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Emerging Temptation: A BWWM Romance Limited Edition Collection

Page 68

by Peyton Banks

  I handed her a glass of the sparkling red and we clinked before taking our first sips.

  “It’s still good,” I told her, “but not as good as the stuff she sent in a care package. I don’t know how she figured it out, but with dry ice—and she managed got it through to him on base.”

  “It’s probably an ingredient you couldn’t get your hands on anyway,” Kendra said taking a sip. “Oh! This is good.”

  “I don’t drink wine a lot, but if I drink it, it better be something good,” I told her. “And according to my buddy it has to be red wines with this meal.”

  Kendra took another sip from her glass. “It’s not a bad Lambrusco.”

  “No, it’s not,” I said, turning my attention back to the food. I went to the fridge and got out some olives and other things to keep Kendra entertained while I finished dinner.

  “When in the world did you learn to cook?” Kendra asked, as I started the last stage of getting everything ready. I drained the pasta, set the meat from the sauce aside to eat as its course, and put the rigatoni in a big bowl to toss it with the rich tomato goodness.

  “I learned in the Army,” I said. “Honestly, I got to be a food nerd, weirdly enough. And when I was in the Philippines, there wasn’t a lot of action, so I had time to hone my cooking skills.”

  “The Philippines is a good place to learn to cook,” Kendra agreed before stabbing an olive with a toothpick and popping into her mouth.

  “I got a lot of practice and then once I was back stateside, I sort of branched out,” I clarified. I carried the food to the table and sat down adding more wine to my glass and Kendra’s. “Taste it.”

  “I already tasted the wine, Lukas,” Kendra said saucily.

  “You know what I mean, woman,” I told her. “Taste the food.”

  “Such a bossy firefighter,” she grumbled before taking a forkful of rigatoni and bringing it to her mouth. The lusty moan that escaped her lips as she tasted what I’d cooked, was worth all the trouble and more. I tasted the pasta, and it was good enough to merit the reaction I’d gotten from Kendra.

  “Damn. This is amazing,” Kendra said, once she had swallowed. “I can’t even imagine what could make it better—whoever that grandma is, she has to be Italian magic.”

  I laughed and we both dove into our food and wine, just like at the cafe with the coffee and cake, talking between bites. We’d done our catching up, so instead of asking about career and travel, we started talking about all the ridiculous shit we’d gotten into as kids. It was good, thinking about that stuff—without rehashing the hell I’d gone through during the same years.

  “Oh! I almost forgot,” I said, “I have paperwork for you.” I got up to retrieve the file folder the Chief had given me before I left for the day. “It’s the contracts and that kind of thing, for the photographer gig. If you’re interested.”

  “I gave it more thought and sounds like fun,” Kendra said. “I’ll look over the paperwork but I don’t know if I have all the gear I need.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ve got the gear,” I told her. “Bob, the photographer we used to work with left it to us in his will.”

  “That’s handy!” Kendra exclaimed. “Could I have a little more pasta, please?”

  “Sure, but leave room for the meat,” I told her, adding a few scoops of pasta onto her plate.

  It was dark outside by the time we finished and Kendra gathered up the plates and carried them over to the sink.

  “Hey!” I said, getting up to follow her. “You’re a guest.”

  “You cooked,” Kendra pointed out. “It’s only fair that I help.”

  I grabbed a dishtowel, letting Kendra take over the washing, and taking the plates and cups and everything else that she passed me. It felt good, comfortable, and weirdly nice—washing dishes together, dividing it up, standing in my kitchen like we’d done a thousand times before.

  “I’ll put away the leftovers,” I said. “After I’ve made you a plate to take home.”

  Kendra laughed. “You better.”

  I stepped behind her, putting my arms around her narrow waist. Pressing a kiss to the back of her neck, I breathed in her decadent feminine scent—a mix of lavender and vanilla.

  I heard a shout from outside—the neighbors’ kids—and then sharp loud popping sounds, firecrackers going off.

  Kendra tensed in my arms. The glass fell from her hands, shattering against the sink.

  She gasped then twisted around in my hold, like she was preparing to run.

  “Whoa.” Instinctively I tightened my grip on her. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “No,” Kendra replied in a breathy voice. “No. No. No.”

  I tugged her against my chest, pressing my head against hers. She mentioned issues, she talked about an ‘officer-involved shooting incident’, but she hadn’t given me any specifics. After years of working with guys in my unit and out of it, helping them deal with their trauma, I could tell at least a bit of what had happened, Kendra had PTSD.

  “It’s okay baby,” I said calmly. “I’ve got you. You’re safe.” She shivered as more of the neighbors’ kids’ firecrackers went off. With arms wrapped around her, I repeated comforting words—but the firecrackers stopped. I pulled back just enough to check her eyes, her face, to see how she was doing.

  “I’m sorry,” Kendra said. There were tears in her eyes and she was still shaking.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for baby,” I said. “Did you have a flashback?” Kendra nodded. I gave her another tight hug before guiding her carefully into my living room, letting her sit down.

  “I broke your wineglass,” Kendra whispered.

  “Like I care,” I told her. “Besides, I’ve been meaning to get new ones.”

  Kendra was shaking still, her hands trembling. “I’ll be right back.” I went into to the kitchen to get her glass of wine. It didn’t take long for me to bring it back to her.

  “Do you want to know?” She took a sip of wine. “What happened, I mean.”

  “Only, if you want to tell me,” I said while sitting down next to her. “If you’re not ready to talk about it, then you don’t have to.”

  “I want to tell you,” Kendra said, taking a deep breath. She looked steadier. “Just...just so you understand.”

  “Take your time Kendra,” I told her. “And stop if you want to, at any point.” I brushed my finger along her cheek.

  She started, “It was pretty much typical. I mean, obviously it didn’t end up that way, but it was a simple apprehension. A raid. This guy…I tried to talk him down, get him to just put his gun down, but he was high on PCP.”

  “And he shot you?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “It isn’t even the shooting; I’ve had to have gunpowder taken out of my shoulder once. Usually, they instinctively shoot for the chest, forgetting we have vests.”

  “But he got your leg,” I declared.

  Kendra nodded. “He caught me just...right where there’s the big artery there,” she said, looking down at her hands. “Before it loops up and goes to your groin, you know? It tore out part of the muscle, just ripped through me and I almost bled out.”

  “You almost died.” My heart raced at the knowledge that I’d almost lost her. Reaching out, I took her hand into mine, giving it a quick squeeze. I had heard a dozen stories like hers, but that it was Kendra and not just another of my brothers in arms, made it different. I could stay calm, but I still felt the urge to find whoever had done this to Kendra and beat the shit out of him.

  Kendra carried on, “They could repair the artery, mostly patch me up. But ever’s like whenever I hear certain noises, I just lose it.”

  I remembered the party and the fireworks. “That happened at the birthday party too?”

  “Yes. But nobody noticed. I got to the bathroom,” she explained. “Get myself under control before anyone knew what was going on.”

  “That’s fucking hard to do,” I spoke. “I’ve known plenty of guys who
can’t manage that in a flashback.”

  “I couldn’t just let my issues ruin Grandma’s birthday,” Kendra revealed. “But this...this is a big part of why I’m not sure what I will do. I don’t know if I can work through this enough to go back to the NYPD, or even to work as a cop here.”

  “I get it,” I stated. “You don’t have to decide right now. I won’t pressure you—and I can talk to your grandma, if she tries it.”

  Kendra laughed, and I knew she was fully over the worst of it. “Good luck with that.”

  “Do you want to see it?” Kendra invited. “I haven’t even shown Grandma. Nobody but the doctors, really.”

  I kissed her softly before pulling back. “Show me.”

  Kendra placed her glass on my coffee table before taking off her boots and getting to her feet. She untied the sash at her waist then shimmied out of her jeans, standing before me in her panties—cream white, with lace—and her button-down shirt. For a second I didn’t even look at her leg, and just appreciated how fucking beautiful she was with silky dark skin and curvy hips.

  Kendra locked eyes with me while turning her leg slightly. It was then I saw the scar tracking up from a little above her knee, right across the femoral artery. Leaning forward, I traced the scar lightly with the tip of my finger, knowing how sensitive it could be—I could tell why it was so painful. It wasn’t as bad as some wounds I’d seen, but it marked her ebony hued skin.

  “It’s horrible,” Kendra declared, her voice light, but I could hear the pain in it, too.

  “Want to see something?” I asked her. I stood up before she could answer and started unbuttoning my shirt. Peeling it off and tossing it away, I stepped forward so Kendra could observe what I wanted her to see.

  Her eyes widened. “That’s from the Army?”

  “No.” I shook my head, pushing down the urge to shiver as Kendra’s fingertips traced over the scars on my shoulders, back and chest. They were halfway faded, but they still looked angry enough that I hated to see them. I hated other people to see them too. “The night of the fire. Part of the roof collapsed when I was trying to get Mom out. I suffered second-degree burns, and a few spots where it was third degree.”

  “You—I didn’t even know.” Kendra frowned, looking up into my eyes. “You said nothing at the funeral. I didn’t even know the fire injured you.”

  “When I signed up for the Army, I was well enough to go to get my physical and all that,” I said. “They put me up, gave me long enough to heal so I could do Basic. But that’s not the point.”

  “Then what is?” Kendra rebutted.

  I put my arms around her, looking down into her hazel eyes. “Your scar doesn’t make you any less—not less beautiful, not less strong. You’ll recover from this and you’ll keep going.”



  Before I could say anything in response to Lukas, he leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, feeling warm and shockingly safe, considering the flashback I’d just had. Pressing my body against his, Lukas deepened our kiss, letting his hands move over me. My cunt clenched when he dipped down from my lips, to my neck, nibbling at my sensitive skin.

  Slowly, I pulled back. “When did you become such a bad boy?”

  “I’ve always been bad,” He growled, “you just didn’t know it.” He tugged me closer. “Shirt off,” He demanded.

  My eyes widened at his boldness. “Damn. It’s Dom Lukas.” I winked at him. “Me likey.”

  “Good.” He nipped my bottom lip. “Because I’ve waited a long time for you Kendra Powell and I’m planning on wearing your ass out tonight.”

  My pussy pulsed. “Sweet Jesus.” This was way too good to be true. I was about to fuck the boy—now a gorgeous, caring man—that I practically grew up with.

  He stared at me with a serious expression. “But if you don’t want this, just say so and I’ll stop right now.” He clutched my face. “Kendra, this is all your call.”

  “There is no way this is not happening Lukas.” I unbuttoned my shirt letting it fall to the floor then I unhooked my bra, tossing it over my shoulder.

  He let out a haggard breath, his gaze dropping to my bared breasts. “God, you’re so beautiful.” Lukas wet his bottom lip. It was a look of such desire and hunger that my breath hitched. “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

  I squealed when he effortlessly picked me up. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his lean waist as he carried me through his house, kicking open his bedroom door like he was the police.

  Dropping me onto his bed, he straddled me, one knee on each side of my waist. I peered up at him with greedy anticipation. His firm lips curved up into a smile.

  He cupped my cheek in one huge hand. “Do you trust me to take care of you?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  In the blink of an eye, he carefully hooked my legs over his shoulders. Settling himself between the V of my thighs, he pushed my panties aside before licking my cunt. I moaned when his tongue lapped me from my clit to the end of my cleft. He swirled his tongue around my clit, flicking it, and sinking it inside me. I panted, my hips arching and hands grabbing at the sheets.

  “Who does this pussy belong to?” He gritted out, as he fucked me with his wicked tongue.

  “You,” I screamed.

  His tongue flicked my swollen nub. “Oh, my fucking god!” I screamed. “Please…I need…I want…”

  Abruptly, he relented, pulling away. “What do you want?” His green eyes blazed with a focused animal wildness.

  “Fuck me,” I demanded.

  He growled before standing and stripping slowly. His skin was golden tan and tight over bulging muscles beneath. He was without a doubt, the sexiest man I’d ever seen. My eyes dropped lower. His huge erection was thick, hard, and jutting toward me. He was huge and my mind raced, wondering how the hell he would fit all that into me. I watched as he walked over to his bedside table, opening a drawer and taking out a condom. He tore the package open, quickly removing the latex, and sheathing his cock.

  He came back over to the bed, tugging off my panties, exposing me completely before joining me on the bed. Hovering right above me, he buried himself slowly inside me. He gave my wetness time to adjust to his girth.

  “Relax,” He hissed but my hips bucked.

  He held me still. “Slow darling. You’re tight and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I took a deep breath, forcing my muscles to loosen. He pushed forward, slowly at first and then he increased his speed from a sensuous slid to a hard, forceful pumping.

  “Fuck!” he cursed. “You’re so tight.”

  He was driving me crazy with lust, each stroke bringing me closer and closer to the edge. In a million years I would have never thought my best friend from school could turn me out like this.

  “Lukas,” I groaned as he continued to fuck me like a man possessed. His thrusts were short and fast. I groaned in pleasure, taking everything, he had to give. Our slick bodies were in perfect synchrony, a strange magnetic energy encircling us.

  “Lukas, please.” My body begged for sweet release.

  With a low groan, he plunged into me before I felt the orgasm ripping up my spine, tearing through my limbs. Lukas spasmed inside me while shouting my name at the top of his lungs. He peered down at me with a sexy bad boy smile. “Damn,” he hissed.

  “Yes…damn,” I replied.

  Tremors ran through me as his lips trailed across my shoulder before pushing the damp strands of hair away from my forehead.

  “You know,” I said placing my hands on the sides of his face while stroking his jaw, staring into his green eyes. His lips curled up into a contented smile. I’d seen nothing more beautiful than Lukas. “If all my flashbacks had a happy ending like that, I’d be a lot less scared of them.”

  Lukas kissed me softly. “There’s nothing like sex to take your mind off of things,” Lukas said brushing my nipple with the backs of his knuckles.

  “Hell yes,” I said, wrig
gling underneath Lukas to get his weight where I wanted it. It was even better than the sex. Feeling his weight on me, feeling his body pressed to mine, his cock—still wrapped in latex—twitching inside of me lightly. It felt safe, and I realized I hadn’t really felt safe, down to my bones, since the incident, even at Grandma’s house.

  “And if you stay,” Lukas said, holding himself up to look down into my eyes. “I could make this happen regularly.”

  I arched a brow. “Are you trying to bribe me with hot sex right now?”

  “Uh huh!” He devoured my mouth with sweeping strokes of his tongue, slow and deep before breaking away and saying, “Now, tell me you’d give me, us, and you staying in town some…” A loud siren sound erupted from outside the bedroom. “Fuck!” he yelled while rolling off me quickly.

  I watched him wide eyed. “What is that?” I asked, sitting up quickly, enjoying the sight of his toned, naked body. “Did you leave the stove on or something?” Damn. He moves fast for a man the size of Thor.

  “No. It’s the ringtone for work,” he said storming into his bathroom leaving the door open. I heard him slamming things, and sound of water running. “I’m not on call formally,” He peered out of the bathroom eyeing me with a wash cloth in hand and the condom was now off his cock, “but something must have gone down where they need all hands-on deck.”

  “Shit,” I muttered, scrambling off the bed and snatching my panties off the floor.

  He dipped back into the bathroom then hurried out just as I brushed past him needing to use the bathroom. While inside taking care of business, I heard Lukas say, “Hey Chief, what’s up?” There was a beat of silence. I walked out the bathroom to see Lukas dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and with his cell pressed to his ear still listening to the Chief. I hurried past him but he grabbed me, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before he replied into the phone, “Yeah. Got it. I can be there in fifteen.” He ended the call, shoving his cell into his pocket before wrapping his arms around me.

  He looked at me and I knew the look. It was one I’d worn a few times when work called me in during a date.


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