Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2) Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  The only thing marring his flawless skin are some scars. They look like they’re either from gunshot wounds or stab wounds. I’ve never asked him about them and I’m not going to. If he wants to share what happened to him, I’ll listen. Otherwise, I’ll pretend they’re not there.

  “You gonna stand there and look at me all day?” Capone asks, his voice laced with sleep, bringing out a husky quality.

  “Maybe. It’s the only time I can. You know, when your horde of women aren’t around vying for your attention,” I smart back.

  “Holls,” he sighs.

  “I know, Capone. Only friends. I get it loud and clear. Why are you here?” I ask.

  “I wanted to make sure you got some sleep, so instead of goin’ to the clubhouse with the guys, I came here. Gotta run soon though,” he answers, rolling over to his stomach.

  When Capone rolls over, the sheet falls from his body. My gaze travels from the tattoo of the club colors on his back down to his perfect ass that is now on full display. It’s tight as hell and I want to try bouncing quarters off it. This is not fair at all. The man shouldn’t look this fucking good.

  Finally, I tear my eyes from the man in my bed and make my way to the bathroom. As I finish doing my business and take a quick shower, I realize something— Capone slept in my fucking bed naked as the day he was born. He’s never slept in my house naked. What the hell?

  Running back into my room, I see Capone sitting on my bed against the headboard. The sheet covers his lower body while I let my gaze roam over the gorgeous top half. Tattoos cover his skin, his nipples are pierced, and there’s a small trail of hair disappearing under the sheet.

  “And here it is,” he says, laughter in his voice.

  “Why are you naked? You slept next to me for however long naked?” I ask, my voice high pitched.

  “I usually sleep naked. The only time I don’t is when I’ve been here with you. Didn’t want to push you. But, since you’re so much stronger than you were in the beginning, I thought why the hell not. And, it shouldn’t matter how I sleep since we’re just friends, right?” he says, his voice cocky.

  “Friends don’t sleep naked next to one another,” I say, walking to my closet to grab clothes.

  “They don’t walk around in nothin’ more than a towel after a shower either,” he calls out.

  “They do when it’s their own damn house and they need to get dressed for the day,” I say.

  Capone doesn’t say a word until I walk back into the room. He’s sitting on the edge of my bed with just his jeans on, but they’re not buttoned all the way. I quickly turn my gaze away because I’m sure I catch a glimpse of his cock. That’s not something I need to have burned into my memory.

  “What are you doin’ tonight?” he asks.

  “Working. I have to finish the books and I’m going to be working on some other projects,” I answer.

  “What projects?” he asks, his voice going all possessive alpha asshole on me.

  “Nothing that concerns you.”

  “Holls, don’t. Why don’t you come to the clubhouse? We’re havin’ a party for Rock. He’s comin’ home today,” Capone tells me.

  “No thanks. I don’t go to the clubhouse if I’m not droppin’ off the books,” I answer. “Besides, I don’t know when I’ll be done with my stuff.”

  “And you won’t tell me what you’re doin’?” he asks, sliding his shirt down over his chest.

  “Nope. No one knows, and no one has to know,” I answer.

  I leave the room and make my way to the kitchen. I’m starting breakfast when Capone leaves the room and makes his way over to me. He kisses me on the top of my head and leaves my house. What the hell is going on?

  Capone leaves me more confused than anyone I’ve ever known. I’m not going to get sucked into his trap. And I won’t be going to the clubhouse. There’s no reason for me to be there when I’m not attached to a member. The only tie I have to the Blazing Outlaws is my sister, who is married to the President. Doesn’t mean I have a reason to be there for anything else.

  Besides, I start my new job today. I’m going to be working on formatting and designing graphics for authors. It’s something I’ve always been interested in doing, but it didn’t seem stable enough for me to get a degree in. So, I went with my second love for work and I’ll do this on the side. It’s my secret to keep and no one needs to know this.

  Chapter Five


  WALKING OUT OF Hollie’s house is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Especially after our morning. It’s like it was so long ago when Hollie was relaxed around me and didn’t know about the house bunnies. She was open and could joke around with me.

  Did I overstep by climbing into her bed naked? Maybe. But, I wanted to see how she’d react to me being in bed with her naked. What I didn’t expect was to see her walk through her room in nothing but a towel. That’s new.

  I got to her house in the middle of the night from the run, and I was tired as fuck. I’m not sure why I even went to her house other than I wanted to make sure she was sleeping. Her call rattled me and I’ll always check on her. So, I pulled up and went in. At first, I went into the wrong room, the room she used to sleep in.

  Turning on the hall light, I opened the door to Raine’s old room and saw Hollie fast asleep in her bed. The blankets had slipped from her body and she was only wearing a shirt and a pair of panties. I know because her ass cheeks were on full display with the dark lace panties covering the remaining part of her ass.

  As I entered the room, I started to strip. Usually, I throw a pair of sweats on or sleep in my boxers when I’m in bed with Hollie. Not last night. Last night, I want to sleep the way I usually do— naked. I’ve never worn clothes to bed unless I was here with Hollie. I’m done holding back from her. She wants to let me know how much stronger she is and how much better she’s doing, then we’ll test her theory.

  Walking up to the bed, I took in her long hair fanned out over the pillows next to her. Her lashes rested against her cheeks and her mouth sat slightly open. One hand was resting under her cheek while her other arm was thrown over her head. Her legs were curled up, but the pillow she normally keeps between her knees was missing. I always thought it was because of the cuts and burns she had between her legs and it looks like I’m right.

  For a few minutes, I drank in the sight of her. She couldn’t move or squirm under my gaze because she didn’t know I was watching her. Instead, she was peaceful and her face was the most relaxed I’ve seen it since pulling her from the warehouse. This was how I want to see her every day— no stress or worry marring her beautiful fairy-like features.

  Finally, I climbed into bed and tried to behave myself. I laid on my back and put my arms under my head. Turning my head, I watched Hollie. Within a minute, she was rolling over, her head going to my chest while her arm reached across my chest. Her fingers tickled my side as she got comfortable. At the same time, she threw her leg over me, almost nailing me in my cock.

  I was sporting a semi-hard cock when I walked into the room. Then, I was hard as fuck as her soft skin brushed against mine and the smell of her shampoo and body wash invaded my senses. She smelled like flowers and vanilla mixed together. It’s not some fancy perfume she’s using to make men weak in the knees. It’s something she uses because it reminds her of simpler times. Times her parents and grandma were alive. I’ll buy stock in the shit if it makes her happy.

  I laid still awhile and just lived in the moment of having Hollie in my arms, where she belongs. Finally, sleep claimed me and I got the most peaceful sleep I’ve had since not spending as much time with her. Having Hollie in my arms quiets my demons as much as it quiets hers.

  This morning is the first time I’ve caught a glimpse of her exposed skin. Even though the towel covered anything of importance, I still got to see more of her than I ever have before. Water is trailing down her exposed skin from her wet hair and I want to lick each and every drop away from her skin.

bsp; When she comes back from the closet, Hollie is fully dressed. She’s wearing a short pair of shorts and a tank top. It takes me a second to notice she’s not wearing a bra under her tank top and I can make out the outline of her nipples poking through the shirt. Once again, my mouth waters and I wonder what her nipples look like. Are they coral or brown? Large or small? From what I’m seeing, she’s got large nipples and I want to see and taste them.

  “What are you doin’ tonight?” I ask.

  “Working. I have to finish the books and I’m going to be working on some other projects,” she tells me.

  “What projects?” I ask, my voice going harder at the knowledge I’m missing out on something in her life.

  “Nothing that concerns you.”

  “Holls, don’t. Why don’t you come to the clubhouse? We’re havin’ a party for Rock. He’s comin’ home today,” I tell her.

  “No thanks. I don’t go to the clubhouse if I’m not droppin’ off the books,” she answers, averting her gaze from me. “Besides, I don’t know when I’ll be done with my stuff.”

  “And you won’t tell me what you’re doin’?” I ask, sliding my shirt down over my chest.

  “Nope. No one knows, and no one has to know,” she answers, leaving the room.

  Once I’m dressed, I make my way out to the kitchen and kiss her on the top of her head. I can’t help but take a deep breath so I can carry her scent around with me for as long as possible. Axel is on the front steps and I let him know to keep an eye on her. If she leaves the house, I want to know about it.

  I straddle my bike and make my way to the clubhouse. Everyone is here already and I know they’re probably waiting on me to begin church. I should’ve stayed here so they weren’t waiting, but I didn’t want to.

  “Church!” Satan calls out as soon as I walk through the front door.

  We all file into the room and leave our phones and weapons with the Prospect Shane. I take my seat next to Satan as the rest of the guys fill in their seats. Once we’re all seated, Satan calls the meeting to order and begins talking about regular business. Hawk has a printout of the business numbers while Hollie finishes going over the books to double check the totals and what-not.

  “Capone, let’s hear about what happened last night,” he says, looking at me.

  “Left on the run and somethin’ felt off. We pulled over, filled up, and made it look like we weren’t aware of anythin’. Blacked-out car pulls in behind us and then followed us out when we left. I told the guys to pull off at the old pullover spot and we did. Went down the trail a little ways and they followed us,” I say, looking around the room. “Lone driver in the car by the name of Trent. He was given a burner and told to follow us. Whoever gave it to him has his sister and cousin. If he doesn’t do what they say, they’re bein’ used against him.”

  Gunner takes over from here since he was at the diner with Trent when he made the call.

  “At the diner, he made the call and played everythin’ as if it went off without a hitch. He kept the phone on speaker, but Torch couldn’t get a trace on it. He’s callin’ a burner phone. I do know he’s talkin’ to a female. Not sure about anythin’ more than that,” Gunner says. “They were usin’ a voice changer app or somethin’ because I’ve never heard the voice before. Trent and his family all live in Willow Creek, so I’m thinkin’ it’s someone local.”

  “And we still don’t know who’s givin’ out the information from within the clubhouse?” Satan asks.

  “Nope. What about puttin’ cameras up when no one’s around? Send the house bunnies out for the day and everyone else can leave. Torch and you, Satan, can be the only ones here knowin’ where they are. I’m thinkin’ it’s gonna be the only way we catch who’s doin’ this shit,” I add in.

  “I like it,” Satan says as the rest of the guys nod in agreement. “Now, let’s go get Rock’s ass and party it the fuck up tonight. Raine will be here for a bit and I’ll be leavin’ with her. I don’t want this place trashed. House bunnies are already makin’ a ton of food and I’ve added extra alcohol for the night.”

  After Satan slams the gavel down on the scarred table we all sit at, every man stands up and leaves the room. We grab our shit from Shane but don’t stop in the common room for a drink. Going to greet Rock as he gets released from jail is our mission right now. He needs to know we’re all here for him and we’re going to have his back.

  Rock didn’t have to take the blame for the shit in the truck and let Wrath get out of jail easy as fuck like he did. He got out and we had a party for him before he got tossed right back in. The club paid his child support to get out and within a matter of days, the bitch of a baby mama he has had him thrown back in. She said he went and threatened her. We all know he didn’t.

  Rock is a man of few words. He laughs and jokes around with us and takes his duties for the club seriously. When it comes to women, he’s always been a ladies’ man. Rock loves women and takes as much as he can get. He’d never threaten one, especially one raising his kid. None of us know his child and we don’t want to push him. It’s Rock’s decision what we know about his child and when he’s ready, he’ll fill us in.

  Pulling up outside the jail, we all get off our bikes and wait for the man to come out to us. I’m leaning against my bike, smoking a cigarette, when I hear the gate sliding open. Turning to face the jail, we all start clapping and cheering as Rock makes his way toward us.

  Steve has his bike already out of the truck and waiting with the rest of us. Wrath reaches into his saddle bags, pulls Rock’s cut out, and hands it to him with a man hug. Both men have gotten close since they served time together. I know Wrath feels a sense of guilt because Rock made the decision he did.

  Mounting our bikes again, we make the ride back to the clubhouse. The rest of the night will be nothing but eating, drinking, and fucking. I wish Hollie was going to be here with us, but she doesn’t want to be around the house bunnies. We all know they’ll say shit to her. Raine is one thing— they don’t fuck with her because she’ll toss them out or put them on probation. Hollie isn’t an ol’ lady and they don’t have to respect her or keep their mouths shut around her. At least in their mind. Raine will beat their asses if her sister is hurt by them though and we all know this.

  As I pull back into the parking lot and make my way inside, NeNe struts up to me. I’m not in the mood for her brand of crazy right now, so I sidestep her and pull up a stool. Steve and Shane are behind the bar and I tap my knuckles to let them know I want a drink. Rock is busy being greeted by all the women as I turn around and look at my family.

  One of the girls has a plate piled high with food and is leading Rock toward a table. Three house bunnies sit down with him and act as if he’s a fucking king while they fall all over themselves trying to make sure they’re the one he takes to bed tonight. He’ll take them all if he wants to, he’s not above taking more than one woman at a time. I think he likes fucking more than one at a time, honestly.

  Raine and Satan are sitting at a table together with Gunner, eating and talking amongst themselves. The rest of the guys are spread out and the house bunnies are trying to make sure they get the guy they want for the night. Raine will leave soon because it’s not going to be long before everything breaks down. I give it until Rock’s done eating, then the music will start blaring throughout the clubhouse and the clothes will come off.

  I finish my beer as I look around the room. Turning back toward Steve, I let him know I want a bottle of Jack. He hands it over and I wave away the glass he tries to sit on the bar top in front of me. There’s no need for a glass when I plan on drinking my dinner and whatever else I can. My mission, now that Rock is home, is to get plastered so I don’t attempt to go to Hollie’s house tonight. With the mood I’m in, I’ll take things too far and push her away for good.

  So, I sit at the bar, keeping my back toward everyone, and drink straight from the bottle of Jack. It’s not long before I feel a good buzz brewing and I know I’ll be drunk a
s fuck soon. Exactly what I want.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Rock asks, sitting down next to me.

  “Nothin’. Glad your home,” I answer him.

  “Why are you sittin’ alone, gettin’ fucked up?” he asks.

  “I don’t want to go to Hollie’s. If I’m drunk as fuck, I won’t be able to go. So, Jack is my best friend tonight and I’ll drink until I pass the fuck out,” I answer honestly.

  “Have you eaten anythin’ today?” he asks, always watching out for the rest of us.

  “Nope. Left her house before she finished makin’ breakfast. Then we had church and left to get you. I’m not hungry,” I say.

  “Get somethin’ to eat,” Satan says, walking up to us with his arm around Raine.

  “I’ve got dinner,” I reply.

  Rock gets pulled from his stool by Rose. Looks like he’s about to enjoy his dessert now. Rose isn’t usually one who makes a move on the guys. She waits for one of us to grab her and take her to our room. Or fuck her in the common room. She’s one of the better ones because she doesn’t scream her brains out or get too pushy with the men. Looks like she knows what she wants tonight and is taking it.

  “Gonna go by Hollie’s on the way home,” Raine says, looking directly at me. “Haven’t seen her in a while.”

  “Have fun,” I tell her.

  “You’re goin’ to Hollie’s?” Wrath asks, grabbing a beer from Shane.


  “Maybe I’ll ride with you,” he murmurs.

  “You go there and I’ll beat your ass to the ground,” I say, getting off the stool and realizing I’m more than just buzzed as I sway on my feet.


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