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Secret Admirer (The House of Morgan Book 13)

Page 5

by Victoria Pinder

  He briefly pressed his hand on her back to nudge her to the open passenger door. She stepped out first, and he followed her onto the white gleaming sidewalk where no one batted an eye at the limo, or them. She accepted his offered arm while he said, “You seem calmer today.”

  He walked her toward the boutique's silver door and she patted his arm. “You called. It means you like me, at least a little, so I wasn’t a completely reckless idiot.”

  Bart didn't think of her as an idiot, or reckless, but courageous. The moment he'd met her was burned into his mind--her telling him that his tires were wrong on his brother's Maserati. Rebecca's ponytail, cherry red mixed with her natural blonde, swung to her shoulders and something inside his heart shifted. He held the door for her as he said, “No woman has ever literally thrown herself in my path before.”

  She laughed but not out loud--her blue eyes gleamed as he directed her into the shop. Rebecca said, “I find that hard to believe.”

  "Well, perhaps one or two, but no one was ever as bold as you.”

  “I was more aiming for "don’t lose my chance with fate" but you can call that bold if you like.”

  The attendants glanced at him in confusion. He looked enough like Gio and his siblings--they all had the same profile, almost, for them to wonder who he was. Bart led her toward a rack. “Here we are. Let’s get you a dress. Start shopping. I’ll be back--I need to introduce myself so they know who I am.”

  She nodded and started going through clothes.

  Bart backed up and four women all dressed the same came out of nowhere and started taking Rebecca's measurements. He saw the look of surprise on Rebecca’s face, but she rolled with what was happening.

  He cleared it with the front desk that he had the family discount, and that he'd appreciate assistance with his friend, for more than just a black dress.

  The cashier relayed that to the team. Bart brought out his card. The attendants led Rebecca toward a dressing room and offered her various styles.

  If she liked them all, she could keep them.

  Bart rejoined them, meeting Rebecca's frantic gaze as she lifted half a dozen outfits to try on in the dressing room. “They just let you walk in and out of this place and give you clothes?”

  He shrugged and took a seat near her dressing room. “It’s my sister’s storefront. Wear whatever is your favorite.”

  A bright pink dress caught his eye and he had the staff find another in Rebecca's size.

  "Is black good?" she called from behind the curtain.

  A woman returned with the bright shift.

  “Here, try this.” Bart handed her a dress without glancing in.

  She took it and paused. “It’s hot pink, Bart.”

  He claimed his seat to wait as he said, “It reminds me of something my mother loved to wear when I was a boy. She used to sing around the house.”

  Feet shuffled behind the curtain as she asked in a muffled tone, “She was a singer?”

  He smiled at the memory of his mother baking in the kitchen when he came home from school. He hadn't thought about his mother in years. “Not professionally, but she liked to sing when she was happy.”

  Rebecca popped her head out and one of the attendants came in to help her as she said, “That sounds like a good memory. I don’t have many of my mom.”

  He heard a zipper and then the worker left the dressing room holding the pink dress. “What was she like?”

  The lady returned with a different size and waited for Rebecca outside the curtain as she said, “I don’t know. She’s off traveling the world, still trying to find herself. I used to collect her postcards, but I stopped after high school. Then when she died, well…”

  “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Sounds to me like yours was a good mom.”

  Not seeing her child seemed strange. His mother had often walked them to school herself, even when she didn’t have to. He wouldn’t be who he was without her support and love. “Why?”

  She poked her head out, smiled at him and signaled the worker to help again as she said mostly behind the curtain, “My mother traveled the globe and I stayed home and worked with my father. The postcards hurt to read, because she was so happy, away from us.”

  Work. Hmm. She hadn’t told him what she did for a living yesterday, and he thought he’d asked. “What does your father do?”

  The curtain flew open and the worker shuffled away. Rebecca came out in a short-sleeve knee-length dress that clung to her perfectly as she asked, “How do I look?”

  “Bellisma.” He kissed the tips of his fingers and stood.

  She nodded like they were in agreement. “Then I’ll buy it.”

  Perhaps she didn’t understand—he only paid tips for the attendant’s help, because Gio, and now Victoria, refused to take his money. He’d gift her the other dresses too and have them delivered, just in case they ever went out again.

  Like a date. Her words from last night echoed in his mind as he shook his head and said, “Don’t be absurd. This is my family’s shop. Meet me at the door.”

  She nodded, and he quickly talked to the cashier.

  Instead of just the dresses he decided to ensure she had a wardrobe for anything they might do together.

  Once he finished, he walked over to her and offered his arm. “Ready?”

  She patted his arm as she linked hers with his and said, “I’m ready for anything with you.”

  With any other woman he’d have made some joke about her words, but with Rebecca, there was something else to discover. Bart didn’t want to rock the boat and have her leave him just as suddenly as she’d stormed into his life. He was curious to see what happened next with Rebecca on his arm.

  Chapter 5

  Rebecca’s heart beat wildly as Bart’s hand pressed against hers.

  She’d never worn a dress like this in her life. The hot pink and her cherry-red hair should clash, but Bart’s ‘Bellisma’ in the store convinced her she looked as pretty as she felt. The moon was in the sky now, not that time mattered. She didn’t have a curfew.

  Now her skin had goosebumps. The closest she’d come to anything so fancy was borrowing something from Melissa’s closet, including her prom dress. If she'd accidentally ruined that, she could have paid to replace it.

  But in this dress… she’d never be able to replace it. Ever.

  The soft fabric felt comfortable against her skin.

  Now they were in the limo, heading to his family’s party, and she was wearing his family’s label.

  Maybe she should have looked up the name Morgan just a little bit. Melissa probably knew this brand.

  Did that mean he labeled her too? She pursed her lips to ask, but then her phone rang. She reached into her pocketbook and tried to turn off the ringer and set the device to vibrate so she wouldn't be interrupted. Bart took his hand back. “Your phone?”

  That was completely the wrong thing she wanted to happen. She read Melissa's name on the screen but denied the call. “It’s my friends. I’ll call them tomorrow.” Her phone shook as another text came in. She put it face-down in her lap.

  Bart relaxed in his seat and shrugged. “Sounds important.”

  “It’s… let me check.” She scanned Melissa’s text. Are you on a date?

  If she didn’t answer, Melissa would get Destiny and probably start tracking her. Her face felt hot. For some reason she hadn’t told them about Bart yet. Melissa might have looked him up and she’d wanted to do this the old-fashioned way and not know about him. She quickly typed, Yeah. We’ll talk tomorrow, Melissa.

  Her friend replied. I want photos. Is he hot?

  Rebecca glanced at Bart. He was even sexier than the day she'd picked him out of her image search online. She smiled to herself. You know the guy.

  I know him? Rebecca could hear Melissa’s voice even though her friend was at home.

  Bart watched her from his side of the limo and her skin was melting. She needed to touch him just to see if he was real
. She typed and hit send. Yeah from the picture at the restaurant.

  You’re kidding? Melissa typed back.

  And soon Destiny would know and the three of them would talk about it over dinner on Friday night. Tomorrow.

  Rebecca turned her phone off so no one else interrupted and scooted closer to him, tapping his hand, hoping he’d hold hers again when he asked, “Is everything all right?”

  His kindness brought goosebumps over her body. She hadn’t known anyone like him existed in the world--she wasn’t used to turning into mush like this. She sighed. “My friends--they wanted to know if I was on a date.”

  His gaze narrowed as he stared at her lips. “And what did you say?”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer. He'd picked her up and bought her gifts. They were meeting his family. She nodded and hoped the truth was the right answer. “Yeah. Was I not supposed to?”

  His fingers brushed against hers and he leaned closer. “So, to you, this is our second date already?”

  Her stomach knotted, and her lips tingled, wishing he’d kiss her. She glanced down at his body, imagining the muscles underneath his button-down suit shirt. “I like to think so.”

  “You’re different.” He tilted his head while he stared at her.

  Drat. She wanted to be sophisticated and fit into his world. She stilled and braced for his answer as she asked, “Is that bad or good?”

  His hand caressed from her wrist to her elbow and her skin had sparks from every part of her he touched. “I invited you tonight so I could find out more.”

  Rebecca's lips ached for that kiss. She stared at his full sexy mouth. “That’s why we’re dating.”

  “And dates can be fun?” He closed the gap between them.

  Her heart beat differently, like it hoped for that kiss too. She sighed. “If there is no fun, or chemistry, dating can be boring.” Her eyes fluttered closed and her arms wrapped around his strong neck and shoulders as he finally kissed her.

  Bart tasted better than any man who’d ever tried. His lips were like he offered her a Thanksgiving dinner complete with decadent deserts before the football game.

  If she wasn’t sitting, she’d lose her balance right here, right now.

  As the kiss ended, he asked, “How’s that for chemistry?”

  “Definite chemistry.” She’d been ready to rip her clothes off, and his too, just to see every inch of Bart. “You’re probably never bored about anything.”

  “Not with you.”

  For now though, more would remain a fantasy. She turned away to get her mind straight.

  The limo came to a stop and the biggest mansion she’d ever seen was right in front of her. Rebecca suddenly understood how that girl in those old books she’d read always felt small in comparison to the brooding castle.

  This mansion was modern and glittered with festive lights. She’d never seen anything like it.

  She scooted out of the limo and Bart stayed right behind her. Once they were out, she placed her hand on his muscular abs. “This is your brother’s house?”

  “It is.” He offered his arm. “And my father’s before his.”

  They linked arms as she stared up at the moon that shone down on the huge house, illuminating the path. She shook her head as butlers opened the two front doors. “It could be the set of a movie.”

  He snapped his fingers as soon as they were inside and a waiter appeared with champagne. Bart took one and handed it to her, and then took his, second, as he escorted her into the mansion with a crystal chandelier that sprinkled light as fairy dust across the room and the people. “I think they are filming some of a movie here soon. This is the house my father lived in so it’s the family estate.”

  His normal tone made him sound like they hadn't just stepped foot into a magical alternate reality. Rebecca recognized two celebrities. She turned back toward Bart. They all had the same cheeks and chin. She covered her lips and said, “Wait!”

  “What?” Bart squeezed her hand.

  She motioned with her head in an effort to be discreet. “Bart, your last name is Morgan?”

  “Yes. I mentioned that.”

  “I’m just putting this together now that I see you with your family. You’re related to Axel Morgan and Matthew Morgan?”

  He pointed to the rock star and the movie star and tugged her toward them. “They’re my half-brothers.”

  “I should have Googled you.” She shook her head while he led her toward people she’d never normally meet at the garage.

  Bart winked at her as they approached and said, “I’m glad you didn’t though. Your reaction is cute.”

  Cute? Cute wasn’t bad. She pulled herself closer to him as she said, “I honestly had no idea.”

  “Come on.” He placed their practically filled flutes on a table, and then continued directly toward the celebrities.

  She tugged on his arm and said, “Where are we going?”

  He grinned. “You’re going to meet my two brothers, right now.”

  “I can’t.” Heat rose in her face. “I don’t talk to movie stars or rock stars in my everyday life.”

  “You were confident talking to me.”

  “But you weren’t on the movie screen or blasting in car radios while I was under the engine.”

  “It’s interesting to imagine you working with your hands.”

  Before she knew it Rebecca stood with some of the hottest celebrities she’d ever heard of. Melissa would never believe her, about this moment. Bart kept a casual arm around her waist and then introduced her to the rock star and his model girlfriend. “Axel, Emily, this is Rebecca. She’s a big fan of Axel's.”

  Her lips pressed together as her face burned. This wasn’t good. She wasn’t a stalker or anything, but their faces were on every magazine when she checked out at the grocery store. She glanced at the polished floor as she said, “And you too, umm… Emily. I liked your opinion on the red carpet.”

  The brunette wore a fitted red top and laughed. “You watched that?”

  Rebecca nodded, sharing, “Melis… my friends and I have a tradition to get together for award shows and pretend we’re invited guests. It’s silly, really. During the royal weddings we even made ourselves some fascinators… y’know, the hats all the British women wear to parties.”

  No one said anything. Her skin crawled, hoping she hadn't been too much. She smiled, hoping to avoid social disaster.

  Emily smiled back. “That sounds lovely and fun. I’ve never worn a fascinator.”

  The model was probably being nice, but it would be good to have a friend in this group if she ever met Bart’s family again. Bart turned her and dragged her a few feet away as he said, “Rebecca, this way.”

  She clung to him the second they stopped and asked, “Now what?”

  Bart tapped the movie star's shoulder and said, “Matthew, this is Rebecca.”

  Matthew half-bowed. “Nice to meet you.”

  And he was even more gorgeous in person than in a movie. For a split second she couldn’t think of anything to say but spilled, “You’re even more handsome in person.”

  Seriously? Other people had filters where their words didn’t fall out of their mouths. What had happened to hers?

  Matthew winked at her, losing his polite façade. “Why, thank you. My brothers always find the fascinating women first.”

  Bart squeezed her waist and she turned toward him. “Rebecca, don’t go making me jealous.”

  There was no competition. Matthew was a movie star, but Bart sent that spark she couldn’t explain through her that brought her to life. She wrapped her arm around his neck and fixed his hair. “Never, Bart. You’re even more handsome than your brother.”

  Matthew tapped Bart on the back as his goodbye when he said, “Bart, you’re a lucky man.”

  How Rebecca craved his kiss--but Bart detangled her from his neck and squeezed her hand. “Those are the famous Morgans. Are you ready to meet the brothers I grew up with now?”

were here to be with his family. She shook off her need for him and they walked in sync. They stepped onto a patio that overlooked a huge garden with a dance floor not far from the house. “What part of Italy did you grow up in?”

  He escorted her onto a garden pathway as he said, “Fosdinovo, a small village between Genoa and Florencia, Florence to Americans.”

  She reached up to play with a necklace but she hadn’t put one on. The dress she now wore was like new transmission fluid that made the engine sound brand new, which is how she felt in it--yet somehow she was still herself. Rebecca lowered her hand. “Sounds lovely. I’ve never been past Orlando.”

  He brought her closer to the water and the view of the Miami skyline. Tropical beauty surrounded them. “The world is large and beautiful. You should travel.”

  Again he snapped his fingers and someone brought them champagne. She glanced at the waitress and hugged her own waist. They could have easily traded places. Bart handed her the flute. She took a small sip. “Like my mom?" She scrunched her nose as the bubbles from the champagne tickled. "I was always worried about leaving my father.”

  He continued to walk her toward a yacht as he asked, “Are you still worried about that?”

  She held his hand, and with her free hand, carried her champagne flute. She looked at his profile and hoped when they were away from his family, he’d kiss her again. Her lips still tingled from before. “Yes and no. He has a new girlfriend now so he’s more stable and happier than I’ve ever seen him.”

  A few men waved at them and he saluted back with his champagne flute. He squeezed her hand and directed them away from the walkway and toward tables next to the dance floor as he said, “That’s good. Let’s get a table.”

  She noticed the men and a few women who all looked like Bart. She bumped into one woman that was the fancier version of Melissa--deep brown eyes, a dark chestnut shade of hair--she blinked and followed Bart. “These are all your family?”

  He motioned with his hand toward one cluster of people and then a second cluster as he said, “Mostly these are my half-brothers--we seem to be a mix of banker/investors and fashion executives, with Matthew and Axel being in entertainment.”


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