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Secret Admirer (The House of Morgan Book 13)

Page 15

by Victoria Pinder

  He must look out of place as the customers wore plain clothes and he was in his charcoal suit and white button-down shirt. He walked past the customers to the back and decided to approach a gray-haired man working inside the hood of a Mazda. “Are you Rebecca’s father?”

  The man stood up and wiped his greasy hands on a towel he’d had in his pocket. Bart doubted that old towel took much off but the man worked his hands well as he said, “William James. You’re the guy whose nose I promised to break?”

  He flinched but lowered his head. “Probably, but please let me apologize to her first.”

  The man picked up his wrench. “Well, that settles this easily--come talk to me later.”

  His heart lifted as he looked all around the garage filled with workers and vehicles of every make and model. “Where is Rebecca?”

  “She’s not here.” Her father pointed his wrench toward the car he was working on.

  Bart's heart plummeted. He hadn’t expected a hunt to find her, or to tell everyone that he'd been wrong. “Where is she, then?”

  Her father settled the wrench back on a part that he was sure most people could label. He wasn’t one of them though. He waited awkwardly until the older man finally said, “She went to FIU to sign up for classes.”

  Great. He’d head there and prove to her that he was in love with her.

  The thought pushed him to hurry as he said, “Thank you.”

  He made it to the door when her father called, “If you break her heart again, I’ll break your nose for real.”

  “I understand.” He saluted.

  Hopefully he never needed physical punishment, but her dad was right, and he'd treated Rebecca horribly. It was time to set the record straight and tell her.

  He rushed out to the parking lot and his driver, who waited outside the car door. “FIU.”

  The driver held his door for him but said, “The campus is large, sir.”

  Was it? He had no idea. His mind raced. He knew Rebecca hadn’t registered before now so surely she’d have paperwork. Hopefully that meant she'd be stuck in the office until he got there. As the driver got behind the wheel, Bart said, “She needs to sign up for classes so I’ll start at the registrar.”

  The college was in the other direction and it felt like an eternity before they arrived and the driver stopped.

  He hopped out and passed the green grass where students congregated, a place that smelled like hamburgers and coffee, and a bookstore--he followed signs for registration.

  He circled the bookstore beneath the palm trees as Rebecca stepped outside, on the path in front of him. Her face was white, her eyes bloodshot, her cherry hair in a loose ponytail. “Bart?”

  He rushed and closed the distance. The air near her smelled like her rose perfume. “Rebecca, I found you.”

  She pursed her lips. “I didn’t know I was lost. You shouldn’t be here. You’re not a student.”

  No. He needed to apologize. He needed Rebecca back. He stepped in her way. “I’ll donate to every student organization here if you just give me five minutes of your time.”

  She took a piece of paper out of her pocket and nodded. “Very well. Walk with me to pick up my books.”

  “I’ll go anywhere with you.” He pivoted to walk next to her.

  Just being near her again made the day better. Somehow he needed to convince her to give him another shot. This time he chose love and that meant having Rebecca back.

  Chapter 18

  Last night Rebecca had cried like never before.

  Then sometime around morning she swore she’d take better care for herself. If she ever fell in love again, which probably wouldn’t happen as her heart was still raw over Bart, then she’d be smart. She’d put herself first and not just let herself feel so much, so fast.

  Bart was right to want to go slow.

  So now that Bart had showed back up, she needed to squelch the impulse to throw herself in his arms and forgive everything.

  Not now. He didn’t love her and that was like a weight that made her feel heavy, ugly and awful.

  In the light of day, with Bart staring warmly at her, she realized her fears had been nonsense.

  She might not be from his world, but she had spirit and grace and beauty. She was different, but that was okay. She’d never compare herself again.

  He opened the bookstore door for her and they left the sunshine--she sighed and pointed to the stairs. “Academic books are on the third floor.”

  He placed his hand on her lower back, just for a moment, and every cell in her body bloomed as if she’d starved them. He pointed toward a coffee shop inside. “Do you want to get a coffee and find a corner to sit?”

  Her body jumped to just agree to anything, but he didn’t love her. She knew the truth, so she lowered her head to avoid his gaze and took a deep breath. It was better to focus on why she was here so she said, “No. I don't. I wasn’t expecting to see you again, though, so I’ll bend.”

  He clasped her free hand. “That’s a yes?”

  If she didn’t hear him out, she’d never know why he'd come. It was no coincidence that he was at her campus and her heart wanted to know why. Rebecca agreed. “Yes, get me a coffee. I’ll find seats over there.”

  He gave her a thumbs-up. “Be right back.”

  He was acting differently--but what did that mean? She found seats by the window.

  They’d be alone here, or at least they had a sense of privacy. She checked her schedule as she waited. She’d picked five classes which already sounded like a lot, but this was her chance to finally start.

  A few minutes ago, she'd welcomed the idea of having an extra class to finish her degree early, but now her pulse raced with indecision.

  If Bart wanted her back, she wasn’t sure she had the strength to leave again.

  That sounded weak, but her entire body agreed with her soul. She loved him. If he loved her back, then that mattered more than anything else--even her degree. She didn't want to choose.

  He joined her and handed her the cup. “I ordered you a mocha. I wasn’t sure what you’d like and I can return to get whatever one you do want.”

  More chocolate than she usually had, but at least he didn’t complain about the paper cup as he sat with his own drink. She sipped it and it wasn’t bad. Rebecca put her drink down. “Okay, thanks. Now, why are you here? What do you want?”

  “I want to apologize.” He scooted closer though the table was small enough between them that their knees touched.

  Hmm. Her mind buzzed so she took another sip of her coffee. He didn’t love her. She was a fool, again. “You did that already. Twice actually.”

  Bart brushed his hand against her wrist. “But I didn’t want to admit to feelings. I understand now that losing you wasn’t about being lonely--I was a total jerk… I was letting my father influence me in all the wrong ways.”

  Her heart beat faster. Maybe? Her skin electrified and she masked the jolt by picking up her drink again. “You were.”

  She sipped but the chocolate and caffeine only amplified the spark inside.

  He lowered his voice. “I lost my opportunity to tell you that I love you then and there.”

  Silence enveloped her. She couldn’t move, half afraid she’d break apart and then wake up alone somewhere, and this was all a dream. His handsome brown hues searched hers and that spark inside returned fast. She put her cup down. “Wait, what?”

  “I love you.” He reached out to lace their fingers together.

  Tears formed in her eyes. Drat. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She was done crying, but she didn’t wipe them away. “Are you just saying that to get me back?”

  He sat straighter and placed his palm on his chest like he made a vow when he said, “No. It took you leaving for me to realize what joy you brought into my life when you appeared out of the blue. And how stupid I was for setting you up because I didn’t want to see how far I’d fallen, so fast.”

  Her mind had a million questions th
at all hit her at once. She had so much to say, but nothing took precedence--she breathed in to stop the impulse to throw her arms around him and kiss him.

  What happened before could never happen again. She let out another sigh but this was just to get her words together. “I can’t be a side show for when you get home. I want to go to school and participate in class. If this means we have to live apart for a while as I focus on my studies, I have to do it. I don’t want to take classes online. I don’t learn that way.”

  Rather than get angry, his expression brightened. He took her hands over the silly small table. “Are you giving me a second chance?”

  Her lips tingled as she nodded.

  He leapt up and swirled around the table, tugging her hand for her to stand. She complied, and his mouth claimed hers.

  Maybe he wasn’t exactly Prince Charming from the stories, but his kiss was hard and real and made her forget everything else.

  With Bart holding her, she was alive.

  As the kiss ended her body ached for more. He motioned for them to sit again and she picked up her coffee.

  The drink didn’t do anything for her other than make her wish for more mocha kisses. She pushed it aside. “Bart, my passport arrived.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Fair. She’d just blurted it out without explanation. “This morning I cried when the mailman gave it to me. I thought I'd lost you forever and even with my passport in my hand, I’d never find you again.”

  He brushed his thumb across her hand. “Rebecca, you’re sweet and kind and loving and I don’t deserve you.”

  She believed he was sincere, but she needed to be clear and follow her own goals too. She flipped her hand so they were palm to palm. “But you’re okay if I go to classes, here? Knowing that our relationship might be grounded for a while so I can complete my degree?”

  “I bought a house, and I have a limo driver that can bring you here every day so you can study in the car.”

  “Hmm. I never thought about that." Having a driver would allow her to spread out and give her more time rather than driving herself.

  “You’ll have a security team and a driver for wherever you want to go.”

  Security? She was just Rebecca James. “Now that sounds a bit much.”

  “We can talk about that later.” He took his hand back. Her heart lurched that she'd pushed too far, but then he put his palm to his chest. “When do your classes begin?”

  “In two weeks.” She sipped her mocha and hoped she’d find a way to be calm. Calm would be good. Would he agree?

  "You're free until then?" he asked.

  Wait. What did he want? Her body was in hyper mode so she was hardly able to think as she said, “Yes. Why?”

  He scooted to the edge of his seat. “I want to bring you home.”

  That was obvious--she wanted him too, to celebrate their love in a physical way. She figured they’d head back there now, after she bought her books. “I’ll go back to your mansion on Starr Island, but no more comments on my house or my father’s profession.”

  He sat straighter. “I went there and met him.”

  Whoa. She hadn’t expected that. What had her father said to Bart or vice versa? Her breath caught in her throat as she asked, “You met my father?”

  He smiled, which meant they were okay at the end and her mind grasped that information. “He told me you were here. When we get back we’ll have dinner with him and I’ll tell him thank you for raising an amazing woman.”

  Perfect. She relaxed, but then Bart stood and offered to take her hand again. She rose and tossed her empty cup in the trash. Bart hadn’t touched his coffee, so he tossed his full cup and led her away from the table. “Where are we going?”

  He directed them toward the door. “To Rome. I want you to see my real home.”

  She slowed her steps. This wasn’t on her agenda, though it wasn’t a bad idea either. She quickly said, “Oh. I haven't packed.”

  He met her gaze. “My family owns a clothing empire. The plane is fueled. All it needs is us.”

  She stopped entirely but tugged him to stop with her as she said, “Okay, on one condition.”

  He didn’t move and she smelled his almond cologne. “What’s that?”

  She nibbled her lower lip. “Do what you promised here?”

  “What I promised?” He breathed in her breaths as they shared an intimate space.

  His closeness made her heady. He'd had her the second he'd said he loved her, though she needed to follow her own goals too. “Help me get my books. I’ll need them when classes start.”

  “Lead the way.” He walked with her in the other direction, toward the stairs to the academic books.

  As they climbed, she felt like she was walking into heaven with a giant smile on her face. She asked, between steps, “You didn’t touch your coffee and you honestly never drink at parties either. How come you waste so much of your beverages?”

  He leaned closer like they were sharing a secret. “Not drinking my drinks offered at parties has in the past helped me avoid getting drunk. My day is fine with just water.”

  She nodded but pointed down a row labeled, "engineering". “I see, but this was coffee.”

  He shrugged. “In Rome, you’ll taste the difference and then wonder why you ever drank from a paper cup.”

  And there it was. She laughed. “Sounds cocky again.”

  His arms flexed as he straightened his tie. “It’s not if it’s true. You’ll have to try the flavors and then let me know.”

  “We have to go by my house to get my passport.” They made it to the appropriate landing. “And my sketch of that battery. I need to figure out a few things but you can see it if you want.”

  “Now I’m excited to leave.” He gestured around the floor, silently asking which way. She took out her list and matched the letters from the engineering school to the directory as he said, “And going to your place gives me a chance to thank Aurelia too.”

  Her eyes widened as they made their way to a stack of books. “You saw her there?”

  He nodded and then as she perused the aisle he tapped on her hand for her syllabus. She handed it to him and he read the numbers as well. “Why was she there and not with you, as you'd planned before?”

  She picked up a book and handed it to him while he picked up two more. “She came over as promised but I wanted to come here alone." To prove that she could be independent even with a broken heart. "The new plan was to get lunch after and discuss how we don’t need men to complete our lives.”

  “I’m glad Aurelia is strong like our mom.” He took his phone from his back pocket and said, “I’ll have food delivered right now so we can eat together before we board.”

  “Bart, I love you.” She laughed and found the rest of her books.

  He held them for her without asking. They walked to the cashier and he winked at her as he said, “Then we’re good, because I love you too.”

  And without asking, he took out his wallet and refused her money to pay for her own textbooks. She’d been prepared for this, but she wouldn't argue, and put her wallet back. Sometimes accepting a gift meant bending to allow love to flow easier than if she'd insisted.

  This afternoon they’d head to Rome and she’d get her first stamp in her passport. And she was going with the man she loved. Nothing could be better.

  Chapter 19

  Bart’s pocket burned. Today was the day.

  Rebecca had seen his apartment, his villa outside of town, and he’d brought her everywhere.

  She'd blossomed in the various atmospheres and his staff had all listened to every word she said like Rebecca had been born to be his lady.

  Everything had worked out. He’d almost lost out on this but now they had a chance to live happily-ever-after.

  All he had to do was ask this final question.

  For now, she sat across from him at a café as they just finished lunch and he pointed toward the door. She shook her head and motioned
for her dessert.

  A waiter walked toward them with scoops of ice cream for the two of them. He picked up his spoon to eat every bite, fast. He had plans but he didn't want to rush her enjoyment. “We've had gelato every day since you've arrived. What do you think?”

  She laughed and dug into her own dessert. “I can’t decide if you were right about ice cream or coffee. Both are so delicious.”

  Good--they were finished. It was time, but he needed to distract her. He paid for the meal and offered his hand. “Come. I have an appointment at the Vatican for a private tour.”

  She stood and walked beside him as she said, “A private tour?”

  He squeezed her fingers with excitement. As long as she didn’t notice the slight square bulge in his right pocket, it would be a surprise. “You don’t expect me to stand in the crowds, do you?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not Catholic, though, so I thought I got in last.”

  He winked at her. “You’re with me.”

  She pressed her hand on her heart and asked in a serious voice, “Do we have to break up again because of my Protestant roots? I never really thought about you being Catholic, as you’re Italian.”

  They were almost where he wanted them to be. Everything was going according to his plan when he said, “We’ll meet with the pope this afternoon and you can talk to him yourself. If he gives his blessing, we’re good.”

  She jerked to a stop and let his hand go. “You’re not serious.”

  “He’s nice enough." His lip twitched. "Don’t be nervous.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “Okay, fine. We don’t need his blessing.” He took her hands. The last thing she needed to be right now was worried. He pressed his forehead to hers and said, “We’re good. I thought you liked me joking around.”

  “I do.” She smiled at him, finally, and nodded. “Only when I am sure it’s a joke.”

  He kissed her cheek and directed them forward again as he said, “I won’t let us break up ever again. You’re my love, Rebecca.”

  A rosy blush colored her face as they rounded the corner. She said, “That’s good to hear.”


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