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Blue Eyed Devils Collection

Page 10

by Paula Ridge

  I make my way down the stairs to hear the horn honking outside. It’s easy to spot the candy apple Jeep in the driveway idling in neutral. Classic eighties music is blasting out of the speakers with Jake outside of the vehicle, breathing in the salt air.

  He stares out at the ocean with his eyes closed. “It’s nice to see you after all this time. I really didn’t know what to expect when I invited you. You need this time away, don’t you? Let’s have a bonfire and corn boil tonight, like we did when we were younger.”

  This sleepy town near Jacksonville is the hot spot that we spent time getting to know each other in. Amazingly, there is nothing sexual between us and there never has been. I don’t feel that way about him. I did set him up on a few dates just to see the smile on his face the morning after.

  “That’s a wonderful idea. I know a lot of our friends have drifted apart over the years. Invite whoever you want and let’s really give this summer the sendoff it deserves.” I remember fondly dancing around under the moonlight to the music playing with raucous laughter all around me.

  I didn’t rent a car, so it’s nice of Jake to offer to drive me on his special day to where Chloe and his baby boy, Quinn, are waiting for him.

  “You don’t look like you have aged a day. Where do you get the energy at almost 30years old?” he asks but continues before I can answer. “I can see that familiar fire in your eyes. I signed you up for a surfing competition tomorrow morning. Don’t worry; it’s just like riding a bike, you never forget how to ride once you’re back on a board.” I’m not sure how I feel about him meddling in my affairs, but I appreciate the effort.

  I look down at my trembling hands. “I’m not as young as I used to be. I might be a little rusty. What makes you think that I’m ready for something like this after almost 5 years of being domesticated?”

  The view is a breathless example of what Mother Nature is capable of. The church where the baptism is being held is someplace familiar for me. I spent many Sundays during my youth standing in the shadows, listening to the sermons. Those peaceful words of wisdom convinced me to live in the moment.

  “It’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how you play the game. The competitive spirit is still in you, begging to come out. Being an executive at an advertising agency has got to be rewarding in a different way, but this week is about slowing down and having fun. I have brought the entire family to this place and this is something I want to share with them. I’m so grateful to have one of my best friends attending. We have something to ask you, but there’s time for that later,” he hints with this little smirk on his face I find completely charming.

  The wind is blowing through my hair and I’m watching the gorgeous landscape stretch out before me until we arrive at this tiny little chapel, located right next to the ocean. There have been many baptisms here conducted by the same priest for the past 20 plus years.

  His hair is no longer jet black and there are streaks of gray in it, but his white collar is as pristine as ever. He has a few more wrinkles around his eyes and forehead.

  “I should’ve known we would be waiting for you. I’m so glad that you have come back to your roots. It has been a long time.” He wraps his arms around me, and I feel like the weight of the world is falling off of my shoulders.

  “It’s really nice to see you, Father Brown. Where has the time gone? It feels like it was only yesterday you were glaring at us from the church steps. I guess I should apologize for how we terrorized the neighborhood with our dirt bikes at night. We were just having fun. Those days are far behind me. I’ve become a productive member of society,” I explain in the hopes that he sees that I’m not the same careless and reckless child from back in the day.

  “April, I never doubted for one second that you would turn out great. Everything we do in life molds us into the person we are meant to be. Mistakes are a part of life that we learn from, and then we dust ourselves off and move forward.” He’s good at making me feel better and there’s no doubt his wise words of wisdom have been missed.

  The church looks the same, but in desperate need of a paint job to bring it back to its former glory. The steps are new, with the old ones most likely rotted from being too close to the ocean.

  I push back to see a crowd forming at the front of the church.

  One man stands out from the crowd. He looks uncomfortable and is constantly looking around for a way out. I can almost envision what he’s thinking. He’s never going to be a normal barbecue on the weekend kind of guy; his fight or flight instincts are always at odds. He reminds me of Jake, but there’s something compelling about him.

  Oh no; I’m in trouble. He has my complete attention and he hasn’t even said a single word. I don’t even know his name. He’s quite tall and imposing with bulging muscles, indicative of hitting the gym daily, but it’s his sparkling blue eyes that could make a girl do stupid things after a few stiff drinks.

  It’s a good thing I’m more mature than I was back then. It doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy the view from afar, though.

  Ch 2 – Gage

  The child looks exactly like his father. I don’t mind being close to him on his big day. He does look fresh and innocent, but I know those days are fleeting. It’s amazing how fast they grow up.

  I can only imagine what my mother went through when I told her that I was enlisting. She cried and begged me not to go, but I insisted that I had to do this with my friends.

  It’s been many years since her death and I still think about the hell I put her through. My childhood made for some very scary times in her life. Raising me alone wasn’t easy when my father decided to cut and leave us in the middle of the night, when I was barely four years old.

  She worked two jobs to make ends meet. I never had the chance to thank her for all of her hard work. Her sacrifice was something I took for granted.

  “I know you want to be anywhere else but here; this isn’t exactly your kind of thing. You’ve been there for us and I’m grateful for you showing up when we needed you the most. There’s no reason to blush. What you did touched the both of us,” Chloe says, while rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet with the child nestled in her arms.

  “I didn’t do anything special,” I say, humbled by her words.

  “Don’t be so modest. Taking me to the hospital and bringing this child into the world in the backseat of a taxi is something I’m never going to forget. I don’t know if anybody else would have done the same in your shoes. I’ve been trying to come up with the right words for months now. Just know that you’ve proven there are still a couple of good ones left,” she praises but I dismiss it with a wave, which she doesn’t take kindly.

  “You not only brought the child into the world, but you put up with my pregnancy cravings in the middle of the night. It couldn’t have been easy to find a jar of pickles at midnight,” she says with gratitude before joining the priest and Jake at the water where he is about to conduct the ceremony.

  I see her out of the corner of my eye watching me, and I feel a little self-conscious, like I have something in my teeth. She’s quite sexy, and I remember Jake talking about one of his best friends coming to visit. He made it sound like she was a tomboy always getting into trouble, but this woman is a breath of fresh air.

  I can’t even imagine her climbing trees and getting into trouble with the other boys.

  The temperature outside has nothing to do with the reason why I’m getting a little hot under the collar. The humidity isn’t the only reason why my clothes are sticking to me like a second skin.

  Father Brown raises his hand, and everybody becomes silent. “Today is the day that we welcome another addition into his flock. Quinn is a child of God, born in his image,” he preaches, and we follow the pied piper to the edge of the water.

  “I heard what Chloe had to say; that was a selfless act of bravery. Where in the world did you get a jar of pickles at that hour?” April asks in this whisper nobody else can hear.

t tell her, but I bothered her neighbors by knocking on their doors until somebody answered. I had the police show up, but they were rather amused by my plight to find pickles at midnight. It’s a good thing one of the neighbors took pity on me,” I tell her the condensed tale without going into any great detail.

  “Not every man would have gone to those lengths for somebody else’s family. She might be right about you being one of the good ones. I commend you for going above and beyond the call of duty. Is there a reason why you agreed to be a surrogate husband?”

  “I never looked at it like that. He was my friend first, and then I met her through him. I felt it was my duty to watch over her when he was on assignment. Usually, I am with him in the thick of things, but on this particular detail I stayed back. I don’t harbor feelings for her; I know that’s probably something you might have wondered like everybody else,” I say defensively, but she has her hands raised in mock surrender.

  “The thought didn’t even cross my mind,” she mentions while we are taking a few steps closer to where the ceremony is already in progress.

  That fresh face of innocence is something I’ve seen in a different way. War has its own form of casualties, sometimes with children getting caught in the crossfire. There’s no way to desensitize yourself from that kind of violence. Those that do are no longer human. I still hold onto a vestige of my humanity by a thread.

  I’m only a few feet away from her, but still have this feeling of wanting to get closer. April is the perfect name for someone with her beauty. This is my first time seeing her, yet I feel drawn to her like a bee to honey.

  “Jake tells me you have been surfing most of your childhood. I’ve been known to pick up a surfboard from time to time,” I lie through my teeth, but the words are already out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop myself.

  “It just so happens that Jake has signed me up for a competition tomorrow morning. I could use any pointers that you can give me. Why don’t you come over to my place? I rented this place by the water and I have an extra surfboard; we can make a day of it,” she offers with her hands touching my bicep through the white starched shirt.

  There’s no backing out now and I can’t graciously decline without making it look suspicious.

  “I haven’t been on a surfboard in a couple of years,” I say with this need to have her all to myself.

  “I’m probably just as rusty as you are. This baptism reminds me of those carefree days when I was young and impulsive. I gave my mother gray hairs with many broken bones, not including the cuts and bruises. I thought she was being overprotective, but I now realize she was just being a mother. I should get in touch with my relatives; it’s been quite some time since we have reconnected. I guess you lose touch after a while when life becomes too busy,” she replies, and I can’t take my eyes off the swell of her breasts in that fabulous white dress, perfect for the weather.

  I think about it and I can’t remember the last time I reached out to my uncle. He has always been my biggest supporter and he’s proud of me for making a real difference in the world. I fondly remember the time spent with him in his cabin in the middle of nowhere. I learned survival skills long before I stepped foot into the military.

  “I know what you mean. Life sometimes gets in the way. We forget to take the time for what’s important.” I look at the child and I see the future of tomorrow in his eyes.

  “We are having an old-fashioned bonfire with a corn boil tonight on the beach. I want to invite you before anybody else has the chance to. It’s going to be fun. It’s nice to let down your hair and do something completely crazy. Don’t be surprised if you find me dancing naked around the bonfire tonight,” she teases.

  “Now that is something I definitely wouldn’t want to miss; you’re on,” I quickly reply.

  It does sound like fun and I can’t remember the last time I had what some people would call a huge summer blowout. I’m not much for seafood, but fresh mussels with garlic butter dipping sauce sure hits the spot.

  “I will make sure to bring plenty of butter. It’s got to be dripping in it for me to enjoy it. Add a little bit of salt and pepper and I’m in heaven.” My mouth is watering and I’m thinking about the sumptuous feast underneath that dress, begging for the satisfying hand of a military man.

  She punches my arm. “I’m glad we met. It’s not every day I find a fellow surfing enthusiast. I’ve lost touch with my surfer buddies over the years. It’s not uncommon for people who were friends as children to drift apart. I have a good feeling about you.”

  Ch 3 – April

  “OOH, are you alright? That one looked like it hurt,” I ask as Gage face-plants again.

  I have never seen a person crash and burn that many times with a smile on their face. He doesn’t have to say it; I already know he has never been on a surfboard. I do find his attempt to learn new things quite telling about his character.

  He fell off more times than he was actually on it, but he looks like he is having the time of his life. It’s a little infectious to hear him laughing every time the waves crash into him. He comes up spluttering, with his chest heaving and those muscles rippling from the effort.

  “I have a confession to make. This is my first time on a surfboard, but it won’t be the last. I never knew how much balance and concentration it took to surf. There is a lot of skill involved,” he expresses with the water dripping off his perfect broad shoulders and tan chest.

  I’m sitting here admiring his lack of form. There’s something refreshing about seeing it through somebody else’s eyes for the first time.

  The ice age of my romantic life is slowly thawing underneath his hot stare and I am sure glad that I have a private beach just outside of my rental home.

  “It’s a good thing it doesn’t require a lot of thinking, I have forgotten what it’s like to let everything go. Time continues to move forward, and we need to take chances. Regrets can make you look back and realize that you should have done something when you had the opportunity,” I finish speaking and he’s leaning forward about to kiss me.

  I could easily put my finger to his lips to stop him, but I can’t bring myself to do it. His lips are soft and warm as they gently press to mine with this inviting aphrodisiac to do something out of character. My days of being fancy-free and sleeping around are supposed to be over. But...there’s nothing I can do about this overwhelming need for satisfaction bottled up inside of me.

  I lie back in the sand with the sun just peeking over his shoulder. We have a few hours before the corn boil and my body craves feeling him touch me. It’s yearning for a single moment of unrestrained passion. As he sensually kisses me again, his hand moves down into the waistband of my board shorts to find that I’m already soaking wet for him.

  “I can stop if that’s what you’s not what I want. The only thing I have been thinking about all day is kissing you like that. Once was never going to be enough,” he stresses with one finger tracing the wetness of my slit.

  I grab his wrist, but it’s not to stop him. “This is my vacation and what happens at the beach house stays at the beach house. I got the idea to rent this place when I received photographs from the wedding on the beach. Shane and Amber looked really happy. I miss that kind of undying devotion in my life.”

  His hand is on the back of my neck and he gently releases my breast from the captivity of my bikini top. I’m at the mercy of his piercing blue eyes and I feel open to his raw, animalistic gaze. There’s something about the way he looks at me that turns me into someone I don’t recognize.

  She has always been there, but it takes someone like Gage to bring her back to life.

  The kiss is hot and fueled by the way that my libido is expressing itself. I’m able to trace his nipples with my fingernails before lightly flicking them to make him groan in protest. I’m not looking to make a grown man cry unless it’s a feral scream of approval.

  His finger returns to my lower lips and is moving back and forth at a stea
dy pace until he plunges knuckle-deep inside of me. I’m facing my biggest temptation to date and I don’t want to be the good girl everybody is counting on. I grind against him with the palm of his hand rubbing my mound. He has reawakened my inner desires to those sensations crawling over my skin. I lie there, shaking, with my feet kicking against the sand.

  “You really shouldn’t have done that. I should have warned you, but it’s too late to go back.” I jump on top of him and straddle his waist with my hands firmly on his chest.

  The board shorts are soaking wet as a reminder of the orgasm that reached down deep inside of me. I’ve become the woman from the past. It’s easy to scratch him lightly before reaching into his black swim trunks to feel the heat of his masculine piece of dynamite getting ready to explode.

  “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” he asks with no real conviction.

  I shake my head back and forth until I am tugging on the waistband with my teeth to reveal the periscope of his excitement.

  I grab it between my crimson lips to taste the indulgence of the first droplets. It’s sticky and sweet at the same time. This isn’t like me. I don’t do things like this back in the real world. It’s the reason why I have to cast aside any doubts. The pleasure of being with a man who knows how to touch me in the right way is too hard to resist.

  It would be that way for any woman.

  Inch by inch it comes into view, until I see the magnitude of what I’m getting myself into. It’s impressive and quite daunting to my eyes which are bugging out of my skull. I curl my digits, with my blood-red nails barely touching the other side. My mouth opens and I drool hotly down the length of his manhood until he is slippery wet.

  “I think you should just lie there and enjoy what’s going to happen.” My mouth takes him into the heated oven of my persuasion until only a couple of inches remain.


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