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The Shikari 3: The Order

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by Dora Blume



  Dora Blume

  Copyright © 2019 by Dora Blume All rights reserved.

  Cover designed by Mary Beth of MMB Designs

  Edited by Dark Raven Edits

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Dora Blume

  Visit my website at

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: November, 2019

  Also By Dora Blume

  Enchanted by the Craft Series

  The Enchanted Crossroads

  Enemy Enchanted

  Enchanted by the Enemy

  Enchanted by the Earth

  Enchanted by the Spirit

  Enchanted by the Craft

  The Enchanted Fall

  The Shikari Series

  The Shikari: Every Family Has Its Secrets

  The Shikari 2: The Evil Headmaster

  The Shikari 3: The Order

  The Immortal Vampire Series




  Haunted by a Moment (Standalone YA)

  The thorn from the bush one has planted, nourished and pruned pricks more deeply and draws more blood.

  -Maya Angelou

  Table of Contents


  Also By Dora Blume



























  “What do you mean, we need to talk?” Erik asked.

  Jessie rested her hand on her hip, scanning the others in the room. “Exactly what I said. We need to talk. Come on, we need to talk, in private.” She flicked her eyes from one person to another in the large library. All eyes had been on them. She really didn’t want to have this conversation in front of an audience. Jessie flipped her long blonde curls over her shoulder before turning on her heel to exit the building. A swell of exhaustion hit her when she made it to the door. It had been a long few days. Fighting to save the students at this school, getting shot saving Sloane, it had taken its toll. She listened as the crunch of Erik’s boots hitting the sidewalk let her know he was close behind.

  The bright afternoon sun glinted off of Erik’s golden hair. He raked his hand through his hair attempting to push back the hairs that fell just slightly over his crystal blue eyes. His stride was casual, but she could see the tension in his jaw as he pressed his lips together. She took a moment to appreciate his lean frame. Crossing her arms over her chest she surveyed the aftermath of the battle. There were groups of Shikari scattered around campus. Most were still standing outside the main of the four stone buildings. Her eyes searched for Caroline. Her power to read minds like Erik would be a complication to the conversation she needed to have with Erik. “Shit, we can’t talk about this here.”

  “Talk about what? Jessie, what’s going on?” Erik crossed his arms over his chest.

  Jessie glanced down to the semi-truck parked by the main building. It was the truck they’d arrived in only an hour ago. It was crazy how so much had changed in such a short amount of time. Caroline wasn’t the only one who could read minds here. Magnus could copy anyone’s powers. Not wanting to take that chance, her eyes rested on Erik. Taking a deep breath, she said. “We need to leave. Can we get a car to go back to Magnus’ place? What we need to talk about requires some explanation, and I’d rather talk, ah,” she looked around again. “Someplace else.” A tingle of nervousness ran up her spine. Lying to Erik wasn’t something she wanted to do, but they’d been so wrapped up in the current crisis she could never find the right time to tell him. Like there ever was a right time to deliver bad news.

  Erik cocked his head to the side. “Ah, Jessie, what’s going on?”

  “Can we please go back to Magnus’ place? I don’t want to talk with so many people around.” Her voice dropped low. “Please, Erik.” Jessie had never been one to resort to begging. She hadn’t liked the way her voice whined when she’d said please.

  He took a step forward, cupping her cheek in his hand. His gaze was so adoring her heart clenched. “Okay, if it’s that important, let me go talk to the others. See if we can’t catch a ride back to our cars.” He gripped Jessie’s hand interlacing his fingers with hers. He smiled tersely. It wasn’t the warm smile she was accustomed to, but it was her fault he was anxious. Soon enough, he would have her favorite bright smile back.

  Entering the library, he looked around until he found Magnus. “Magnus, can we go back to your place? Jessie and I need some time to talk. Can we meet there and make plans for the next stage?” He looked from Magnus to Bryant.

  “Of course, we will need to make plans for travel.” Magnus nodded.

  “Bryant, can you give us a ride back to our cars? We can meet you at the house when we’re finished.” Erik watched Bryant.

  “Yes, of course, son.” He paused, running a hand down his beard. “Sloane and Mike, do you need a ride back to Caroline’s?” Bryant asked turning to the two lounging against the reference section. Sloane was brushing her hand through Mike’s dark curls while Mike’s finger stroked up her thigh where a patch of skin was visible through her ripped jeans. Their heads were bowed in quiet discussion. A playful smile spread over Mike’s face.

  Sloane hopped down from the shelf she was perched on. Her raven black hair was slicked back for the mission, and a chain dangled from her belt. “Yeah, it’d be nice to get our cars and maybe some dinner before we go onto the next city.” Sloane’s dark eyes fell on Jessie. Sloane had always been perceptive. Jessie thought it was due to her clairvoyant power. Sloane’s round face cocked slightly to the side as she narrowed an eye at Jessie. An unspoken question in her eyes. Jessie gave her a slight smile and a nod.

  Bryant shook his head as he took in Sloane’s appearance, Jessie knew he rarely approved of Sloane’s antics. She’d been the black sheep of the family long before she disappeared on them. Only recently had she rejoined them after Erik asked for her help in Minneapolis. Jessie was pretty sure the only reason she was here was because it was Erik who’d sought her out. There was no way Sloane would do anything to help Bryant. Jessie was positive there was still a big part of her that blamed Bryant for her mother’s death.

  Bryant nodded to Erik. “Well, that settles it. Shall we?” He hadn’t waited for much of a response before turning to leave.

  “I’ll meet you there. I’ll call Jolene and let her know you're coming. I want to make sure everything gets wrapped up here before leaving. Caroline is in no shape to organize everything.” Magnus looked to Ethan.

  “I’ll follow Bryant to strategize. I need to be in touch with the othe
r leaders to see who is in hiding and who still resides in the city.” They turned to follow the others out of the library.

  Bryant clapped a hand on his son’s back. Jessie paused to look at Erik then continued. “What is it you need to discuss, son?” Jessie was irritated his father would ask, knowing she was within earshot.

  “I’m not sure, yet.” Erik’s response was quick. He was well aware she could still hear them.

  “Am I to assume you two are back together? It was such a joy to see you two battling together again,” Bryant asked, stopping before they left the building. Jessie rolled her eyes. He was part of the reason they’d split up before. His father was always pressuring him to put his duty above all else. He even used the death of his mother to convince him to go along with his schemes.

  “Bryant, I would rather not have this discussion right now. I will fill you in on any pertinent information when I have it.” Erik closed the distance between them and slipped his hand into hers. “I believe we’re ready to go.”

  “Good, thank you, Bryant for giving us a lift.” Jessie grinned. And for prying into our personal lives per usual. She thought.

  “My pleasure, dear. I do hope that everything is alright.” He bowed his head slightly to her. She knew he was feigning concern. He had been a father-like figure to her, but she knew what his caring entailed. Erik had the scars on his body to prove Bryant’s affections.

  “Everything will be fine.” Erik’s gaze flicked to her in an instant. She was sure he caught how she said will be. He narrowed his eyes and studied her. Jessie shook her head just enough for him to notice. He blew out an exasperated breath.

  Erik held the passenger door open for her to climb into the SUV. “Thanks,” she said as she slid into the seat. Erik got in behind her. It didn’t take them long to get to their cars.

  “Thanks again for the ride,” Jessie said as she exited not even bothering to look his way.

  “We’ll see you back at Magnus’ house,” Erik said as he followed behind Jessie.

  “Until then, son.” Bryant nodded and drove off.

  Once they were both seated in the car, Erik turned on Jessie. “Okay, we’re alone. Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Jessie felt the weight of his gaze on her. She’d finally gotten what she asked for, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to admit to her omission.

  “It’s kind of a long story.” Jessie looked down to her lap.

  “We’ve got time,” Erik pushed.

  “I mean a really long story.” She breathed out a heavy breath. This shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Yet, something still pained her.

  “Jessie, I’m freaking out, and I’m going to break your trust if you don’t give me something,” Erik pleaded.

  “Erik, don’t you dare read my thoughts.” She turned on him jabbing a finger into his chest. He’d tickled her constant worry. It was hard not to think that he could be reading any and every thought she had. Wiping her hands on her jeans she tried to calm herself. She didn’t even know if Erik would help her. He knew the craziness that had gone before.

  “Come on babe, you gotta tell me something.” He slid his hand over and gripped hers.

  His hand felt warm, comforting as he’d always been with her. Closing her eyes, she said, “My mom’s missing. I think demons may have her.” She waited a beat before opening her eyes to look at Erik. The relieved look he had on his face jarred her. “What the hell, Erik?”


  “You look relieved, It’s my mom. This is serious.” She clenched her hands into fists.

  “Sorry Jess, I thought you were going to say you were pregnant.” He bit the side of his lip and stared at the wheel.

  “Are you serious? Oh shit, I hadn’t thought about that. The other night, when you and I, oh, shit, I don’t know. I guess I could be,” she admitted, a whole new worry tickling at her mind.

  “Wait, what?” Erik stared open-mouthed at Jessie.

  “Well, I have another week or so until I’d know for sure. It’s not like you know instantly or anything. Some women seem to know right away and I have no idea how.” She scratched her chin. “Maybe they’re just so in-tuned with their bodies or something. Either way, I have no idea.” She shrugged and pulled at a string on the bottom of her shirt.

  “So, your big news was that your mom is missing. That’s not really anything new Jess. She goes off on random adventures all the time.” He used air quotes to emphasize adventures. “It’s the reason you lived with us to finish high school. You wanted some stability. Why is this a big deal now?” She felt the weight of his stare. Something was different about this time, Jessie knew it. How would she explain that to him, so he’d understand?

  "I don't know Erik. It's not like her to go this long without talking to me. A friend let me know she stopped in two weeks ago. She was in Los Angeles. I need to make sure she's okay. I've been calling, but I get nothing. I'm worried. With everything going on, I need to make sure she's okay." Jessie let out a heavy breath. Tamslyn was crazy, but this time she didn’t think it was her mother’s craziness. There was something seriously wrong.

  "Okay, so what do you want to do?" Erik took her hand in his and squeezed. "I'll go wherever you want. If you want to go search for your mom, we'll go together." The fierceness in his voice surprised her.

  "Really, you'd do that?" Her eyes searched his looking for any hint of faltering.

  "Of course, for you, I'd do anything." He dropped his head before raising it to meet her eyes. "I know in the past I wasn't there for you like I should have been. I know I bailed on you. I won't do that again. It's you and me, in this together, forever. Okay?" He cupped her face in his hands.

  "Wow, you really mean that? Why Erik, I do believe I'm watching you grow up before my very eyes." She giggled. She felt like a schoolgirl under his penetrating gaze.

  "I love you, Jess. I mean it." His eyes searched hers. He kept his hand on her cheek, absently running his thumb over her cheekbone. “So, are we off to find your mother?”

  "I don't know, yet. I think we should go to Magnus' house to see what's going on with the order. If the entire order is in trouble, we may need to go there first." She placed her hand over his on her cheek.

  "Jess, if we need to find your mother, we will do just that. The others can go take care of the order. Besides, I’d like to see what Tamslyn got herself up to now." He moved to lightly brush his lips to hers. A warmth spread over her as his touch. His kiss was soft and gentle. Backing away after the slightest touch.

  A craving went through her. Desire wasn’t far anytime Erik was near her. Blinking she gazed back at Erik. "That doesn't sound like you. I thought you put duty before all else," she teased, her mouth lifting.

  A serious glint came into his gaze. "Jess, I'm trying to do the right thing here. Are you ever going to let the past go?" He’d left her for the duty he held above all else. They’d been apart for a year, and it had broken her in many ways. At the time, she didn’t think she’d ever consider giving him another chance. Faulting him for it entirely was wrong, though. Her duty to the order had been as much ingrained in her as it was him. Jessie had also never let him see how broken she’d been during that time. Making excuses about different missions she had to go on kept them separate. When she’d been called to help, she thought she was over him. Yet, the minute they were back in each others lives, she couldn’t deny the pull to him. The love they shared was never far from her thoughts. Forgiving him was easy. Forgetting the hurt was hard.

  "I don't know if I can, Erik.” Her whispered voice cracked a little. There was a part of her that would always remember the day he left. The anguish on his face nearly broke her. Being honest with him always seemed like the right thing. But right now, she wished she hadn’t. Her hand instinctively reached for his. “Come on, let’s find out what’s going on in Kansas City.” Her tone was light. She’d be happy to leave this whole conversation behind.

  Erik nodded. "Okay." He started the car and drove. There wa
s a heavy silence in the air. Jessie wished she could lift it. Erik was always so light and happy. Her being the cause of his anguish killed her. They’d finally been in a happy place. Ruining that felt wrong, but she also couldn’t lie to him about her feelings. A part of her would always fear him leaving her. Him putting the Shikari before her. It couldn’t be helped. He would just have to understand what he’d done wasn’t something that could be taken away with a few words and great sex. It was going to take action to build her trust back. She wasn’t sure if there would ever be a time when that fear didn’t enter her mind. For now, she would squelch it to do what needed to be done. Just as he would.

  Jessie took a deep breath when he pulled into the driveway. Erik turned off the car and took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on her palm. His eyes met hers. "You ready for this?"

  "No, I'm not. It'd be nice if we could get a break. Our lives are moving from one crisis to another. I’d just like a chance to catch my breath." A nap wouldn’t be too bad an idea either. It was only yesterday she’d been shot. She hadn’t even had time to heal since then.

  "How's your side?" He cupped her face in his hand. "You haven't gotten a chance to heal from the bullet wound."

  "Exactly, do you think we could just stay here tonight? No matter what's going on. Maybe just relax for one night," her voice was pleading.

  "I'd love nothing more." He kissed her hand again. "Come on, we better see what's going on."

  “The world is ending, of course, what else?” Jessie let out a half-hysterical laugh. Erik’s eyes grew concerned as he watched her get out of the car.

  “Jess, Are you okay? Maybe we should just go up to a bedroom and talk about everything tomorrow.” His eyes narrowed with concern.

  “No, Erik, I’m fine. I’d rather know what’s going on. If the archives are in danger, we need to know. That affects everyone. If the demons get the information in there, we could all be dead.” Jessie’s eyes darted to the house.

  “Alright, but if I think you need to rest, don’t argue with me okay?”


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