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Darcy, My Hero

Page 1

by Florence Prescott

  Darcy, My Hero: The Florence Prescott Collection Vol. 1

  A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Collection

  Florence Prescott

  Copyright © 2019 by Dear Dahlia Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Also from Dear Dahlia Publishing


  It had been a lovely, and surprising, day at Pemberley for Elizabeth Bennet and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. When her aunt and uncle had arrived on Mr. Darcy’s estate, quite unexpectedly, Lizzy had taken comfort in the fact that the gentleman of the house was not meant to be present. But then, much to everyone’s great astonishment, Darcy had appeared. And in spite his past, arrogant behavior, he had been every bit the consummate host for the duration of their stay. The gentleman had given Lizzy and her family a tour of his grand estate, and when they had been alone, he had spoken to her with great kindness and humility. In spite of her previous feelings towards him, she found herself taken with Darcy, much to her own complete surprise.

  For the whole of their carriage ride back to their inn in Lambton, the Gardiners and Elizabeth had been able to discuss little more than the impressive grounds of Pemberley, as well as their most gracious host.

  “I must say, when we were in Meryton, we heard so many rumors of Mr. Darcy’s haughty and impertinent behavior. But the man we met today was nothing like that! He was a true gentleman, exactly the kind you would expect to be the master of place like Pemberley,” Aunt Gardiner said.

  “Quite right, my dear. And his household seemed to admire him so. There is no question; the young lady who is lucky enough to become mistress of Pemberley will live a charmed life, indeed.”

  Elizabeth said nothing for the remainder of their ride back to their inn in Lambton, for she was afraid that if she did, she might say something that would prove regretful. Her aunt and uncle continued to speak most highly of Mr. Darcy and those who had the luck to live at Pemberley, and in truth, Lizzy agreed with them. But she had spent such a very long time expressing her disdain for the gentleman, it felt odd to now admit she was wrong, and that he might be a quite decent man after all.

  The carriage arrived back at the inn and deposited Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner at the front. It was a lovely day, and Lambton was bustling with locals tending to their business, children playing joyfully, and merchants selling their wares. They had only been in their room for but a moment when Mrs. Gardiner turned to Elizabeth hopefully.

  “It is a beautiful day, Elizabeth. Let us not stay locked up in this room until supper. Come with your uncle and myself on a walk? We can visit the shops, perhaps stop in the park. There is no reason to allow such beauty pass us by.”

  Lizzy agreed with her dear aunt that it was a lovely day, but she was consumed by her concern for two different problems. First, she did not understand her new feelings for Mr. Darcy, and they confused her so. Second, Jane had promised Elizabeth that she would write her every day while Lizzy was away, and she had yet to receive a single letter from her most beloved sister. As much as she knew she would enjoy a walk through the town, she preferred instead to sit in a chair and thoroughly dwell on her troubles.

  “Thank for the offer, dear aunt, but I think I should instead stay behind. I am quite fatigued after our earlier visit.”

  Her uncle and aunt both appeared sad, but they left her to her own devices in their room, going off on their walk alone. Once they had fully departed, Elizabeth took to the desk to write her sister, as she was left with many questions for Jane about the state of affairs in Longbourn. However, no sooner had Lizzy put pen to paper than was there a knock on the chamber door. She hurried over and opened it in haste.

  “Aunt, uncle, do you leave something…”

  Yet, she was unable to finish speaking, as instead of discovering her relations, she found Mr. Darcy on the other side of her door. The piece of paper she was still holding in her hand fluttered gently to the floor.


  “Mr. Darcy. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  Darcy nodded in a rigid manner that more closely resembled the man she had met not so long ago.

  “Miss Bennet. I hope I am not intruding.”

  Elizabeth was remiss to open the door with the intention to let a man in her chambers in the absence of her relatives, but neither did she have the ability to tell Mr. Darcy to go. Instead, she stepped aside and allowed him to enter the room, which appeared to be getting smaller by the moment. Darcy walked to the corner of the room, which allowed Lizzy the chance to sit in chair farthest from him. She did not know if it was because he was being a gentleman, or he wished to be as separated from her as possible. She hoped against hope that it was not the latter.

  “Mr. Darcy, if you are here to see my aunt and uncle, I am afraid you have only just missed them. They have gone on a walk. If you wish to catch them up, I am sure that…”

  Darcy shook his head.

  “As pleasant as I believe your relations to be, Miss Bennet, I am here to see you.”

  Lizzy found herself struck with the sudden loss of her ability to speak. Instead, she simply stared at the gentleman until at last, she was able to find the words.

  “Why would you come here with the intention of speaking to me, Mr. Darcy? I do not believe we have anything further to discuss… do we?”

  The smallest of smiles traced across Darcy’s face, before disappearing again.

  “Indeed, Miss Bennet, we have many things to discuss. Such as, your lovely eyes, your goodly heart, and your keen intellect. I have never known your equal.”

  Elizabeth was most surprised by his kind words. She knew not how to respond to such fervent compliments.

  “Mr. Darcy, I am sure I have done nothing to deserve such praise. We have done nothing but quarrel since your arrival in Meryton.”

  Darcy took a measured step toward Elizabeth. She stood though she did not know why, almost as if she were anticipating his own thoughts. Now, they were so close, she could almost feel the beat of his heart in the air between them.

  “Miss Bennet, you deserve my praise merely by nature of granting me the pleasure of your company.”

  Lizzy was lost in the surprise of his compliment when the gentleman reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her forehead, the brush of his fingers sending a shiver down to her toes. She knew it was improper of him to be so close to her, especially while they were alone without her aunt or uncle as a guardian, but the feelings he caused made her lose control of any sense, in spite of the consequences.

  “Might I kiss you, Miss Bennet?”

  His question only succeeded in shocking her further, but before she knew what she was doing, she granted him permission. Darcy leaned forward and pulled her close to his strong chest. When he kissed her, gently and with a passion she had never imagined, it gave her a feeling she had never known before, a kind of aching need deep inside of her. Lizzy wanted more, but Mr. Darcy pulled away from her, and she aware that her entire expression had changed. She felt as if she had lost the most wonderful treasure and the emptiness was killing her.

sp; “I hope I did not cause offense, Miss Bennet,” Darcy questioned as he kissed her again, his touch as light as a feather.

  “No, Mr. Darcy,” she said. “The only offense I feel is the loss of your lips against my own. I have never known anything so perfect before.”

  The gentleman smiled with gladness as his lithe fingers slid down her long neck and traced the curves of her back, untying the strings of her dress as they went. At first, his touch was gentle and sweet, but the more of her curvaceous figure that he felt, the more apparent his need became. In one tender but powerful movement, he lifted her from her feet, then carried her over to bed. Even as he kissed across her chest, she knew that she should not be with him in this way, but her desire for him was so great, she could not turn back now. Lizzy wanted to be swallowed whole in Mr. Darcy’s wild, passion-filled kiss.

  He moaned against her flesh, his want causing his eyes to sparkle with a kind of desperate beauty. Elizabeth reached up and helped Darcy remove his shirt, exposing the muscular, sensuous body of a man who despite his wealth, still worked his own land from time to time. The sight of his unexpected beauty took Lizzy by surprise. She reached up to run her fingers across, up, and down any part of him she could trace, pausing to feel the foreign sensation of his hardening nipples under her touch. Darcy’s kiss became more passionate as her touch intensified, causing them both to become braver with every moment that passed.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Elizabeth slid her hand down between them and ran her hand across his powerful manhood. She traced her fingers all around it, relishing both its magnitude and the deep, beautiful sounds he made every time she touched him. Darcy lifted his abdomen away from her grasp, yet the heft of his manhood brushed across her every time he leaned in to kiss her bare skin. As Lizzy was lost in his kiss, Darcy pulled away the top of her dress, allowing him to see her breasts for the first time. She tried to cover them, but he smiled and gently pushed her hands away.

  “You do not have to hide from me, my most perfect beauty. There is no other in all of England who rivals you.”

  Knowing she could not hide from him any longer, nor did she want to, she stared deep into his eyes as he slid the rest of her dress to the floor. Now she was completely bare in front of him. While she felt her cheeks grow pink from discomfiture, he only smiled.

  “You are beautiful, Elizabeth. Do not look away, for it makes me think you have forgotten.”

  Before she could forget again, Darcy leaned his head forward to her each of her breasts, tracing every inch of her, kissing and nibbling lightly at her pert nipples. Elizabeth feared that she might shout out and let everyone in the inn know of their impropriety. Instead, she rested her head in the soft pillow, and covered her face with her arms, hoping that no one could hear her. Just as Lizzy began to grow comfortable with hiding her pleasure, Darcy’s fingers tracked down to her thigh, causing her unimaginable surprise.

  Lizzy moaned yet another time as Darcy continued his sweet attention to her nipples. As his fingers moved further and further up her thighs, she felt her desire increasing, even though she knew not what he intended. With a bracing suddenness, the gentleman moved from her breasts and pulled her whole body neared to him again. Lizzy savored the way his bare chest felt against her own as he kissed her once more, deep and slow.

  He nibbled sweetly at her lips, which only made her more desperate for an experience she did not understand. Darcy ran fingers along the entire length of her thigh, grasping her soft skin after every touch, a feeling which made her whole body quiver. Even though he still wore his trousers, Lizzy felt his manhood between her legs, throbbing and confusing her further.

  It wasn’t long before she began to feel dizzy and pleasured at the same time. That feeling increased tenfold when Darcy’s fingers traced inside of her most intimate place, making the dizziness worse. His fingers slipped inside of her, much to her surprise, causing a sensation that she did not expect. Her entire body began to shake and feeling she had never known spread throughout her like a spark from a flame. The feeling continued on and on, until at last, she calmed and collapsed down on to the bed.

  For a moment, neither of them were able to speak. Darcy only kissed the perspiration away from her bare skin. Finally, Lizzy was able to find the words she was looking for.

  “Mr. Darcy… when I allowed you to stay, I did not mean for…”

  But he reached out and pressed a finger to her soft lips.

  “Hush, Miss Bennet. There is nothing that needs to be said.”

  Neither said anything more until suddenly…

  There was a knock on the door. And both of them were consumed by panic.


  Elizabeth leapt to her feet and reached for her garments, hastily attempting to get back into them.

  “One moment,” she called out the door. It could not have been her aunt or uncle, for they both had keys to unlock the door. But it mattered not who was on the other side. If anyone discovered Mr. Darcy and her in such a state, the scandal would be more than she or her family could bear.

  Once she was properly clothed once more, and Darcy was as well, Elizabeth confirmed she looked acceptable once more and finally opened the door. A steward was standing there with two letters, both addressed to Lizzy.

  “Miss Elizabeth Bennet?” he asked, any suspicion he may have had well-hidden. Elizabeth did her best to seem calm.

  “I am.”

  “These are for you, miss,” the steward said, handing her the letters.

  Lizzy took both and saw they were from Jane. She was so surprised by their arrival, she forgot for a moment what had just transpired in the room. Elizabeth ran to the table and opened each letter in haste. The first only informed her of events in Meryton, and their mother’s latest gossip. But the second letter…

  She had not even finished reading it before she almost fell to the floor in horror. Darcy rushed to her side, catching her before she could fall.

  “Miss Bennet? What is the matter? What news from Longbourn?”

  Elizabeth gathered herself, but only enough to explain.

  “It is news regarding my sister Lydia. She has disappeared with George Wickham. My parents fear the worst, that they have run to London to be married or… worse. Oh, Mr. Darcy. What will we do? The scandal alone…”

  Elizabeth realized that the mention of Wickham had inspired a rage in Darcy that looked much different than he had only a few moments before.

  “George Wickham is a scoundrel of the highest order. I regret that I did not properly warn your family of his wickedness before he could behave shamefully once again. This is my fault as much as George Wickham’s.”

  Lizzy reached for his hand and shook it softly.

  “No, Mr. Darcy. This is Wickham’s fault alone. I must return to Longbourn at once. Might you fetch the steward to find them in town? I need to alert them of my departure.”

  Darcy nodded.

  “I shall, miss. And when they return, I will ask your uncle to come with me to London. We will find your sister and that villain before he is able to do anything shameful. I barely rescued my sister from this man and I refuse to allow your sister to befall such a fate.”

  Elizabeth appreciated his valor in a moment of fear for her entire family, but it was entirely impossible for her to just return to Longbourn while Darcy searched for her own sister. Lydia might have been her silliest sister, but she did not deserve to have her reputation destroyed by a man such a George Wickham.

  “I will go with you to London, Mr. Darcy.”

  The gentleman was so shocked by Lizzy’s words, he stopped where he stood.

  “Miss Bennet, I appreciate your desire to assist in the search, but your father would never approve of you traveling alone with a man, gentleman or not, to a city such a London. We cannot compound one impropriety with another.”

  Elizabeth gathered her things and put them in her bag, hardly listening to a word spoken by the man. When her attention finally returned to him, she sighed as she
turned in his direction.

  “Mr. Darcy, while I appreciate your assistance in this matter and accept it happily, it is not your responsibility alone to save my sister’s reputation. We shall both go to London, you in one carriage, me in another. We will stay in different inns. No one shall know that we are in London together, let alone searching for my wayward sister. My aunt and uncle can return to Longbourn to comfort my parents and we will bring Lydia home. There is nothing more to discuss, sir.”

  Darcy smiled at her in surprise, pleased at both her passion and her cleverness. He knew he was bested and acknowledged it willingly.

  “As you wish, Miss Bennet. I will send the steward to find Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, and then we will begin our search for your sister.”

  Mr. Darcy left the room in search of the steward while Elizabeth continued to pack her things. Just as she had been not so long ago, she was consumed by two separate fears. First, the fear that her feelings for Darcy were causing her to lose her senses; and now…

  That her young sister had done something so foolish, they would all suffer for her actions. Could Mr. Darcy even save them if he tried?


  As her carriage rumbled into London, only a few lengths behind Mr. Darcy’s, Elizabeth noticed how much brighter the city was at night. It had been ages since she had been to London and this was, quite possibly, the worst reason imaginable to visit. Yet, she refused to allow her foolish sister Lydia to make a mistake that could ruin both her life, and the lives of her entire family. It was selfish and exasperating for Lydia to be so careless with her own reputation that it might pull the Bennet name itself through the mud. Lizzy could not understand why her sister would act so silly as to run away with a blackguard like George Wickham. It might very well have broken her heart, had Mr. Darcy not offered his assistance in preventing the imprudence to continue.


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