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Sofie's Boys

Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Sofie’s Boys

  Jenika Snow



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  About the Author


  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © July 2019 by Jenika Snow

  First ebook publication © July 2019 Jenika Snow

  Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography

  Cover Model: Jonny James & Wander Aguiar

  Image provided by: Wander Book Club

  Cover design by: Designs by Dana

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Content Editor: Kayla Robichaux

  Proofreader: Read by Rose

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  I fell in love with two men. I thought being with them both—at the same time—would be complicated.

  But it was easy. It was perfect.

  One of them was twice my age.

  The other was the boy I’d grown up with.

  Both of them were so very different, but they gave me exactly what I wanted, exactly what I needed.

  Ryker was a bad boy with looks that had my panties dropping from day one. He knew exactly where to touch me to make me cry out for more.

  He was also my best friend.

  Jareth was older, refined, and experienced. He knew how to make me beg for more with just a dominant look.

  He was also my boss.

  Although they were possessive and jealous where I was concerned, they accepted I was in a relationship with both of them.

  Ryker and Jareth only demanded one thing from me—to only be with them.

  But would I have choose to be with just one?

  How wrong would it be if I kept them both?

  Chapter One


  I thought it would be complicated being in a relationship with two men at the same time.

  But it wasn’t. It was easy.

  They were so different from each other, yet gave me exactly what I needed.

  Ryker was the typical bad boy with the leather-jacket-wearing, Harley-riding, MC vibe going on.

  My best friend, the one person I’d grown up with, and the boy I’d given my virginity to.

  And then there was Jareth. Older and sophisticated, he controlled the boardroom like it was his bitch.

  He was also my boss. He dominated me in ways I never imagined, never even thought I’d enjoy.

  Here I was, seeing them both, in a relationship with two men. And to be honest, I didn’t know how it all started, how I’d gotten in a situation in which I was in love with two separate people, almost as if I were living two very different lives.

  Sure, I’d been called a slut by some when they found out I was with two men, but Ryker and Jareth were two who equaled one.

  One perfect man for me.

  Jareth’s dominance was cold and hard, like polished steel moving over my body as I let it cool over.

  Ryker’s familiarity was like smooth wood warmed by the sun as I lay on it and basked in the heat.

  Jareth fucked.

  Ryker made love.

  But then again, they’d been known to switch it up on me, to show me sides of themselves I’d never experienced, never thought they were capable of.

  They were mine and I was theirs.


  I ran the lipstick over my bottom lip, put the cap back on, and looked at myself in the mirror.

  Tonight was Ryker’s night, and although I’d known him my entire life, our relationship had drastically changed once things became sexual, once we went from being just friends to… something more.

  It had all changed with that first kiss, that first touch, then the heated moment of me begging Ryker to take my virginity. Booze had been involved—of course. The party we’d attended was wild and sexually charged, which then led to us in the back of his pickup with him on top of me.

  Jareth, on the other hand… well, I blamed that on the animal magnetism that poured off him in waves, and a company Christmas party where I drank too much champagne. Because that had ended with me in Jareth’s office with his face between my thighs.

  And then came the day when they both came to me and wanted more, wanted a relationship. Although there had only been that one time I’d been with each of them, I’d grown feelings for them, and knew choosing one over the other was an impossible task.

  So I’d told both of them about the other, explained I couldn’t let either of them go, that I cared too much about them both. I’d expected them to end it with me right then and there. But surprisingly they’d agreed, told me almost identically that they refused to give me up, that if they had to share me with the other, so be it.

  They were possessive and territorial of me when it concerned other men, but with each other? They were accepting, conceding that I couldn’t give them up.

  So here I was, living two separate lives, having two separate relationships, and in love with both Ryker and Jareth.

  “What a story,” I said to my reflection.

  I finished getting ready, my belly tightening with each passing second. I’d been seeing both Jareth and Ryker for months now, and every day I felt my feelings for them grow. I loved them. And although I knew they cared about me too, there was this little voice in the back of my head that reminded me this could all end horribly.

  Maybe this wasn’t real. I mean, it sure sounded fictional. Me with two men, both of them desperate for my attention, possessive of me….

  If I was being honest, it all sounded too good to be true.

  But everything had been going so smoothly, so perfectly. Once things had become official between Ryker and Jareth, it had all fallen into place perfectly, as if that’s how it was always meant to be.

  I split my days up every week between them. Three days on, three days off, and one day I had for myself. Although, if I were being truthful, if I could spend every single day of every single week with both of them, it would be nirvana.

  I gave myself one last long look in the mirror before heading downstairs. My roommate was sitting on the couch, a pint of ice cream in her lap, and When Harry Met Sally playing on the TV for the hundredth time.

  I grabbed my purse and checked to make sure I had all the essentials: lipstick, deodorant, gum, and my wallet.

  I heard the loud rumble of a motorcycle approaching, and my pulse raced, butterflies moving wildly inside me. I walked to the window, pulling the curtain aside and seeing Ryker come to a stop in the driveway.

  “I always know when you’re about to leave, because I can hear his motorcycle or see the fancy Mercedes pulling up in the driveway,” Kati shouted from the living room an
d then promptly looked over her shoulder and grinned.

  She liked to tease me about how she was jealous, how she couldn’t believe I was in a relationship with two men and they were totally okay with it.

  I’d always just say, “You and me both.” Because I couldn’t believe it either.

  “Don’t wait up,” I said as I opened the door, not giving Ryker the chance to come get me.

  This was his third night, meaning it was the last night I’d see him until next week. But that was the agreement we’d all come up with, and it had been working seamlessly so far.

  Although I hated going these long stretches without seeing him or Jareth, I couldn’t lie and say that having some time apart was also nice, almost liberating. It gave everyone time to themselves.

  I shut the front door behind me and rounded the corner, seeing Ryker dismount, a helmet under his arm and his focus on me. He didn’t grin, didn’t show any kind of expression, but that was usual. He was the strong, silent type, brooding and intense, serious but with a playful side.

  And that playful side just happened to be when we were in his bed, both of us naked, his big body on top of mine as he commanded me like he knew me inside and out.

  I guess that was the similarity between Jareth and Ryker. They were both so intense, so serious all the time. But they showed me a gentle side, one that was sweet and endearing but also told me—showed me and taught me—who was really in control.

  I might have had power over them both, but they wielded something far stronger within me.

  Desire. Love.

  When I was within reaching distance, he set the helmet down and reached out for me, curled his fingers around my hip, and pulled me against his hard body. I melted against him, slowly trailing my gaze up his body so I could look into his face.

  He was six-foot four inches of pure, unadulterated masculinity, with his arms and chest covered in tattoos, the description “tall, dark, and handsome” fitting him perfectly. He was brutal, was completely devoted to me, and was what I would consider an all-around male.

  And he was mine.

  He stared into my eyes, this possessive expression on his face. He made a deep sound in his throat before he slid his hand up to cup my cheek, and then he leaned down and kissed me. His lips on mine were owning, consuming.

  He slid his tongue along the seam of my mouth, urging me to open without saying anything. I felt the hard evidence of his arousal pressing against my belly, and I rose on my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping him close as he mouth-fucked me.

  There was no other phrase to describe what he was doing.

  In and out, he thrust his tongue in my mouth, stroking it with mine, pulling a soft moan from me as I felt arousal move through my body. My panties instantly became wet, my nipples hardening. But he pulled away before things got too heated, before he fucked me against the side of the garage. Which I knew he would, and I was tempted to beg him to do just that.

  He made a deep rumble that came from his chest, his hand still cupping my cheek, his focus on me.

  “Why’d you stop?” I whispered those words and tried to kiss him again, but the small smirk that played across his lips had me groaning in frustration and pulling back.

  Although Ryker wasn’t a dominating lover, not like Jareth, he did hold a lot of sexual power over me, liked to play with the desire, withhold it, and make me beg for it.

  And God, did I beg for it.

  “I want to wine and dine my girl tonight.” He had his hand on the small of my back and slid it down to cup my ass. He curled those digits around one of the globes, his fingers perilously close to the crease, the tips only needing a few more inches before he’d be touching between my thighs.

  If I just shifted a little bit, I bet he’d be touching my pussy right now. I thought about doing it, act like it was an accident, even if we both knew that was bullshit. But before I could act on that, he pulled his hand away. He gave my ass one hard swat and leaned down to claim my mouth.

  When he pulled back, he reached for the helmet he’d set on the seat and handed it to me to put on.

  Once it was on, I straddled the bike, a little bit disappointed I’d been forced to wear jeans.

  They didn’t give easy access, and when I was with Ryker, my thoughts were dirty.

  He climbed on, looked over his shoulder before starting the engine, and asked where I wanted to eat.

  I had my arms wrapped around his waist, the hardness of his muscles instantly causing this feminine sigh to leave me.

  “Anywhere as long as you’re there,” I said. Hey, it was corny, I admit, but I’d known Ryker nearly my entire life. We started off as playmates, then friends, and now were in the next stage as lovers. I loved him so much, and although I was cheesy at times, I knew secretly he liked that, even with his bad-boy, Harley-riding persona.

  He still looked at me over his shoulder, but his expression remained stoic. He leaned in slightly and kissed me, and I met him halfway, our lips pressing gently together, another sigh leaving me.

  He backed out of the driveway and we headed to wherever he wanted. I wasn’t picky. In fact, I didn’t even care if we went to dinner. I’d much rather just spend the rest of the evening naked and in his bed, his arms around me as he fucked me.

  But when he pulled into the parking lot of this little bistro restaurant he knew I loved, I held in my disappointment at not heading straight to his place.

  Once we dismounted and went inside, we were taken to a table almost immediately. We got some glasses of water, ordered a bottle of wine, and started looking over the menu. I glanced up from mine to stare at him. He was so big and intimidating looking, and to strangers he was pretty aloof, maybe almost frightening in appearance. But if they really knew Ryker, they’d see he was a big teddy bear. Or maybe that was just with me.

  I felt myself smile at that thought.

  Once we placed our order, I asked Ryker how his day had gone. Not only did he have a business degree, but he also owned his own motorcycle repair shop. He was smart and talented, and God… did he know how to work with his hands.

  I cleared my throat. “So, Ryker.” I watched as he set the menu on the table. The look he gave me told me that he knew whatever I was about to ask was probably typical Sofie. Which meant it was pointless, cheesy, or full-on dirty.

  “So, Sofie,” he rumbled in his deeply masculine voice.

  “I have a question for you.”

  He grinned. “Should I be nervous?”

  I chuckled softly and shook my head. “No. I’m just curious is all. I’ve actually been wondering this for a while, but I guess I didn’t want to stick my nose where it didn’t belong.”

  “But now you want to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong?” He smirked again.

  “Well, you know me.” I shrugged and returned the smile.

  “Okay,” he said and leaned back in the chair, the chatter of the patrons around us enjoying their meal fading away as I stared into his dark eyes.

  God, I could get lost in those eyes. “After we, you know, for the first time...” I looked around to make sure no one could hear me. I didn’t know why I was bringing this up now. It’s not like it mattered in the grand scheme of things. But it was something I’d wondered.

  “After we fucked for the first time in the back of my truck?”

  I felt my face heat at his blunt words. Leave it to Ryker to say it like it was.

  He leaned forward and gave me a sexy grin. “Yeah, I think about that moment every time I jerk off, Sofie.”

  Oh. God.

  I was tempted to say screw the question and dinner and go back to his place.

  The waitress came and refilled our drinks, and I was thankful for the small reprieve to gather myself.

  Once she left, I cleared my throat. “After that, since we weren’t like together-together...” He lifted his eyebrow. and I stopped talking for a second. “You know, like in a relationship or anything. Did you see anyone?”

sp; “See anyone?” He still had a dark eyebrow lifted, a stoic expression on his face.

  I shrugged, feeling all kinds of awkward even bringing this up, to even care, given the fact I was seeing Jareth as well.

  “You mean did I fuck anyone else after we did?”

  Once again, my cheeks heated. I nodded and glanced around. But no one cared about us or what we spoke about.

  He didn’t speak for long moments, and I diverted my gaze because of my embarrassment. I looked at him then, watched as he leaned forward and braced his forearms on the table, his focus trained solely on me. “No, Sofie. I wasn’t fucking anyone else. I wasn’t even dating anyone for that matter.” He kept his expression void.

  I was surprised by that. “Really? Can I ask why?” It wasn’t any of my damn business, but the words spilled from me before I could stop them.

  It was silent for a long moment, and he leaned back in the chair once more, looking at me as if he had questions of his own. “Honestly?”

  I nodded. “Always. You know that.”

  “Because you’re all I wanted. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

  The world faded from me after he spoke.

  “Did I have offers?” He nodded. “Yeah. A lot. But no one else holds a candle to you, Sof.”

  I felt all kinds of things in that moment.

  “Did you fuck anyone else after us, aside from what’s his name?” The corner of his mouth kicked up in a smirk, but I could tell he was anything but amused.

  Although Jareth and Ryker tolerated the fact I was with both of them, they were insanely possessive of me.

  I shook my head. “No, I wasn’t with anyone, not until Jareth, and even then I hadn’t planned it or anything.”

  One rule was we never spoke about the other while together. Same went when I was with Jareth. But there were those times things like this came up. And when they did, we worked—and talked—through them like adults.


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