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Dragon Breeder 3

Page 5

by Dante King

Saya started bucking more and more forcefully against Elenari’s hand, grinding hard against her, forcing her back into the corner of the spa bath.

  “That’s it, that’s where I want it, right there,” the blonde warrior muttered into the other woman’s ear, all the while looking at me. Her motions became jerkier, even more forceful. Elenari grunted and gasped as Saya crushed her inexorably into the corner of the tub, but continued frigging the woman under the hot, soapy water.

  Suddenly, Saya convulsed, the muscles in her back standing and writhing. She let out a soft little whimpering scream of pleasure. Then she relaxed into the bath, easing away from the red-headed elf, and grinning at me.

  “Now,” the Amazonian said, her ice-blue eyes glittering with bad behavior yet to be done, “it’s the turn of our good, sweet elf here.”

  With no warning, Saya hoisted Elenari up out of the bath and sat her on the edge of the sunken tub. She spread the elf’s unresisting legs so that the supple Elenari was almost doing the splits on the edge of the tub. Elenari inhaled sharply, as water ran down the planes of her flat stomach and over her wide open, eager, bright pink sex.

  “I know you only flew in to deliver that message,” Saya whispered, her lips almost brushing the elf’s pelvis, her breath tickling at the opening of her box, “but you still look a little stressed.”

  “I’m very, very tense,” breathed Elenari, smiling as she said the words.

  “I think that this general area could do with some close attention then,” Saya said, and pulled Elenari’s crotch hard up against her face.

  Saya instantly went to work, tonguing and slurping at Elenari’s slit while the other woman ground her pelvis into the blonde bombshell’s face. She had pulled herself up onto the step below the edge of the deep tub so that she could more adequately feast on the panting elf.

  I had the best seat in the house. Sitting at the other end of the capacious tub. Hot water up to my neck. Saya’s swimsuit model ass right in front of me, wet and shining.

  I reached out and gave her backside a playful swat. Saya gasped but carried on working on Elenari with her tongue and lips.

  It did not take long, a few minutes at most, before I couldn’t take it anymore. Happily, this feeling coincided with Elenari breathlessly saying, “Get in here, Mike, please! This is… this is wonderful, but it could be so much better. So much hotter.”

  I surged up out of the water and, in one smooth motion, grabbed Saya by her hips and thrust into her gaping, dripping sex from behind.

  With that insertion, a surging tingle of connection flowed through me, from the tip of my cock all the way to the ends of my hair and toes. It was a feeling that I couldn’t really quantify, but I had never felt the likes of it before.

  Saya cried out in ecstasy as I began pumping away at her doggy-style, my balls slapping into her clit with a pornographic wet smacking sound. With every stroke, her face was forced into Elenari’s crotch. Soon, all three of us were grunting and gasping like we were running some sort of epic marathon.

  The weird energy that I had felt on first entering Saya had morphed into the more identifiable feeling of a need that required fulfillment. It was building and building and building.

  At one point, Saya reached back with both hands and spread her asscheeks so that I could penetrate her as deeply as possible. I took the hint and started fucking her with a renewed vim and vigor.

  “Wait, wait, I’m close, I’m close!” Elenari suddenly cried out after a while. “Mike come here and finish me off!”

  I didn’t need to be told twice.

  I pulled out of Saya, the blonde dragonmancer moving obediently aside, while Elenari lay back on the tiled floor. She was still on the edge of the sunken tub, but being a dragonmancer, the coldness and hardness of the surface did nothing to dull her sexual appetite. She opened her legs wide and pointed them at the ceiling.

  I grabbed the elf’s ankles, forced her legs as wide as they would go, and speared her with my cock. It took only a few minutes of furious fucking on my part before Elenari started moaning. Then, as I thrust into her, she abruptly convulsed and screamed a couple of times in pure unadulterated satisfaction.

  I pulled out, and a gush of liquid followed my cock as Elenari came like a storm cloud bursting.

  It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen. Elenari’s face was screwed up, as she inhabited that middle world that lay between intense pleasure and delicious pain.

  I turned my head, at the touch of hands on my shoulders, and saw that Saya was right behind me.

  “Fuck me,” she said simply.

  I gave my head a little shake.

  “Not here,” I said in a hoarse voice, which was thick with longing. “Back in the room. After we climax, I want us to be comfortable in our own space, not worried about someone walking in on us.”

  Saya didn’t waste words. Instead, she hopped out of the bath, grabbed our towels, and headed for the door.

  I scooped up the still prostrate form of the orgasming elf and followed.

  Saya was ready when I kicked the door to the dorm open.

  The fire was burning in the middle of the room. The torches glowed. I placed Elenari on the enormous and comfortable velvet sofa that lined one side of the sunken fire pit, and then Saya launched herself at me.

  She was certainly the more heavily built of the pair; all hard muscle, chiseled abs, and arms that would have put any pro female UFC heavyweight to shame. However, that didn’t stop her from springing at me like a cougar and wrapping her legs around me.

  With a grunt, I caught her slippery naked body. I felt her nails rake my shoulders in the throes of her passion. As Elenari watched contentedly from the sofa, I managed to wrangle Saya into a position that allowed us to come together, and my cock slipped inside her.

  With my hands full of ass, I pressed Saya up against the rough stone wall, pounding into her with a savagery that she clearly delighted in. Her long, blonde hair, wet with bathwater, slapped into my face as she lunged in to kiss my neck and face like a striking cobra. Her nails dug into my back as I spun her around. We knocked a shelf full of armor polish, ancient arrowheads, and military books clean off the wall.

  “Fuck, yes!” Saya grunted, her lips mashed against mine. “That’s it. Don’t fuck me like a man. Fuck me like a dragonmancer!”

  We teetered around on the spot and smashed an innocent side table to splinters. With the impact, a surge of animal satisfaction passed through me, vibrating through every cell of me. It was far from unpleasant. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and the skin along Saya’s buttocks and legs turned to gooseflesh under my palms.

  What made sex with these two women so electric was that, somewhere, behind our human emotions and human needs, lurked the dragon.

  Saya and I smashed our way around our dorm room, while Elenari lay exhausted and content on the sofa and watched us, her fingers toying casually with her own nipples or, occasionally, her pussy.

  Eventually, I put Saya down on one of the sideboards and pounded into her with that single-minded intensity that can only lead to one outcome. The blonde dragonmancer’s hands were behind her head and pressed flat against the stone wall. Her eyes were screwed shut in rapture as we fucked, her fingers digging into the mortar of the wall itself.

  When my pumping pace had reached an unsustainable velocity, Saya arched her back.

  “Yes!” she screamed and, at the exact same moment as her, I came. There was a crunch as I pressed her up against the stone wall so hard that part of the block behind her actually crumbled away. Both of us, however, were too far gone to care about that.

  Saya pushed backward—an almost involuntary spasm—from the wall. Such was the unbridled strength of the shove, that the two of us were sent reeling backward and flopped over the back of the sofa and landed sprawled next to Elenari.

  It took more than a little while for the beating of our hearts to return to their resting rates, and a couple of seconds more for Saya to unhook her an
kles from around my ears. When that was done, all three of us sank as deeply into the enormous velvet sofa as we could, breathing heavily.

  Sweat tracked down my chest, running down my pectorals to take the path of least resistance down my breastbone. My face was flushed with the passion and intensity of what the three of us had just enjoyed.

  Saya’s leg was draped over my thigh. Our two limbs glued together with sweat and other bodily fluids. Her bright blonde hair was stuck across her gorgeous face, a few strands dark with perspiration and bath water, her forget-me-not eyes shining contentedly in the light of the fire burning in the central hearth.

  Elenari got up, prowled nimbly over to her bed, and grabbed a couple of blankets. She tossed one to Saya, who flung it over both her and as much of me as it would cover. Elenari then snuggled into the far corner of the sofa.

  “That was…” I said, my dopamine-soaked brain struggling to put the experience into coherent syllables. “That was really… That was really something.”

  Saya cracked a bright white smile at me.

  “Your eloquence never ceases to dazzle me, Mike,” she chuckled tiredly. “You know, you’re lucky you’re so easy on the eye.”

  “Ouch!” I said, clutching my hand to my chest, as if I’d been struck in the heart by a crossbow bolt. “You really know how to treat ‘em mean to keep ‘em keen, don’t you, gorgeous?”

  I reached under the blanket and gave Saya’s incredibly toned ass a pinch. The blonde warrior squeaked and wriggled a little.

  “You know, Michael Noctis,” she said, when she had settled back down. “I think… I think I’m ready to help bear you another dragonling. What we have—what the three of us share, it is special, yes?”

  “I reckon so,” I said gently. In a vivid flash of sudden recollection, I recalled how I had been on my way to meet a Tinder date on the day that the thief had my phone stolen and ended up running into Elenari. On the day that all of this had started.

  How casual, inconsequential, and hollow those relationships back on Earth felt to me now. No doubt it was because the women that I had met since that day had turned out to be some of the most intimidating, accomplished, badass females that I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

  “I too wish to bear you another dragonling, Mike,” Elenari said, slicing neatly into my reminiscences. “That is why this mission, this sojourn into the Subterranean Realms, must not fail.”

  “We have to succeed,” Saya seconded. “You have to succeed.”

  I looked at the two gorgeous women lying sprawled on the sofa. Elenari, with her elfin, almost pixie-like grace, which belied a fierce savagery underneath. Saya, as muscled, fit, and intimidating as any Valkyrie, who could tear a man in two and then drop you with a softly spoken word.

  “Don’t fret,” I said with a vehemence that steeled my bones and sinews, “I’m not going to fail. How could I, with you guys watching my back?”

  Elenari placed a hand on Saya’s shoulder. Saya reached up and squeezed it.

  “Besides,” I said, “as much as I’m doing this for the continuation of dragons as a whole and the good of the Mystocean Empire, there’s something more important to that. At least to me. If I don’t go into those goddamn Subterranean Realms… well, Wayne needs us to triumph and complete our mission.”

  The fire crackled and popped as the crumbling logs shifted position.

  As I stared into the flames, I thought about the upcoming mission and the events that had brought me to this point. I pondered everything that had happened to get us to this point.

  “Hey,” I said, after a minute or two of cogitation, “whatever happened with that woman?”

  “What woman?” Elenari asked in a quiet voice as she stared unblinkingly into the fire.

  ”The woman who we saw fleeing that night. The woman who dropped the crystal. The one the Bloodletters were hunting in Drakereach.”

  “No one has been able to find out anything about her,” Saya said, in her no-nonsense way. “Sergeant Milena and Lieutenant Kaleen sent out trackers, from what I hear, but none of them were able to turn up anything.”

  This vexed me. Sergeant Milena and her twin, Lieutenant Kaleen, were two of the most capable women employed by the Drako Academy. They would have sent out their most skilled trackers, I was sure of that. If they had not been able to find anything—nothing at all—then there was definitely more to that mysterious woman than had met the eye.

  “And the Bloodletters haven’t reared their heads at all?” I asked—a little pointlessly, as Elenari and Saya would have told me if there had been even a whiff of them.

  “Nothing,” Elenari affirmed.

  Saya stretched her legs and groaned. The feel of her bare, silky thighs rubbing against my own was almost enough to have my flag flying at half-mast within a second.

  “Let’s not talk shop right now,” she said. “This could be the last day we get to spend together for gods know how long. Let’s enjoy it.”

  “Sound advice,” I said.

  I swallowed and glanced over to my bed. The time had come to do something that I had been delaying for the past few weeks. Except, now that it was here, I was visited by a slight and unfamiliar wave of apprehension.

  Still, it was better to face those things that made you feel like that, rather than live with them breathing on your neck for a second longer than was necessary.

  I got up, lifted a grumbling Saya’s legs from off me, and padded over to my bed. I reached under the mattress and retrieved the two objects that I had purchased and stowed there after purchasing them from the gnoll merchant, Big Greasy.

  “What are you doing, Mike?” Elenari called sleepily. “Get back here, will you?”

  “I’m coming,” I said. Clutching one object in each hand, I strode back over and dropped without ceremony onto my knees in front of the sofa.

  Hell, I figured that if you had to get down on one knee for one woman, it made sense that you had to drop onto both knees for two.

  “Ladies,” I said, holding out the golden rings, one in each hand, “you’ve come to mean a lot to me over the past few months. The shit we’ve been through together… Well, let’s just say that we’ve passed through more adversity and more danger, had to solve more problems, and fight our way out of more corners than most people do in ten lifetimes. You’re a pair of the most badass, determined, phenomenal women that I have ever met.”

  “Mike, are you asking the two of us to marry you?” Elenari asked softly, her eyes wide and shining.

  I held up a hand, trying to communicate that she shouldn’t slow my roll just then. I had the feeling that if I stopped, my words would get bottle-necked in my head and all tangled up and I’d blow this moment.

  “I know that this might not exactly be the classic proposal that girls dream of—I’m sure the guy normally has more clothes on for one thing—but nothing about the bond that exists between the three of us strikes me as conventional, so I thought why start now. All I know is that the two of you accepted me without question when I arrived.”

  Saya snorted. Smiled at me kindly from where she lay on the sofa like some sort of goddess of war or lust.

  “Well, yeah, okay, maybe Saya voiced an objection or two,” I laughed, “but only for a second, if my memory serves me right.”

  The girls laughed too.

  “I just wanted to show you that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” I continued. “I appreciate everything we’ve shared—as damned crazy as some of it has been. And I can’t think of two better people to help raise my offspring with. We’re a goddamn force of nature, ladies, and these rings are to show you that I’m all in. If you’ll have me, of course?”

  I’d done my research, and unlike America, polygamy was legal in the Mystocean Empire.

  “Yes,” Elenari said simply.

  “Yes,” Saya echoed. “You won’t be getting rid of me anytime soon, Mike Noctis.”

  Elenari and Saya held out their hands without uttering another word. Wh
ether it was because there was no need to say anything, or because they were a little choked up, I could not say.

  A feeling of warm relief washed through my insides at the women’s answers. I realized, then, that I had been more nervous than I might have cared to admit. I didn’t have to be a hundred-dollar an hour psychiatrist to see that, in a life in which my closest relationships had been instigated through Tinder, I had come to care deeply for Saya and Elenari. Their words had filled me with gratification and delight, certainly, but it was what I saw shining in their eyes that really cut to the core of me; it was the reciprocation of my feelings for them.

  I got to my feet and slipped the rings on to the outstretched hands of the two women, wrapped only in the blankets that the elf had taken from her bed. The golden bands gleamed in the light of the fluttering torch flames burning on the walls.

  “Phew,” I said, pretending to dash away perspiration from my brow with the back of my arm. “I’m sure glad you ladies said yes.”

  “Was there ever really any doubt that we wouldn’t?” Elenari asked, smiling crookedly, her bright jade eyes gleaming like emeralds reflecting the firelight.

  “You weren’t that nervous were you, Mike?” Saya teased. After our recent exertion, her muscles were etched in her tanned skin like they had been carved in oak. “Surely a big, brave dragonmancer like you—”

  “A man who is fast gaining a reputation as one of the biggest and baddest,” Elenari cut in, poking fun at me further.

  “Surely, a dragonmancer like that doesn’t get nervous about anything?” Saya finished, with an innocent smile that convinced no one.

  I feigned as much nonchalance as a stark-naked dude could and sat down on the sofa. “Had you said no, I might have been able to find another pair of women blind enough to marry me,” I said with theatrical composure. “But I’d have lost a lot of scales in the process. I’ve already put a deposit on a huge buffet from Old Sleazy. You know what that guy is like. The amount of scales I paid him was practically highway robbery.”

  Elenari tilted back her pretty head and laughed, while Saya grabbed a sofa cushion and threw it at my head.


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