A Sip of Life
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A Sip Of Life
By Monica Singh, Isha Soni and Nishant Rawlley
Copyright 2012 © Monica Singh, Isha Soni and Nishant Rawlley
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A journey through the dark tunnels of life towards the open arena of exposure mixed with criticism and apiation, is impossible without strength. "I believe and I can do it" is the ultimate mantra. Like land is sterile without plants and plants are unfruitful without water; the intricate connection with the nurturing spirit of guardians is unfathomable.
As far as our work is concerned, the sole guardian guiding us is right within us. It might sound a little mean, but the truth is that unless you don’t believe in yourself, you are handicapped in every way. And more so because, when we wrote, we did not write because of a certain person! but we wrote because we felt, we had penned because we had felt too strongly about something, so essentially, it was our own selves who drove us into writing! But this book, this project wouldn't have been possible without the existence of these few people in our lives! but since we are three of us, each of us want to make a special mention for those people here,
"I would of course like to thank my parents ( who havent read a single poem yet but would hopefully go through the pain soon) and my sister , who always reads my poems "bleary eyed" ( and the tears are not because of the pain she feels after she's done reading)."
- Isha
"To my addiction to books which ignited the flame to match what I read. And to all those people who created situations (good & bad), emotions (joyful & grievous) and feelings (hurtful & loving) which instigated me to pour thoughts from my heart unto the paper.
And above all to my mother for giving me a chance to taste this life and for being my strength."
- Monica
"First and foremost, My parents, for standing rock steady by my side no matter how hopeless and shattered I was. to her, for making me believe that life is worth a chance, for being the silver lining to my dark cloud. Thanks, I've said it many times already, but you know it matters. and my best friend, for kicking my back whenever I was low, so that I fell and stood up again! and to those numerous friends who've been lessons in the book of life, all through"
Last but not least in love, our poems are a dedication to life itself. Had it not walked along with us throughout, we would still have been searching the ruins. Yes Guys, Life happens, and a lot of shit in this very life happens too; but life is worth it. Believe in yourself.
So here`s to the Sip of Life we had so far.
Monica Singh
Isha Soni
Nishant Rawlley
Table of Contents
1. Thoughts
2. The Journey Towards Truth
3. The Year Gone
4. No Man’s Land
5. Love Again… Final Adieu
6. I Still Love You
7. A Passerby
8. Love?? Really?
9. Question n Answer
10. Lost?? Me?? Well Maybe
11. Voice From Inside
12. Another Night On The Terrace
13. Blank
14. Waves
15. End of Journey
16. Best Known Stranger
17. The Black Flower
18. Self Love
19. Abandoned Sadness
20. The Veil
21. The Change
22. The Present
23. The Dream
24. Tears- M.S
25. Tears- I.S
26. Alone
27. The Brave Guy
28. Understanding
29. The Friendship That Was
30. Love But Only Once
31. Behind The Closed Doors
32. The Soul
33. Cocoon
34. All I Write
35. Awaited Touch
36. Meetings
37. After a Break
38. Walking Alone
39. Martyr
40. The Secret
41. Steps
42. An Honest Lie
43. A Closed Chapter
44. Final Betrayal
45. Memories
46. The Door
47. An Escape
48. The Angels of God
49. My ‘FuGlY’ Life
50. Wailing
51. Those Nights In My City
52. A Story of Pain
53. Helplessness
54. A Tale of a City and a Heart
55. The Unsaid Tale
56.The Story So Far
57. The First Blow
58. Wondering
59. A Passing Moment
60. Simply Beautiful
61. The Journey Back Home
62. Good Times
63. A Toast
The Moments
This I have realized and realized too well
Less you expect things of others more happy you will find yourself
Cause no matter how much they care for you, somewhere or the other
Sometime or the other, their ignorance hurts you and hurts you too deep.
Intentionally or unintentionally ones you love the most have tendency to hurt you most.
Still you forgive them each single time
You know why???
Cause your love for them will always over power your disappointment
And shade the lil hatred you might develop...
And thus make you a much better person in your own eyes
Even if others still see you as a selfish person
You will respect yourself more. .. Because you know
how much patient you and your emotions have become.
And this I have learned so well now...
Less you scream out your frustration and anger
Less complicated the relations are
Just keep forgiving them each time...
For how long will they do it?
Maybe for ever you think??
But that’s your love for them.
For once in my life I have learned to be selfless for my love
And that for the edginess aroused by mere thought of losing love
Monica Singh
The Journey towards Truth
Alone did I start,
Unarmed, Unaware,
Uncleared doubts, Unanswered questions,
Unsolved mysteries blotting my mind.
I knew not what life hath for me,
Framed in the web of my own desires,
And refusing to come out.
Suffering, yet clinging to the pain,
Not realising that pain was only a mirage.
My world was dark,
And the trail, certainly not easy,
I continued fighting the illusive pain,
Resisting it, neglecting it, still suffering it.
Then I stumbled,
And I sat down,
" It’s my life after all " struck me,
Why should I then
Let it fall prey to them?
So self insufficient? Am I? I wondered.
" I do not really need them" came the answer,
Ahh! There I was,
Facing the ultimate truth,
The dawn had broken,
The secret revealed,
Trust no one except Him,
Depend on no one except Him,
Renounce th
e world and the world is yours
I had escaped the web,
I was free,
A whole new meaning, life attained,
Sympathies, not my cup of coffee,
I have not, regrets,
Silence is the melody of my life,
And solace my sole companion..
Nishant Rawlley
The Year Gone...
The year is about to end
Burying with it tales
of Experiences gained
Mistakes done and lessons learned
More faces explored n hearts recognized
Tears wasted for known soul-less creatures
Smiles spread for unknown soulful beings
It was indeed a very long year
In terms of days....maybe not
In terms of moments for sure
People close in distance
Might be happy on face
But always bitter in heart
With eerie coldness around
And those far away
Can feel our sadness
Without seeing the fake smiles
And share the heartfelt bliss
Some claimed to love
And dominated the relations
Still broke the trusts
Walking over the said promises
Some silently loved
Praying for good will
Neither demanding attention
Nor affection in return
But most important lesson learned
To walk alone as far as possible
With no one beside me
A heart can be broken once
But it can still love again
And what if it’s broken yet again ?
Either it will make you stone
or weaker than before...
Can’t understand which way it is...
Life is a complicated game
Being played with us
Being played by us
And playing on us...
Monica Singh
No Man’s Land
Ushering in, the new year
Witnessing how the dates just changed
An ordinary night to many
And I do fly once again
To the distant lands at the first ray of sun
But I wish not for this night to cease
I wish not, to go
My life’s no flowery here either
The mood, that of melancholy
But then what stops me from flying away?
Why my bed, my pillow my folks are so hard to leave?
I always wanted to fly didn’t I?
Dreamt of a life of long flights
And so I lived indeed
Flying, soaring far and wide
Seeing colors through the kaleidoscope of life
But then
What makes me wish
that this night stretch on a little longer..
that maybe this life is still a little more cozy
than the one out there!
The year that just left
Took with it those unfinished stories
Crippled dreams, curbed desires
I’m sceptical about the one coming by tomorrow
Yeah tomorrow
and not right now
right now, is the gap between the two
The no man’s land
And that’s exactly where I stand
And I don’t, want to come out
Not that I have a choice
But tomorrow will again start
With the same reality
Just another day
New problems new struggles
The rushes, the messes
The loneliness the pain
But this gap between
It feels different
Thoughts come and depart
But I feel not, a thing
Just observe them silently
Like hanging in that brief moment of time
Right before the break of dawn
When the nature is at its most beautiful
And most silent
The last traces of bright stars
The first signs of the brighter sun
Breathing in, that air
What’s gone is bygone
What’s to arrive in a moment,
But it’s the moment!
Oblivious to both
I wish not for this night to cease
Nishant Rawlley
Love Again... Final Adieu
I know this might sound kinda stupid
A bit awkward too I guess
It has happened again
This time more than less
Butterflies in my tummy
Are flying yet again
In my tender heart
There’s the sweet little pain.
I have fallen head over heels
In love once more
But it’s none but you
That I again adore.
It’s like wish coming true
To love you the same
To be the only one
A dream of young dame.
The reality that we both
don’t belong to same place
Has now gotten through me
As a bitter reality that we face.
Funny how this distance
Strengthened our affection
But the same distance
Is my biggest obsession.
No regrets that we can’t be together
Enough that I knew you,
On a thirsty tiny flower
You were the drop of dew.
I would always be in love
with motu Mario only
But this is the final adieu
To keep us no more lonely.
Monica Singh
I Still Love You
I’m yours,
To you, I belong,
Yeah I surrender,
My love never died,
I tried to veil it though,
But it never ceased to exist,
It kept nurturing,
Subtle.... Hidden in the veil of hate,
Cause I wanted to hate you,
To feel strong,
For every wrong you did to me,
I tried and I tried harder,
To hate you from the core of my heart,
How cheerful those words sounded,
Move On,
But maybe it doesn't go that way,
For love, there's no moving on,
It never happened,
Love conquered hate,
It doesn't matter if you're mine,
It doesn't matter if you hate me,
My love will never die out,
Never, till eternity,
Not even if I want it to,
But such is the might of love,
To me you were and will always be, the same you,
The you who understood me the best,
The you who never asked me,
To change an inch of myself,
The you who's being around,
Made my life another paradise,
And most of it,
The you who loved me,
Circumstances cannot dilute love,
I love,
Because I love,
Because my love is my domain,
Because you were and will continue to be,
The most special being in the existence,
And I love with this knowledge,
That we cannot be together again,
That you won't come back,
But that doesn't change anything.
Oh yeah I love you,
How much I cannot tell,<
br />
Words are too petite,
To describe what I feel for you,
But maybe this should give you an idea,
That " I still love you" ...
Nishant Rawlley
A Passerby
He said with encouraging smile... "Let’s try again"
She said with dry smile... "Won’t be worth it"
He kissed on her forehead and went away...
Slowly walking on dry leaves
Crumbling them as he passed along...
Making soft rustling sound...
Echoing into silent dusk
She went away... On her own path
Enjoying chirping of bird
Walking on green grass...
Damp with dew of glorious morning
And here I was looking at these two lovers
with amazement and interest...
How two hearts can be together...
And still so lonely
Not that I grudged the casual manner of that girl
Or sympathized with plight of the guy
I am just a passerby... Wondering at His Mockery with his angels...
Sometimes He entertains himself bit cruelly...
Monica Singh
Love?? Really?
You say you love me,
But do you really?
Do you?
The way you say it,
How can I deny?
I know what it is to be abandoned in love...
But love?? Really?
Do you realize,
You talk to a heart,
That was smashed in love some while ago,
And shattered into a million pieces,
Each of them abandoned by this world,
Yes, I’m ready to move on with life,
Who doesn't want love in his life?
Who doesn't want to give love another chance?
But if only this fear could let go of me,
The fear, she left me with,
She who taught me, love hurts,
That every bit of it hurts,
And how on earth are you supposed to understand,
That I. . . . . still love her,
Like the beautiful remnants of great civilizations,
Like the dying flames of huge fires,
Like some ancient mysteries that remain,
Unreasonable, unjustifiable,
Yeah I realize,
It is god's bliss to have someone love you,
But love?? Really?
Do you really think I’m the one?
I know not, what to say,
But will you be there for me,
When I’ve lost everything?
Will you hold my hand,
And intertwine our fingers making me feel cared for?
Will I be able to look into your eyes,
And find the same love gleaming?
Will you love me for what I am,
And not for what you think I am?
Will you be able to tolerate my worst tempers,
And yet love me?
Will you be the shoulder,
When I want to cry out the pain?
Will you pamper me like a li'l kid,
When I want to be treated like one,
Will you be my best friend for life?
No, I’m not putting any conditions to your love,
But I’m scared, I don't know, what to say,
You say, you love me,
But do you really?
Love?? Really?
Nishant Rawlley
Question n Answer
The Question...
Girl to guy