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Secret Admirer (The House of Morgan Book 13)

Page 8

by Victoria Pinder

  “Because my mother died without ever finding her daughter, and I already hate my dead father.”

  “Your mother will lie in peace if you’re happy.” Rebecca cupped his face. “And if Melissa says she is your sister?”

  This could all be an elaborate set-up to gain access to billions of dollars. This wouldn’t be the first attempted fraud, though it would be the first he'd fallen for. Rebecca seemed too real to be part of such a dirty trick. He put her backpack over his shoulder. “Then I want a blood test to prove it --she'd need that anyway to gain her inheritance.”

  “Melissa’s complaints about being kicked out of her parent’s life clearly grated on her nerves for years so I can’t predict her reaction.” Rebecca picked up her keys to the house and tossed them in the air, catching them a second later as she said, “But I hope for both of you… that you can all heal.”

  “You’re a good one, Rebecca.” He studied her small house that somehow made a knot in his spine grow. If anyone knew she was his and she returned here, she could be in serious danger. She probably thought he sounded like a snob, but in his world, bad things happened if you weren't careful.

  This house could never be secured with the neighboring homes so close. He placed his hand on her back to lead her out as he said, “I hope so, Rebecca. You have everything?”

  She pointed toward the bedroom. “Almost. I didn’t unpack most of the bags from last night.”

  Easy. Rebecca clearly valued her independence and how she paid for her house herself, but she'd agreed to come with him anyhow. He led her toward the door and opened it for her as he said, “Hand the keys to my driver, and my staff will ensure everything will be in our hotel room tonight.”

  She sucked in her breath and her face was red, but then she nodded and said, “Okay. I’m ready.”

  The limo was outside. She handed the house keys to the driver as he'd requested and hopped in the backseat. Rebecca moved with confidence and she'd chosen him.

  No one else had ever displayed such faith in him--wanting to be with just him. He’d have to make her proud. She smiled the second he joined her in the backseat.

  Neither one of them said anything. He used his phone to make sure that a few contracts had been signed and filed in his office.

  They stopped at a coffee shop with green awnings. People drank in paper cups as they left.

  In Rome, people sat at cafes with real cups, but he’d deal with it. Rebecca exited first and then held out her hand for him.

  It was time to discover what happened next. Part of him hoped everything about Melissa was true. Part of him couldn’t imagine what his sister might be like.

  If she was alive.

  How would he tell his family? He clasped Rebecca's hand and they entered the shop. She led him toward a woman that could be a younger version of his mother.

  She was in a white business pantsuit when his mother had worn floral dresses until the day she'd died. She stood but glared at him like she faced down an enemy. Rebecca held his hand firm and then motioned toward him as she said, “Melissa, this is-”

  “Bart.” The young woman nodded at him like this was a business meeting she didn't want to be at, refusing to shake his hand. He and Rebecca took the chairs on the opposite side of the table. He covertly studied Rebecca’s friend and remembered running through country vineyards, chasing after Aurelia and Anthony. She sipped her paper cup of coffee and tossed her chestnut hair. “Did Mama toss you out for being bad too?”

  Rebecca paled but then got up, motioning that she would get them coffee and give him a moment alone. He nodded, took a breath to calm down, and met his sister’s gaze. “Aurelia, that’s not true.”

  She folded her hands on the table, but her brown eyes smoked with fury. “Am I supposed to believe that? Dad had his people hand me off until I started my new life, here.”

  His half-brothers might have been right. His entire body was tight, and he wanted to dig up the grave of his father and punch him a few times. For now, he’d settle with kicking the dirt on that man’s grave. This was too much.

  His heart wrenched when he looked at Aurelia--she was dressed well but not to the level she should be. She shouldn’t have so little that she was comfortable with less. He took her hand, his voice breaking as he said, “Dad told Mama you died. He told us all that you were dead. We mourned for you.”

  Her olive skin went white but she shook her head like she wanted to argue. “I’m supposed to believe that? I saw his funeral on TV and toasted my television, but I didn’t see any of you there.”

  What could he say? He hadn't gone. They hadn't been invited.

  Rebecca spoke from behind him, in a gentle way, “You recognized Bart’s face when I showed you his picture.”

  “He looks a bit like our father in his profile.” He turned and Rebecca took the seat beside him, handing him a hot coffee in a paper cup with a plastic top.

  Perhaps he was spoiled, but in Rome his secretary personally cleaned his porcelain cup before she served his coffee--he sniffed with low expectations.

  Aurelia glanced in her cup and not at either of them when she said, “I didn’t expect the Morgans to show back up in my life. I’ve been avoiding them for years.”

  If this was Aurelia, he’d hand her the shovel and they could both beat their father together. The image was visceral and tense. He'd gladly do it. “Aurelia, our father kidnapped Catherine from her mother too. She’s your half-sister. He kidnapped Victoria’s daughter from her and let her think her baby had died. He was an awful man.”

  She wiped her eyes to hide any tears. “I read about Victoria. I read the news before I go to work in the morning, and the Morgans are always in the headlines for something. The heir that was promised to our father, Peter, somehow lost the love of his life, Jennifer-”

  Bart shook his head. “That’s not true. Peter loves Belle. They are having a baby and planning a new wedding.”

  Melissa sipped her coffee and didn’t say a word though her cheeks were red. When she finished, she said, “I don’t want to care.”

  Rebecca took the lid off of her cup and blew, sneaking glances at her best friend, who obviously hadn't shared her life story.

  Aurelia remembered them, and knew they were here, but hadn't contacted them? Had she wanted to? He stared at the plastic pretend-wood table top. “Then you know Gio recently married a shoe designer, and that he joined Victoria. Gio would have wanted his sister there.”

  She winced like he’d hurt her. and turned the cup in her hand. “Their line of clothing is a possible acquisition for my high-end customers.”

  Like that, he believed everything. If he thought for one second that he hadn't been wanted, he’d have avoided everyone like the plague. But Bart wasn’t their father. None of them were. Mitch Morgan Jr. had been a horrible human being. He reached for her hand. “Look, Aurelia, will you meet with our half-brother Luke to do a blood test? I know who you are, but let's get proof before we meet up with the family.”

  A lone tear rolled down her cheek. She sniffed and pretended nothing was wrong. “Why would I do that?”

  The lawyers and everyone else would want hard proof. Rebecca had delivered a miracle. He let Aurelia go. “There is a lot of money in it if you’re… you.”

  “I don’t want Morgan money.” Aurelia scooted back in her chair, but no more tears washed down her face.

  He didn’t move a muscle. “Our mother tossed our father out of her life the day you disappeared. Mama died thinking you were dead. But she made the four of us, your brothers, all swear to be family. She’d have been thrilled to have you back.”

  Melissa trembled. “Don’t tell me that.”

  She scooted back to the table and leaned closer. Another memory ran through his mind. Aurelia had painted her name on the hall in bright red. Their father had been furious and their mother had screamed, defending her daughter over Mitch.

  How long after that defiance had Aurelia disappeared?

  Tears welled in
her deep brown eyes. “If I start believing that then I’ll just be sad with no defenses left.”

  They needed her back to complete their Italian branch of the family. He kept his head down and said, “Aurelia, Anthony’s your twin, and he’s a mess.”

  “Fine. I’ll do the test.” She covered her mouth with her palm, then bowed her shoulders. “Because I want to see him, and Lorenzo and Gio. It is so good to see you, Bart.”

  With a gasp, she fought for emotional control. He got up and hugged his sister tight as she cried.

  “Come with us," he said when she'd calmed. "Axel is throwing a goodbye party for family only--we are all in Miami to support Gio.”

  She nodded and trembled. Aurelia kept her gaze on the table and said in a low voice, “Okay. Thank you. I’m super nervous and scared. It was easier just being angry.”

  Rebecca rushed around the table to Aurelia's side.

  “Rebecca’s coming too,” he said.

  Aurelia gave Rebecca a watery smile. “Good. I need my best friend and my brothers.”

  Rebecca asked, “You’re okay that we’re dating?”

  Aurelia speared him with a wicked gleam, before reassuring Rebecca, “Are you joking? You’re a treasure, Rebecca, and I hope my brother treats you right, though from the outfit, I’d say you’re in better shape.”

  Rebecca had brought his sister back to his life. He owed her. She'd returned his family to him. Nothing else could ever compare to that.

  Chapter 9

  Bart escorted Rebecca through the Biltmore up the elevator to his presidential suite.

  This had to be the biggest room in the hotel. She should have expected nothing less, she thought, as they entered a suite fit for royalty, two floors, and much larger than a typical hotel room.

  It even had a crystal chandelier.

  She sauntered toward the balcony that overlooked the estate.

  Instead of showing her around, Bart picked up his laptop from the coffee table.

  “What’s going on?”

  He shoved the laptop in the sleeve and put it in his briefcase. “I have some meetings downstairs.” He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her to the dining area that could easily host a twenty-person dinner party. All he had on the glossy wooden table was another laptop. He opened it, logged in, and directed her to a real estate website. Bart pointed to the emojis of a heart, a thumb up, and a thumb down. “Once your classes start you’ll be busy, but if you can give your opinion on these houses?”

  He demonstrated the scroll, but her breath caught in her throat. These were his options? She licked her lips. “Mansions, you mean. House is too tame a word. These are like palaces on Starr Island. There are other places in Miami…”

  Her voice trailed off because his eyes had widened. He pressed his hand on his stomach and nodded like he knew he’d been caught. With a slight tinge of red in his cheeks, he kissed her forehead and explained, “My father kept my family away from his precious home my entire life. I want to live there, almost like I’m thumbing my nose at him.”

  After witnessing the reunion between her best friend--his missing sister--she understood. This was about proving himself in some way. “Okay.”

  He patted her back like he’d hug her but then he claimed her lips in a kiss.

  Her arms wrapped around him and held him tight.

  She had to show him that she loved him for who he was and not this other stuff. Oh, his kiss was tempting.

  If she proved herself, then she could have the man behind the wealth. And his lips made her hunger for knowing the real him.

  Once the kiss ended, he stepped back and picked up his briefcase. “Then I have Caro coming over with designs for you.”

  “Designs?” She followed him back toward the living room and foyer.

  He kissed her cheek. “My family is photographed, wherever we go. I told you before that you need proper armor for that nonsense. A few items tailor-made, just for you. And please order extra of whatever you get for lunch, as I’ll be hungry. Meetings always wear me out.”

  “I’ll have food waiting for you then.” Tonight though, they were supposed to go to his brother’s house. Why the pictures? Perhaps it was just when they visited the famous Morgans. “You’re not a rock star, or a movie star, so why?”

  He shrugged and stepped toward the door. “Most of us aren’t, but that doesn’t stop the paparazzi from their interest in the Morgan family.”

  “So you want my opinion?” She played gently with his tie. If he didn’t have to go anywhere today she’d feel calmer.

  Rebecca couldn’t tell him that. She wasn’t needy--she was confident, and he liked that about her.

  He kissed her hands. “Yes, you’re my girlfriend. Your opinion on these homes would be helpful.”

  She could try to live in his world--it might be nice. “When will you be back?”

  “As soon as the meetings are over.” He wrapped his arms around her.

  Her heart hammered but he didn't kiss her. She batted her eyes and asked, “What kind of meetings?”

  He squeezed her waist pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m looking to invest in eco-friendly tech. Your engineering degree will be useful.”

  That was something that she could get behind. “Sounds good.” She ignored how her heart beat faster. “I want to design a better battery for the hybrid cars that won't destroy the planet.”

  “If you have an idea on how, you should write it down and pitch it to me.”


  “Inventors seek my fortune to bring their ideas into fruition.”

  “Well, I’ll draw out the idea I have in my head, and you can tell me what you think, since you’re an expert.”

  “I can do that… when you’re ready.”

  If she found a way to live here, with him, then she’d have everything she ever wanted. He kissed her and she forgot everything else. He drew back and it took her a second to be able to see straight. She held onto the doorframe as he waved and headed toward the elevator.

  Once she could think again, she relaxed and closed the door, returning to the suite.

  This place had everything. She shuffled back into the dining room and viewed the options. Rebecca pretty much hearted all the mansions. She couldn’t decide--she'd never lived in anything like them.

  Her phone beeped as she perused her choices and she saw that Melissa had texted her. Her lips pursed. Her name wasn’t Melissa, was it? She didn't blame Bart for not wanting to be like his father.

  What are you and Bart doing today?

  Melissa was about to be a Morgan. Was she fantasizing about quitting her job? He’s working a bit. I’m giving him my notes on houses.

  Three dots appeared. She scrolled through the mansions and watched her phone. Her friend wrote, Good. So we’re still on for FIU tomorrow, or are you giving that up?

  Life wasn’t secure and while she hoped that Bart fell in love with her like she was with him, she needed to be smart too. She sighed and typed, No. We’re going. You’re showing me around, though should I call you Melissa or Aurelia now?

  LOL. I answer to whatever as long as we’re still friends.

  Good. Rebecca relaxed. Her life was on track to a happy-ever-after that she’d never even imagined. We are though you’ll need to tell me your name preference.

  Later, Melissa wrote.

  If her friend chose to go by another name, she’d need time but she’d get used to it.

  Rebecca finished with the mansions/castles in the tropics, closed the laptop, and called room service.

  She ordered herself a cheeseburger and fries, adding a pasta for Bart, since he was from Italy.

  The moment she hung up, someone knocked on her door. She held her head high and ignored the zip in her veins. She’d be fine. She opened the door and saw two women with clothes racks, led by another woman she’d seen briefly at last night’s party. “Come in.”

  “Rebecca?” The woman from the party directed her assistants insid

  The women walked past her with dresses meant for a princess, but she couldn’t let the dazzle in her eye be seen. She turned toward the dark-haired woman and offered her hand to shake as she said, “Yes. Hi. Wow, that’s a lot of dresses. Are you Caro?”

  The designer clasped her hand with a bright smile, then waved for her assistants, who immediately measured Rebecca’s waist and thighs. Caro said, “Yes, hi. It’s nice to meet you. Gio said this is for tonight?”

  "Yes." Rebecca realized that looking nice was very important to Gio, and his family, and that he was trying to make things easier for her. Was that a sign that he cared?

  The ladies went toward the racks. Caro eyed her closely. “I wanted to see personally what colors look good on you, as we didn’t get a chance to talk last night at the party.”

  Each assistant took turns putting a color in front of Rebecca as Caro watched. Rebecca didn’t move as Caro wagged her finger for no and nodded for the colors she approved.

  Rebecca’s heart raced and she wished she was calmer. “Bart has a lot of family.”

  “And you don’t?” Caro pointed toward a dress in emerald.

  Rebecca never really wore green--but then, she'd never seen this shade before. The taller assistant motioned for Rebecca to take off her outfit and change.

  “I have my dad.” Rebecca took the dress into a side room that was probably a closet, but it was big enough for a bedroom.

  Rebecca stripped and changed into a long gown that was fancier than a prom dress. She returned, and the workers pinned the fabric to fit. Caro supervised. “Well, we’re not all snobs. Growing up, my brother and I didn’t have much, but my mom raised us, not that far from where you live.”

  Rebecca breathed deep and let her shoulders drop. All the Morgans weren’t insanely fancy then. Caro’s assistants started pinning the dress in places while she still wore it as Rebecca said, “Bart thought I owned some shack. How do you know where I live?”

  Caro’s face reddened. “I’m sure it’s lovely--I overheard the driver talk to the staff. The Morgans don’t always realize the luxury that they are surrounded with isn’t normal.”


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