Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2) Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  “You’re not claimin’ her, Capone. You’re out fuckin’ who you want, so Hollie isn’t off limits. Raine, are you puttin’ your sister off limits?” he asks the queen of the club.

  “Not at all. Hollie knows what she wants and she’ll make up her own mind,” she answers, looking between us.

  “Capone, you had your chance and you fucked it up. If I decide to make a move on her, I won’t make the same mistake,” Wrath warns.

  Raine and Satan leave before I say another word. Sitting my ass back on the stool, I take a large swallow of the alcohol. I continue drinking until almost the entire bottle is gone. When I set it down, I can barely see straight and I’m ready to pass out. I’m also smart enough to know I’m never going to make it to my room on my own.

  “Let’s go, sexy,” I hear murmured in my ear.

  I’m not sure which house bunny is helping me to my room, but I lean on her heavily. When we make it to my room, I flop down on the bed. The last thing I feel is my pants being pulled from my body. I pass out before I can do or say anything.

  Chapter Six


  NO MATTER WHAT I’ve tried, Satan can’t meet me away from the clubhouse today to drop the books off. I hate going to the clubhouse because I don’t want to see the women Capone’s been fucking. It wasn’t a big deal when they were in the past because everyone has a past. Now that I know he’s still with them, I don’t want to see them. Ever.

  I know they had a party for Rock last night and I’m sure I’m going to walk into a complete and total disaster. The last party they had, Raine bitched for a week about the mess and her stepping up to help the house bunnies clean it up. I’m sure it will be worse this time because one of the men got out of jail and they were celebrating his release.

  Pulling up to the front door in Raine’s spot since I know she’s home with Rhett and Harliegh, I take a minute to gather my courage. I take a deep breath, grab the books from the passenger seat, and get out of my truck. Walking into the common room, I come to a complete stop as the door shuts behind me. Holy shit.

  The common room is completely trashed. Beer bottles, cups, plates, alcohol bottles, condoms, and food litter tables and the floor. There’s shot glasses and clothing tossed haphazardly around the bar top. Bodies in various states of undress fill every available surface, including the pool table and floor. It looks as if Rock is still buried deep in one of the bitches. Raine is gonna be so pissed.

  Turning to the right, I head directly to Satan’s office. I knock on the door and wait for my brother-in-law to call for me to come in. After a minute, there’s no answer, so I wonder if he’s upstairs in his room. He knows we were meeting this morning. I even sent him a message last night to double check.

  I walk through the mess that’s usually the common room and make my way upstairs. His room is next to Capone’s and I’m not thrilled about seeing Capone this morning, but I can’t worry about that right now. I have things to do and the quicker I can get out of the clubhouse, the sooner I can get on with the rest of my day and the other work I have waiting for me at home.

  As soon as I walk through the laundry room at the top of the stairs, I pause to take a breath before continuing on to the hallway filled with doors to the men’s rooms. I spent most of my time up here when I was first brought here, so I know where Satan’s room is. It’s at the end of the hall with Capone’s right before it.

  Stepping out into the hallway, I see a woman coming out of a door. It’s Capone’s room. The woman turns to face me and I realize it’s NeNe. She’s always given me dirty looks and stayed away from me, but I’ve never done a damn thing to her. Well, at least I know why now— she wants Capone for herself. I’m sure she’s the one who’s been sharing his bed. NeNe can fucking have him.

  I ignore her, and the cat that ate the canary grin on her face, and make my way to Satan’s room. Knocking on the door, I wait for an answer. There’s still nothing after a few minutes. What the hell is going on here?

  Frustrated, I walk back downstairs to see NeNe sitting at the bar. I know without a word from her that she’s waiting for me, so I brace for the words I’m sure will spew from her mouth as I make my way back through the common room.

  “Thought you didn’t come here?” NeNe asks.

  “I don’t,” I reply.

  “Looks like you missed one hell of a party. And this is why I know you’ll never make anyone here an ol’ lady. You can’t hang. Why don’t you do us all a favor and run away? We don’t need, or want, you here,” NeNe says, looking at her nails like she’s bored with the conversation.

  “I don’t want to be anyone’s ol’ lady. Unlike you, my goal in life isn’t to spread my legs for everyone. I can hang wherever I want to, I just choose not to be around a bunch of skanks like you. Not that everyone here are skanks. As far as running away goes, I don’t need to go anywhere. I have a job and family here. What’s your excuse?” I say back.

  “I have a family here. These men are my family. And I belong here more than you ever will. The only reason you’re even tolerated is because of your sister,” she says cattily.

  “I don’t need to fit in or belong here. You’re the one who’s desperate enough to take what scraps you can get from the men. That’s just sad and pathetic, NeNe.”

  “You bitch!” she yells out, causing several men to begin to stir. “At least I’m not pining away for a man I’m never going to have. Capone’s cock was in me last night, the same as it is almost every fucking night.”

  Walking away, I see Satan standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks pissed as fuck and I’m sure he’s heard at least part of the conversation with NeNe.

  “NeNe, I think you can start cleanin’ in here. I want this room spotless before Raine gets here in a little bit. And don’t be surprised when she comes after you. I will be lettin’ her know about your disrespect this mornin’,” he tells her.

  NeNe glares at me as she stands up. I take in her clothes and realize they’re rumpled and from the day before based on their looks. Her hair is a wild mess, showcasing she spent a wild night in bed with someone. I’m disgusted by her and can’t believe I stooped so low as to exchange words with her.

  I follow Satan into his office. Once the door’s shut, he turns toward me and motions for me to sit down on the opposite side of the desk. Here we go.

  “Hollie, what happened?” he asks.

  “Nothing. I went upstairs to see if you were in your room. I wouldn’t have, but I have some work to do at home. NeNe was waiting for me when I got back down here. I’m sorry I had words with her. It won’t happen again, Satan,” I tell him, handing over the books.

  “I’m glad you did, Holls. I want you to be comfortable here. Standin’ up for yourself isn’t somethin’ I’m ever gonna be mad about when it comes to you. You’re family here and you belong here more than anyone else does. Especially NeNe,” he says. “I’m gonna have to tell your sister about this. If I don’t, she’ll have my balls.”

  “I know, Satan. This is why I don’t come around here. I don’t want to cause any problems and I don’t want Raine to feel as if she has to step in for me. I can handle my own battles and I don’t need her to fight them for me,” I tell him.

  “We know, Hollie. I’ve always known you were stronger than the others gave you credit for. You had a setback and you’re goin’ to come back even stronger than you were before. Capone is an asshole for not seein’ what’s right in front of him. He’s my brother, but I know he wants you. Give him a chance,” Satan says. “And that’s the only thing I’m gonna say on the matter.”

  “Satan, I can’t give him a chance. I know he’s a good man. He’s shown that more than once over the last months. But, I won’t ever be with a man who can’t keep his dick in his pants. Capone can’t do that. NeNe came out of his room this morning when I went upstairs,” I say, holding up my hand when Satan goes to speak. “It’s fine. Capone and I are friends and that’s all we’ll ever be. I’m com
ing to terms with that and I’ll be just fine. But, I really need to get home and get to work.”

  “What do you mean? Are you workin’ somewhere else too?” he asks, concern etched on his features.

  “I’m taking on a new venture. It’s just mine and I’m not ready to share it just yet,” I tell him. “Give Raine a hug from me and tell her I’ll call her later today or something.”

  Leaving Satan’s office, I leave the clubhouse without glancing in NeNe’s direction. I can hear her huffing and puffing away as she follows Satan’s orders. She’s not my concern though. Nothing at the clubhouse is.

  My heart breaks as I leave the clubhouse. Knowing Capone is fucking other women is one thing, seeing one of them leaving his room is another thing entirely. I’m not sure I’ll ever get over my crush on the man, but I know distance between us is something that will help. That means no going to the clubhouse when he’s there and no letting him in the house if I’m awake. Not right now anyway.

  I’m sitting at the house, working on a cover for an author I’ve just started working with. There’s a knock on my door and I wonder where the hell Axel is. He’s stuck as my babysitter again today.

  Stretching, I stand from my desk, shut my computer screen off, and make my way to the front door. I don’t see anyone’s vehicle parked in the driveway as I cross the living room. My gut tells me something isn’t right here. Walking to the door, I peer out the peephole and see Axel standing at the door.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as I pull the door open.

  “Nothin’. Haven’t heard from you in a while. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he says.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m just working. You can come in if you want,” I tell him.

  “No. Just want to make sure you’re okay. I’m gonna be headin’ out soon. Shane will be here tonight. I think so anyway,” he lets me know.

  “Okay. I’m gonna make lunch while I’m here. Do you want to join me?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, I can do that,” he answers.

  While Axel sits down at the table, I pull out the leftovers from last night—meatloaf, potatoes, and peas. His eyes bug out of his head as I pile a plate high with food for him before making myself a small plate. I can’t help the laughter that bubbles from me at the look on his face.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask him.

  “Why do I get so much food?” he asks.

  “Because you’re a man and I’m sure you’re hungry after sitting out there all day,” I answer with a shrug of my shoulders.

  Axel laughs his ass off. It’s a deep laugh and I know it’s not something many people hear him do. Fortunately, I have. Axel and I are comfortable with one another because we’re stuck together more often than not.

  “Do you want to know a secret?” I ask him.

  “Depends on what it is,” he answers carefully as I hand him his plate from the microwave.

  “I have to show you. It’s my other job, one I love doing,” I answer.

  I lead Axel to my office and turn my monitor back on. After clicking a few buttons, the current cover I’m working on takes up the screen. He stares at it for a minute and then looks back at me.

  “What is it?” he finally asks.

  “I’m designing book covers for authors,” I tell him, waiting to hear what he thinks.

  “Wow!” he says. “So when this author sells a book, it will be your cover everyone sees?”


  “That’s awesome! Why haven’t you told anyone else?” he asks.

  “Because it’s my thing. I’m not sure how good I’m going to be at it, so I’ve kept it to myself. Like Raine did for the longest time with her wanting to be a tattoo artist,” I answer honestly.

  “Raine doesn’t know about this?” he asks, looking closer at the cover.

  “No. You’re the only one who knows. Please don’t tell anyone about this. I want to keep it to myself for a little longer.”

  “You have my word. But, I don’t think you should hide this from anyone. If you’re not even done with this, it’s already amazin’. I want to see the finished project,” he tells me, standing up and heading back toward the kitchen.

  Pride overwhelms me. The authors I’m going to be working for don’t know me from anyone else in the industry. I’m an unknown and probably won’t meet any of them. Knowing Axel and hearing him say something positive about it lifts me up higher than anything else could have. My day is complete as I go out to warm my lunch and eat with Axel. I’m still not ready to share my secret though. Not with anyone.

  Chapter Seven


  WAKING UP, I feel like shit. My head is pounding and I feel like I’m about to throw up all over my bed. It’s been a long time since I got so wasted and I’m not going to be making a habit of it. I hate feeling so disoriented and like a pile of shit after a night of partying. Always have.

  I take a quick shower and make my way down to the kitchen for something to eat. It might be the last thing I want right now, but I know I need to get something in my stomach to soak up the remaining alcohol. The thought of food turns my stomach as I get dressed in jeans, a tee-shirt, and my cut. I slip my boots on and run a brush through my hair before leaving my room.

  When I step into the kitchen, I see NeNe doing dishes by hand. We have a dishwasher so I’m not sure why she’s handwashing them. Not my concern though. I grab a plate of eggs and homefries from the plates piled high on the island. After setting my plate down at a table, I go to pull a cup down from the cupboard and get some coffee.

  “How’s your morning, lover?” NeNe asks, a sly smile on her face.

  “Not your fuckin’ lover,” I grit out.

  “Stop playin’, Capone. You couldn’t get enough last night. Not sure what was runnin’ through your mind, but you were insatiable,” she tells me.

  “The fuck?” I yell out, my head pounding worse at the noise I release.

  “Took you to bed when you couldn’t get up from the barstool. You fucked me all night long,” she says.

  “As far as I know, I passed out last night when I got to my room and didn’t fuck anyone. You tellin’ me you rode my cock when I was passed out?” I growl out as Satan comes into the room.

  “You pounced on me,” she says, trying to make sure I know I initiated it.

  “NeNe, no more fuckin’ talkin’. You’re on my shit list and Raine will be here in a matter of minutes. So, I’d get busy workin’ and shut the fuck up,” Satan growls out. “She already knows what you said to Hollie this mornin’ and is pissed as fucked, so you may have more of a mess to deal with when she gets done with you.”

  “What’s wrong, Pres?” I ask as he sits down across from me.

  “The bitch wanted to talk shit to Hollie this mornin’. Caught her because she was too dumb to make sure no one else was in the room with them when she attacked her,” Satan answers.

  Satan tells me what happened and my hangover is now turning to anger with the knowledge of what Hollie witnessed and was told this morning. NeNe is going to end up like Silk if she’s not careful. Raine doesn’t take anyone fucking with her sister too kindly. NeNe will be lucky if she doesn’t get the shit beat out of her by Raine. Hollie makes up part of Raine’s world and she’ll do everything in her power to protect her from anyone who fucks with her. The way a sister should.

  “Holls stood up for herself good this mornin’. Even with the bitch tellin’ her she’d never be anyone’s ol’ lady. NeNe is anglin’ for somethin’ with you, Capone. You better watch yourself,” Satan warns me as he stands up and leaves the room.

  “You’re gonna take that bitch’s side over mine too?” NeNe asks, walking up and putting her hand on my chest.

  I pry her hand from me and glare up at her. My face is hard and I know the look alone tells her to back the fuck off. She doesn’t heed my warning though and tries to park her ass in my lap. Not gonna fucking happen.

  “Get the fuck off me! I’m not your man and I won’t be fucki
n’ you anymore. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t exist here anymore. You’re someone I fucked a few times and that’s it. You’ll never be anyone’s ol’ lady. Especially now. Everyone loves Hollie and Raine and you fucked up by not knowin’ your place,” I growl out.

  “I belong here. That bitch is a fuck-up you all picked up on a rescue mission. She’s nothin’ to this damn club. She won’t ever belong here and everyone knows it but won’t say a fucking word because her sister is the supposed Queen bee of this place. Neither woman belongs here or with any man here,” NeNe says.

  “Really, bitch?” Raine says, walking into the kitchen. “I am the Queen bitch of this club. A fact you’ve forgotten. Let me fucking remind you and then we’ll see how long you’re here when I’m done with you.”

  Raine pulls NeNe from the room by her arm. The grip she has on her is going to leave bruises for sure. I don’t stop her, instead, I follow them into the common room where every member of the club is standing around.

  “Now, NeNe here has been playing both sides. She wants to get on my good side by calling about anything she doesn’t like that’s going on with the house bunnies, but then says Hollie and I don’t belong here at the clubhouse or with any member here. So, Satan, apparently we don’t belong together,” Raine begins as I take a seat at the bar next to Gunner.

  “Fuck that! You’re my wife, my ol’ lady, and the mother of my children. Fuck this bitch and what she thinks,” Satan growls out. “Bring in the rest of the house bunnies.”

  As they enter the room, I sit and wait to see what’s about to happen. Once all the house bunnies are standing around the room in various spots, Raine continues.

  “Now, NeNe here has had quite the morning already. She’s attacked my sister for no reason when she came to see Satan. Then, she’s gone on to say Hollie and I don’t belong here at the clubhouse or with any of the members. Let me fucking tell you, Hollie and I belong here more than a single one of you. You bitches are here to fuck the men and clean. If you want to be my enemy, I have no problem treating you that way. I’ve tried to be your friend and make things as easy as possible here for all of us. I don’t have to do that shit. So, now NeNe is on probation and will be taking over all the chores at the clubhouse. And she won’t be fucking any of the members. If you fuck her,” she says, turning her attention toward me. “I’ll make sure Satan knows and he can handle it as he sees fit. The next person I hear disrespect me or my sister will be out on their asses. I’m tired of this shit. This is the reason Hollie doesn’t fucking come here. That’s about to fucking change.”


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