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His Devil's Chains

Page 27

by Linzi Basset

  “I suppose that’s a matter of opinion,” she muttered under her breath.

  “I’m going to need your assistance, my pet.”

  Her head snapped around. She shot a sharp glare at him. “You expect me to aid you in my own punishment?”

  “Still as bright as always, isn’t she, Master Goliath?” Jack said.

  “That she is, Master Black,” Bruce drawled.

  “Pinch your nipples, sub, and pull them away from your body.”

  “Master Black, I don’t … oww!” she screamed as he snapped his wrist and the strips of the flogger landed on her inner thigh. Her breathing turned harsh but it was enough to urge her to action.

  “That’s better,” Jack said. “Watch what I’m doing, Emerald.”

  Her eyes dropped to her breasts.

  “These are magnetic orbs. I daresay they are more serious than any of the clamps you’re used to.”

  He proceeded to place one smooth silver orb on either side of her nipple. The immediate magnetic pull fused them together in a painful pinch. Before she could react, the other nipple was also trapped in a vice-like grip.

  “Fuck, that hurts,” she wailed.

  “It’s meant to, seeing as you allowed these two beauties, who you offered as mine, to others without my permission. Isn’t that correct?”

  “Yes, Master Black. I’m sorry,” she puffed, trying to take deep breaths which only seemed to make it worse with the movement of her breasts. The stinging pain in her nipples caused a steady throb to start in her clitoris.

  Ah, fuck no! It was too soon to be aroused. From the glimmer in his eyes, she knew this was only the beginning.

  “I’m afraid it’s too soon for an apology, my pet. How many?”

  “How many what?”

  His eyebrows drew together in a scowl.

  “Don’t push me, Emerald. So far I’m still in a very mellow mood.”

  Jordan cleared her throat. There was no way out of this. Trying to postpone it would only aggravate the situation and him. She wisely decided to quit while she was ahead.

  “Eight, Sir.”

  “Hmm. Pity you decided to end it so soon. I enjoyed watching Bruce play with your tits.”

  “You know how confusing that is, right? One moment you reprimand me for allowing them to touch me and the next you tell me how you enjoy watching them do it.”

  A wicked smile cracked his face but only briefly. “I’m not a martyr, my pet. I don’t deny myself little pleasures when it’s offered freely.” He circled her again until he stood in front of her. He looked her up and down. “Your tits look gorgeous with their adornments, don’t you agree?”

  Jordan looked down at her throbbing nipples and had to admit that he was right. The silver orbs looked like jewels, albeit painful ones.

  “The question now is whether you need to remove your shorts for your further punishment.”

  Her eyes shot to his before she did a quick sweep of their surroundings. The lazy snap of the flogger against his leathers told her what was coming. Her breathing faltered. She fisted her hands until her fingers hurt. Flashes of Dexter Powell swinging his belt threatened to choke her.

  “Look at me, Emerald.”

  She turned haunted eyes on him. His gaze turned razor sharp as his jaw became rigid.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.” She didn’t hesitate.

  “Then why are you scared?”

  She couldn’t deny how her body trembled at the thought of being whipped.

  “A momentary flashback, Master Black.”

  He stepped closer. He kissed her lips with feathery lightness. “I’ll never hurt you, Jordan, not like that. You should know that by now.”

  “I do, my Master.”

  He stepped back. “I will concede and allow you to keep on your hot pants … they look very sexy on you, by the way.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she blundered, her face flushed with pleasure.

  “Spread your legs, sub, and clasp your hands behind your back.”

  Swish, snap! Swish, snap!

  Jordan jerked but followed his instruction.

  “Do not move, my pet. You will receive six strikes on your ass and four on your pussy.”

  “But there were only eight—” She swallowed her protest at the look in his eyes. He circled her again.

  “Be glad I’m only adding two for your disregard of my rule, sub. Normally, I would give you twenty just for disobeying me.”

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  “Fuck! Owwww!” The hoarse scream echoed to the rafters of the dungeon.

  “I guess I should’ve mentioned that tight leather aids with a whipping. Quite delightfully so.”

  “With all due respect, Master Black, you’re an—”

  “Careful, Emerald. I’d quit while I’m ahead if I were you,” Bruce drawled.

  Her lips snapped shut.

  “Push out your ass for the final three, please.”

  Jordan bit her lip in rebellion and didn’t move.

  “Do not make me repeat myself, Emerald.” The deepening of his voice reached deep inside her. Her buttocks pushed outward.

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  She wailed and gingerly rubbed her blazing cheeks as she watched him appear in front of her. Tears burned behind her eyelids. Still, it wasn’t the pain that upset her as much as the knowledge that she had disappointed him by breaking his only rule.

  Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

  Before she could draw a breath the four strikes fell between her legs. Her cry of surprise was cut short when Jack picked her up in his arms and carried her toward one of the private rooms, the Devil’s Den. He lowered her onto the bed and gazed at her.

  “Now, was that so bad?”

  She smiled brilliantly. “The ones on my ass burn like the blazes but the four on my pussy … what exactly were those, Master Black? Oooww! Fuck! You could’ve warned me,” she wailed and rubbed her breasts as he removed the magnetic orbs without warning.

  “Preparation,” he said. His eyes were steadfast on her as he quickly undressed and dragged the hot pants from her hips. He wedged his body between her legs and pushed aside her hands before he gently sucked her nipples, pulling on them like he was quenching a day-long thirst.

  “Preparation?” she puffed in a breathless whisper.

  “Hmm, isn’t that what this was all about, love? Your way of begging me to fuck you?”

  She slapped him on his shoulder.

  “You fiend! You knew!” She wiggled until she managed to fold her arms across her chest between their bodies. Her lips pursed into an enticing pout.

  She looked so much like a belligerent child Jack couldn’t help but burst out with laughter.

  “It’s not funny, Jack Blackmore. You deliberately let me suffer while you knew I wanted … needed … ehm …”

  “Yes?” His eyebrows lifted in an amused twitch.

  “Hmmf,” she snorted.

  Jack loosened her arms and pulled them beside her head. He twined their hands together; his eyes caressed her face. An indulgent smile curved his lips upward.

  “Honey, you’ve been through an ordeal and I wasn’t going to make any demands until you showed me you were ready for us to become physical again.”

  “I’ve been ready since you fetched me from London, Jack!”

  “No, love, you needed time, no matter how much you’d like to deny it.”

  She smiled sadly, knowing he was referring to Gideon and not only the physical trauma she had suffered.

  “I guess you’re right.” She canted her hips against his. “So, now that I’m ready and in case you missed the signs, supercharged … exactly what do you intend to do about that, my Master?”

  He showered her chest with a series of hot, wet kisses. “Hm, well, first, I need to take a little taste of your silky skin … all over,” he murmured against her throat and then commenced to trail his lips down between her breasts, nibbling and kissing his way up and down her b
ody until he’d covered every inch of her skin with licks and kisses.

  “Jack … I’m on fire. Please, I can’t … I don’t need more foreplay. I need you inside me. Fuck me. Now!”

  “Such a demanding little sub you are.”

  “Jack! Damn you, get that fucking huge cock of yours inside me. Now!”

  His delighted chuckle died as he fused his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. The hot demand of his mouth stirred her desire afresh as it skimmed the curve of her breasts to taste the coral flesh of her taut nipples. She looked ethereal, bathed in the dimness of the bedside lamp.

  “You are so beautiful, Jordan.”

  He pressed his body against the luxuriousness of her soft torso as his own arousal electrified his libido.

  “Fuck, love, you feel so good,” he groaned. He thrust his tumescence into her.

  To the hilt.

  “Yes! Oh, god, Jack. I’ve missed you so,” she cried as she submitted in a staccato of moans as he repeatedly plunged his taut shaft into her. His movements were measured, aimed at triggering a series of jagged tremors to tear through her body as he hit the one special spot that flayed her bare and left her defenseless.

  The boundaries that had restrained the limits of their intimacy were now overrun by unchecked lust. Now that Jack had finally released the chains around his own heart he needed to connect with Jordan. Physically and emotionally.

  Jordan wrapped her legs around his waist. She arched her hips and whispered in his ear, “I’m yours, Jack. My body, heart, and soul. I love you.”

  The words of her selfless subjugation rendered him free of the years of loneliness, of the doubt that had defined him as a man since Selina’s betrayal. All the emotions that had been banned began to stir and claw their way out of his chained heart. Jack let go and lost himself, willingly, in Jordan’s loving embrace.

  The gentle symphony of her carnal moans echoed in his ear, causing him to swell harder, filling his length and unshackled the all-consuming lust inside him.

  “I need to come. Please, my Master,” she puffed out breathlessly, her legs tightening around his waist.

  “Not yet, love.”

  Jack pulled her legs from around him and flipped her over. He bared the heart-shaped crevice between her thighs.

  “God, such beauty,” he murmured with his eyes on her rounded cheeks as he pulled her hips upward. “And still so fucking tight.” A shudder trembled through his body as he watched his venous length disappear inside her slit.

  Their moans married in the atmosphere surrounding them as the satiny walls of her pussy closed around his thick cock.

  “Jack … please!”

  Her cry rose to a primal scream as he responded by thrusting harder into her, slamming against her buttocks. The sound of their rocking and pounding bodies echoed back to them. His movements turned reckless, uncontrolled … almost violent in his urgency to find release.

  Jack had stopped fighting his feelings. Her declaration, and the heat that surrounded him, unearthed the emotions he’d locked away deep inside his heart for so long. He was shaken and stood impuissant in the clarity and powerful pull he felt from her soul.

  “Oh, gawd,” Jordan moaned as she drowned in waves of tantric euphoria as a climax wracked her body.

  “Yes, love, that’s what I want,” Jack growled. He reached around her body and tapped his finger against her clit.

  “Noo,” she pleaded, her knees threatening to buckle against the power of his thrusts and the multiple climaxes he continued to wring from her.

  “Yes,” he negated and continued to strum the swollen nub until heat flared through his chest, forcing carnal grunts from his throat as he ejaculated with strong ropey spurts inside her.

  He lay down and pulled her into his embrace. Their breathing was harsh as they struggled to slow their heart rate.

  Jack rose on his elbow and gazed into her dreamy eyes. His languid smile mirrored her own. A lone finger brushed a gentle touch along her cheek.

  “Do you know how much I love you, Jordan?”

  Joy filled her and she shouted it to the universe in the brilliant smile she offered in return.

  “If it’s half as much as I love you, I’m a very lucky woman,” she lilted.

  “No, love, I’m the lucky one.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes, to have been the one you chose as your trial Dom.” His voice deepened with the raw emotions he was still trying to come to grips with. “You are a very special woman, my love, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me.”

  “Could I have that in writing, please?” she dimpled with shining eyes.

  “If you insist. Not that you’d have enough energy to lift a pen to sign it.”

  Her shriek of pleasure as he bit into her nipple was joyful which quickly turned to husky moans of pleasure.

  “There is one way you can be assured I’ll keep my word,” he said between drugging kisses on her lips.

  “Do tell,” she sighed into his mouth.

  “Marry me.”

  Jordan went quiet. She stared at him, amazed at the look of devotion and love she saw in his eyes.

  “For real?” she croaked.

  “Yes, love, for real.” He kissed her loudly. “No more test runs.”

  She giggled and hugged him as she closed her eyes. Tears squeezed between her eyelids as she imagined Gideon smiling down at her.

  “No more test runs, my Master,” she whispered against his ear. She palmed his cheeks and smiled at him, her eyes swirling with emotions.

  “Yes, Jack, I’ll marry you.”

  “Hmm … thank you, love, although it wasn’t a question. I was just stating a fact. Maybe, if you behave, I might pop the question someday…” kiss “… in a very…” kiss “… romantic setting.”

  “It doesn’t matter how, where, or when. The answer will be the same.”

  “It better be,” he growled as he pushed his cock inside her.

  “Now … where were we?”


  Dexter Powell never used to look at the photographs, all boxed up and stuffed into the attic. He didn’t want them to become worn, sun-bleached, or damaged. His hands trembled as he opened the wooden box.

  “Yeah, right. Who are you trying to fool?” His voice sounded hollow in the dank room.

  The truth was he chose not to look at them because they were conduits to memories, some of which he’d rather not be reminded of daily, or ever, for that matter.

  He only showcased recent photos in the house, of the dogs or him and his best friend fishing, skiing, or sailing. Those were worth looking at. Not like these…

  He stilled as he opened the first album and looked down at the large print of five young boys proudly showing off the fish they’d caught. Their chests were puffed out as their broad smiles threatened to swallow their heads with pride. It was strange how these kinds of memories were the ones that left a permanent mark on a man’s soul.

  His lips flattened and pulled his mouth into a straight line as he continued to page through the photo albums. The last one he opened brought a coarse expletive to rush from his lips.

  He wondered if the pain would ever recede. Over the years Mr. Z had promised him it would, especially once they buried them … not just from their memories but six feet underground.

  He stopped flipping through the pages. His gaze was fixed on the couple staring back at him from the photograph. He resented the happiness that shone in their eyes, the love in hers as she looked up at the big man by her side.

  “Fucking lies! All lies,” he grated through clenched teeth.

  His own recollections of those times were quite the opposite of these celluloid stills. It was the only reason he looked at them from time to time. To remember, to ensure the memory of the hurt didn’t fade. He needed to keep those memories alive to continue feeding his anger, to remind himself of his supposed best friend and how deep his betrayal had cut.

t as deep as I’m going to thrust my knife into your black heart. Mark my words. The day is near … but as Mr. Z says, we need to bide our time.”

  He slammed the album shut, but a photo slipped from between the pages and fluttered to the floor. His fingers shook as he picked it up and turned it around.

  “Fuck! It’s not fair. Why should I suffer while he doesn’t? When he probably doesn’t even fucking remember!”

  His fingers trembled as he traced the small nose and the cupid shaped lips on the picture. Eyes, the color mirroring his own, returned his stare from a tiny little baby face forever ingrained in his mind.

  His daughter. His own flesh and blood.

  Killed in a senseless accident when her mother drove over a cliff, drunk as a skunk because it was the only way she could cope with the loss of the one man he had come to hate with every fiber in his being.

  Jack Blackmore.

  Jack slumped in the chair. It was just after two in the morning. He had left Jordan asleep upstairs. The envelope he’d spotted on his desk when he’d checked the alarm system before going to bed had haunted him, and he couldn’t fall asleep.

  “You’re not going to like what I found.”

  Lexie’s husky voice echoed in his mind as he stared at it with a blank expression. He had no idea what was about to be unveiled, apart from the fact that it was likely to be a shock. He had been playing with the thought of taking it with him to Precision Secure and opening it with his friends surrounding him.

  It had been a brief thought, summarily shunned and wiped away. It wasn’t an option. He wasn’t losing another loved one. It wasn’t going to happen. Not on his watch. This was personal. The attack against Jordan had made it so. He would just have to deal with whatever he uncovered.

  “Get it fucking over with, Jack. It’s not going to change the longer you wait.”

  He picked up the silver skull letter opener and tore open the envelope. At first, he didn’t look at the document in his hand. He couldn’t shake the feeling of doom that had been harboring inside his mind like a leech ever since he’d seen that photo of Dexter Powell.

  A premonition.

  His eyes dropped to the words on the detailed report. The only sign of the rising fury inside him was the tightening of his fingers holding the paper. They had turned white by the time he lifted his eyes.


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