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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  If I’m honest with myself, I’m not attracted to Clay at all. I’d rather be curled up on the couch in front of a cheesy movie with one of Keira’s books. I’m going to read them one of these days. It might give me a better insight into what I’m creating covers for. Or into the men of the MC since some of her books are motorcycle club books.

  “You seem like you’re a million miles away,” Clay says, glancing out the window at Capone. “Do you usually have an escort when you go out on a date?”

  “I don’t know. You’re the first man I’ve gone out with since moving to Willow Creek,” I answer.


  I finish eatin my burger, fries, and soda while Clay takes his time with his meal. I’m ready to leave. Not only am I bored, but I can feel Capone’s eyes drilling into us from outside. He hasn’t taken his gaze off of our table since pulling his bike in next to my truck. I just need to figure out why he’s here after leaving the diner with the rest of the guys not that long ago. Doesn’t he have something better to do?

  “Listen, Clay, I like you, but I’m not sure it’s going to go where you want it to. I haven’t been out on a date in a long time and I’m just not feeling it. I’d rather be friends than pretend to feel something I don’t,” I tell him, not being able to take a second longer of this.

  “Does this have anything to do with the man sitting outside?” he asks, looking at me.

  “No. We should feel chemistry or something and it’s just not here for me. I’m sorry, Clay,” I say, laying some money on the table and standing up.

  I press a kiss on Clay’s cheek and wish him a good night before walking out to my truck.

  Capone remains seated on his bike and I don’t even glance in his direction. I simply get in my truck and head home. He follows me to the house and parks his bike in the driveway while I park in the garage. Once I’m inside, I open the front door. I’m not going to ignore Capone and I’m not about to have whatever talk he wants to have out in the open for nosey neighbors.

  “What do you want?” I ask, walking toward the kitchen for a bottle of water.

  “Why are you goin’ out with a douche like that?” he asks, following me after shutting the door behind him.

  “It’s really none of your business what I do or who I spend my time with,” I fire back.

  “It is when the man doesn’t have the common sense to not talk about the club when members are surrounding him. How long have you been seein’ him?” he asks, making himself comfortable.

  “Still not your business, Capone. You’re not my man. You have a woman, remember? Why don’t you go bother her?” I ask, making sure I remind him about NeNe.

  “She’s not my woman. She’s nothin’ to me and you know it,” he replies.

  “No, I don’t know anything at all about your life anymore. I used to. We used to be friends, now we’re nothing. I don’t want to come between the two of you and I’ve heard some shit, Capone. Leave it alone and go to the clubhouse or wherever you’ve been spending your time,” I tell him, my heart breaking at the thought of never seeing him again.

  “I’m exactly where I belong. Don’t you know that yet, Holls?” he asks.

  “No, you’re not. You’re going to be a dad. While I’ll never hold that against you, I’m not going to have NeNe throw it in your face and try to take the baby away from you or anything else she’s been threatening to do. Can’t you see this won’t work?” I ask, the first tear spilling over.

  “Yes, it will. Just give me some time. I have plans in place already since gettin’ the results of the paternity test. I’m just waitin’ on the baby to be born. Nothin’ can happen until then,” he says, putting his hands on each side of my face and tipping my head back to look in his eyes.

  “I can’t do this, Capone. You’re the only man who has the power to break me more than I already am. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. And don’t try to lead me on. I can’t take it from you,” I plead with him.

  Yes, I gave him all the power in those few words, but it’s the absolute truth.

  “Why are you goin’ out with him if I’m the one you want, Holls? Be honest and tell me that,” he says.

  “I’ve never been anything but honest with you, Capone. You can’t say the same thing though. You hid what you were doing at the clubhouse with NeNe and whoever else. Now, you’re pushing me away because of NeNe and the baby. Or whatever shit you have going on in your head. Please, just leave,” I plead.

  “I’ll leave tonight, but this isn’t over, Holls. It will never be over. I want you and I’m gonna have you. Not for a night or an easy fuck. I want each and every inch of you. You heart, your body, and your soul. Once I get this mess sorted out with NeNe, I’m comin’ for you. No more goin’ out with random cock bites. And no more hangin’ out with Axel,” Capone says, placing a soft kiss on my lips before leaving my house.

  I’m still standing in the kitchen when I hear Capone’s bike fire up and leave the driveway. What the fuck just happened?

  Capone can go straight to hell if he thinks he’s going to dictate to me what I can and can’t do or who I can hang out with. Axel is my friend and I’m not going to tell him he can’t come over here to hang out. And if I find out Capone has, I’m going to beat his ass. Or at least chew him a new ass in front of everyone. I’m done caring about him and his damn demands.

  Well, who am I kidding? I’m not done caring about Capone at all. I’m halfway in love with the man and there’s nothing that’s going to make me stop. Not even after all the shit with NeNe. Or the rest of the girls he’s been with since spending time with me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’M AT THE clubhouse when Hollie walks in. I double-look at her because she never willingly comes here. Especially with everything going on with NeNe. One of the last times she was here, NeNe ran her mouth to her and I wasn’t around when it happened. That’s the only reason why it did happen. I’m thankful Satan showed up and put a stop to it before more damage could be done.

  As the door closes behind her, Hollie takes in the room. I’m sitting at a table with Gunner and Wrath. Grinder and Rock are playing a game of pool. Axel is behind the bar. Venom and Taker are sitting at another table playing cards. Raine and Satan are here too. Satan’s in his office and Raine’s in the kitchen with Rose and Kelly making dinner, something about a family dinner or some shit like that.

  Hollie’s dressed in a pair of faded jeans, hair thrown up in a knot on top of her head, and the oversize sweatshirt is one of mine. I must have left it at her house one day. I have to say, I like the look of Hollie wearing something of mine. There’s no make-up on her face and her eyes are glaring daggers at me. What the hell?

  Standing up, I make my way toward her. I haven’t seen her since the night she went out with that douche canoe. Why is she mad at me?

  Before I can get to her, she walks over to the bar to say hello to Axel. Yeah, that shit’s going to end. She won’t be hugging another man again. I’ll have yet another talk with the Prospect about him spending time with Hollie. They act like brother and sister more than anything else, but I’m not going to sit back and watch another man put his arms around my woman. Even if she isn’t mine yet. It’s bad enough I’ve got Wrath snooping around her every chance he gets.

  I change my direction and walk up to Hollie as Axel says something to her. She’s talking animatedly about whatever they’re discussing and there’s a smile on her face. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her act this way, but this is how I want to see her all the time.

  The two come to an abrupt halt when I approach. I don’t like the jealousy coursing through me at the knowledge Axel knows something about Hollie that I don’t. I’m the one who should know everything about her and the only one who should know her secrets.

  “Hollie, what are you doin’ here?” I ask, trying to put my arm around her shoulders.

  “None of your damn business, Capone,” she answers.

  If her look
s could kill, I’d be dead right now. And if not from that, then from the ice coming off her voice. She’s never talked to me this way.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, confusion lacing my voice.

  “Don’t talk to me. I’m here to help my sister and then I’m leaving. Stay the fuck out of my way,” she says, trying to walk around me.

  “Oh, but you can talk to Axel when you’re here to help your sister? How the fuck is that? And why are you glarin’ daggers at me? I’ve done nothin’ wrong to you,” I ask her.

  “Axel is a friend and I’ll talk to him whenever I see him. Not my fault he can’t come to my house anymore because he’s babysitting your bitch. And you have done shit to me. I’m sure no one knows the vile things you’ve said about me because you talked to NeNe about me, but I won’t spill your secrets. Just stay the fuck away from me from now on,” she spews, once again trying to walk away.

  “Hollie . . . ” I begin only to feel her hand smack me right across my face.

  “I said leave me the fuck alone, Capone. I don’t want anything to do with you,” Hollie says. “I’m sorry I just smacked you, but I won’t be talked about the way you’ve been talking about me. Just go back to NeNe and leave me alone.”

  Hollie walks into the kitchen as the men in the room sit in stunned silence. My cheek is on fire and I’m sure it’s red as hell. Instead of taking my seat back at the table, I follow Hollie into the kitchen. I want to know what the hell is going on and I’m going to do just that. She can hate me all she wants, but this talk is gonna happen.

  I walk into the room to find her with her back to me. Raine is facing me and she’s now also glaring at me. I walk up behind Hollie and turn her around before bending down and planting my shoulder in her stomach. She starts yelling at me while pounding me on the back with her fists.

  “Put me down, Capone,” she yells out.

  “Nope. We’re gonna fuckin’ talk about what you just said,” I answer, carrying her from the kitchen and up the stairs.

  I hear catcalls and laughter as we disappear from sight. Not what I want to do, but Hollie not talking to me is not going to happen. We’re going to have to start talking so we can work shit out. Yeah, I know I have a lot more to work out than she does right now, but my plans are in place and I need to wait a few more months until I can implement them. Eventually, I’ll have to tell Hollie about them because it’s only going to work if she knows what I’m planning to do. And I know she’ll keep it to herself so no one finds out before they have to.

  My brothers in the club will keep my secret, but until we find out what’s going on with the businesses, I don’t know who we can trust, so I’m keeping my lips sealed until we get that piece of business finalized. Then, I’ll let my brothers in on my plans for NeNe and the baby.

  “Capone, I’m not going in your room with you. Put me the hell down. Now!” Hollie yells, bringing me back out of my thoughts.

  “Nope. We’re gonna talk about this, then you can go. I’m done playin’ this back and forth with you,” I answer, unlocking my door and going inside.

  I toss Hollie onto the unmade bed and she quickly scrambles off as if she’s going to catch something just from getting on my bed. A smile covers my face because she has no clue no one’s been on this bed or any of the bedding. She’ll find out, but not today.

  “Now, what the fuck are you talkin’ about? I haven’t said a word to anyone about you,” I question. “I’m guessin’ this has somethin’ to do with NeNe?”

  “I was at the store yesterday and ran into the bitch. She went on and on about how I’m nothing but a stupid whore, how you can’t stand how clingy and manipulative I am. That I’m using the kidnapping to keep stringing you along. And how I’m fucking Axel and all the other guys who come over to the house to check on me. No one knows about it because I have my own home and I can do as I please,” Hollie says, her chest heaving with the anger she’s feeling right now. “Oh, and let’s not forget my favorite— how you will never allow me in your child’s life because I’m so tainted and disgusting, you don’t me anywhere near your child.”

  I stand in front of Hollie speechless. NeNe is going to get an earful from me when I see her again. I’ve never said a word to NeNe about Hollie. In fact, I haven’t seen NeNe since the last time I talked to her. She has a doctor appointment next week, but other than that, I don’t spend time with her. I’m also going to find out how she got out of the house when she’s not supposed to leave. One of the Prospects is supposed to get anything she needs.

  “And you believe that bitch?” I ask Hollie. “I thought you knew better than that. I’m the one tellin’ you what I want and how things are gonna be once the baby is born. Yet, you still choose to believe a slut over me.”

  “Look why, Capone. You lied to me for months. I don’t see you anymore. And then you tell me who I can and can’t see. Or that I’m not goin’ to go out with anyone. You don’t own me and have no say in my life. But, you don’t have to go behind my back and talk shit about me. Trust me, I have no desire to be around you these days. No matter how much that thought breaks my heart,” she tells me.

  “You want to know what’s goin’ on, I’ll tell you. We’re tryin’ to find the mole who’s not only stealin’ from the club as you found, but who’s leakin’ information about us to other people. That’s why Tony was killed and why we were followed on the last run I went on. Someone from the inside is tellin’ our business. So, you’re goin’ to be the only one who knows what I’m about to say,” I begin. “After the baby’s born, NeNe won’t be around. I’ve already had the paperwork drawn up for her to sign her rights away and I’ve set aside a portion of money for her to have so she’ll leave town and never come back.

  “I’ve never once said a bad word about you to anyone, especially a dumb bitch like her. I’m so mad at her for trickin’ me and the rest of guys and I’ll never forgive her. You were supposed to be the mother of my children. Always you, Hollie. And no, you don’t need to talk to anyone else, because I’m gonna be your man sooner or later. Don’t forget that.”

  “Capone, it’s never gonna happen. There’s too much between us and now you have a little one to think about. I’m glad you’re getting her to sign away her rights, but it won’t be the last time you hear from her. We both know that. And I’m not going to be constantly on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop. Plus, I don’t think you can keep it in your pants long enough to make me yours,” Hollie says, walking toward the door to leave my room.

  “Hollie, look around my room. You don’t notice anythin’ different?” I ask, stopping her in her tracks.

  Hollie turns around slowly and looks at my room. When her eyes land on my bed, they widen in shock. Not only is my bed new, but it’s the one she pointed out to me one day when we were looking at furniture. Everything in here except for my desk is new and a matching set no one else has ever sat on, let alone done anything else.

  “Told you I’m done with the bullshit, Hollie. Everythin’ is brand new and no one’s been in here except for you. I don’t even let Rose in here to clean the room for me. If I want her to do the laundry, I set it outside my door for her to pick up. I’m done with the loose, easy pussy and I’m gettin’ my shit straight for you. Only you,” I tell her, pulling her into my arms. “And I don’t fuck anyone anywhere else either. I’m done with all that. For good.”

  Hollie comes into my arms. I look down as she wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest. Kissing the top of her head, I smell her vanilla scent mixed with flowers. This is where I feel home, when Hollie’s in my arms and our world is peaceful. There’s no outside interruptions or anyone trying to get in between us. This is what I want every day for the rest of my life.

  “This doesn’t change anything, Capone. It’s going to take more than a new bedroom set to prove you’ve changed. And I don’t want to change who you are. I miss your friendship, but don’t do all this for me. Be who you are and do what you want to do,” she tells me, pl
acing a kiss on my cheek and walking from my room.

  I stare at the empty spot Hollie was just standing in. She never does what I expect her to. Yes, I saw the tears in her eyes as she took in the new bed and furniture in my room. She’s not going to let me back in until I prove to her I’m the man she wants me to be. I’ll change all my ways if that’s what she wants. Hollie is the only person on Earth I’m willing to change myself for. I want to be a better man for her and prove I can be who she wants, and needs, in her life. No one else will ever get that from me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  TO SAY YESTERDAY floored me is an understatement. I never thought Capone would stop fucking around. Yet, he’s telling me he hasn’t been with anyone. It’s not that I don’t believe him, but things can change in the blink of an eye. He could be walking down the street, meet someone he finds attractive, and start to pursue them. You just never know what’s going to happen.

  I’m also shocked he’s going to take the baby from NeNe. Capone will make an awesome dad and he’ll have help from the club members and Raine when he needs it. I wonder what made him decide to cut NeNe completely out of the child’s life. I’ve been pondering this since he dropped the bombshell on me. That’s not why I walked away from him though. Like I said, it’s going to take more than that to prove he’s changing the sexual part of his life. I don’t want him to change anything else. I’ve fallen for him just the way he is.

  And I know he won’t be able to tell me everything he does. That’s just part of club business. But, to outright lie to me about having sex with other women is a deal breaker for me. Or to not once say a word about it and make me feel as if I’m the only woman he sees. No, that’s what I’m still having a hard time getting past. It’s going to take some time and he’s either going to give it to me or he’s not.

  I have spent the day working on covers and doing some mock-ups of premade covers I can sell to authors who don’t necessarily need a custom cover. I’m hoping word of mouth gets my name out there and I’ve started several social media pages for my work as well. If anyone tries to find it online, they’ll have a hard time because my name is not associated with the accounts. I’ve put my business name, Willow’s Custom Design. Yeah, not very original, but I’m just getting started.


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