The Valmiki Ramayana

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The Valmiki Ramayana Page 65

by Amish Tripathi

  Hearing the words of the king of the apes, Vayu’s son204 dispatched valiant apes in all the directions. In an instant, sent by the king, the apes departed. They leapt up,205 like birds and stellar bodies. They followed the footsteps of the valiant Vishnu.206 To accomplish Rama’s objective, those apes urged all the apes who were in the oceans, mountains, forests and lakes. The king of the apes was like Death, Destiny, or Kubera. Hearing Sugriva’s command, they arrived. They were scared of Sugriva. Raghava was on a mountain207 that had the complexion of a dark cloud. Three crores of extremely swift apes left from that place. There were those who were in that supreme mountain, with a complexion like heated gold, behind which, the sun sets.208 Ten crores left from there. The summit of Kailasa is as radiant as a lion’s mane. One thousand crores of apes arrived from there. There were those who resided in the Himalayas, surviving on fruits and roots. Ten trillion assembled from there. There were apes from Vindhya, terrible in their deeds and as terrible as Angaraka.209 One thousand crores swiftly arrived from there. There were those who had homes on the shores of the milky ocean, dwelling in tamala groves. They survived on coconut fruit. Their numbers were unknown.210 An extremely large army of extremely swift apes arrived from forests, caves and rivers. They seemed to drink up the rays of the sun.211 Among all the apes, there were some brave apes who had swiftly gone to the Himalaya mountains. They saw a giant tree there. On that beautiful and supreme mountain, Maheshvara had performed a sacrifice in ancient times and that divine and lovely sacrifice had satisfied the minds of all the gods. From the resultant food,212 fruits and roots were generated and the apes saw those there, as succulent as amrita. From the food, divine and agreeable fruits and roots were created. If one eats these, one is satisfied for a month.213 The leaders of the apes, those who survived on fruit, collected those divine roots and fruits and the divine herbs. The apes went to the place where the sacrifice had been held and to bring pleasure to Sugriva, collected the fragrant flowers. All the apes urged the supreme among apes on earth to hurry and returned, ahead of the herds. The herds were extremely swift and in an instant, hastened and reached Kishkindha, where the ape Sugriva was. There were apes who had collected all the herbs, fruits and roots. They made him accept these and spoke these words. ‘Following your command, all the apes on earth, all those who dwell in mountains, oceans and forests, are coming here to you.’ Hearing these words, Sugriva, the lord of the apes, was delighted. Delighted, he accepted everything that they had brought.

  Chapter 4(37)

  He accepted everything that they had collected and brought. He comforted all the apes and gave them leave to go. He granted permission to all the brave apes who had accomplished their task. He thought that the immensely strong Raghava, and he himself, had become successful. He was supreme among all the apes and was terrible in his strength. Lakshmana spoke reassuring words to him and delighted Sugriva. ‘O amiable one! If it pleases you, let us leave Kishkindha.’ He heard the excellent words spoken by Lakshmana. Sugriva was extremely happy and replied in these words. ‘I will abide by your instructions. Let us go then.’ Sugriva said this to Lakshmana, who was auspicious in his signs. He took his leave of Tara and the other women. Sugriva addressed the best among the apes, ‘Come here.’ Hearing his words, the apes arrived quickly. All those who were allowed to see the women came there and joined their hands in salutation.214 When they arrived, the king, whose radiance was like that of the sun, addressed them. ‘O apes! Quickly ready my palanquin.’ Hearing his words, the apes, swift in their valour, readied and brought a handsome palanquin. The lord of the apes saw that the palanquin had been brought. He told Soumitri, ‘O Lakshmana! Quickly mount it.’ Saying this, Sugriva, whose complexion was like that of the sun, ascended that golden vehicle with Lakshmana. It was carried by many apes. A white umbrella was held above his head. In every direction, he was fanned with white whisks. The bards greeted him with the sounds of conch shells and drums. Sugriva, the possessor of supreme royal prosperity, departed. He was surrounded by hundreds of apes, wielding sharp weapons in their hands. He left for the spot where Rama was.

  Having reached that excellent region, frequented by Rama, with Lakshmana, the immensely energetic one descended from the palanquin. He approached Rama and stood there, his hands joined in salutation. The other apes also stood there, their hands joined in salutation. Rama saw Sugriva and that large army of apes, resembling a lake filled with lotuses and lilies.215 He was delighted. The lord of the apes was prostrate at his feet, his head lowered. Raghava raised him up. Showing him a lot of respect and affection, he embraced him. Having raised him up, the one with dharma in his soul asked him to be seated. When he saw that he had seated himself on the ground, Rama addressed him in these words. ‘O brave one! O supreme among apes! A true king is a person who apportions time out for indulging in dharma, artha and kama. If someone abandons dharma and artha and only indulges in kama, he is like a person who sleeps on the top of a tree and only wakes up when he falls down. A king who bases himself in dharma, is engaged in slaying enemies and is also engaged in collecting friends, enjoys the fruits of all the three objectives.216 O slayer of enemies! The time for exertion has presented itself. O lord of the tawny ones! With the apes who are your ministers, think about what needs to be done.’

  Thus addressed by Rama, Sugriva replied in these words. ‘O mighty-armed one! Prosperity, deeds and the eternal kingdom of the apes were destroyed. It is through your favours that I have got them back again. O god! O supreme among victorious ones! It is through your favours and those of your brother that I have got them back. Among men, a person who does not pay back a good deed is reviled. O slayer of enemies! There are hundreds of supreme apes. They have returned after collecting all the strong apes on earth. O Raghava! There are bears, apes and brave golangulas. They are terrible to behold. They know about desolate regions and impenetrable forests. These apes are the sons of gods and gandharvas and can assume any form at will. O Raghava! Surrounded by their own respective soldiers, they are advancing along the paths. O scorcher of enemies! There are hundreds, hundreds of thousands, crores, ayutas and shankus of brave apes.217 There are arbudas218 of apes in the centre and hundreds of arbudas at the extremities. The apes and the leaders of herds of apes are arriving from the other shores of the oceans. O king! They are arriving, like the great Indra in their valour. Their form is like the Meru and Mandara. They have made their homes in the Vindhya and Meru. They are arriving so as to slay the rakshasas and their relatives in the battle. After Ravana has been slain in the battle, they will bring Maithilee back.’

  Following the instructions of the intelligent lord of the apes, the arrangements had been made. On seeing this, the son of the king219 rejoiced. His eyes, which looked like blue lotuses, dilated.

  Chapter 4(38)

  Sugriva spoke to Rama, supreme among those who uphold dharma, in this way, joining his hands in salutation. He embraced him in his arms and replied, ‘O scorcher of enemies! As long as Indra showers down during the monsoon and does not make the earth bereft of colours, as long as the sun, with the one thousand rays, removes the darkness from the sky, as long as the moon makes the earth amiable and sparkling with its amiable beams, till such time, let friends like you repay their debts. O amiable one! O handsome one! O Sugriva! But this is not extraordinary in someone like you. I know you as someone who is always pleasant in speech. O friend! With you as a protector, I will triumph over all enemies. A well-wisher and friend like you deserves to help me. By abducting Vaidehi, the worst of the rakshasas has brought about his own destruction, just as Anuhlada did with Shachi, Puloma’s daughter.220 I will soon slay Ravana with sharp arrows, just as Shatakratu, the destroyer of enemies, killed Poulami’s insolent father.’

  At this time, a dust arose and spread over the sky, enveloping the hot and fierce radiance of the one with the thousand rays. Because of that dust, the directions seemed to be anxious and senseless. The earth, with all its mountains, forests and groves, started to quake. The entire
earth was covered with apes. They were like giant mountains, extremely strong and with sharp teeth. Those leaders of the apes could assume any form at will. In an instant, hundreds of crores of them covered everything. There were extremely strong apes from rivers, mountains and oceans. There were others who roamed around in the forest. They thundered like clouds. There were those who were like the rising sun in complexion. There were others who were as fair as the moon and still others with the complexion of lotus stamens. There were those who had made residences on the Shveta and Meru. Surrounded by crores and tens of thousands of handsome apes, a brave ape named Shatabali221 was seen. Tara’s valiant father222 was seen, with a complexion like that of a golden mountain, and surrounded by many crores and tens of thousands. Hanumat’s handsome father, Keshari was seen. His complexion was like that of lotus fibres, his face had the complexion of the sun. This intelligent and supreme ape was foremost among all the apes. He was surrounded by an army that consisted of thousands of apes. There was Gavaksha, the great king of golangulas and terrible in his valour. He was seen, surrounded by thousands of crores of apes. From among the bears, there was Dhumra, terrible in his speed and the slayer of enemies. He arrived, surrounded by two thousand crores. There was a leader of the herds named Panasa. The immensely valorous one arrived, surrounded by three crore of terrible ones who had complexions like giant mountains. There was a leader of the herds named Nila, with a form and complexion like that of a mass of black collyrium. That immensely gigantic one was seen, surrounded by ten crores. There was a powerful leader of the herds named Darimukha. Surrounded by one thousand crore, he presented himself before Sugriva. Mainda and Dvivida, the two immensely strong sons of the two Ashvins, were seen. Each was surrounded by one crore of apes. Gandhamadana arrived and thousands of crores and hundreds of thousands of apes followed him at the rear. Prince Angada arrived and he was like his father in valour. He was surrounded by one thousand padmas223 and one hundred shamkhas. The ape Tara224 was terrible in valour and was like the stars in his radiance. He was seen from a distance, with five crore of apes. The brave ape Indrajanu, leader of herds, was seen. The lord was surrounded by eleven crore. Rambha, with a complexion like that of the rising sun, arrived. He was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of ayutas. There was the brave ape named Durmukha, the leader of herds. The powerful one was seen, surrounded by two crore. Hanumat was seen surrounded by a thousand crore of apes who were terrible in valour and like the summit of Kailasa in form. The immensely valorous Nala arrived. He was surrounded by a hundred crore and a hundred thousand of those who dwelt on trees. There were Sharabha, Kumuda and the ape Vahni. These and many other apes could assume any form at will. They enveloped the entire earth, with its mountains and forests. The apes roared, leapt up and jumped down. They approached Sugriva, like a large mass of clouds around the sun. Supreme in their strength, they uttered many kinds of sounds. The Indras among apes lowered their heads and presented themselves before Sugriva. Other supreme apes arrived, as was proper. They approached Sugriva and stood with their hands joined in salutation.

  Sugriva, the one who knew about dharma, stood with his hands joined in salutation. He quickly presented all those bulls among apes to Rama and said, ‘O Indras among apes! Dwell happily in the mountainous waterfalls and all the forests. Once you have settled down properly, the one who knows about armies225 desires to inspect the strength of the army.’

  Chapter 4(39)

  Sugriva, the lord of the apes, now possessed all the means to accomplish the objective. He spoke to Rama, tiger among men and the one who afflicted enemy armies. ‘The powerful ones, who can assume any form at will, have come and have settled down. These Indras among apes, those who have the complexion of the great Indra, are the ones who reside in my kingdom. There are many thousands of apes who are terrible in their valour. These terrible apes have arrived and they are like the daityas and the danavas. These powerful ones have conquered all exhaustion and are renowned for accomplishing extremely difficult tasks. They are excellent in their enterprise and are famous for their valour. O Rama! They roam around the earth, in the water and on land. They are the residents of many mountains. Waves of crores of apes have come here and they are your servants. All of them are awaiting their commands. All of them are engaged in the welfare of their seniors. O scorcher of enemies! They are capable of accomplishing whatever you desire. O tiger among men! The time has come to tell them what you think. These soldiers are under your command and you should instruct them. I know the truth about the task that you wish for. Even then, it will be appropriate for you to command them about the truth.’

  When he was addressed by Sugriva in this way, Rama, Dasharatha’s son, embraced him in his arms and spoke these words to him. ‘O amiable one! O immensely wise one! We must find out whether Vaidehi is alive or not and about the place where Ravana resides. After we get to know about Vaidehi and Ravana’s residence, when the right time arrives, in consultation with you, I will issue my commands then. O lord of the apes. For the task at hand, neither I, nor Lakshmana, is the master. O lord of the apes! You are the master of the task that needs to be accomplished now. O lord! Determining the nature of my task, you must issue the instructions. O brave one! There is no doubt that you know about my objective. You are brave and you are my second well-wisher.226 You are especially wise about the time. You are engaged in our welfare. You are good in accomplishing the objective and you know the purpose well.’

  When he was thus addressed, in Rama’s presence and that of the intelligent Lakshmana, Sugriva spoke to the leader of the herd named Vinata. This energetic lord of the apes had the complexion of a mountain and thundered like the clouds. ‘O supreme among apes! Go with the apes who are sons of Soma and Surya. You know about the time, the place and good policy. You know about what should be done and what should not be done. Surround yourself with one hundred thousand spirited apes. Go towards the eastern direction,227 with its mountains, forests and groves. Follow the routes in impenetrable mountains, forests and rivers, to search out Sita Vaidehi and Ravana’s residence. Explore the beautiful rivers Bhageerathee, Sarayu, Koushiki, Kalindi, Yamuna, the giant and dark mountain,228 Sarasvati, Sindhu,229 Shona, with water that shines like jewels, Mahi,230 Kalamahi, adorned with mountains and groves, Brahmamala, Videha, Malavat,231 Kashi, Kosala, Magadha, with large villages, Pundra, Vanga, the habitations of the koshakaras232 and the land where there are silversmiths. Search out everything everywhere. Look for Rama’s beloved wife Sita, Dasharatha’s daughter-in-law, in fathomless oceans, mountains and habitations. There are large places secreted in the valleys of the Mandara. Some have squashed ears there. Others have pierced lips and ears. There are terrible ones who seem to have faces made out of iron. Others are swift, though they only possess a single foot. There are men who have inexhaustible strength. Others eat the flesh of men. There are kiratas233 who decorate their ears. Some have golden complexions and are pleasant to see. The kiratas who reside in the islands eat raw fish. It has been said that there are terrible tigers among men who reside inside the waters. Search out the residences of all these and the habitations of those who dwell in groves. Leap from one place to another and ascend the mountains. There is the island of Yava,234 full of jewels and adorned with seven kingdoms. It is full of silver and gold. Once you pass beyond it, there will be the mountain named Shishira. It is populated by gods and danavas and the summit touches the sky. There are impenetrable mountains, waterfalls and forests there. Here and there, search out the route of Ravana and Vaidehi. You should see the extremely terrible island in the ocean. There are extremely gigantic asuras there and they always seize people by their shadows. Brahma ordained that they should remain hungry for a long period of time. Go to the tirtha in the great ocean. It is populated by giant serpents that roar loudly. Their forms are like clouds of destruction. After this, there is the terrible ocean named Lohita, with water like blood.235 Having gone there, you should see the giant silk-cotton trees.236 Vainateya’s237 abode is there, decorated
by many kinds of jewels. It is like Kailasa and was constructed by Vishvakarma. There are terrible rakshasas named Mandeha there and their complexion is like that of mountains. They have diverse fearful forms and hang downwards from the peaks of mountains. When the time for sunrise comes, they always fall down in the water. They are scorched by the sun and repeatedly hang downwards again.238 There is the ocean named Kshiroda, with a complexion like that of a white cloud. O invincible ones! Having gone there, you must see the waves that are like necklaces made out of pearls. In the midst of this, there is the gigantic mountain named Rishabha, white in complexion. It is surrounded by silvery and blossoming trees with divine fragrances. There is the lake named Sudarshana, full of swans. There are silver-coloured lotuses there, with dazzling golden fibres. To cheerfully sport in that lake full of lotuses, gods, charanas, kinnaras and large numbers of apsaras go there. O apes! After passing beyond Kshiroda, you should see Jaloda. This is best among oceans and is fearful to all creatures. The great hayamukha fire is there, created from the energy of rage.239 It is said to possess great force and devours all mobile and immobile objects. The loud shrieks of creatures who dwell in the ocean can be heard there, when they are rendered incapacitated on seeing the vadavamukha fire. There is a region that is thirteen yojanas to the north of those tasty waters. The extremely large mountain with a golden peak, named Jatarupa, is there. The thousand-hooded god, Ananta, attired in blue garments and worshipped by all creatures, is seated on the summit of that mountain.240 The great-souled one’s standard is a three-headed palm tree. It has been established, with its foundation, on the summit of that mountain and is radiant. The gods have created this as a mark of the eastern direction.241 After this, there is the supremely wonderful Mount Udaya, made out of gold. It is one hundred yojanas high and its peak touches the firmament. With its foundation, it dazzles. It is divine and is made out of molten gold. There are blossoming sala, tala, tamala and karnikara trees. These are divine and are made out of molten gold. They dazzle and are like the sun. There is a peak242 that is one yojana wide and ten yojanas high. This is firm and is named Soumanasa. It is made out of molten gold. In ancient times, Vishnu Trivikrama243 placed his first foot there. Purushottama placed his second foot on Mount Meru. The sun is repeatedly seen atop this giant peak.244 It then circles Jambudvipa from the north. The radiant maharshis, named vaikhanasas and valakhilyas are seen there. Those ascetics have the complexion of the sun. The dvipa known as Sudarshana is ahead of that.245 He246 illuminates with his energy and provides eyesight to all those who are living. On the slopes of that mountain and in caverns and forests, here and there, search for the route taken by Ravana and Vaidehi. The golden mountain is suffused by the great-souled sun’s energy and is seen to assume a reddish tinge at the time of sandhya. Beyond this, the eastern direction is barred by the gods and is impossible to penetrate. With the sun and the moon missing, it is enveloped in darkness. Janakee should be searched out in all the mountains, caves and forests I have mentioned, and even in the places I have not mentioned. O bulls among the apes! Apes are only capable of going up to this spot. We do not know about what is beyond. That is without the sun and beyond the boundaries. Having reached Mount Udaya, you will search for Vaidehi and Ravana’s residence for a month and return after that. No one will stay for more than a month. If anyone does that, he will be bound up in my residence. Go and find Maithilee. Return after accomplishing your objective. O apes! Use your skills to search that direction, loved by the great Indra and adorned with forests and groves. Get back Sita, loved by the descendant of the Raghu lineage. Return after that. May you be happy.’


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