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The Shikari 3: The Order

Page 13

by Dora Blume

  “What? We don’t have the manpower? Haven’t you been calling in reinforcements from other cities? How is it possible we don’t have enough help? This is the entire Shikari’s existence we’re talking about.” Erik took a deep breath and rested his palms on the table. He had to keep his cool. If he didn’t know better, Ethan may be trying to get to him too.

  “Well, your father has been in contact with informants from many cities and with the demons attacking multiple cities at once, many are afraid to leave in case the demons go in for another attack.” His voice dropped low. “Magnus went back to Denver to deal with a few new issues that have sprung up since you left. It seems the demons know what they’re doing so that we don’t have enough fighters to assist in taking back the order.” Ethan plopped down in a chair next to the table.

  Erik turned to face Bryant. “You mean to tell me you couldn’t get a single person to join you in this fight? I’m not sure I believe that. What about the people working in Minneapolis? Not a single one would come? Do they know what’s really happening here? The dire state of the entire Shikari if they’re able to make it into the vault?” Erik narrowed his eyes at his father.

  “Oh son, of course they don’t know the severity of the situation. The demons were able to get in because they possessed our own men, you think I’m going to have a conversation like that over the phone with just anybody? I have my men in the city scouting for those who may be possessed before we bring in any additional help. Trust me, those wards are strong. We have time to vet anyone we decide to inform about what’s really happening here.” Bryant clasped his hands in front of him again. He was trying to appear calm but Erik could tell in the subtle clenching of his jaw that he was worried about something. Erik just had to figure out if he was worried because he was helping the demons or if he was worried because they could all die.

  “Okay, so do we have anyone left in Kansas City who could assist?” Erik asked.

  “Yes, we have a small contingency of Shikari helping to comb the city right now for any other demon activity. So far, it seems they are concentrated at the main building. Once they took down the elders, they didn’t seem all that interested in anyone else in the city.” Ethan explained.

  “You didn’t find that at all suspicious? There’s always demon activity within a city. If there isn’t, there’s a reason.” Erik scratched his chin, thinking.

  “Son, I’m sure you realize that we know exactly why there isn’t activity in the city. They have taken over the archives and the order. Surely, they don’t have any use for anything within the city, besides their main objective,” Bryant scoffed.

  “Even when all hell was breaking loose in Minneapolis, there were still other demons in the city. Not all of them are organized like our most recent group. There should still be demon activity regardless of what’s happening here. It’s strange that there isn’t.” Erik took a few steps back. He was curious as to why the other demons would have vacated the city. Unless they were told to leave by whoever is in charge here. That was good news for them. They wouldn’t have to worry about any demons spotting them when they met with Jessie’s mom. Yet, he didn’t understand it. Unless the demons were there, and they just didn’t want him to know about them. Erik was growing more suspicious by the minute.

  "Maybe they were chased out by the others, or they were sent to go after any surviving leaders. Who knows? We need to stay focused on the archive and protecting the rest of the elders.” Ethan stood. “Will Sloane and Mike be joining us soon? We could really use Sloane’s power of premonition to help determine what we should do next.”

  “She’s staying at the house with Jessie for now. I think I’m going to go back and fill them in. Sloane’s going to want a full update. Is there anything else I can tell them? I’m not sure if she's going to like the fact that our current plan is no plan at all.” Erik narrowed his eyes on his father.

  “Well, it isn’t my fault you choose to traipse off to California when your duty was here,” Bryant scolded.

  “I’m sorry, I thought you were a better leader.” Erik narrowed his eyes again. “If you’ll excuse me.” He stormed out of the room. He wanted his father to think he was unimpressed with his ability as leader. That would explain any suspicious feelings he may have let leak during his time with him. He was good at controlling his emotions around him, but something about him seemed off. Erik wasn’t sure what exactly it was yet. He hadn’t gotten much from their thoughts. Bryant had been well-versed in keeping Erik out for years. He didn’t think Ethan could do the same but was shocked when Ethan had a sturdy wall around his mind. Erik didn’t want to risk discovery by trying too hard to penetrate it. He was already concerned they may be onto him. He didn’t have any doubt that Ethan was on his father’s side. Now, he just had to figure out how close they were with the demons. He also had to get back to Jessie.

  She had looked pale when he left. He wasn’t lying that she hadn’t been feeling well. Her bouts of nausea over the past few days had him worried. It’s not like they could drop everything and go to the doctor. She hadn’t even gone when she’d been shot. There was no way she would go for a little sickness. She would probably write it off to not getting enough rest or something. He needed to be there for her. He hurried back out to his car. He hated that he’d made this errand when he hadn’t really learned anything new.

  One thing was for certain, his father had no interest in helping save the Shikari. Which meant, it was up to them. Erik only hoped they could do it without having to fight his own father on top of it. Demons he could handle, his father, that was something he wasn’t ready to face.

  Erik raced back to the house. When he walked through the door the house was too quiet. He took in the wide-open rooms. He figured Jessie actually listened to him about resting. Heading down the hall, he stopped at the first bedroom. Jessie’s hair cascaded out from under the plush white comforter. He glanced around the room. She’d chosen the room with a connecting master bath. He slid into the bed beside her, placing a gentle kiss on her head. She moaned and blinked her eyes open.

  “Hey, you’re back already?” she asked, her voice still drowsy from sleep.

  “Yeah, sorry I didn’t want to wake you, but you’re the first person I saw.” He ran a hand down the side of her face and kissed her again.

  “Oh, Sloane walked down to the beach to relax. I don’t know if the other two joined her or not.” She took his hand in hers. “What did you find out from Bryant and Ethan?” she asked.

  “Nothing good, they don’t have a plan or anyone helping to go after the demons at the archives. They’ve protected the elders who ran, but I’m starting to wonder what they’ve been doing while we were in California. It seems we’ve learned more about what’s going on than they have.” Erik flopped onto his back in frustration. Jessie leaned up on her elbow to look down at him.

  “Really? They haven’t learned anything? Have they gotten any help from Shikari members in other cities?” she asked.

  “No, that’s the thing. Bryant claimed there wasn’t anyone to help because demons have been attacking other cities. He told me everyone was too worried about their own cities to help the order. I’m not even sure he’s reached out to them. I never thought Bryant would actually betray us, but the more and more I think about it, the more I think that’s the only explanation for his actions.” Erik let out a breath.

  “I’m sorry, Erik. I know you want to believe he isn’t capable of it. I’ve known him my whole life. I want to believe he’s good, but the evidence is stacking up against him. What other explanation could there be?” Jessie rested her hand over Erik’s

  “I don’t know, but I’m still hoping there’s some other explanation. He’s my father. He raised me. I am who I am because of him. How can I betray that bond between us?” Erik threw his arm over his eyes. Grief and worry gripped at him. If his father had betrayed them, what else was he capable of? Had he betrayed their mother all those years ago?

  Jessie pulled his
arm down to look at him. “You are who you are for so much more than just your father. You are responsible for who you are. He may have made you strong, but he did it in all the wrong ways. Erik, he scared you. He beat you. Now, he may have betrayed us all. Are you really going to stand by him if that’s true?” Her eyes stared into his.

  Erik’s body relaxed as Jessie stared into the stormy depths of Erik’s eyes. “What would I do without you, Jess?” His voice was husky with desire and admiration as he spoke.

  She rested her chin on her hands, which were resting on his chest, and gazed up at him. His warm body heating hers. “You’d probably get more sleep.” She gave him a sardonic smile. They still had a little bit of time before they had to meet her mom. His eyes darkened as he looked into her eyes. He licked his lips before pulling her up into his arms. He wanted to spend every glorious moment with the woman he loved.



  “What did you mean at the airport?” Ely asked. Sloane had her arms draped over her head as she lounged back in the chair. Her leg lifted slightly so she could scratch an itch. She watched as Ely tracked the movement. His eyes dilating in response. The corner of her mouth quirked up.

  “Which thing?” She feigned ignorance even though she knew exactly what he was talking about. She’d told him that he may change everything between her and Mike.

  “Come now, you know exactly what I’m referring to. What did you mean by it?” He rested his hands on his hips as he looked down at her.

  “What did you think I meant?” Lowering her glasses, she looked up at him. The other night with the two of them had been amazing, and Mike had given her the go-ahead to enjoy more of them together. For once, she felt like someone actually understood her needs. In the past, she always ended up cheating. It was never intentional, but one man never really fulfilled her. Could Mike possibly know that? They had been together when they were younger and even then she found herself straying. She always felt bad for it afterward, but couldn’t stop herself in the moment. The intensity that came with her desire was all-encompassing. When she unleashed it, she had a hell of a time pulling herself back. Most of the time she didn’t want to stop. Hurting Mike would never be her intention, but eventually, it would be inevitable. Maybe, Mike had known that. Maybe his blessing with Ely was his way of letting her know how much he really knew her.

  She bit the side of her lip as she looked up at Ely. She sat up, sliding back on the chair. “Please sit,” she said as she patted the spot where her legs had been.

  “If I sit, are you going to explain?” There was a mistrust in his eyes. It had been wrong to toy with him, but she had no intention of continuing that now. She needed to be honest with him, with both of them if this had any hope of working out for all of them.

  “Yes, I promise I will explain. I have a proposition for you.” Her eyes watched as his flashed with sudden surprise. He carefully took the spot where her legs had been on the lounge.

  “Okay, what’s the proposition?” he asked, eyes weary. When had he grown suspicious of her? Was he suspicious of everyone? He’d certainly let his walls down when they were together the other night. Was that because of Mike? She took a deep breath before continuing. She would have time to figure Ely’s mysteries out later.

  “Mike gave the okay for me to be with both of you, as long as you are okay with it too.” Sloane bit her lip as the emotions played out on Ely’s face. First confusion, then contemplative, followed by a questioning sort of acceptance.

  “So, the other night, you want that to be a regular thing?” He narrowed one eye, but the look he gave her was more playful than serious.

  Fuck yes!

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind.” She seductively ran her foot over her bare calf.

  “Oh? You wouldn’t mind. Well then, maybe I’ll just go since you don’t really want me.” He began to stand. Sloane moved and pulled him back down to the chair. She captured his lips with hers in a playful kiss. He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. His lips were warm and their kiss built slow. His tongue licked along the seam of her lips, and she parted them for him. Ely had been an almost impatient lover. His over-eagerness reminded her of a kid on Christmas, impatient to open the present he wanted His tongue slipped between her parted lips, and she marveled at the skill in which he used his tongue. He tasted of cinnamon and a hint of mint. His arms tightened around her. Could she really have both of these guys? Her world felt like a fantasy as her hands slid over his muscled shoulders. She wanted to pull him closer, to run her hands over every inch of his chiseled body. She wanted to know what it would be like to be cherished by him. Clutching at his back, she moved to straddle him and a throat cleared behind them.

  Ely broke away quickly, the features of his face contorting into a mask of shame and guilt. Sloane ran her hands down his face in an attempt to smooth away the worry that sharpened his features. Her eyes met Mike’s over Ely’s shoulder. She pressed her lips together in a hard line, irritated by his interruption. Maybe he wasn’t as okay with this arrangement as he let on. There was a smoldering fire behind his eyes that let Sloane know of his burning jealousy. Ely turned to face Mike. He softened his facial features before Ely could notice.

  “Oh shit, don’t worry, Ely. Sloane and I discussed this. I’m okay with whatever arrangement we work out. For now, it’s the three of us.” Mike held his hands up in front of him, realizing his faux paus. “Erik’s back, he’s in the bedroom with Jessie. I thought you’d want to know. Plus, he should be giving us an update on what’s happening with the order.”

  “Really? You’re okay with this, with us, even if you’re not here?” Ely’s eyes narrowed like he was seeing his friend for the first time. There was an underlying suspicion there.

  “Yeah, I honestly am. I trust you both.” Mike pulled Sloane up into his arms. “And I fucking love you.” He kissed her quickly before setting her back on her feet. “Do you guys want to go see what Erik’s learned?”

  “You said Erik was in the bedroom with Jessie?” Sloane’s eyebrow rose.

  “Yeah, why?” he asked.

  “I think we have some time before Erik will be ready to give us an update. I’d like to relax a little while longer before we go running off again. Besides, look at this beautiful lake.” Sloane swept her hand out across the beautiful view over the water. Mike stepped up behind her resting his hands on her arms.

  “Yes, it really is beautiful,” he kissed the side of her head. “Any luck with the visions?” he asked.

  “No, I really wish I had something like before to boost my power. I don’t like how unpredictable my visions are lately.” Sloane slumped in Mike’s arm.

  Ely stepped in front of her, a flirtatious smile spread across his face. “I hear we may be able to help you with the block against your powers?” She looked down as his fingers slipped under the hem of her shirt and slid against the bare skin of her abdomen. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at the fire in Ely’s eyes. Mike’s hands slid down over her hips, she felt his hot breath against her neck, and it sent a shiver of desire down her body. Every nerve in her body stood at attention. Mike’s lips kissed a path up the crook of her neck. He stopped to nibble her earlobe. That small gesture sent another spark of pleasure right to her core.

  “I believe we can help you relax enough to have another vision if you want, love.” His hands were strong as they held her in place against him. She could feel his cock harden against his jeans. She rocked her hips back against him, delighting in the friction. “Fuck, Sloane,” Mike’s voice was breathy against her neck. He nipped her shoulder before turning her to kiss him. Ely’s hands replaced Mike’s against her hips.

  Mike kissed her deeply, devouring her with his passion. Her hands slid around his neck, tickling the hairs at the base. Mike’s kisses always felt like home to her. She felt safe and loved in his arms. Her fingers gripped the curls at the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her. The answering growl he made
in her mouth egged her on. She pulled at his hair eliciting a moan from him. He nipped her lip as his hand trailed up her shirt to her already peaked nipple. He pinched it between his thumb and forefinger. She let out a gasp as a shock of pleasure ran through her. Her fingers gripped his shoulders as she dug her nails in. He let out a rough growl against her mouth. Sloane knew that Mike liked a little pain with his pleasure. She pulled his bottom lip between her teeth and tugged. Mike looked at her through hooded eyes. Sloane knew exactly what she was doing to him. They both liked a little roughness. She also knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer. He was good at playing with her, but she was good at knowing what buttons to push to get him inside her faster.

  Mike lifted her shirt, and she held her hands up, so he could lift her shirt off. Ely’s hands unclasped her bra and the cold breeze against her nipples stiffened them even more. The cold was replaced by Mike’s hot mouth. He bit her once before smoothing his hot tongue over the bite. Mike’s playfulness came out in the bedroom. He continued to toy with her breast while Ely pinched her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Her breathing became ragged as they both toyed with her.

  Sloane flicked a gaze to the house as Mike met her lips for a kiss. “Shouldn’t we be going in the house?” Sloane breathed out as Mike moved down one side of her neck. Ely’s lips were on the other side. The combination of teeth, tender kisses and sucks had her wrecked already. She was surprised she even had the wherewithal to remember where they were. The mixture of sensations from their hands and lips on her skin had her head reeling.

  Hot breath skimmed across her neck. “Are you worried about someone seeing us?” Ely’s deep husky voice asked against her ear. A thrill ran down her body. The idea that someone may be watching them brought a whole new thrill to the experience. How had she gotten so lucky that two men wanted her? Ely’s hands slipped to her abdomen, sliding down to unbutton her pants. She felt the zipper slide down a moment before his hand slipped inside. His fingers found her clit and circled it before dipping two fingers inside her. She gasped against Mike’s mouth. Ely seemed like an impatient lover. Going right for what he wanted as his finger slipped deep inside her again, a finger curling toward her outer wall. He found the spot inside her and rubbed against it with the pad of his finger. A zing of pleasure rushed through her body, causing her to tremble against them. It was good Mike held her steady as her knees wobbled.


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