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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 53

by Peyton Banks



  "Julian? What are you over there smiling about?" His mom asked, a sly smile on her face.

  He shoved Steven, almost toppling him off the couch. “Big mouth.”

  “What are you shoving me for?” his brother quipped.

  Rolling his eyes at his brother, he pushed him even harder. “You could have waited until I was ready to tell them.”

  “Nope, I couldn’t. They needed to know you were about to do something stupid.”

  Gritting his teeth, he glared at Steven. “Don’t ever say anything like that again. It’s different with her, and if you’d given me more time without opening your piehole, you would have known that.”

  Steven actually looked somewhat chastised. “Sorry, J. But after you left the game last Saturday, I knew something was up with you. I haven’t seen you like this in a long time, Bro.”

  Julian huffed out a deep breath. Since Steven had already given their parents enough to guaranteed they’d never leave him alone, he might as well bite the bullet. Turning to his parents, he shrugged. "I'm seeing someone special. Her name is Kori, and she has a five-year-old son named Morgan." All eyes turned to Juliann as he began talking. "I know what you're thinking, and it’s not like that." Julian ran a hand down his face as he tried to form the words to explain what was happening to him. "Trust me, you guys. She’s nothing like Rebecca. Kori’s a good mother, a good woman. She’s a realtor and had a good life before everything went topsy-turvy due to her son’s accident.”

  His mother's face turned down, a sad look in her eyes. "You met her while saving her son?” At his nod, she looked over at his father, who shook his head as if to stop her from going any further. Her lips pursed in a stubborn line, and Julian knew she wasn’t finished. "Sweetheart, I'm just worried about you. I want to make sure you're not jumping into something that won't be good for you."

  "Mom…" Steven groaned at their mother before looking over at Julian, giving him a shrug in commiseration. They’d both been through this lecture many times over the years. "Julian is his own man. You guys gotta stop doing this. He’s not that person anymore and what happened all those years ago was a special circumstance."

  The elephant in the room, what everyone was concerned about but too nervous to put into words, was that his ex-girlfriend Rebecca had told him she was pregnant with his child. Then she’d claimed her ex-boyfriend had become so enraged about her moving on with Julian, that he’d beaten her until she miscarried. Julian hunted him down like the dog he was. It was best for him to not think about what he’d done to that man, especially now that he doubted the story had even been true.

  He'd met Rebecca while rescuing her from a minor car accident, and after that incident, they started a relationship. Rebecca had him turned upside down to the point that he’d lost the pieces of himself that kept him whole. Or maybe he’d found the hidden parts of his soul that made him who he truly was. Julian wasn't usually a jealous man, but every time he turned around, something was happening. Situations where he needed to defend his relationship or defend Rebecca when another man stepped up to her, all of them trying to steal her away from her. Or so she claimed.

  The final straw was when he surprised her at her home. They were supposed to go away for the weekend, but she’d told him she wasn't feeling well; that she was going to rest for the night and would see him the next day. Fool that he was, instead of taking the night for himself to relax and give her some space, he decided to be a good boyfriend and visit her.

  The key she’d given him a couple of months before allowed him to enter her apartment without knocking. As soon as he stepped inside, the sounds from the bedroom could be heard throughout the space. Julian stopped in his tracks to make sure he wasn’t mistaking the sounds. He wasn’t.

  Storming to the back of the apartment, he slammed the bedroom door open and was greeted with a sight that changed him forever. There was the woman who’d claimed she’d loved him, being dicked down by another man. When the man turned his head to look at who’d crashed the party, Julian lost it. It was a guy he recognized from the local bar they frequented. A red haze had come over his eyes. He'd pulled the man off the bed and began to punch him in the face repeatedly, putting the full force of his fist into the punch.

  Julian's anger had taken over, and nothing was getting through to him. Rebecca claimed she’d yelled for him to stop, screaming his name numerous times, but he’d blocked her out. She'd even called 9-1-1 to report that he was going to kill the other man. When the cops arrived, the guy on the ground was a messy, bloodied pulp. Julian's fists were cut and cracked, from hitting the bone in the guy’s face. It had taken a considerable chunk of his parent’s savings to get him out of that situation, and he still regretted everything he’d put them through because of that deceitful witch.

  Ever since then, his family had been concerned about him responding negatively to another situation like that. For more than a year after he beat that guy, anger was Julian's best friend. He didn't interact or socialize with anyone other than his immediate family. His routine was the exact same every day. Go to work and come home. Rinse and repeat.

  Steven was the only one who knew Julian would troll some of the bars and clubs, having the occasional one-night stand when the loneliness got to be too much. Then again, that was the only type of female interaction he could stomach for a long time. The thought of getting involved with someone else after what happened with Rebecca almost made him physically ill. Or at least it had until the day he met Kori and Morgan.

  He focused his attention on his parents. "Mom, Dad. I know you're just worried about me, and I love you for that. I also know what was going through my head back then, and none of it was good for me. Rebecca was a lying, conniving, cheat. I know she was never pregnant, and the story about her ex-boyfriend was just so I’d go after him. She thought being with me would somehow give her access to things she didn't have. She wanted the appearance of being with someone who had their shit together, while also continuing to sleep with other men. I know this now. I didn’t then. I can guarantee you that what happened to me back then won't happen in the future. At least I won't lose control that way again.”

  Steven nodded his head as Julian spoke. "You know, if I were in the same situation, I would have done the same thing. Who wants to walk into your girlfriend’s place and see some shit like that? I say the motherfucker deserved what he got."

  "Steven," their mother yelled. "Watch your language."

  "Sorry, Mom." Steven smiled over at their mother with an impish grin. "But if you're honest, you know it's true. That guy deserved every punch Julian gave him."

  Up until this moment, Julian's father had stayed silent as he listened to the interaction between his family. "Son, I'm not going to sit here and say I know how you felt. As your father, it’s my job to protect you, even when you no longer want—or need—me to do it. Three years ago, I couldn't do anything to stop you from spiraling. I've been trying my best to make sure you don't have to through something like that again, but I know you’re a man with your own life. I can only do so much, and I recognize that may not be enough.” He turned, nodding to Julian’s mother, giving her a tight smile. “However, you’d best believe that I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are protected. If this lady, Kori, is someone you feel you want to see and get to know better, then I’m all for it. You're a grown man, and you need to do what you feel is right. But understand this, your temper can flare at any time. It always has. That was the only time I’ve seen you lose control and as your father, I don’t want to see you go through that again.”

  “Neither do I,” Julian muttered.

  “You don't do well with disloyalty or cheating. We learned that lesson the hard way, and I never want this family to go through that again.” He took a sip of his beer before pointing his finger at Julian. “Just know, if you make your mother cry again," he glanced over at Julian's mother and gave her a smile before glaring at Julian and Steven,
“you’ll answer to me. Goes for both of you.”

  His parents reached out their hands to each other, clasping them together tightly as they looked at each other with understanding and some resignation. Julian knew he’d put them through hell, but they’d made it through, their family stronger than ever. The thought of their son going to jail for assault and attempted murder was a real thing. Luckily, he had some friends in high places… Or rather some very low places… That could lend a hand. His parents didn't need to know everything that he’d done to get out of that bind. All that mattered is that they’d played their part in getting his name cleared.

  Looking back down at his phone, he responded to Kori’s messages.

  Julian – Hey, baby. Dinner would be great.

  Julian – tacos or burgers are my favorite.

  Julian – what time should I arrive?

  He couldn't remove the smile from his face. From the moment he'd met Kori, he knew she was special. And Morgan, even more so. Her response came back quickly.

  Kori – tacos would be perfect. I have all the ingredients here at the house already.

  Kori – can you make it over to the house around 4 o'clock?

  Julian's fingers flew over the keep the phone keyboard.

  Julian – how about 3 o'clock? I want to see you both as soon as I possibly can.

  Kori – I would love that.

  Placing his phone on the table face down, Julian sat back and settled into the couch. He was going to see Kori again, and he couldn’t wait. This time, he had an overnight bag in his truck, just in case. Although it had only been a few days, he missed her something fierce. That beautiful smile of hers that she bestowed upon him each time he was in her presence made something inside him warm with feeling. The way her fingers would lightly touch his skin as they maneuvered within her house, brought frissons of heat to his body and thickened his cock with the need to be inside her.

  They hadn't made love yet, but he knew it would happen soon enough. Maybe even tonight if everything worked out the way he hoped. When they finally came together, Julian knew things would never be the same again. Some might accuse him of moving too fast, but after the hell he'd gone through, he knew when something felt right. Kori felt right.

  "Are you going to see your lady today?" Steven asked, leaning over to grab some chips from the bowl on the table in front of them. "When are we going to meet them?"

  Looking over at the clock, Julian realized that only fifteen minutes had passed. He still had almost two hours before he needed to be at Kori's house. "Yeah, I'm going to see them today. You guys will meet her once we know where things are headed. It'll be soon. Just not right now."

  Julian had only met Kori and Morgan just under a month ago. Half that time, Morgan had been laid up in the hospital, he knew it was too soon for her to meet his parents. Yes, he met her parents while Morgan was in the hospital, but that situation was very different. If he introduced her and Morgan to his family, that would be sending a very different message. Julian didn't know if she were ready for that just yet. He would get her there soon enough, of that he was sure, but he needed to do this the right way. After all, she was the woman he was going to marry, even if she didn't know it quite yet.



  “Mommy, can we watch the robot movie again?”

  Smiling at her little boy, she lightly grabbed his chin as she kissed him on his slightly chubby cheeks. Her baby was growing up so fast, but it was moments like this when she was reminded of just how young he still was. “How many times have we watched that movie, baby? Aren’t you tired of it yet?”

  “No. I love it. The robots are big, and they fight, and then they save the world. I’m gonna be a robot when I grow up.” He took another bite of his taco as half the filling fell out and onto his plate. His little mouth was full, chewing happily away as she and Julian laughed at his antics.

  “You know,” Julian began, “when I was a little guy, I wanted to be a superhero. I wanted to fly in with my cape and save everyone.”

  Taco sauce covered Morgan’s tiny mouth as he smiled in Julian’s direction. “But you are a hero. You saved me that day a car hit me when I was playing with my friends. You came to me in your big red truck and took me to the hospital. That means you’re a hero. Which means I can still grow up to be a robot.”

  Tears welled in Kori’s eyes as she listened to Morgan talk about the incident that changed his young life. He’d never spoken to Julian about the day he’d come to the accident and taken him to the hospital. This was the only time he’d mentioned it at all. Her parents had tried to get him to talk about it, but he’d refused. Morgan would always tell them he didn’t know what happened that day, only that he’d woken up in the hospital with his mommy and the big man sitting next to him. Clearly, that hadn’t been the full truth, and his memories of that day were stronger than any of them realized.

  “Morgan? Sweetheart, do you remember Julian from that day?” She glanced over at Julian and saw that he was frozen in place. His gaze was focused on Morgan as he held a taco halfway up to his mouth. Kori reached over to him, lightly touching his arm and jarring him out of his trance. She smiled at him when he turned his gaze to her.

  “Yes. He kneeled on the ground with me. Told me that everything would be okay and that he’d make sure to get me someplace safe.” Taking another bite of his taco, Morgan focused on eating over the next few minutes. Kori and Julian looked between each other and Morgan, their faces covered in half-smiles.

  “Thank you, Morgan.” Julian’s voice broke through the silence. “I’m glad you think I’m a hero, but I was just doing my job.”

  Morgan laughed, shaking his head in that way children often did. “Julian, that’s what all heroes say.” He spoke in a tone that conveyed to adults that they clearly didn’t know as much as children did.

  Julian got up from his chair and went to kneel next to Morgan. Placing his larger hand over the smaller one, “I’m sorry you were hurt that day. I know you were scared and didn’t know what was happening to you. But I need you to know that I’m so glad I was there that day. When that call came in, I didn’t know I’d get to meet such an amazing kid. Because you are. You’re strong and funny and braver than most of the adults I know. You love your mommy, and she loves you right back. I don’t think I’m a hero, but if you tell me I am, then I believe you.”

  After a few moments of silence, Morgan spoke up. His tiny voice wobbled as he stared down at his plate. “When I woke up and saw you and my mommy, I didn’t know what happened to me. Mommy was crying, so I wanted to cry too. But then I saw you standing by me, and I didn’t know who you were. Then I heard your voice, and I remembered you. You helped me that day. You’re a hero, Julian. You don’t have a cape, but you don’t need one.”

  Kori was practically bawling at this point. If she had any doubts that Julian had been brought into their lives for a reason, they were gone. Raising her gaze to his face, she saw the look in his eyes and wanted to wrap him in her arms. Morgan’s words had affected him just as much as they did her. With a shaky hand, she reached over to touch his arm.

  “You know what?” Julian asked Morgan.


  “I think I’d like to watch that robot movie with you. Maybe your mom can grab us some of that ice cream I brought over with me. What do you think?” Nodding vigorously, Morgan scrambled to get out the chair, even though he still had some trouble due to the cast on his leg. “Come on, buddy. I’ll help you.” Grabbing him in his arms, Julian walked them over to the couch. Once he had settled on the sofa, his leg propped up on a pillow, he picked the remote and clicked around until the opening scene of the movie began to play.

  Kori stayed in the kitchen, leaning against the sink as she tried to stop the flow of tears. Seeing Julian and Morgan together like this was exactly what she’d been hoping for. She’d been waiting for a sign that she was making the right decision. That being with Julian was the right thing for her, and for Morgan.
That sign had just shown itself. She felt Julian’s strong arms wrap around her as he pressed his muscled form against her back.

  “Baby? Are you okay?”

  His lips brushed against her neck, and she shivered within his arms. Kori nodded as she wiped the salty tears from her face. “Yes, I’m fine. It just caught me off-guard to hear Morgan talk about that day so calmly. He’s just a baby. My baby. He should never have gone through something like this in the first place. What kind of person hits a group of children and keeps going? I thought my heart was going to stop beating when I saw him lying there. Having you there that day, helping him, means so much to me.”

  His hold tightened as he spoke. “I don’t want the day we met to hang over our heads forever. I know it’s important that Morgan understands what happened and that he deals with any lingering fear he may have. I get that, and I’m here to help you both in whatever way I can. But I want the two of us to move beyond the hurt and fear of that day. We need to focus on the here and now. I’m here with you and Morgan, and it’s the only place I want to be.”

  She nodded and turned her head to smile up at him. When she glanced at his face, she saw the glistening wetness in his own eyes as he stared down at her. “I’m glad you’re in our lives. You give so much of yourself to us. What do we give you in return?”

  Julian grabbed her waist and shifted her body, bringing her around to face him. “You’ve given me more than you know. Before I met you, I was lost. The shit I’ve seen and done turned me hard, made me lose my faith in humanity, even as I was busting my ass to save people every day. But with you and Morgan, this feels right. When I look at you, I see my future. I see a woman who’s come to mean more to me than any woman before. I won’t claim to be an angel, and I hope you’ll still want me once I share all my secrets.”


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