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The Cowboy Way

Page 7

by Stevens, Melissa

  Levi secured her overnight bag to the rack on the front with a bungee cord, then stepped on first, then Mariah climbed up behind him, letting out a big sigh as her butt touched the seat. Too tired to worry about being inappropriate, she just wrapped her arms around his waist, laid her cheek against his back, closed her eyes and held on while he started the bike and drove them to the main house.

  He pulled the ATV to a stop and killed the engine, but Mariah didn't want to move. Levi was solid and safe and she wanted to stay just like this for a while. She kept her eyes closed a moment soaking in how safe and right she felt sitting there in the dark with him.

  "Mariah?" Levi said after a minute, his voice soft and careful. "You okay?"

  She sighed, opened her eyes and pulled away, climbing off the bike. "Yeah, I just wasn't ready for the moment to pass."

  "I'm sorry." He dismounted. "Come on, I'll show you your room."

  She looked up at the big house with several windows lit and wondered what it would have been like to have grown up in a house like this.

  Chapter 17

  Levi led Mariah into the house and took a good look at her in the light. It had been impossible to miss how she'd started shaking before they'd reached the dining hall and the ATV. Now he wanted to be sure that she wasn't going into shock. She looked tired otherwise, not too bad. He hoped a good night's sleep would help.

  "Bedrooms are upstairs if you're ready for that or we can sit down and watch some tv, maybe have a snack, if you'd like."

  "Tv would be good. I'm not quite ready to go to bed yet." She paused and looked around. "I'm afraid I'll dream about it if I sleep now."

  Her voice went soft on the last and he barely caught it. He thought she would dream about it either way but if it made her feel better to watch tv they could do that.

  He got her settled in on the sofa, remoted the tv on for her then handed her the clicker.

  "Pick something." He didn't care what they watched, if it had been up to him he would probably turn on the radio and relax to that for a little while before heading to bed. The only reason he kept satellite service was because he knew the guests would expect it.

  "What do you like?" She looked up at him, uncertain.

  "I'm not picky. Watch whatever you want." He pulled a blanket from the back of his recliner, where his mother had always kept one for his father before they'd moved out and left the place to him, and tucked it around her legs. Grabbing one of the throw pillows, he used it to prop her injured ankle up on the coffee table. "Want something to drink?"

  Mariah stared at him a moment as if his words didn't make sense.

  "Coffee, tea, water, soda, I think I even have some milk. Do you want something?"

  "Hot or cold tea?"

  "I'm sure there's some in the fridge, but I have some hot teas as well, would you like me to fix you some?"

  "I wouldn't want to impose." Her gaze flicked back to the tv. "You've done so much already and now I'm invading your home."

  "You're not invading, you're welcome here." She didn't seem to be listening so he stepped between her and the tv then bent so they were eye to eye. "You're more than welcome here. Now, I'm pretty sure I have mint, earl grey and chamomile tea, which would you like?"

  "Chamomile please." Her gaze dropped to her lap.

  Levi hated to see that. He wanted to see her fire, her spark, but it seemed to be dampened, at least for the evening. He hoped that a little distance from what had happened, and a good night's rest, would solve that.

  "I'll just be in the kitchen. If you need something just call out." He waited until she'd glanced at him and nodded before leaving the room.

  In the kitchen he put a kettle of water on the stove to heat, then went to the fridge. He wanted to grab a beer and take a load off, but all things considered, decided alcohol wasn't the best thing for tonight. The men with Sheppard, and Sheppard himself, had had more than a little to drink and Levi was afraid the smell of alcohol on him might keep her from feeling safe. That was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

  With a sigh, he took a Coke from the shelf, popped it open and took a long pull. Caffeine wasn't a great idea this late, but he suspected he wouldn't be sleeping much anyway. While he waited for the water to heat, he got down the rest of the things he'd need and set them on the counter, tea cup and saucer, he dropped the tea bag into the cup then set a small spoon on the edge of the saucer. He'd always thought saucers for tea cups were a bit silly, then he'd started drinking tea and found they were a handy place for the tea bag, so he'd started using them. He still felt his grandmother's dainty tea cups were out of place in his rough hands so more often than not he used a mug. For Mariah, she got one of his grandmother's cups.

  His mother had shaken her head at him, telling him only heathens use tea bags, he should be using only loose leaf teas. He didn't have the patience for that, nor did he care enough. Hot tea was a low caffeine, or caffeine free replacement for coffee on cool evenings when he was chilled after spending most of the day outside in the elements.

  Having it on hand when Mariah could use it was an added bonus. The water was almost to a boil when Levi lifted the kettle off the flame and filled the cup. After shutting off the stove, he put the tea cup and honey on a tray and carried them into the living room.

  "Here you are. I just poured it so you'll want to let it steep for a moment." He set the tray on the coffee table a little ways from where her foot was still propped up. "I wasn't sure if you wanted honey, so I brought that too."

  "Great, thank you."

  He pulled a small table from near his recliner and set it where she could reach without moving her foot or bending too much, then put the tea cup and honey on it, leaving the tray on the coffee table.

  "How's your ice pack? Does it need more ice?"

  She pulled the bag away from her face and squeezed it a couple times. "It'll probably need it before bed, but it's okay for now." She frowned at him. "You've been working all day. Sit down and rest and stop waiting on me."

  "I just want to make sure you have everything you need."

  "I'm fine. Sit." She patted the cushion beside her. He looked at the couch a moment then sat in his recliner.

  She'd turned on The Food Network and was watching a red-headed woman who looked to be in her early forties make fried chicken, mashed potatoes and he wasn't sure what else. The program went to commercial break and he fought the urge to get up and do something. He didn't know what but he was restless and needed to move. His need to move seemed to make Mariah uncomfortable so he stayed where he was.

  "Why didn't you sit over here?" Her voice was so soft he almost didn't hear it.

  Levi turned to watch her a moment.

  "This is where I always sit."


  It was a simple word, but the lost look on her face and her disappointed tone told him she'd been wanting him to sit next to her.

  "I didn't want to crowd you. You had enough of that earlier and I don't want you to think I'm doing anything of the kind."

  "You wouldn't. I know that. I'm just a little lonely and I feel better when you're close." A shiver run though her. "I guess I'm a little cold too. You're warm." She'd taken off his jacket at the door and other than the blanket over her lap he hadn't thought much about it. The house was plenty warm, but now he realized her chill was probably coming from the inside. Pushing himself to his feet he went to the couch and sat beside her. She leaned over against him and after a moment's hesitation, he wrapped his arm round her shoulders and held her against his side.



  The commercial break was over and the program came back on. Levi turned his attention back to that and tried not to think about the woman curled against him, nor the instincts deep inside telling him to protect her, to keep her, she was his.

  Chapter 18

  Her face throbbed, but the ice was helping. The warmth of the tea spread through her as she sipped it and that helped. But what made Maria
h feel the most better was the man beside her. Levi had come to her rescue. He'd stopped Sheppard and his band of creepy minions from doing what they'd planned and now he was doing everything he could to make her feel better, to make sure she felt safe. That alone made her feel warm and gooey inside, at least toward him.

  Sheppard and his minions? They could fall off the face of the earth and she'd cheer.

  A shiver ran through her again.

  "Still cold?" Levi's arm tightened, pulling her a little more snugly against him. The tv was playing in front of them, usually one of her favorite programs, The Pioneer Woman, but tonight it couldn't hold her attention.

  "Not really. Just thinking."

  "I'm sorry. I should have been more alert."

  "No. It's not your fault." She shook her head, her face rubbing against the soft cotton of his shirt. She liked that feeling, the warmth of him beneath her cheek, the faint scent of leather and horse and beneath that the musky scent of him. It was odd, she knew, especially after tonight, but the combination of scents made some of the tension and fear slip away. "I knew them better than you and I had no clue what they were planning."

  "I didn't want to go into this tonight, but since you brought it up, I'm going to be reporting the incident to the sheriff, but it will be up to you if you want to press charges. You're the one he hit."

  Panic raced through her.

  "I don't know." She started unseeing at the tv. "If I press charges then I'll be out of a job. Without the job I can't pay rent."

  "If you don't press charges, nothing happens and he'll do this to someone else." Levi clamped his lips shut and she got the impression he hadn't meant to say that. "Look. Either way, do you want to go back to working for someone who would do this to you?" He ran a soft finger along the edge of the unbruised side of her jaw.

  Mariah bit back her reply, she didn't work directly for him anyway. She knew it was just an excuse. And Levi was right. Did she really want to continue working for someone who would corner a woman, threaten gang rape then hit her when she fought back? She wondered for a moment if he'd planned this from the beginning. Was it possibly the reason she'd been included on the trip? How many times had he gotten away with it before? She shivered again and her breath came out ragged as tears streaked down her face and she bit back a sob.

  "Hey, hey." Levi's voice was soft as his arm around her shoulders reassured her that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. "It will be okay. You don't have to make any decisions tonight, just think about it for a while."

  She nodded and buried her face against his shirt, taking solace in his scent and the warm strength of his arm around her.

  "I don't know what I'm going to do," she said, her cheek resting on his chest. "I don't want to see them in the morning."

  "Not to worry. They're all leaving first thing in the morning. They're no longer welcome on my property." He shifted a little and used his free hand to pull the phone from his pocket. He opened his texting app and Mariah closed her eyes, her head still resting on his chest while she listened to the television. A new show had come on, but she didn't care, it was something to take her mind off the ache of her face and her chest. She never would have thought when she got off the plane in Wyoming that she would dread having to go back to Los Angeles, now she did.

  Chapter 19

  As she told him she didn't want to see the men who'd attacked her again, Levi remembered he needed to make arrangements to get them off his property and to the airport. If they had to spend three days in Casper waiting for a plane to take them out of there, he didn't give a shit, as long as they were off his property and well away from Mariah. He used the arm not around her, took his phone from his shirt pocket and typed out a text to Billy. He asked the younger man, who was his best hand, to make sure all four men were packed, loaded and off his ranch by eight the next morning. He knew he should take care of it himself, but he didn't trust himself not to beat the shit out of them all before he dropped them off. Besides, he didn't want to leave Mariah long enough to make the trip.

  Problem? came the reply.

  I'll explain tomorrow, he sent back, not wanting to have to explain the whole thing over text and he certainly wasn't going to call and talk about it with Mariah sitting right here.

  What about the girl?

  She's staying. I'll explain later.

  Yes, sir. Let me know if you need anything else. There was a few minute pause then one last message came in. Anything you want me to pick up while I'm in Casper?

  Levi couldn't think of anything off hand, when he looked down at Mariah to ask if she wanted anything he found her breathing shallow and even. She'd fallen asleep. He took a deep breath, glad she was resting and sent Billy one last message.

  I'll let you know. Once the message was sent he sent a couple other messages, letting Lewis know he didn't have to make breakfast the next morning. He waited a few more minutes in case there was a reply, then pocketed his phone again. Picking up the remote from Mariah's limp hand he changed the channel. There had to be something better on than the perky blonde making something he'd never think about eating and smiling too much.

  Chapter 20

  Mariah was trapped. Sheppard, Frost and Gould surrounded her. Her face hurt and she couldn't move. Something was holding her down. She fought. She had to get away. She had to get away.

  "It's okay. It's over. You're all right." A voice slowly penetrated the panic clouding her mind. "Mariah, wake up. It's just a nightmare."

  A nightmare. She was sleeping. She struggled and after a moment, she opened her eyes. She remembered now, the doctor, the tv and falling asleep on the sofa with Levi.

  "There you are." His voice was soft and comforting. "Better now?"

  She nodded, not having what it took to speak, not quite yet. She scanned the room and realized they were still on the sofa. The tv still flickering on the far wall. She wondered how long they'd been there.

  "W-" she had to swallow and try again. "What time is it?"

  "A little after midnight. You were asleep for a little over an hour." He tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Can I get you anything? Do you want a drink?"

  Mariah shook her head she didn't want him to leave. It was him, here, holding her that made her feel better. Without him the panic and fear would overwhelm her. She grabbed a handful of his shirt to keep him from leaving.

  "Stay, please."

  His hand covered hers, but he didn't make her let go or try to pull away.

  "I'm not going anywhere, little one. I'm right here." He cupped her head and dropped a light kiss on top of her hair. "Why don't you close your eyes and think of something else, something happy? I'll be right here if you need me."

  She closed her eyes and did what he said, tried to think of something happy. Oddly, the only thing that came to mind was being here, wrapped in his arms, and the idea that maybe, just maybe he would kiss her.

  * * *

  The next time she woke, Mariah was alone on the couch. The television was off and sun shone in the windows leaving squares of sunlight on the polished wood floors. She pushed herself into a seated position and looked around, wondering where Levi had gone. The scent of coffee drifted in from the kitchen, making her mouth water. She pushed herself to her feet, wincing as she first put weight on her sore ankle, and let her nose lead her toward her addiction.

  "Hey," Levi said as she stepped in the kitchen doorway. "I was trying to stay quiet so I wouldn't wake you."

  "You did. It wasn't you it was the smell of the coffee, I think." She moved toward him.

  "You want a cup?"


  "How do you want it?"

  "A little cream, no sugar."

  "Coming right up. Have a seat." He spun to pull a mug from the cabinet. "And put that foot up. You're supposed to be staying off it."

  "Yes, Mother." She sat at the table and propped her foot up on a vinyl covered chair that was older than she was and suspected, older than her parents. Looking a
round the room she realized the table fit with the rest of the room. It was decorated from another era, one that reminded her more of her grandparents than her parents. The stove was gold, the washer and dryer tucked in an alcove near the back wall looked white, and the refrigerator was an odd, off-putting green. It looked like things had been replaced as needed, with an eye toward function not decor.

  Mariah watched as Levi poured her coffee from a Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker that didn't look more than a few years old. He set the mug on the table in front of her, went back to the counter and picked up his own cup.

  "How about some breakfast?" he asked after taking a sip.

  "What about the others? What are they going to have for breakfast?" She didn't want people to have to cook twice.

  "They didn't get breakfast." He glanced up and she realized he was looking at a clock on the wall. "They're about half way to Casper by now."

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before taking another sip from his mug. Mariah picked up hers and took a careful sip. She didn't want to burn her lip.

  "I've already called the sheriff, he'll be out in an hour or two, in the meantime, I'm hungry. What sounds good to you?"

  Her breath caught mid-sip at the mention of the sheriff and coffee splashed down her front.

  "Sorry about that. Here." Levi handed her a towel.

  "Sheriff?" She blotted at the quickly cooling coffee on her shirt. She'd never changed out of her clothes from yesterday. She'd need to do that, at least put on something fresh, before she had to speak to the sheriff.

  "Yep, I need to make a report, and so do you, whether you choose to press charges or not. Breakfast?"


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