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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  Yeah, I’m lying about being with anyone there, but no one here knows that.

  “Do you want me to call my man so he can let you know I’m his?” I ask, trying to bluff further.

  “Yes! I don’t believe you at all,” NeNe says.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone and pull up Raven’s name. He answers on the first ring.

  “Little one, how are you?” he asks, his deep voice echoing through the common room.

  “I’m okay, baby. I just wanted to check in and let you know I’m at the clubhouse for my going away party. I’ll be on the road in the morning like we talked about,” I say.

  “Okay. Make sure you have fun with your sister and the guys. But not too much fun. You know I’m waitin’ for you to get that sexy ass back here,” he responds without missing a beat.

  “Miss you, Raven,” I say before hanging up the phone.

  NeNe looks at me in shock while the guys in the club stare between Capone and me. I can feel the anger, hurt, and sadness filling him. Raven and I were convincing enough for everyone in this room to believe I’m with him. I’ll set Capone and Satan straight once NeNe no longer has a gun in her hand.

  “See, I told you I have a man waiting for me. I’m leaving in a little more than twelve hours and then you can move on. With Capone,” I say, my eyes glancing behind her.

  Capone and Wrath jump at NeNe and manage to get the gun from her hands without it going off. I’m not sure who’s gun it is and I don’t really care. The only important thing is no one’s in danger now and the kids are safe. They’re still sleeping soundly in their car seats as Wrath and Axel lead NeNe from the room. She’s not yelling and screaming like she just was. She just hangs her head down and lets them pull her along the hall.

  “You had me fooled,” Capone says, walking up to me. “It wasn’t until you said she could have me that I knew you were just makin’ her think you’re really with Raven.”

  I shrug my shoulders in response. I’m not going to say a word while she’s still in the clubhouse. You never know if anyone else is working with her and I’m not going to give her anymore ammunition to hold against my family and everyone in the club.

  “How did Raven know to play along with you?” Capone asks.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because I’ve never called him anything other than Raven before. Who knows?” I answer.

  “Or, he wants you. It’s natural given how you are with the people around you,” he says. “Whatever the reason, thank you for the quick thinkin’. But next time, don’t put yourself in harm’s way.”

  “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, Capone. Now, go make sure your baby’s okay and let me have some time to calm down,” I tell him, brushing past him to walk to my sister and Satan.

  Capone doesn’t leave the common room to go check on NeNe. He sits down at a table and grabs a beer. This is his domain, but I need some space after the adrenaline rush I just got. I head to the kitchen to see if anyone needs any help in there. Raine has assured me they don’t, but I’m still going to check on things myself.

  I walk in to see Rose, Kelly, and about six other women preparing food. There’s bowls lined up on the counter as Rose pulls a large container from the refrigerator. It looks to be meat of some sort and I hope it’s chicken. I love the chicken when we have it here. It’s marinated in something I can’t quite explain and brings out the juiciness of the meat along with something that tastes almost like Italian dressing. No matter how many times I ask what it is, no one will tell me. It’s frustrating as hell.

  “Need any help?” I ask as Rose and Kelly look up.

  “No. We’ve got it covered Hollie,” Kelly answers with a smile on her face.

  The new girls look at me with varying ranges of hostility and anger at the thought of another girl being here for the men. Well, I’m not in competition with anyone here. They can have whoever they want. But, I almost want to warn them they’ll never become an ol’ lady if they’re going to spread their legs for every man here. That’s not how things work in a club.

  “Tonight is for you,” Rose answers. “You go relax. Besides, I heard what you did to make sure someone could get the gun from her.”

  “How did you hear about it already? It just happened like five seconds ago,” I ask with laughter filling my voice.

  “I was in the hallway when it happened. I didn’t want to cause more of a scene by announcing my presence, so I stayed in the shadows until they got past me,” Rose answers.

  “Oh, well, if you don’t need help, I’ll go sit with my sister and Satan,” I tell her.

  “You’re Raine’s sister?” one of the new girls asks.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Oh, I’ve just heard you went missing. And that you’re half in love with Capone,” she answers.

  “Well, considering you know nothing about me, you don’t need to know anything. Don’t even need to remember meeting me now,” I tell her, sass filling my voice.

  “Oh, trust me, that won’t be a problem. But, since you already have a man, you’ll stay out of Capone’s way,” she tells me, a small hint of threat in her voice.

  “And you’ll shut your fuckin’ mouth. Hollie has more pull here than any of you do. So, I suggest you show her the same respect you would show Raine. It’s only because of Raine you’re even here on a trial basis. Start your shit now and you’ll be out the door without any form of probation or anythin’ else. Especially if Raine’s the one who hears you talkin’ shit to, or about, her sister,” Capone says, walking up behind me and putting his arm around my waist.

  I soak in the warmth from Capone’s body as he holds me in place. The girl who was talking to me averts her gaze as we remain in the kitchen. I’m not sure what the hell he’s planning on doing, but I’ll find out soon.

  “And just so you all know, I won’t fuck any of you. No one gets my cock. If you try, or I find you anywhere near my room, you’ll be out on your ass. My cock belongs to Hollie and only her,” he states, finally pulling me from the room.

  He stops us in the hallway and places me against the wall. Before I can ask what’s going on, he bends his head and kisses me. This isn’t like the kiss I initiated at my old house— it’s hot, urgent, and filled with a need I’ve only read about in books. I lose myself as Capone’s mouth explores mine and we duel for control.

  Capone lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist while my arms wrap around his neck. I dig my fingers from one hand into his hair as it’s silky strands slide through my fingers. I’ve always wanted to know what his hair felt like other than when we would sleep next to one another. I wanted to know what it would feel like in the throes of passion. Now, I know.

  When we break apart, we’re both panting for air. My heart is beating wildly in my chest and I need to get it under control. It feels like it’s beating so hard it’s going to come right through my skin. Capone sets me down on my feet and makes sure I’m steady before he leads me back to the common room.

  I sit down with my sister and Satan as Axel brings me over a drink. It’s a bottle of water because he knows I typically don’t drink. I don’t like feeling out of control and not being a hundred percent sure of my surroundings. It’s not long before Raine leaves the table to go take care of the twins, leaving Satan and me alone.

  “So, you’re sure about this move?” he asks.

  “Yeah. I need to do it. I love you guys, but I need to know I can stand on my own and do what I need to do. If I’m here, you’re always going to step in. Whereas if I’m in Steel Mills, they let me have my space to do what I gotta do. I’ll be around still. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” I tell him.

  “I know you’ll be around. But, I think this is goin’ to be harder than you think. My VP wants you somethin’ fierce and he’s done a lot to make sure he’s good enough for you. Even if he never believes he’ll be clean enough for a woman like you,” he says.

  “I know he’s not free of blood. But, I’m not clean ei
ther, Satan. I’ve been beaten, tortured, raped repeatedly. No one’s dirtier than I am,” I tell him, holding up my hand to stop him from interrupting me. “That doesn’t make me the person I am. It’s just things that have been done to me. What Capone’s done has a purpose and doesn’t make him the man. The only thing I’m having a hard time with is his fucking around.”

  “I get that, Hollie. But, he’ll always place you on a pedestal. It’s been that way since you got rescued from the warehouse. You’ll always be for him what your sister is for me. Don’t break his hear. Because I’ve never seen him the way he’s been with you. You’re all he thinks about and the only one he wants in his bed. He’s waitin’ for you like no other man I’ve ever seen. Even I wasn’t an angel when I was waitin’ for your sister. She knows about it too,” Satan tells me. “Can I ask you somethin’?”


  “Do you feel anythin’ for Capone?” he asks.

  “I love him with all my heart. That’s not what this is about. It’s about him being able to learn how to be a dad to his child and me standing on my own for a while without someone waiting for me to fall,” I tell him. “I’ve loved Capone for a long time now. It’s only ever been him.”

  “What’s goin’ on with Raven?”

  “Nothing. He’s been the main one to watch over me and we spend time together. I feel for him the same I do for Axel. He’s a friend and more like a brother to me. He knows this,” I say. “I’m not playing games with him or anyone.”

  “Okay. I know you’re not like that. I just want you to know that Capone’s all in. He wants you as his and I don’t want to see him do somethin’ stupid because he doesn’t think you’re ever goin’ to be with him,” Satan tells me.

  “I know. And we’ve talked about this. He knows where I stand and what I need to do. I’ll be back, Satan. I just need some time,” I say, standing up and hugging my brother-in-law. “Now, I’m going to go spend some time with my sister and the kids before I leave in the morning.”

  The rest of the day passes in a blur of activity. As the food gets done, and the women begin to mingle with the guys, I know it’s almost time to leave. Things are getting rowdy as I look up and see one of the new girls dancing on a table with no top on. Yeah, I don’t need to see this shit.

  “Raine, I’m heading out,” I tell my sister.

  “Me too. We can go back to the house and have a drink there after I get the kids in bed,” she says.

  “Okay. Let me say goodbye to the guys and I’ll meet you outside.”

  Walking to Capone and Wrath, I tell them I’ll see them if they’re up in the morning before I leave. Capone wraps an arm around me and leads me to the rest of the men to say my goodbyes. By the time he leads me back to the door, tears are in my eyes because these men have come to mean so much to me.

  By moving to Steel Mills, I’m not just leaving my sister and her family behind. I’m leaving my extended family and Capone behind. My heart will remain here in Willow Creek no matter how long I’m gone. It hurts more than I thought it would.

  “You okay, Smalls?” Capone asks.

  “No, I’m not. Even if I have to do this for me, for us, I don’t want to. I’m leaving more than my sister and family behind. I just didn’t realize it until now,” I answer him.

  “Hey, no cryin’. We’ll all be here waitin’ when you come home. This is your home, Hollie. No matter where you go, Willow Creek will always be your home. It’s the place where you and Raine reunited and chose to move to. And it’s the place you’ll live until you take your last breath. I know this,” he tells me. “I love you and I’ll see you in the mornin’.”

  “I love you too,” I tell him, standing back as he opens the door to my sister’s SUV for me.

  Raine drives home and I look out the window. We don’t talk as I think of everything I’m doing with my life. I want to unpack my stuff after finding a new home to live in and stay here. But, I’ve made commitments in Steel Mills too. So, I’m going to have to go back for a little while at least. I’ll help Gloria find more help that’s going to stick around and come home. That should be enough time to do what I want to do on my own anyway.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  THE LAST MONTH has been the best and worst of my life. When Hollie left, just less than a month ago, a large piece of my heart went with her. I won’t be getting it back until she comes back home. For now, I coast through the days and wait until I can go to sleep each night. No one touches me because I’m such an asshole.

  When Hollie left, she had hooked her phone to the truck and rolled down her windows. She always does this as long as it’s not raining or too cold outside. The song she was blaring as she left is one I’m all too familiar with. One of her favorite movies is A Star is Born. The song she was blaring was Always Remember Us This Way by Lady Gaga. Yes, I’ve been playing the song at night when I lay down and thoughts of her consume me.

  Our goodbye was long, painful, and full of tears. I’m not ashamed to admit I shed a tear or two as I watched her drive the big U-Haul pulling her truck behind her out of the clubhouse parking lot. I stayed in my spot in the parking lot until long after she was out of sight and on her way back to Steel Mills. Axel and Wrath were the only two men allowed to follow her. She’ll meet up with Raven and Ranger when they get closer to them. Hollie didn’t want anyone else to go with her.

  I asked why she wouldn’t let me go and her response floored me. She told me if I went with her, she’d turn around and come home. There wouldn’t be a chance for us to find ourselves because she doesn’t want to leave Raine, the kids, the guys in the club, or me behind. But, I know we both need to do this in order to come together in the end.

  Satan and the guys are giving me plenty of room to do my thing. Satan and Wrath are the two main guys talking to me at the moment because I keep snapping on everyone around me. The best part is the house bunnies don’t try to fuck with me anymore. They got my message when I went off on one of them.

  I’m pretty sure it’s the same one who was talking shit to Hollie her last night here, Celia. She tried to get me to fuck her after I made myself very clear about not fucking anyone other than Hollie. The night she tried I had already been in an argument with NeNe and Celia didn’t make it any better. She put her hand on my chest and tried to purr in my ear. I lost my cool.

  No, I didn’t put my hands on her, but everyone in the clubhouse heard me yelling at her. She ran from the room with tears rolling down her face. I couldn’t have cared less about it though. Satan was there that day and he pulled me in his office. We had a long talk about everything and I sort of calmed down. He even had Raine talk to the house bunnies about leaving me alone. So, I’m getting what I want— solitude for my misery.

  It’s been the best month because NeNe is almost at the end of her pregnancy. Soon, I won’t have to deal with her anymore. I’ve told her repeatedly she’s going to be signing her rights away as soon as the baby’s born and she keeps murmuring to herself after I say it. I’m sure she’s trying to figure out a way out of the mess she created, but she won’t. I’ve talked to my lawyer several times and given him all the evidence he needs to convict her of Hollie’s kidnapping and her trying to frame the club. He’s got her phone for further evidence and knows what to do if she tries to pull any shit.

  A little less than a month to go and my child will be here. A few days after Hollie left, NeNe had the ultrasound and I got to see my child for the first time. I’ve never felt such strong feelings about another human being in my life. Not even what I feel for Hollie compares to the love I already feel for my child. NeNe tried to find out what she’s having, but I put a stop to it. The tech looked at us and kept her mouth shut. At least she knew I was serious.

  Raine is going to take me shopping in the next few days to get everything for the baby. The house is finally done, but I’m not going to be staying there until Hollie comes home. For now, I’ll be at the clubhouse with the baby. Not exactly the best
place for a baby, but it’s the best I got right now. Especially considering the house bunnies will be there to help me with the baby.

  It will be an adjustment for everyone in the club, but Satan’s assured me we’ll make it work. I’ve changed rooms for now and I’m in the back of the clubhouse on the first floor with the house bunnies. They have the option to get out of their room unlike the guys. I’ve got a bigger room where I can add all the shit for the baby and I still have an attached bathroom so I can have my privacy.

  I’m about to head out to Blazing Babes to make sure the paperwork is ready for Hollie when she comes home in a week or so. I can’t wait to see her. And I’m trying to make everything as easy as possible for her when she gets back here. I want to spend some time with her without having the books and shit in the way. By making sure my stuff is in order, she’ll have that much more time for me. Yeah, I’m a selfish fuck.

  Before I hit the door, Axel comes running down the hall calling out my name.

  “Capone stop!” he yells. “Somethin’ is wrong with NeNe. She’s in a lot of pain and there’s a shit ton of water surroundin’ her on the floor. I just took her lunch into her and it happened.”

  “Fuck!” I yell out. “She just went into labor. She’s not due for another three weeks. Get the fuckin’ SUV pulled up out front. You’re drivin’.”

  Satan and Raine are just coming in the door as Axel goes running through it and I run down the hallway. Satan’s hot on my heels as I open the door and find NeNe on the bed in a fetal position. The bottom half of her is soaked and I know we need to get a move on, but I want to get her changed before that happens. She can’t be comfortable.

  “NeNe, I need you to get up. You need to get changed so we can go to the hospital. Can you help me?” I ask, keeping my voice as calm as possible.


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