponge bath, Nurse Austin.”

  There is something extremely hot about her calling me her nurse, and I hope to the heavens above I can withstand the heat between us. Scooping her into my arms, I carry her back to the room and help undress her, put on the waterproof cast, and enter her built-in bathroom shower. I turn the water on and adjust the temperature to a comfortable setting and stream, I help her inside. She removes the tie holding her hair in a ponytail, allowing the water to kiss her strands. They react by coiling softly. I’ve never seen her hair like this, and it does nothing to my ease the ache in my shorts.

  “Austin, can you hand me the shampoo right there?” She points to the bottle perched on the built-in shelf.

  I realize that I will have to step in to retrieve it. “Are you just trying to get me to shower with you?”

  “Well, I can’t wash my back.” She smiles devilishly and licks her lips then bites the bottom one.

  Fuck, I say internally. That’s it for me. My bulge grows and hardens. I take my shirt off and slide out of my shorts, leaving on my boxer-briefs. The shape of my dick has an effect on her desires, and it’s evident in the tightening of her nipples. Stepping into the shower, I grab her shampoo and pour some into my hands and gently massage it into her scalp. She moans softly at the pressure and pleasure my fingertips give her. Those sounds make it impossible for me to ignore her needs. I remove the shower arm and rinse her hair before placing it back in its holster.

  I grab her special washcloth and squeeze a large amount of body wash into the grooves of the fabric and scrub her back. The feel of her silky skin beneath my fingers as I rinse her body off teases my libido, and I can’t resist her.

  I lower to my knees, place her injured leg up on my shoulder, and slide two fingers into her pussy, finding it’s just as wet inside as it is externally. I reposition her a little closer to the edge of the chair to give me a better angle, and softly suck on her nub.

  She invites me closer, positioning her other leg on my opposite shoulder, giving me all of her. My lapping against her lower lips pleases her immensely. She shows off her flexibility by lying backwards, allowing the bend of her back to angle over the chair. Her hands find the strands of my hair, and she gently tugs and rubs at the same time. I dive deeper into her wet folds, and the water from the shower head trickles down off her body, and the creases at her apex provide a canal for the water to pour into my mouth. The moans from her intensify at the snaking of my tongue deeper into her warm and sweet honey-hole.

  I grab my dick into my hands and stroke, easing the pressure I’m feeling. The motions intensify as she grows wetter and stickier, signaling the building of her orgasm. I tease her clit with my tongue at a rapid pace, and my fingers rub against her G-spot while my stroking increases when I feel my own climax coming.

  “Ohhh shit, Austin,” she whines out in the sexiest, heavy breath-laden call of my name just as she explodes into my mouth.

  My seed erupts and spills onto the floor of the shower, mixing with the water and flushing down the drain. I slowly lap up her juices and kiss her quivering legs while she cools down from a very heated oral experience.

  She lowers her non-injured leg, and I aid her in sitting back up.

  “Oh my, how I needed that. You’re the best nurse ever,” she says as she smiles.

  “Maybe we can keep this as part of our daily routine,” I reply, rubbing her body with her towel to finish cleansing her skin.

  “No. At some point, we’re gonna have to buy lots of pillows because I need to feel that steel rod inside me, and not the one in my leg, Nurse Lancaster.”

  Her remark sparks a hearty laugh, and she joins in with a giggle. I grab our toothbrushes, apply toothpaste to them, and hand hers over so we can finish washing and getting dressed.


  The execution of my plan has to be near flawless. Precision is key, because if she even remotely suspects anything, it will be ruined. First, I fake the need to go by my place to pick up something for work. I stop by the location and run in to grab a bag Courtney left for me and I stuff it into my work duffle, being sure to snag a uniform to make it look legit.

  “I thought you were going to be off with me for a while?” Tessa says, seeing my stuff when I reenter my vehicle.

  “I am. But as you get better, or if there is a bad emergency and I’m called in, I want to be prepared.”

  “That makes sense. Where are we off to next?”

  “I have one more stop. Are you getting tired?”

  An alert from Courtney with a thumbs-up emoji lets me know all the pieces are in place.

  “No. I’m fine. I was thinking maybe we can run by the studio.”

  “Sure, we can go by there. I wondered if you would be interested in going.”

  “I was sad for a minute, but I know I can work with my impairment and still be somewhat effective.”

  “True. If whoever you have helping you can work the physical, you can provide the instruction. Maybe part of your therapy can be working with a dancing partner.”

  “Yeah, that would also help me get back into the right mind frame. Your sister said all of this, didn’t she?”

  “No, not really. When you were laid up in the hospital, the nights I couldn’t sleep, I would research all your recovery options so I could be prepared.”

  “What is your biggest concern in regard to my healing process?”

  “Keeping you happy. Making sure that you smile even if you don’t feel like it.”

  “How do you propose to do that?”

  I pull into the parking lot of the convenience store that’s about two blocks away from my final destination.

  “Here, put this on.” I hand her a silk blindfold.

  “For what? Is this some kinky sex play?”

  “No, but let’s reserve that idea for later. Just cover your beautiful eyes, and I’ll trust you not to try and peek.”

  “Fine.” She ties the fabric to block her vision.

  I test her vision with the ‘how many fingers’ routine. Either she truly has her sight impaired or she’s really good at playing it off. Once I’m satisfied with the results, I continue the drive and after a couple of blocks, park at our journey’s end. I was concerned she would recognize where we were when we stopped, but since I went the back way, far from a normal route, I think it is different enough to keep it off her radar.

  “Okay, we stopped. Now can I take off the blindfold?”

  “Not yet. I’m going to put you in your wheelchair and take you to something I have planned for you.” Jumping out of the car, I rush to the other side and open her door so she will know I’m watching her. I then take her wheelchair out the back and
open it, making sure to engage the brakes before I put her in it. We proceed along the planned route to her surprise.

  “Okay, Austin. What do you have up your sleeve?”

  “Just a few more minutes, and you’ll see.”

  “I hope it’s not a lame dinner for two.”

  “Well, seeing how we ate breakfast about an hour ago, dinner wouldn’t be the answer. And I’m pretty sure this isn’t lame.” I swing open the door and guide her in, steering her over the threshold. The emptiness of the building is amplified by the sound of the door closing.

  “Okay, so we’re here, wherever here is. Can I look now? Please?”

  “Christmas must’ve been a difficult time for your parents. You are so anxious.”

  “Austin, come on. What’s going on?”

  “Tessa, when I took you home last week, there was a picture of you on your entertainment center. The little girl in her ballerina uniform standing on her toes stretching as high as you could reach. I heard you tell your toddler class the same thing, it made me realize how much the new building meant to you. It’s not just a business venture, but an opportunity to mold other young girls to be like you. There’s no way I was going to let your dream fail.”

  I remove the blindfold, and when she opens her eyes, her crew, friends, parents, my parents, and all of her students are standing there in her building.

  The joy and emotions overtake her, and she has no words to speak. A little girl walks up to her holding a dozen mixed flowers, and she presents them to her.

  “Ms. T., we are sorry that you broke your leg. We want you to have these flowers to show that we love you.” She smiles and runs to her parents.

  Courtney comes forward to speak. “Sis, you have touched all of these little lives, and with your strength, courage, and bossy attitude, we have formed this kick-ass team that have danced with some of the biggest stars across all genres of music. We couldn’t have done this without you.” She cries what I can only hope are tears of happiness.

  Janelle steps up and speaks. “And this community will not let this setback stop what you have planned for these kiddos. So, the summer fest is still going to happen, as scheduled. Courtney and I will run charge, but you will be there to make sure we don’t F it up.”

  “You guys are amazing, truly, and I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you. But why are we standing in this building? I won’t be able to get it now since the traveling show has to be cancelled.”

  “Uh, yeah. About those two things. Well, three, actually,” I comment.

  “Austin, what did you do?”

  “Hmm, well, I know this badass lawyer who was able to renegotiate the contract you had just signed, and have it start six months after you’re fully healed and able to return to dancing. Then, and only then will it be deemed enforceable. So, you have time to get the show back together. As for this building, it’s yours.”

  I take the deed out of my back pocket and along with it a sparkling set of keys and hand them to her. “See, my dad just happens to know the owners of this property, and I made them an offer they couldn’t refuse. I was able to get it mortgaged and paid it up for two years. I figure that should be plenty of time for you to get your extra classes going and you can take over your business. The only thing I ask is that your first dance from recovery be with me.”

  The tears become more prevalent, and she still hasn’t found her words.

  “You can blame Austin for all of this really. I mean, he’s my big brother and I had to go along with it.”

  The participants laugh at my sister trying to bring a little humor to the tense moment.

  “Oh, you guys. I can’t even begin to take all of this in and process it. Mom, Dad, I can’t believe you went along with this ruse.”

  “Well, honey, Austin put this together in two days. At least the building part. He incorporated Janelle and Courtney to get the kids and their families together to help with the surprise.”

  Tessa pulls on my arm, and I kneel beside her.

  “Austin, thank you.” She kisses me deeply and passionately. When we break, our foreheads touch, and she says the words I’ve dreamed of hearing for over the past week. When I think about it, you could say I’ve wanted to hear them for a while.

  “I love you.”

  * * *


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  Did you enjoy Tessa and Austin’s story? Join my mailing list to be alerted when Crash is re-released with added chapters.

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  About the Author

  ML Preston, was born and raised in Oklahoma City. An avid and voracious reader, she was encouraged to nurture her active imagination and quickly found a passion for storytelling. She spins sagas of passion and romance where the lines between race and creed, physical perfection and social norms disappear in the face of love. Novels of real love; erotic connections with a heart and soul that everyone can relate. She makes a home in Texas with her husband and three children, who keep her grounded when the voices call on her to tell their story. And they never stop calling.

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  Website: www.mlpreston.com

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/PrestonML

  Instagram: https://instagram.com/author_ml_preston

  To You I Belong



  At one time in life, I killed to protect my country. I had medals to prove my bravery and was dubbed a hero. After being shot, I was given an honorable discharge. Nightmares still plague me from time to time, the Navy Seals had been my life. Now I’m a firefighter saving lives for the Tennessee Fire Department.

  My job was all I had until Sheena. Now I not only fight blazing fires, but I also fight the blazing flames of passion ever since Sheena walked into my life. All I can think of is making her mine. She has suffered loss, and so have I. She needs me, and I need her too. She can be my home, and I can be her protector for life.

  * * *


  I’ve lost everything that matters to me. My parents were supposed to be here to see me married one day and be the best grandparents to my future children. They would have been the most loving grandparents in the world. They had been the best parents in the Universe.

  None of that is going to happen now because of a careless driver. My pain is great, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same again... Maybe, just maybe, Blaze will be the one man who can help me heal.



  Finally. A new town and a new place to escape the memories. The memory of both my parents leaving me at the same time, ripped from my life by a reckless driver who thought texting while behind the wheel was cool. I would hate the driver that took the two people I loved the most in the world from me, but the young driver died upon impact, too.

  Moving from Anniston, Alabama to the state of Tennessee had been a big decision, but I needed a fresh start.

  The last box of my personal belongings was unpacked the week before. I had been in my new home for less than a month. I was exhausted from all the packing and unpacking.

  I was thankful I already had a job lined up with an elementary school. I would be teaching second grade at Tennessee Mountain Elementary School when it opened in the new year.

  I had around ten weeks until I started work. Thankfully, I was good financially due to my parents’ life insurance policy; plus, I was their only child.

  The neighborhood I lived in now was a mix of younger and older family dwellings. A smile came to my face when I thought of how the lady across the street had greeted me upon arrival. She brought over a tin of my favorite chocolate chip cookies. I made coffee, and we settled down around my unpacked boxes and became acquainted. In the three weeks since my arrival, it felt like I had known Mrs. Jenkins my entire life.

  I walked into my kitchen to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Do I smell smoke? I walked over to the window above the kitchen sink and peeped out throug
h a slit in the curtain. A scream slipped past my lips as I dropped the bottle in my hand. I grabbed my cell phone on the way out the door into the wintry early morning dawn.

  “911 operator. What is your emergency?”

  “I need help. My neighbor Mrs. Jenkins’s house is on fire!”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m at 9177 Midland Drive.”

  “What is your name?”

  “My name is Sheena Dixon. Please send help. Mrs. Jenkins is seventy-five years old and—”

  “Stay calm, Sheena. May I call you Sheena?”

  I nodded my head then thought better of it. “Yes, you may call me Sheena.”

  “Sheena, everything will be just fine. Try to stay as calm as possible. Help is on the way, and please stay put and don’t attempt to go inside the burning home,” the dispatcher directed.

  “Okay,” I promised before disconnecting the call and wrapped my arms around myself to ward off the chill.

  My heart beat erratically against my chest. Tears filled my eyes as I looked across the street at my neighbor’s home. I stood helpless in the early dawn, chilled to the bone in my bunny slippers and my two-piece sleepwear. I didn’t even have the time to grab a robe when I woke up. Out of habit, I peeped across the street at the home of Mrs. Betty Jenkins, a retired nurse who had just lost her husband six months before to prostate cancer. They had been married for fifty-five years. It made me upset to see her grieve, and it broke my heart now to stand there useless as the blaze licked away at Mrs. Jenkins’s Victorian-style home she’d stayed in since she married Mr. Jenkins all those years ago.


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