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Page 8

by Patrick Rees

  As the world we live in attacks the traditional family, they are trying to substitute their own definition of ‘family’. They like the saying ‘It takes a Village’. I say it takes a Community. The substance of this article is to explain the difference. Everything has its smallest building block. In a country, in a society the smallest element which comes together to make up the whole is the family. Some will tell you it is the individual, it is not. Just as electrons and protons make up atoms, the atom is the basic building block of all matter; not electrons or protons. An individual is part of a family just as subatomic particles make up the atom.

  Families come together to form communities of various sizes. Communities grow together to form towns, cities and entire metropolitan areas. Piece adds to piece until you have the whole, a country. Counties, states whole sections of the country like the South or the Mid-West form their unique identities. Counties and states have formal governments but they are only parts of regions which are distinguishable by their own character. States and whole regions make up the country, in our case the United States of America, easily recognizable when spelled as USA.

  No nation every conceived has been perfect. The USA is no exception but I content it is the best country to yet have ever existed. Freedom was a strange thing for the masses before the USA was brought forth on this continent. We have struggled at times during our still short history to wholly define who ‘We the People’ were but I am convinced we have it right now. Yes, we the people and never has there been a man to put it more elegantly than President Lincoln. From his Gettysburg Address, ‘…this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’ Lincoln was a true master of the English language so much so even in Oxford University, England, his letters are used as some the finest examples of the English language.

  I humbly call myself an American and am quite proud to be able to do so. Yes, I served my country. I feel I earned my freedom. I have always loved my country and been proud of it, unlike a so called first lady who shall remain nameless. Millions have struggled to defend her and hundreds of thousands have died for her. They have given the ‘last full measure of devotion’ so this nation may continue to exist. I for one will never forget what has been done for me and my family so I can live, work and yes, die in peace.

  Why do they prefer the name village? It implies something wild, in their minds more free. Their push was born out of the madness in the sixties. They are in position of authority and power today. They turned their backs on the ‘greatest generation’ who made the sacrifices required so that they could be born in a still free and thriving nation. They chose to spit in the faces of their parents and reject all what had been given to them. They were a spoiled and restless generation and their whims may just well be the end of us all.

  Why do they attack the basic building block of our fine nation, the family? They want to destroy the traditional family and substitute their version of what they want to call a family. Their „social engineering ‟ will have about the same end result as Dr. Frankenstein. Can you picture a person

  madly sawing on the very branch they are sitting on in a tree? In the end it is a catastrophe. The end goal to push aside, discredit the traditional family, will be nothing less than the destruction of the country. If you chip away the cornerstone and all the other stones in a building eventually it will come crashing down.

  I wondered for a long time if these people really knew what they were trying to do. It has been proven these people do know what they are doing. That fact makes it even more sinister. They are trying to destroy this country on purpose. It is part of their master plan. The end goal is world government, with them at the helm. It is the same old insane dream, world conquest. You start that by attacking the family, muddle morality to where there is no loyalty anywhere and undermine the country. Does any of this sound familiar?

  The Roman Empire was a republic by definition before that great society became burdened with debt and was near collapse. Then Caesar promised a way out of the problems for Rome. The people for whatever reason took the deal and the Empire was born. If they knew what they had given up would they have done it? I truly doubt it. The USA is at a crossroads of its own. We are a republic with our cherished freedoms now. We can choose to do the hard things it will take to save our country or take the poison pill easy solution which will be offered to us? Please don’t doubt what we are facing. After they madly drive us to the brink of disaster (if we let this continue, they will), they will offer us a way out of the problems which will seem like our only alternative and many will want to take it. I hope we turn the corner before it comes to that but we are all too close to this day of reckoning now.

  So stand and defend the family and the country we make up today. Love our country. It is worth saving. We may have our grandchildren around us some day and they will look at us with admiration knowing we did what we had to do to save this country for them and their descendants. May ‘We the People’ continue to exist as one nation under God if not for us, for them.

  The Other Flocks


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