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The Valmiki Ramayana

Page 99

by Amish Tripathi

  Indrajit, great in his use of maya, was surrounded by all the soldiers. He entered the city of Lanka and went before his father. Ravana was seated. He joined his hands in salutation and greeted him, telling his beloved father that Rama and Lakshmana had been killed. In the midst of the rakshasas, Ravana heard that the enemy had been brought down. Delighted, he leapt up and embraced his son. He inhaled the fragrance of his head. Happy in his mind, he asked questions. Asked, he told his father everything, just as it had occurred. On hearing the maharatha’s135 words, his heart was filled with floods of joy. The fever caused by Dasharatha’s son passed. He praised his son in joyous words.

  Chapter 6(37)

  Having accomplished his objective, Ravana’s son entered Lanka. Distressed, the bulls among the apes surrounded Raghava and protected him. Hanumat, Angada, Nila, Sushena, Kumuda, Nala, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamadana, Jambavat, Rishabha, Sunda, Rambha, Shatabali and Prithu collected trees and constructed vyuhas in every direction. The apes glanced in all the directions, upwards and diagonally. Even if a blade of grass moved, they thought that it might be a rakshasa.

  Ravana was delighted and gave his son, Indrajit, permission to leave. He summoned the rakshasis who were entrusted with the task of protecting Sita. Commanded by him, the rakshasis presented themselves, including Trijata. Delighted, the lord of the rakshasas spoke to the rakshasis. ‘Tell Vaidehi that Rama and Lakshmana have been killed by Indrajit. Make her ascend Pushpaka and show her that they have been killed in the battle. She was insolent because she sought refuge with her husband. She did not serve me. In the field of battle, he and his brother have been restrained. Maithilee need not be uncertain now. She need not be anxious. She has no hope. Adorned in all the ornaments, Sita can present herself before me. In the battle today, Rama and Lakshmana have come under the subjugation of death. Having seen this, with her hopes destroyed, she will find no other recourse.’ Having heard the words of the evil-souled Ravana, the rakshasis agreed and went to where Pushpaka was. Following Ravana’s commands, the rakshasis brought Pushpaka and conveyed it to Ashokavana, where Maithilee was. On account of her husband, she was overcome by sorrow. The rakshasis seized Sita and made her ascend Pushpaka vimana. With Trijata, Sita ascended Pushpaka. Ravana caused Lanka to be decorated with flags, standards and garlands. Delighted, the lord of the rakshasas arranged for it to be proclaimed in Lanka that Raghava and Lakshmana had been killed by Indrajit in the battle.

  With Trijata, Sita left on the vimana and saw all the soldiers of the apes who had been brought down. Her mind was happy to see the devourers of flesh.136 However, she was miserable and grieved to see the apes standing by the side of Rama and Lakshmana. Sita saw that both of them were lying down on beds of arrows and that, afflicted by arrows, Rama and Lakshmana were unconscious. Their armour was cast away. The two brave ones had flung away their bows. Pierced by arrows in all their limbs, they were lying down on the ground, on beds of arrows. She saw the two brave brothers, bulls among men. Extremely miserable with grief, Sita started to lament piteously. Looking at them, the two brothers, whose power was like that of the gods, she sorrowed and her eyes filled with tears. She believed that they had been killed and filled with sorrow, she spoke these words.

  Chapter 6(38)

  On seeing that her husband and the extremely strong Lakshmana had been killed, Sita was overcome with great sorrow. She lamented piteously. ‘Those who can read signs137 said that I would have sons and would not be a widow. They did not know. Since Rama has been killed today, all of them have uttered a falsehood. They said that I would be the queen at a great sacrifice and that I would be the wife supporting such a sacrifice. They did not know. Since Rama has been killed today, all of them have uttered a falsehood. Those learned ones told me that I was blessed. I would be the wife of a brave king. They did not know. Since Rama has been killed today, all of them have uttered a falsehood. In my hearing, those brahmanas spoke the auspicious words that I would be close to my husband. They did not know. Since Rama has been killed today, all of them have uttered a falsehood. Indeed, I have marks of the lotus on the soles of my feet. Because of that, women are consecrated on a throne, with their husbands, who are Indras among men. The inauspicious signs on women who become widows and are limited in fortune are missing. As I look at myself, those signs cannot be discerned. The signs of the lotus on women convey a truth. Since Rama has been slain today, that has been rendered false. My hair is extremely fine, black and smooth. My eyebrows do not touch each other. My hips are round and possess no hair. There are no gaps between my teeth. My temples, eyes, hands, feet, ankles and thighs are perfect in proportion. My fingers are smooth and my nails are delicate and well rounded. My breasts are plump and there is no gap between them. My nipples are depressed. My navel is turned inwards. My flanks and breasts are smooth. My complexion is like that of a jewel. My body hair is soft. It is said that I possess the auspicious signs and stand on twelve limbs.138 Those who are learned about the signs of maidens have spoken of me as one who has the complexion of barley, with no gaps in the hands and the feet,139 and as one who smiles gently. The brahmanas who are skilled and know about what will happen said that I would be consecrated on the throne with my husband. Everything has been rendered false. Having got to know what had happened, those two brothers searched in Janasthana and crossed the ocean that cannot be agitated. Thereafter, they have been slain in a puddle.140 Indeed, the two Raghavas knew about the use of Varuna, Agneya, Aindra, Vayavya and Brahmashira weapons. They were like Vasava. Rama and Lakshmana have been killed by someone who used maya to remain invisible in the battle. They were my protectors and I have no protector now. Having come within the range of vision of Raghava in an encounter, no enemy could return with his life, even if he possessed the speed of thought. The burden of destiny is extremely heavy. Death is extremely difficult to vanquish. That is the reason Rama and his brother are lying down, having been brought down in the battle. I am not grieving over the death of my husband and Lakshmana or for myself or my mother, as I am over my ascetic mother-in-law. She incessantly thinks about the time when the vow will be over and about when she will be able to see Sita, Rama and Lakshmana return.’

  While she was lamenting, the rakshasi Trijata spoke. ‘O queen! Do not grieve unnecessarily. Your husband is alive. O queen! Let me tell you about the great signs whereby one knows that these two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, are alive. When leaders are killed in a battle, the faces of the warriors do not show any rage. Nor are they filled with joy.141 O Vaidehi! This vimana has the name of Pushpaka. Had they been killed, it would not have brought you here, through the sky. When the foremost and valiant warrior has been killed, the soldiers lose all eagerness and enterprise. They wander around in the battle, like a boat in the water that has lost its rudder. O spirited ones! These ones are without fear and show no anxiety. The soldiers are protecting the two Kakutsthas, who have been vanquished in the battle through the use of maya. These signs should give rise to joy and you should be devoid of your anxiety. You will see that the two Kakutsthas have not been killed. Out of my affection, I am telling you this. I have never uttered a falsehood in the past, nor will I ever speak it. Because of your character and good conduct, you have found a place in my heart. Indra, with the gods and the asuras, is incapable of defeating these two in a battle. Having looked at their faces, this is what I can tell you. O Maithilee! Gently look at the great signs. They are still breathing and their beauty has not deserted them. In general, when men lose their breath of life and their lives, their faces are seen to be greatly distorted. O Janaka’s daughter! Give up your misery, grief and confusion. It is impossible for Rama and Lakshmana not to remain alive.’ Hearing her words, Sita Maithilee, who was like a daughter of the gods, joined her hands in salutation and said, ‘May it be that way.’ With the speed of thought, Pushpaka vimana returned. The distressed Trijata and Sita entered Lanka. With Trijata, she got down from Pushpaka and the rakshasis made her enter Ashokavana. Sita entered the ple
asure ground of the Indra among the rakshasas, filled with many clumps of trees. Having seen the two princes, she thought about them and was filled with great sorrow.

  Chapter 6(39)

  Dasharatha’s two sons were tied down in the terrible bonds of arrows. They were lying down, covered with blood and sighing like serpents. All the foremost and immensely strong apes, with Sugriva, were filled with sorrow and surrounded the great-souled ones.

  At this time, the valiant Rama regained his senses. Despite being bound down by the arrows, he used yoga to steady his spirit. He saw his brother, covered in blood and severely unconscious, lying down on the ground. Suffering and with a distressed face, he lamented. ‘What will I do with Sita? What is the point of remaining alive? Today, I can see my brother vanquished in a battle, lying down. If I search the world, I am capable of finding a woman like Sita. But one cannot find a brother, adviser and companion like Lakshmana. If he, the extender of Sumitra’s delight, returns to the five elements,142 while these apes look on, I will give up my life. What will I tell my mother, Kousalya? What will I tell Kaikeyee? What will I tell the mother, Sumitra, who desires to see her son? If I return without you, how will I comfort her? Without her calf, she will tremble and shriek like a female osprey. What will I tell Shatrughna and the illustrious Bharata? He went to the forest with me, but I will return without him. Sumitra is firm in her vows and I will not be able to approach her. I will give up my body here. I am not interested in remaining alive. Shame on me. Shame on my evil and ignoble deeds, since this has happened. Lakshmana has fallen down and is lying on a bed of arrows, as if he has lost his life. O Lakshmana! When I was greatly distressed, you always comforted me. Now that you have lost your life, when I am distressed, you will be incapable of speaking to me. In the battle today, he killed many rakshasas who are lying down on the ground. Slain by the enemy, the brave one is now lying down on the ground. He is lying down on this bed of arrows, covered in his own blood. He is radiant in this net of arrows, like the sun when it is about to set. Your inner organs have been pierced by arrows and you are incapable of seeing. Though you are not speaking, the dust and red tinge in your eyes are eloquent. When I went to the forest, the immensely radiant one followed me. In that way, I will follow him to Yama’s abode. He was always devoted to the welfare of his relatives. He always followed me. He has been reduced to this state because of my ignoble and evil policy. I do not remember any words the brave Lakshmana spoke in rage. I have never heard any harsh or disagreeable words. With one shot, he was capable of releasing five hundred arrows. In the use of weapons, Lakshmana was thus superior to Kartavirya.143 With his weapons, the great-souled one could destroy Shakra’s weapons. He deserved to lie down on an extremely expensive bed, but is lying down on the ground. There is no doubt that the false words I have uttered will destroy me. I have not made Vibhishana the king of the rakshasas. O Sugriva! You should return this instant. O king! Without me, the powerful Ravana will overwhelm you. O Sugriva! Use the bridge across the ocean again and with Angada at the forefront and with your soldiers and well-wishers, return. I am content with the extremely difficult tasks that have been accomplished in the battle by Hanumat and the others, the king of the bears and the lord of the golangulas. Deeds have been done by Angada, Mainda and Dvivida. Kesari and Sampati fought fiercely in the battle. For my sake, Gavaya, Gavaksha, Sharabha, Gaja and other apes were ready to give up their lives in the battle. O Sugriva! It is impossible for humans to cross their destiny. O scorcher of enemies! As a friend and a well-wisher, you have done everything you could. O Sugriva! O one scared of adharma! You have done everything you could. O bulls among the apes! You have performed the acts of friends. With my permission, all of you should now go where you wish.’

  All the apes heard his lamentations. Tears flowed from their dark-rimmed eyes. Vibhishana steadied all the formations. With a club in his hand, he quickly went to the spot where Raghava was. He resembled a mass of dark collyrium. Seeing him advance swiftly, all the apes took him to be Ravana’s son and fled.

  Chapter 6(40)

  The immensely energetic and immensely strong king of the apes asked, ‘Why is this army distressed, like a boat in the water that has been rendered immobile because of the wind?’ Hearing Sugriva’s words, Angada, Vali’s son, replied, ‘Do you not see the immensely strong Rama and Lakshmana? Those two brave sons of Dasharatha are tied down in nets of arrows. Covered in blood, those two great-souled ones are lying down on the ground on beds of arrows.’ At this, Sugriva, Indra among the apes, told his son144 Angada, ‘I do not think that is the reason why there are scared. Their faces are distressed. They are fleeing in different directions, abandoning their weapons. The apes have dilated their eyes in terror and are rambling incoherently. They are not ashamed of each other and are not glancing back. They are jostling against each other and are jumping over the ones who have fallen down.’

  At this time, holding a club in his hand, the brave Vibhishana approached Sugriva, looked at him and said, ‘May Raghava be prosperous.’ Sugriva saw that Vibhishana had caused terror among the apes.145 He told Jambavat, the king of the bears, who was near him, ‘Vibhishana has come here. On seeing him, the bulls among the apes are running away in fear, suspecting him to be Ravana’s son. They are terrified and are fleeing in many directions. Quickly steady them and tell them that it is Vibhishana who has come.’ Thus addressed by Sugriva, Jambavat, the king of the bears, assured the apes and made the ones who were fleeing return. Abandoning their fear, all the apes returned, after hearing the words of the king of the bears and seeing Vibhishana.

  Vibhishana, with dharma in his soul, saw that Rama’s body was pierced with arrows and so was that of Lakshmana. His senses were afflicted. He dipped his hands in water and wiped his eyes. His mind suffered from grief and he wept and lamented. ‘These two brave and spirited ones loved to fight. They have been brought to this state by rakshasas who fight in mysterious ways. My brother’s son is a wicked son and is evil in his soul. That rakshasa is deceitful in his intelligence and has dislodged two who are upright in their valour. They have been pierced a lot with arrows and blood is flowing. They can be seen, sleeping on the ground like porcupines. Depending on their valour, I desired a status for myself. However, these two bulls among men are asleep, waiting for their bodies to be destroyed. With their lives under threat now, my desire for the kingdom will be destroyed. My enemy, Ravana, will accomplish his pledge and his wishes will be satisfied.’ When Vibhishana lamented in this way, the spirited Sugriva embraced him. The king of the apes spoke these words. ‘O one who knows about dharma! There is no doubt that you will obtain the kingdom of Lanka. Ravana and his son will not obtain this kingdom. These two, Raghava and Lakshmana, are not badly wounded. Once they get out of their confusion, they will slay Ravana and his companions in the battle.’ He comforted and assured the rakshasa in this way.

  His father-in-law, Sushena, was by his side and Sugriva addressed him. ‘With the large numbers of brave apes go to Kishkindha. Take these two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, the scorchers of enemies, with you. Until they have regained their senses, remain there. I will kill Ravana, together with his sons and his relatives. Like Shakra got his lost prosperity back, I will bring back Maithilee.’ Hearing the words of the Indra among the apes, Sushena spoke these words. ‘There was a great and extremely terrible battle between the gods and the asuras. The danavas were skilled in avoiding the touch of the arrows. Despite the gods knowing about the use of weapons, they repeatedly struck them. They were afflicted and destroyed. They lost their senses and almost lost their lives. Brihasapti used his knowledge of mantras and herbs to treat them. Let apes who are swift in their speed, Sampati, Panasa and the others, quickly go to the ocean with milky waters and fetch those herbs. The apes know about the great herbs in the mountains— sanjivakarani and the divine vishalya, created by the gods.146 In the excellent ocean, there are two mountains named Chandra and Drona. Amrita was churned there and the supreme herbs are there. The gods plac
ed the supreme herbs in the mountains there. O king! Let Hanumat, Vayu’s son, go there.’

  At this time, a wind arose, accompanied by clouds tinged with lightning. This agitated the water in the ocean and seemed to make the mountains tremble. As a result of the strong wind resulting from the wings, all the large trees on the island fell down. Their branches and roots were shattered and flung into the salty waters. The snakes and serpents that resided there147 were terrified. All of them quickly submerged, deep into the salty ocean. In a short while, all the apes saw Garuda, Vinata’s immensely strong son, blazing like a fire. In the form of arrows, snakes had tied down the two immensely strong men.148 On seeing him arrive, these fled. Seeing the two Kakutsthas, Suparna honoured them. He touched their faces, which possessed the radiance of the moon, with his hands. Their wounds were healed by the touch of Vinata’s son. Their bodies quickly became smooth and excellent in complexion. The great qualities of their energy, valour, strength, endurance and enterprise, as well as their foresight, intelligence and memory were doubled. Garuda raised those two extremely valiant ones, who were Vasava’s equal. He cheerfully embraced them.


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