Book Read Free

Chicks, Man

Page 16

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Fuck no. I’m sorry. That’s far from what I want. I just…I don’t like the fucking kid. Even if it’s a ruse. He’s trouble.”

  She snuggles her head into my chest, and I squeeze her tighter, needing her close. “He’s harmless. But if we want to keep us secret, we need him. Stacey was asking questions about us at lunch the other day. She suspects something.”

  That’s not good. If she shares her thoughts with Kip, I’m a dead man. “I don’t like that kid. We need to find another way.”

  “Want me to come out and tell my family I’m a lesbian? That’ll take you right off their trail. Not that they’d be all that shocked since I’ve never even brought home a guy before recently.” I chuckle, feeling some relief. I’m glad to hear I’m the one who’s giving her all her firsts. Showing her how she should always be treated. Cherished.

  Kissing the top of her head, I say, “No, then I’d just be jealous of your fake girlfriend.”

  She pulls away, and I want to fight to keep her in my arms all day.

  “You realize, if you took the job, you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else filling it.”

  “What job?” I’m back to being on edge, worrying she’s going to leave the firm and I won’t get to be near her every day.

  Becoming nervous, she bites her bottom lip, and I find it sexy as hell. “Boyfriend. But it was a joke. That would be—”

  “I’ll take it.”

  “What? Really?”

  I pull her back into me, her breasts snuggled up against my chest. “I said I want the job.” Her chin lifts, her expression morphing into shock. I laugh. She’s so damn cute. “So, girlfriend. What do you say we get this god-awful day over and you tell your parents you’re sleeping at Becky’s? I’ll cook you my specialty—delivered pizza—and we’ll watch mindless television until we fall asleep.”

  Her eyes light up. God. Beautiful.

  “Sounds perfect. Except we have family dinner tonight.”

  Fuck, that’s right. “Scratch the pizza. Just dessert then. But knowing it will be some time before I get you home, there’s something else I need from you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Ditch the dweeb. He’s absolutely not coming to dinner tonight. I can’t come as your date, but I sure as hell don’t want him there. We will have to figure something else out as our decoy. Just to get rid of him, I may take you up on the whole lesbian idea.”

  She takes too long to agree with me, and I fear having to spank her silly, but then her arms wrap around me, hugging me. “Got it, boss.”

  Dammit, she knows how to get to me.

  “Good. Now, let’s make up for some lost time. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet, and I have the perfect meal in mind.”


  We’re on our way to the restaurant straight from work, Levi insisting we drive together. No one questioned why I wasn’t driving myself, or why I came into work with Levi all week. He told Dad he’d give me a ride after we finished searching for some files Levi said went missing. The windows are down, and the wind is blowing fresh air though the car. Some eighties band is playing on the radio, and my heart skips when Levi holds my hand as he drives. He’s holding my hand!

  He is my boyfriend. Secret boyfriend, but still. I panicked earlier, afraid he was done with…whatever we were. He shocked me saying he wanted to fill the boyfriend role. I wanted to tell him he had been my boyfriend since I was seven, about all my notepads with Hannah Dent written all over them a million times, the love letters I pretended he wrote me… Boy, he would probably drop me off at the looney bin if he knew how deeply in love I’ve always been with him.

  Which is strange to say now.

  And a bit creepy.

  Maybe for a good laugh, I’ll show him his hoodie I still have from the summer he stayed with us. I’d stolen it from the laundry room, unwashed, and slept with it the entire next year.

  “What’s got that quirky smile on your face?”

  “Oh, I was just remembering when we were kids. The summer you stayed with us. Remember your football hoodie you lost?”

  “Yeah, the one I swear Kip’s girlfriend at the time stole because she secretly had a crush on me.”

  I laugh. “It was me.”

  He cocks his head, eyeing me. “No.”

  “Guilty.” I laugh. “Right under all your noses. No one suspected sweet little Hannah, but I took it. Still have it too. Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll give it back. It’s a little worn, though.”

  His laughter seeps through me and tickles my soul. The sound of him happy, relaxed…it’s like heaven. Lately, he’s been so stressed with this case, and I hate that I haven’t been able to do anything about it. I’ve thought about going to Dad and asking him to lay off, but that would cause more issues.

  “Wow. Never knew little Hannah Matthews was a hoodie thief.”

  I shrug, playing it cool. “If we’re being honest, I snagged a few other things from you over the years.”

  “You didn’t. Spill. Now.”

  I refuse to confess all the things. His toothbrush, a pair of boxers, a letter Lindy Robertson wrote him his freshman year—which I stabbed a hundred times and buried in our backyard. “I went through your phone once.”

  He throws his head back, and a laugh bellows out. “Why?”

  “I wanted to see all the photos you had, hoping for some naked selfies or something I guess.” I hadn’t found any. Guess he hadn’t been into taking dick pics and sending them to girls.

  “Sorry, you were probably disappointed. I guess it’s a good thing I fixed that by giving you the real thing.” My cheeks flare. Shoot. I should have never brought it up. “Hey, I’m kidding. No need to get all shy on me now.” He squeezes my hand, his smirk giving me those constant butterflies.

  We pull up to the restaurant, and sadly, he releases my hand. “Don’t worry. In and out. We get our dessert to go, and I’ll eat it off you tonight, deal?” Okay, he’s making up for the loss of hand holding.


  We walk close, our bodies brushing up against one another as we make our way inside. Like a gentleman, he holds the door open for me. I can’t help but brush my hand along the side of his hip as I step inside.

  “Watch it, or we’re not making it through appetizers.” I don’t look back. We won’t be making it to the table if I catch that predator gaze in his eyes. We’re greeted by the hostess, and Levi informs her we’re with the Matthews’ party. She guides us to the table where I spot Kip and Stacey.

  “You have to be shittin’ me,” Levi hisses, and I slam into him when he stops suddenly.

  “What?” I ask, peeking around him to see for myself. Braydon.

  “I thought we agreed. What the fuck is he doing here?”

  “We did. I have no idea. I avoided him all day.”

  We stand there staring at the scene going down, my mom and dad flaunting over whatever story Braydon is telling. “Fuck this, we’re leaving—”

  “About time, you two! We’ve already ordered drinks. Sit, sit.” My dad waves us over as Mom gets up to greet us. Neither of us move.

  “We have to,” I tell him, realizing we’re stuck.

  “I’m gonna pummel that shithead,” he growls as Mom makes it to us.

  “What’s got you two looking so sour?” She leans in and gives me a hug, then goes for Levi. His mask quickly in place, his demeanor changes, his carefree smile on point.

  “Oh, nothing. Traffic. We’re glad to be here in good company. Always lovely to see you, Cheryl.”

  “Yes! Come, sit down. Hannah, your boyfriend was just telling us about all the cases he’s been prepping you on.” Oh, crap. Did anyone else feel the shift in the air? The ground rattling? Possibly a low octave growl coming from Levi? I decide not to comment or make eye contact with Levi. There’s nothing we can do about it now. Following them to the table, we stop in search of seats. Great, one open seat next to Braydon, and one next to…Rebecca? Why is she always at family events? Because neith
er of us make a move, Braydon stands, signaling for the open chair by him, right as Rebecca pops up.

  “Saved you a seat!”

  Saved you a seat. God! I want to rip her hair out.

  Left with no other choice, I break away from Levi and walk around the table, right as Braydon goes in for a hug. I consider ducking for any flying objects in our direction. “Hey, I couldn’t find you, so I caught a ride with your dad.”

  I want to ask why, since I have no recollection of inviting him. “Yeah, no problem,” I reply, taking my seat instead.

  “Now that everyone’s here…” Kip starts, standing and holding his drink up. There’s a full glass of red wine in front of me, and without asking who it belongs to, I snatch it up and inhale a huge gulp. Unfortunately, the expensive pinot noir does nothing to soothe my nerves. Two more large sips, and I hit the bottom of my glass.

  Mom nudges me. “Honey, slow down. He hasn’t even told us the news yet.”

  Stacey’s pregnant. Rebecca’s a tramp. Braydon needs to beat it. Oh yeah! I’m dating Kip’s best friend and having the most amazing sex known to man. Cheers! I’ll take the filet.

  A huge sigh slips from my lips, and I mumble, “Sorry.” Putting my glass down, I tuck my hands in my lap. My butt jumps two feet off my chair, knocking my knees into the table when Braydon’s hand touches mine under the table.

  “We wanted to start off by saying thanks to everyone for coming tonight. We have the most important people with us to share a very exciting announcement.” Kip gazes down at Stacey with such affection, then back to the family. “We’re having a baby!”

  Everyone goes nuts. My mom starts to cry, and while she’s distracted, I grab her wine glass and chug it. My dad stands to congratulate my brother. I wish I was sharing in the enthusiasm, but my eyes are set across the table at a hussy who has her claws in my boyfriend. I vaguely hear Braydon excuse himself to go to the bathroom over Rebecca’s squeaky voice.

  “So exciting. Isn’t it, Levi?” Rebecca places her hands over Levi’s, acting as if she even cares about a baby. She slides off her chair, closing in on him, and leans forward to whisper something in his ear. This time, I wonder if he’s smart enough to duck because my glass is about to bounce off her head. I just don’t understand why she doesn’t get the hint. That what? He’s secretly dating you and is no longer available? Correct. Because I don’t see him removing her hand. Also correct. Darn it. She finishes whatever she’s whispering and follows up with a giggle.

  “Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna use the ladies’ room.” She winks at Levi, then is up and sashaying toward the restrooms. My eyebrows shoot up, curious what the hell that was about. There’s no doubt I’m shooting daggers at Levi. When his eyes meet mine, his burn with the same fury.

  “Excuse me,” he says and stands, dismissing himself, also making his way toward the restrooms. What in heavens—?

  “Hannah, baby, isn’t this just wonderful?” Dad says as my eyes follow Levi until he hits the hallway and disappears. “Another Matthews. Just wonderful!”

  Yeah. Wonderful. Where are they going? He wouldn’t be meeting her in the bathroom, would he? My mind is playing evil tricks on me. Rebecca is currently ripping Levi’s clothes off as they both laugh at my expense. Oh god. “Waitress! Refill!”


  That’s it.

  He’s done for.

  I’ve had enough with that little turd thinking he has a chance with her. I don’t care if this blows our cover, I’m willing to risk the consequences to make sure he stays the hell away from my girl.

  I get up, excusing myself, and follow Braydon toward the restrooms. I’m probably not thinking this through, but all I can think about is kicking that shit’s ass. I whip around the corner and slam into Rebecca.

  “Oh, wow. Just the person I was waiting for. I knew you would take me up on my offer—”

  I rip her hands off my shoulders as her lips almost make contact with my neck. “What? What’s wrong? No one will miss us. We can sneak away in the bathroom. I’ve been thinking about—”

  “Rebecca, stop. I can’t grasp how to express this more than I already have. I’m not interested. At all. Not the slightest bit. I suggest you spend your energy and time on someone else.” Her lips form a thin line. Her expression morphs into anger, but I don’t give her the chance to lash out. I gently move around her and storm into the bathroom, catching Braydon as he washes his hands.

  “Great news, huh? I bet Hannah’s excited for her—”

  Without further thought, I take him and slam him into the wall. His body buckles under my hold, and a grunt escapes his mouth at the impact. “What the fuck—?”

  “I’m going to say this once and only once: stay the hell away from Hannah.” I wait for him to react to my threat. Shock to form in his eyes. His body to shake with fear. But none of that comes. Instead, his eyes darken, a wicked smile creeping across his face. His body shakes all right, but it’s from laughter. I pull him from the wall, slamming him back against it. “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh wow. Does someone have a thing for his best friend’s little sister?”

  “That’s none of your damn business,” I growl, practically spitting in his face.

  “Seems it is, since the big bad Levi Dent is in the bathroom threatening me.” His smirk widens, and a disturbing chill skates down my arms. “Newsflash: I’m not gonna do that. I have big plans for Ms. Matthews. Maybe work up to your level and fuck her like a whore in the offi—”

  I swing at him before I can think, making contact with his jaw. Blood spurts from his nose, splattering onto my shirt. Braydon doesn’t react or show a single ounce of pain or fear. The little fucker laughs harder.

  “Did I hit a sore spot? Did you think no one knew about your private lunches? You don’t think I couldn’t smell the filth on her—”

  Another hit, this time to his gut. He buckles, but I don’t allow him the chance to coddle his wound or catch his breath. “You better watch it. You say one more thing about her, you’re done. You attempt to lay one hand on her—”

  “Oh, I plan on more than just one hand. I plan on ruining you. And once you’re out of the way, I’m taking your place. Get a taste of the sweet Hannah Matthews. I bet she tastes like innocence.” He licks his lips, and I lose it. My fist clenches, and I rear back. “Oh yeah, hit me again. Dig your grave some more.”

  My fist plows toward his face as the door to the bathroom opens. My hand drops, and Braydon’s body slumps against the tiled wall. My breathing is heavy, my chest heaving. A man walks in. His eyes widen in shock, then makes the wise choice and walks back out. I quickly gather myself and step away from him. “Stay away from her.”

  Braydon’s eyes flicker with challenge. He wipes the dripping blood from his nose, steps away from me, and walks toward the door. Before opening it, he veers around, his cold gaze fixated on me. “It was nice working with you.” His lips break out into a vile smile, leaving me uneasy as he turns back and exits the bathroom.

  My hands shake with anger. My fists clench, needing to chase after him and do more damage. Make sure he heeds my warning. My eyes find my reflection in the mirror, and I stare back at the blood splattered on my shirt. My knuckles are scraped up and swelling. Fuck. A few labored breaths to force myself to calm down, then I wash my hands and do my best to erase any sign of Braydon on my clothes. Once I’ve gathered myself, I exit the bathroom.

  When I return, Hannah is in a conversation with Stacey, and thankfully, Rebecca gives me the cold shoulder. I pull out my phone, my hand killing me, but shoot off a text to her. She grabs her phone and reads my message.

  Me: Tell everyone you’re not feeling good and ask me to take you home.

  Her eyes lift in my direction. Stacey notices her shift in attention. She goes back to her phone.

  Hannah: What happened? Where did you go?

  I watch her peek over at a snarling Rebecca. It’s only time before Rebecca aims and fires her ugly attitude on Hannah.

>   Me: We’ll talk later. Just do it. I need to get out of here.

  She makes eye contact with me again and nods. I make the mistake of looking at Stacey, who’s staring curiously at me. Hannah’s phone dings again, and her expression changes.

  “Who’s texting you?” Stacey asks.

  “Um…it’s Braydon.” Fuck. He’s going to sell me out. I prepare to explain why I just kicked his ass in the bathroom. “He said he’s not feeling good and apologized, but he had to leave.”

  More like his face is busted up.

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Stacey comments, eyeing me.

  “Yeah, ugh…I think whatever he has, I have it too. I’m really not feeling well either all of a sudden.” She brings her hands to her stomach. “Oh no. I think…” Her eyes find mine. “Levi, do you think you can take me home?”

  That’s my girl. I stand.

  “Honey, what’s wrong? You don’t feel good again? Should you see a doctor?” Dad takes note of our small commotion.

  Hannah shakes her head, grabbing her purse. “No, Daddy. Sorry. I think I have to go home. I don’t want to get sick in the restaurant.”

  Stacey stands as well. “I can take her.”

  “No. I mean, no, you stay. This is your celebration dinner. Levi can just take me home.” She goes in and hugs Stacey, who appears less than convinced, but offers her a hug back. Kip’s on cloud nine, thankfully not picking up any red flags. Once we go around and say our goodbyes, we’re out of the restaurant and speeding down Jefferson street to my place.

  “You going to tell me what that was all about?” Hannah breaks the silence, but I’m too angry to rehash what happened. I need to get her naked and under me and prove to her she’s mine—not his. She was never his. Her sudden gasp has me whipping my attention to her, just as she reaches over to gently press her fingers to my hand wrapped around the steering wheel. “Levi, what happened to your hand?”

  I wince, but still don’t answer her. I can’t. I need to ease my insecurities before I give her any answers and accept the well-deserved anger she’s going to have.


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