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Wild Sexy Love

Page 2

by Serena Grey

I nodded.

  She turned to Jason, mouth wide. “I don’t believe it.”

  He shrugged. “That’s because you think you know me, but you don’t.”

  “I know you.” She paused. “I want to see your poem.”

  “No.” Jason held up one hand and shook his head. “Never and never.”

  They bickered until Colin un-paused the show on TV, and we ate pizza while Jason gave outlandish red herring hints about who the villain was.

  “Mom and Dad want us to have dinner together sometime soon,” Amy informed Jason when the show ended. “No date yet, but we’re trying to find something that works with everyone’s schedule.”

  “I’m flexible,” Jason said. He looked at me.

  Something sweet unfurled inside me, not just because of Jason, but because of how I was automatically included in a family event, something I’d never experienced in my adult life. “Yeah, me too.”

  Colin got up and kissed Amy. “Early day tomorrow, babe.” She pouted, and he kissed her again. “And I’m flexible too.”

  She chuckled and bit her lip. “I know, babe.”

  “Okay.” Jason made a face, and Amy laughed. “I gotta go now.” He looked at me. “Tomorrow?”

  I nodded.

  After they’d both gone, Amy and I got rid of the remains of our food and drinks.

  “I’m still trying to get used to seeing a ring on your finger,” I told her. “It jumps right out at me when I least expect it, and it’s so beautiful.”

  It was beautiful, an exquisite sapphire surrounded by a cluster of diamonds.

  “I know!” she exclaimed. “I still get a little shock whenever I look at my finger and see it staring back at me, like—oh my god I’m engaged.”

  I laughed. “I can imagine.”

  “You know Colin’s mother gave it to him when he told her he was going to propose? We’ve never met in person, only on Skype, and yet…she gave him her engagement ring, for me.”

  “And it matches your eyes,” I added. “That’s like…fate.”

  “Right?” She laughed and gestured at the TV. “Wanna catch another episode?”

  “Why not?” I wasn’t feeling sleepy.

  She sank down on the couch, and I joined her.

  “Have you ever met Jason’s mother?” I asked.

  She gave me a look. “Nope. Never have, and don’t want to. Why? What happened?”

  “She came to see him. At his place.”

  Her eyes widened, and she forgot about the show. “What the—”

  I nodded and told her everything that’d happened, word for word. “He was so mad at her.”

  “As he should be.” Amy frowned. “I can’t believe my dad’s been in contact with her. Jason won’t like that.”

  That was another thing I’d kept from him. “I haven’t told him.”

  Amy grimaced. “I didn’t know she was crazy. I guess there’s a lot that makes sense now. Maybe Jason should get a restraining order. She sounds dangerous.”

  “It didn’t seem like she was,” I said softly, though I was still troubled by the encounter. “I don’t know. Maybe he should talk to her. He’s still hurting, and a conversation might help.”

  “Except she has nothing to say but ramblings about murder and how you should leave him.” Amy snorted. “He went to see her when he was younger, and she sent him away. She was very cruel to him, and it took him a long time to get over it.”

  I breathed. “He told me, but that’s the thing…he isn’t over it.”

  Amy sighed. “I don’t know, Daphne. Growing up, I always hoped our family was enough for Jason. I knew he had another mother somewhere, and I was always scared she would come and take him away. I had this idea of her like a witch in my head.”

  “Even your imagination is dramatic,” I said, with a small laugh.

  She chuckled. “Well, I was a child.” She paused. “It’s hard to get past thinking of her that way, but if you think she needs help, or that Jason needs some closure with her, then it doesn’t hurt to try to help them find it.”

  The problem was how.

  After we watched our show, I went to bed, and I lay under the covers, wondering just how I could somehow help Jason bridge the gap with his mother.

  Leave it alone.

  I ignored the warning voice in my head. Somewhere inside, Jason was a boy who needed to forgive his mother, and somewhere inside the woman who’d left him, there was still a mother who cared for her child—I was sure of it. I just had to find a way to bring them together.

  My phone trilled. It was Jason, no doubt calling to say good night.

  “Hey, you,” I whispered.

  “Hey.” His voice was soft. “I wanted to say good night and to let you know I’m thinking about you, just in case you forgot.”

  “I could never.” I laughed. “I’m thinking about you too.”

  He groaned. “When did you say you were moving in again?”

  “Not soon.” I chuckled.

  “Are you in bed?”


  I heard him exhale. “What are you wearing?”



  I paused. “And nothing.”

  There was a sharp intake of breath on his end. “I want to touch your breasts.”

  He had the power to arouse me with just words, and my breath quickened as I imagined his fingers on my breasts, kneading, squeezing…his tongue licking a heated path around my nipple. “I want you to suck them and lick them, every inch.”

  “I would,” he said. “With pleasure.”

  “I know. You can’t get enough of my breasts. It turns me on.”

  “You’re turning me on.”

  I closed my eyes. It felt good to talk to him like this, and I had no intention of stopping. “I’m all wet, thinking about your fingers and how they feel inside me, especially when you touch my clit at the same time.”

  Jason groaned. “I have my dick in my hand.”

  At the image of his beautiful erection, there was a sweet flutter between my legs. My fingers slipped down, over my belly, into my panties.

  “I want to suck it. I want to let you fuck my mouth.”

  “Your sexy mouth,” he rasped. “So hot and wet.”

  “And then you’d fuck my pussy, so hard…I’d ride you until you came.”

  “With your breasts in my face.”

  “Yes,” I whispered. My fingers found my throbbing clit and stroked. “With my breasts in your face and my nipples in your mouth.”

  “Christ! If you keep talking, I’m going to come any minute.”

  “I’m stroking my clit,” I whispered. “I’m about to make myself come, just thinking about you, about your cock, how sweet it feels when you’re inside me, fucking me.” I stroked myself, licking my lips as pleasure built from my core. “When you’re fucking me, I just want more of your sweet cock.”

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “I’m coming.”

  “Yeah,” I panted, lost to my own pleasure. My hips bucked as my body stiffened, sensations spreading through me and leaving me limp in their wake.

  I let out a long sigh.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard from rubbing one out,” Jason said, laughing softly.

  “I make everything better,” I quipped. “I’m bad like that.”

  “You are.” He chuckled. “You’ll get your punishment the next time I see you.”

  I smiled. “Promise?”


  Chapter Three

  The evening of dinner with Jason’s parents, I went straight to his place from work. We’d agreed earlier on the phone that he’d join me there and then we’d go to the dinner together.

  I took a shower and picked out a dress from the closet. It was navy with cap sleeves, a sweetheart neckline, and a bodice that skimmed my torso and ended around my knees. My phone rang just after I slipped it on and finished my makeup.

  “Ready yet?” Jason asked.

st,” I replied. “Why aren’t you here yet?”

  He sighed. “Impromptu meeting about a small issue that will take a few more minutes to resolve. Leonard is coming to you. You two can swing by and pick me up on your way, okay?”

  “That’s fine,” I said. “Will you have resolved…whatever it is by then?”

  “Yes. It’s just some clarifications on a couple of documents that require my signature. I’ll be set in about half an hour.”

  I slipped on a pair of diamond studs, a gift from him, and fastened the matching pendant. “See you soon,” I said. “I’ll be ready by the time Leonard gets here.”

  There was a pause on his side. “What are you wearing?”

  I chuckled and swept my hair over one shoulder. “I’m not telling. You’ll see when you see me.”

  “Whatever it is,” he said, his voice low, “I can’t wait to peel it off you.”

  Something tightened sweetly in my belly, and I took a deep breath. “Will you peel it off or tear it off?”

  He chuckled. “I’ll consider those two options and let you know.”

  I sighed. “You’re making me horny.”

  “I like you horny.”

  “Not when we’re about to have dinner with your parents.”

  “Hmm.” There was a short silence. “Don’t worry, they’ll be focused on Amy and Colin. The dinner is for them anyway.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Leonard is waiting downstairs,” he informed me. “He’s ready when you are.”

  I dabbed some fragrance behind my ears before making my way down to where the car waited at the entrance. Leonard opened the door for me, and I smiled at him. I was growing fond of the quiet, dependable older man who barely talked. “Good evening, Leonard.”

  “Good evening.” He nodded. “Looking great tonight.”

  I beamed. “Thank you.”

  He shut the door and went over to the driver’s seat. As we pulled into the street, I decided to ask him about Jason’s mother. I’d pushed her to the back of my mind, but I was still unsettled about the situation. I hadn’t given up on hoping there was some way to bring her and Jason together.

  “Hey, Leonard,” I started.

  He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “Yes?”

  “I need to ask you something,” I said pensively. “In confidence.”

  “Anything you need,” he said without hesitation.

  “I…um…Jason’s mother make it back home okay the other day?”

  There was a short pause. “I checked her into a hotel to get some rest, and then I put her on a plane myself, just as Mr. Wild instructed. There was a car waiting to take her home when the plane landed.”

  “Well that was…thorough.” It was a relief that for all Jason’s anger, he had taken excellent care of his mother. He wasn’t unfeeling, just too hurt to listen to her.

  Leonard didn’t say anything.

  “I’d like to talk to her,” I continued. “Jason won’t like it, which is why I’m coming to you. I think she needs help, and I’ll need your assistance to find her.”

  Leonard sighed. “I don’t know…I wouldn’t take anything she says to mean much, you know. She seems like she has…” He paused and gave me an apologetic glance in the rear-view mirror. “Issues.”

  I remembered the crazy things she’d said to me, and I had to agree.

  “I know,” I agreed. “That’s why I think she needs help.”

  “I’ll give you any information you need for whenever you decide to go to LA.” He brought the car to a stop. Outside the window, I could see into the brightly lit lobby of Jason’s building. “Mr. Wild…” Leonard continued. “He’s a good guy. He deserves better than a mother who walked out on him, but anger held for too long is like poison. So, I understand what you’re doing.”

  I smiled. “I’m glad you understand, and I really appreciate this.”

  He nodded. “No problem.”

  Moments later, I spied Jason walking toward us.

  He was beautiful, this man who was completely mine. He strode like the colossus he was among people who seemed to orbit around his unrivaled presence.

  I waited in my seat, so excited to see him that it almost made no sense. I knew every inch of his body. I’d seen him awake and asleep, in the most tender moments, and even in moments of erotic surrender, but he still had the power to excite me just by walking into a room.

  He reached the car and opened the door, sliding into the seat beside me. I smiled at him, trying unsuccessfully to mask my excitement.

  “Babe.” He leaned over and kissed me lightly, careful not to ruin my lipstick, then he gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I laughed softly as my butterflies settled, and I let my eyes rove over him. His hair was smoothed back, his suit still fresh, and his face—well, he could always knock my socks off with just a smile from that perfect mug. “You always look incredible.”

  His lips quirked. “Yeah, I remember almost knocking you off your feet the first time you laid eyes on me.”

  I burst into laughter. “You had to go there?”

  He raised one perfect brow. “Am I wrong?”

  I shook my head, capitulating. “I thought you were Amy’s date, and I felt so guilty for wanting you so bad.”

  “I was blown away, too—could barely take my eyes off you. I kept telling myself I needed to get a grip because you were Amy’s roommate, but I knew it was a losing battle.”

  “Me too.” I pulled in a breath, and he twined his fingers with mine, holding both our hands in his lap all the way to the restaurant.

  Grant, Helen, Colin, and Amy were already at the table when we arrived.

  “Here you both are.” Grant got up to greet us, and everyone else followed suit. Hugs and kisses followed.

  “You look so lovely, sweetheart,” Helen said, kissing my cheek. “It’s so nice to see you again. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I replied, lingering in her soft hug for a few extra seconds. “You look great, too.”

  She waved one hand airily, though she seemed pleased. “I saw the video you made of the proposal. I’ve been watching it on repeat for days. So perfectly sweet.”

  “Oh, it was! Even more so in real life.”

  She put her hand on her heart. “Makes me so happy.”

  A waiter brought wine and filled all our glasses. Grant raised his. “To Amy and Colin,” he toasted.

  “To Amy and Colin.”

  “Thank you,” Colin said, his eyes not leaving Amy’s. “We’re so excited to be doing this together.”

  “And very happy.” Amy’s voice was bubbly. “We promise not to elope and deny you all the wedding of your dreams.”

  Grant laughed. “The wedding of your dreams, you mean.”

  She shrugged. “I have Colin—everything else is secondary.”

  We all laughed. Jason squeezed my hand under the table, and I turned to look at him. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  The rest of the dinner was sweet. The food was good, and Jason’s parents shared their plans for an engagement party. Amy announced that they were planning to visit Colin’s parents in England, though they hadn’t decided on a date or venue for the wedding.

  After we’d eaten, I got up to go to the ladies’ room.

  “I’ll come with you,” Amy offered, rising from her seat.

  “So, England…” I said when we were both drying our hands in front of the beautiful marble sinks in the restroom.

  “I’m looking forward to meeting his parents.”

  “Do you think you’ll have the wedding over there?”

  She sighed. “We haven’t decided. I think it might be fair since we’re going to live here. What do you think?”

  I thought about it. “I don’t know. As long as you’re both happy with what you decide.”

  “Hmm.” She shrugged. “We’re still considering it.”
  “I need to tell you something,” I said.

  Amy’s face clouded with worry. “What?”

  “Nothing bad.” I laughed weakly. “Just…I spoke to Leonard about Jason’s mother, and he’s going to help me go to her and talk.”

  “Go to her?” Amy sighed. “Why? I thought the plan was to try to convince Jason to give her a chance.”

  “Yes, it is, but if I talk to her, then I can tell him what I think.”

  “Have you told him that she asked you to leave him? That she threatened to harm him?”

  I was silent.

  “She’s crazy,” Amy insisted.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Jason won’t like this.”

  “He also won’t like it if they never work through this. It’s like a wound he carries inside him. He cares about her. If there’s a way for him to let go of the hurt…” I trailed off.

  “I don’t think this is it,” she said stubbornly. “I think this is a bad idea.”

  I sighed. “I shouldn’t have brought it up…not today of all days.”

  “No…I understand how you feel about it.” She paused. “When do you plan to go?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “I’ll come with you. I don’t want you going alone.”

  I chuckled. “Okay, sidekick.”

  She smiled. “Next weekend, maybe? We can make it a girls trip for before the whole wedding blitz begins.” She gave me a quick hug. “Can we go back now?”

  “Yes! Of course.”

  Later, in the car, I lay my head on Jason’s shoulder as he stroked my back. I considered telling him about my plan to go to LA. If I kept trying to reason with him, maybe I could wear him down enough to give his mother the audience she so dearly wanted.

  “What are you thinking?” Jason’s voice was low and tender. His hand moved to my hair, and I sighed when he massaged my scalp.

  “I’m thinking how good it feels when you touch me.” It was only half a lie.

  He chuckled. “I haven’t even started touching you yet.”

  There was a promise in his voice that excited me. I lifted my head from his chest and held his gaze, my fingers playing casually with the buttons on his shirt. “You did promise to peel my dress off,” I reminded him.

  His smile was so carnal I felt my insides flutter. “I haven’t forgotten.”


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