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The Wild Witch (The Coven: Academy Magic Book 3)

Page 21

by Chandelle LaVaun

  “What’s wrong?” I asked and hurried to his side. Then I saw. “Ohhh.”

  Cooper cursed behind me. “She said this was the last room available in the whole hotel, so I didn’t ask what the bed situation was.”

  The bed situation was one king-sized bed. For three people. Me, a girl, and two boys—neither of whom were my boyfriend. Actually, it was worse. It was a boy I had feelings for and the boy I was trying to have feelings for. The three of us just stood there staring at the lone bed.

  “All right, um…” Jackson cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll…uh…take the floor, and Cooper can have the couch.”

  “No, man. You take the couch. This is your quest.” Cooper took his jacket off and draped it over the table. “I’ll sleep on the floor. Don’t fight me on this one.”

  Jackson sighed. “Fine, but at least take the cushions off the back to sleep on.”

  I frowned. “Wait, you’re not trying to give me the bed?”

  Jackson’s cheeks flushed. “Well, it’s the only appropriate option. You’re the only girl here. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable—"

  “No, that’s not okay.”

  “Bettina, we can’t in good conscience suggest anything else.” Cooper shrugged then grabbed one of the cushions off the couch. “I’ve slept in worse places.”

  Jackson sat on the edge of the couch, and he completely dwarfed it. His shoulders were almost as wide as the cushion.

  “Guys, no. This is ludicrous.” I shook my head and yanked the cushion out of Cooper’s hand. “There’s one of me and two of you. I will take the couch. Y’all share the bed.”

  They frowned then looked at each other.

  I sighed, then tugged on Jackson’s shirt. “Come on. This is best option for all of us.”

  I shooed them away until they both accepted defeat and strolled over to the bed. Jackson walked around to the other side then turned and stared. Neither he nor Cooper would look at the other. I turned and walked over to the closet to look for an extra blanket. Luckily enough, there was a blanket and a pillow, so I grabbed both. With those in hand, I turned to head to the couch and froze.

  Cooper and Jackson were stacking pillows up in the middle of the bed, like they were making a wall. I laughed and shook my head. Boys. I rolled my eyes and pretended like I hadn’t seen that awkwardness. Once the extra designer pillows were tossed to the floor next to me, I climbed onto the couch and lay down. My feet and my head touched the edges, and I wasn’t stretching. Yet the guys were going to sleep on it. It was a rather narrow couch, too. There was barely any room on either side of me, and I was a thin girl. I’d definitely made the right call just based on size alone. I lay there for a long time trying to fall asleep and failing. If I were shorter, it might’ve been easier, but no. I was a giant.

  The pillow was soft and the blanket was warm enough, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I always slept on my left side—it was just my side. But if I slept on my left side, I faced the back of the couch, and then I felt claustrophobic and at the same time thought I might roll off of it. And I couldn’t flip around because then I couldn’t keep an eye on the sliding glass door of the balcony. I had trust issues and deep-rooted paranoia, so I couldn’t turn my back to the door. It was a weird fear my parents had accidentally taught me as a kid, and I’d never shaken it.

  I peeked over my shoulder at the bed and frowned. There were a good few feet between them, much more than the size of the couch. And the bed was comfortable, with warm blankets and fluffy pillows. It would be so much more satisfying to sleep right there. I didn’t see a reason I couldn’t. They were both genuinely nice guys who wouldn’t try anything. I trusted them completely. We were all sleeping in our clothes, anyway. Maybe if I just stay on top of the blankets…

  Screw it.

  I climbed onto the foot of the bed then crawled up the middle. Their pillow wall became my actual pillow. I curled onto my left side just like I wanted to and rested my head on the soft pillow. I sighed and snuggled in. So much better.

  Crap, I forgot my blanket.

  I pushed up on my elbow and glanced over at the couch. It was so far away. I didn’t want to climb back out, and plus, it might wake up the guys. And then they’d freak out about me being in bed with them. It’s okay. I can handle it. I like the cold anyway.

  But then I looked in front of me and found Jackson’s back much closer than I expected it to be…but I wasn’t mad about that. I liked the way his shirt hugged the muscles in his shoulders and back. I bit my lip as an idea came to mind. It was risky…but it would be so much warmer.

  I scooted forward an inch or two, not enough that we were touching but enough that I felt the heat radiating off his body.

  The muscles in his back tightened...and then he flipped over.

  His face was two inches from mine now.


  That Christmas scent seeped into my lungs, and my body betrayed me. It got all warm and fuzzy feeling. My heart fluttered. I moaned and snuggled closer until I felt his breath brush over my face. I couldn’t stop myself. I slid my hands into his. He sighed and curled his fingers around mine, squeezing me tight. I closed my eyes and gave in to my feelings for him.

  This. This is Heaven.

  He curled into me, pulling me into his chest. My face slid into the crook of his neck. His lips pressed against my forehead.

  And then he kissed me.

  I gasped. My eyes flew open. It wasn’t on the lips, just my forehead...but it had a catastrophic effect on my body. I was on fire.



  I pulled out of his hold carefully, then flipped onto my right side. But I could still feel the heat of him on me, so I scooched all the way over until I was pressed up against Cooper’s back. He smelled like Irish Spring soap, and it was refreshingly clean. He was warm but not in the way Jackson was. His warmth was comfortable and soothing. I knew I needed to move away, but fatigue crashed in around me. As I closed my eyes and gave in to my exhaustion, I knew that if Cooper woke up and found me like this, he might get the impression that I was really, really into him…

  But maybe I need that.

  Maybe that’ll help me get over Jackson.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I was lying in an igloo, surrounded by ice and snow…and I was comfortable. As in, I was enjoying the freezing cold. I stretched my legs out like this frozen chair was the best thing I’d ever felt. There was a little fire burning right beside me. I sighed and leaned closer to the flickering pink flames. That’s odd. Pink fire. But I shrugged it off and nestled in.

  The fire pit fell over, and the burning logs rolled into my back. Heat brushed up and down my spine. I meant to move…but it was soothing. I felt myself sinking hard into relaxation. I closed my eyes and just breathed it all in.

  But then something hot touched my shoulder then slid a scorching path across my neck. My eyes flew open. I was back in the hotel room…and I was fairly certain that was a hand on me. I frowned. I’m imagining things.

  I blinked and took in my surroundings. It was morning, and the sunshine crept in through a crack in the curtains. Which meant it was time to get moving. I only had twenty-four hours—less, actually.

  The pressure on my back moved down, and this time I felt each fingertip. I gasped and flipped over, throwing my hand out. “Cooper, I don’t cud—”

  My breath left me in a rush.

  It was Bettina.

  In bed. Right beside me. My jaw dropped. My brain tried to put the pieces together of how she got there. She’d insisted Cooper and I take the bed and she’d take the couch, but there she was…sleeping between us. She was on top of the blankets, while Cooper and I were under them. Her arms were wrapped tight around her and her legs were curled up.

  My eyes widened. She was cold.

  And she’d been seeking heat…from me.

  I knew I should’ve jumped out of bed and away from her,
but that was background noise in my mind as I lay back down beside her. She looked like an Angel curled up on the white bedding beside me. Her long blonde hair fell in waves around her, and before I could stop myself, I reached out and tucked it behind her ear. Then, to make matters worse, I let my thumb brush over her cheekbone and jaw…then down to her bottom lip.

  I sighed and sank against my pillow. She was Heaven to wake up next to. For a moment, one that would only hurt me more later, I let myself pretend this was real. That this was something I could actually have. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and just held her. My fingers tangled in her long hair. She smelled like a bouquet of flowers.

  Movement behind her caught my eye. I pushed up on my elbow—and reality crashed down around me. It was just Cooper. He must’ve been starting to wake up because he was moving around a little. He coughed then rolled onto his stomach, and his bare shoulder popped out from under the blankets. I frowned. When we got in bed, he’d been fully clothed. I specifically remembered that detail. Before getting in, we’d both eyed each other’s clothes then nodded. It was a silent deal to keep clothed while sharing a bed.

  Which in the light of day was utterly ridiculous. I had no idea what had gotten into me the night before. I didn’t care if the guy had slept naked. It made no difference to me. The only issue I’d had was with my own personal space…and making sure Bettina wasn’t uncomfortable.

  Bettina shivered. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm. I looked down to see if she had goose bumps—then frowned. There was a thick gray sweater draped over her upper body. It was massive, and not hers. It wasn’t mine, either. Wait…

  Cooper was shirtless.

  This was his sweater.

  Which meant sometime in the middle of the night he’d given her his sweater to stay warm… A stream of unwelcomed thoughts poured into my mind. All of them revolving around a horrible visual of the two of them canoodling in bed beside me. My stomach turned. My mind replayed the moment I’d walked in on them at the party, when his lips were on hers.

  I jumped out of bed so fast I stumbled back and slammed into the narrow dresser. Bettina frowned and cuddled into Cooper’s sweater. Idiot. She wasn’t seeking warmth from me. She’d been looking for Cooper. Because obviously the two had shared something after I’d gone to sleep. In her sleep, she must’ve gotten confused. My chest grew tight. Bloody hell, it’s suffocating in here.

  I sprinted to the balcony and threw the curtains wide open. Bright morning sunlight poured in. Both Bettina and Cooper hissed and curled away from the light like vampires. But I didn’t stop there. I slid the balcony door open and let the ice-cold November air fill the room.

  Cooper sat up with a grimace. He blinked and looked around. “Shit, that’s cold.”

  Guess you should’ve kept your damn shirt on, Casanova.

  Bettina groaned. “That’s so freaking bright.”

  I cleared my throat. “Time to get moving. We have the queen’s palace to trespass today.”

  Cooper hopped out of bed then stretched his legs. He glanced behind him at Bettina, and her cheeks flushed. My knuckles cracked. I looked down to find my hands balled into fists. I bit my cheek and spun away, pretending to look out the balcony door.

  “So, what’s the plan? How are we getting inside?” Cooper asked behind me. “And how are we getting to this train?”

  I sighed.

  “What’s wrong, Jackson?” Bettina’s voice was soft in the morning, and I liked the tone far too much.

  I scrubbed my face with my palms. “We have to walk to the town where the train comes, then take that few-hour ride into London.”

  Bettina cursed and jumped out of bed. “Okay, let’s just hurry up and get on the train. Then we’ll spend the hours-long ride researching Buckingham Palace and how to get into the balcony room the easiest and fastest. That sound good to y’all?”

  “Let’s also add a pit stop to grab some breakfast,” Cooper said.

  My stomach growled. I opened my mouth to answer them as I turned around—but my jaw slammed shut. Bettina was leaning with her back against Cooper’s chest as he rubbed her arms. My stomach turned, and bile rose up my throat.

  “Right. Yeah. Food. Train. Palace.”

  Chapter Forty-Three


  There were people everywhere. We were out front of Buckingham Palace—or at least, I assumed we were. There was a crowd gathered around the building all bundled up in jackets and hats holding cameras. I frowned and looked around. A small paranoid part of my brain immediately thought they knew what we were about to do, but I also knew that was crazy talk.

  “Uh, Jackson?” Cooper held his hand over his face to shield the sun. “What’s with all the people?”

  Jackson looked at his watch and cursed violently. “Changing of the guard starts in two minutes. Bloody fantastic. Just what we need.”

  I stood up on my tiptoes and tried to see over the crowd. “I know that’s sarcasm, but isn’t this a perfect distraction?”

  A cold gust of wind ripped up the street and I shivered. I zipped my leather jacket up higher, but the chilly air still got in. I didn’t know why I was so cold this morning. It was only in the forties. That wasn’t much different from the temperature in Eden or Charleston. But maybe being cold all night had something to do with it.

  “No. It means—” Jackson’s eyes widened, and his mouth slammed shut. His lips flattened into a thin line.

  I frowned and opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong when warmth wrapped around my shoulders. I jumped and looked up—and found Cooper draping his gray hoodie on me. “Oh, th-thank you.”

  He nodded and gave me a little smirk, then turned his attention back to the palace.

  My gaze went straight to Jackson. His aquamarine eyes were filled with heat as he glared at Cooper’s jacket like it was a demon about to suck my soul out of my body. The muscles in his arms tightened as he balled his hands into fists. My cheeks warmed. A weird sense of satisfaction rushed through me at his furious expression. It meant he felt something for me. It meant I wasn’t the only one suffering. I didn’t want him to hurt, but I couldn’t lie to even myself that it wasn’t a relief to know I wasn’t alone in this.

  I ducked my head to meet his gaze, then raised my eyebrows.

  He scowled and shook his head, then peeled his eyes off of me. He cleared his throat. “The balcony overlooks the front, which means every single person out here could see us. So, no, it’s not the kind of distraction we need or want,” he snapped.

  Oh. Shit. He was right.

  “Okay…so…we can either come back later—”

  “We don’t have time for that,” he growled. “We do this now.”

  Cooper narrowed his eyes at Jackson, then he sighed. “He’s right. We’ve got like eighteen hours or so to find this sword, and we have no idea what other hiccups we’ll find along the way. We have to get the stone now.”

  I gestured around us to the crowd of people holding their selfie sticks high up in the air. “I’m with you, but what’s the plan?”

  “Follow me,” he said then turned and hurried away.

  Cooper and I scurried to catch up, though I wasn’t sure why we were walking away from the palace. I glanced over my shoulder at the grand memorial in the middle of the circle. But Jackson led us down the street in the opposite direction…then into the park. I looked over to Cooper and frowned. He just shrugged. Jackson wasn’t telling us what we were doing, and it was taking everything in me not to ask. He clearly wasn’t in the mood, and I didn’t want to add to his stress.

  He led us to a massive tree then stopped under the shadow of its branches. He glanced around then put his left palm to the trunk. Blue flames billowed out from under his hand. The tree creaked and groaned…and then the side of the trunk swung open like a door.

  My jaw dropped.

  “Tell me this leads into the palace,” Cooper said in awe.

  Jackson nodded
. “Shut it behind you, Cooper.”

  Then he turned and disappeared into the darkness of the doorway. I leapt in after him and slammed into his back. The smell of Christmas invaded my senses, and to my horror, I actually moaned and leaned into him. I gripped his hips to steady myself. There was barely any light coming in from outside, and inside it was complete darkness.

  Cooper hopped in after me and pulled the tree-door shut after him.

  Light flickered over our heads. It was soft and golden, like candles in a lantern. Everything around us was the same grayish color as the palace and seemed to be made of the same material. Which I thought was limestone, but I wasn’t about to ask that right now. In front of us, the hallway dead-ended at a staircase. Jackson glanced over his shoulder at us and nodded, then headed down the stairs. Our footsteps echoed all around us.

  I’m in a secret tunnel inside a tree.

  On my way to break into Buckingham Palace.

  I can’t believe we’re doing this.

  What even is my life anymore?

  Cooper cleared his throat. “So, uh, how’d you know about this tunnel? And where’s it bringing us? Also, what is the plan? More specifically, what’s the plan for if the queen finds us?”

  Jackson glanced over his shoulder. We must’ve been making weird faces because he sighed and shook his head. “The union flag was flying out front. That means the queen isn’t here today. I’d imagine she wouldn’t arrive during the changing of the guard for security reasons, which means we should have a solid forty-five minutes to get in and out before there’s any chance of her arriving.”

  Huh. Interesting. “What flag flies if she is here?”

  “The Royal Standard. It’s blue, yellow, and red, and not something you’d confuse with the union flag.” Jackson led us around a corner and into a long, narrow passageway. “As for this tunnel, it’ll bring us out in the quadrangle. I’ll have you two hide while I sneak inside. There’s a series of secret passageways I will maneuver through then open up the one nearest the balcony for you two.”


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