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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

Page 23

by Erin Osborne

  “It’s fine with me. Are you cookin’ or are we orderin’ somethin’ from the diner?” he asks.

  “I’ll cook. Do you have food here?” I ask.

  “I can send a Prospect to the store. Give me a list of what you need and we’ll get it here quick,” Capone answers.

  “I’ll let Bender know and we’ll finish puttin’ the boxes down in the basement. You guys got the hard part comin’ your way with unpackin’,” Raven answers.

  I place Amber back in her crib and walk out to the living room. My furniture now sits in front of the large TV mounted on the wall. Capone, Wrath, Bender, Raven, and Rock are standing in the kitchen having a beer when I walk into the room. There are several boxes sitting all over for me to unpack and wash up. I’ll have to start with the things I’m going to need for dinner and then work on the rest later.

  Tonight is going to be a good night. I’ll get to hang out with Bender and Raven for a little while and we’ll have our first meal in the house. Amber seems to be settling in better than she was at the clubhouse and it’s going to be a good thing. We’ll make it work somehow and I’ll try to fight my growing attraction to Capone until I know we’re both ready for more. It’s a challenge, but one I know I can handle. I just hope he can.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  THE LAST THREE days have been an adjustment to say the least. Hollie and I are trying to figure out the best way to make things work with us living in the same house together. It hasn’t been as perfect as I thought it would, but we’ll get there. It’s just going to take some time to get used to living with one another.

  I’ve noticed Hollie is trying to keep her distance from me. While we’ve both said we love one another, she’s still trying to keep me at arm’s length for some reason. I’m not sure if she’s just not used to her attraction toward me or if she’s just trying to figure out what’s going on between us. What I truly want from her and vice versa.

  Dinner with Bender and Raven was interesting. Hollie made stuffed shells for dinner with a salad and garlic bread. Then we had cake for dessert. The cake was store bought, but it was good, nonetheless. We talked and laughed throughout dinner until the two men left. Hollie was in her element and loved being a hostess for the men who watched over her while she was in Steel Mills.

  I sat back and watched her talk and laugh with Raven. The only thing he calls her is ‘little one’ and it gets on my nerves. They got close while she was there and have inside jokes and everything. I don’t like it, but I’m never going to tell her she can’t talk to the man. Honestly, I owe him because he watched over her and made sure she was okay when she was out on her own. Plus, he kept us up to date about what she was doing and if anyone was bothering her.

  Once they left, I helped Hollie clean up the kitchen and then we went to bed. She took a shower while I checked on Amber and then we got in bed with her in my arms. I’ve missed her being in my arms and I cherish every second I get to hold her. Still, she doesn’t want to let me all the way back in. I’m going to have to earn that right from her.

  This morning I got up with Amber and after changing and feeding her, I went down to get a workout in. Figuring Hollie would be up by the time I got out of the shower. So, I’m about to finish my workout when I hear movement coming from upstairs. I know it’s Hollie because the movement goes from our room to the nursery and back to our room again. Looks like it’s time for me to be done working out. I want to have breakfast with Hollie and then head out with her and Amber to do something today.

  Grabbing my towel, I wipe down my chest as I walk upstairs. I’m just about to our bedroom door when I hear a soft whimper coming from inside. It’s not Amber I’m hearing either. There’s a small opening in the door and I move to look inside the room. On the bed is Hollie and I can see her playing with herself. She’s got one hand down her sleep shorts while her other hand is playing with her tit. My cock is instantly hard as I watch her try to get herself off.

  “Capone,” she moans out and my restraint snaps.

  “Baby, if you’re gonna be moanin’ my name, at least let me help you with that,” I tell her, my voice hoarse as I walk into the room.

  Hollie stills her movements and I know she’s embarrassed I caught her because her chest and face are burning red.

  “C-C-Capone, um . . .” she begins to say.

  “It’s alright, babe. Let me help you. If I’m doin’ somethin’ you don’t like, tell me to stop and I will,” I tell her.

  I drop my towel and head straight for the bed. Hollie’s knees are bent out to the side and I pull her ankles to bring her closer to the edge of the bed. Once she’s where I want her, I pull her shorts down and out of the way before sliding her legs over my shoulders. Looking up at her, I move my face closer to her pussy.

  I can already feel her heat and smell her unique smell. Now, it’s time to taste what’s mine. Lowering my face even more, I don’t break eye contact as I stick my tongue out and swipe it through her wet heat. Her taste explodes on my tongue and I know one taste is never going to be enough for me.

  Grabbing onto Hollie’s thighs, I hold her in place and begin to devour her. I slide my tongue through her folds and up to her clit where I suck it into my mouth. I’m about to move my mouth lower again when Hollie digs her fingers into my head and tries to keep me in place. I force my head lower and plunge my tongue into her pussy while removing one of my hands from her thigh.

  While my tongue slides in and out of her pussy, I use my fingers to pinch and pull on her clit before rubbing circles around it. Hollie begins to writhe on the bed under my ministrations and I know exactly what she needs to find her release and be pushed over the edge. Moving my mouth back up to her clit, I suck it back in my mouth while sliding my fingers down to her opening.

  Sliding a finger in and out of her, I bite down on her clit. After a minute of using one finger on her, I slide another one in her. While my fingers are inside her, I scissor them to stretch her a little bit for my cock. Even if I don’t get to be inside her today, she’s going to need to be prepared for me.

  It doesn’t take any time at all for her to be screaming out my name as her pussy clenches around my fingers. I continue slowly sliding my fingers in and out of her while sliding my tongue along her clit as she comes down from her orgasm. Hollie’s body is trembling with aftershocks and her breathing is labored as I wipe my mouth with my hand and lean up over her.

  “Baby, if you want to come, you tell me and I’ll help you. I’m the only one who will ever know what you taste like and how you feel wrapped around my cock,” I tell her, even though I know her past.

  “Capone, I want to be with you. Now,” Hollie tells me, shocking me even more.

  “We don’t have to, Holls,” I tell her, trying to move away from the bed.

  Hollie wraps her legs around my waist so I can’t move away from her. As I continue to look down at her, I watch as she sits up and begins to lower my shorts. I’m not wearing underwear under them so my hard cock springs forward once she’s gotten them down far enough.

  She licks her lips as I continue to watch her. If Hollie wants me, she’s going to be in charge of the show. I don’t want to do something to put her back in her past. My only goal is to erase those memories from her mind and show her how a real man treats his woman and worships her body.

  “Touch me, Capone,” she tells me, as she reaches out and slides her hand down my length.

  I moan at the first touch of her hand on my body and let my head fall back slightly. Still, I don’t break eye contact with her. Instead, I bend over and kiss her. My tongue enters her mouth and I dominate our kiss as our tongues duel and she continues to stroke my aching dick.

  “Holls, you have to stop or this is goin’ to be over with before anythin’ more happens,” I tell her, my voice low.

  She removes her hand and moves back to the center of the bed. After spreading her legs for me, she waits for me to make my move. So, I climb up the bed to her a
nd fit myself between her creamy thighs. Hollie never once takes her eyes from me and watches everything I’m doing. It’s sexy the way she’s watching me move.

  “Are you sure about this, babe?” I ask her one more time.

  “I’m sure. I want you,” she answers, her voice breathy and low.

  Reaching between us, I hold my cock and line myself up with her entrance. Slowly sliding inside her pussy, I clench my teeth to keep myself from sliding inside in one move. I don’t want to hurt her. Once I’m inside to the hilt, I stop moving and let her become accustomed to me filling her tight pussy.

  Finally, Hollie starts moving her hips and I take that as my cue to start moving. I slowly slide out of her, leaving just the tip of my cock inside before sliding back inside. Hollie moves her body to meet me thrust for thrust as each time I get a little faster. I’m not going to last long at all with her.

  Her pussy feels like a satin glove wrapped around my cock. It feels as if I’m home, where I’m meant to be the rest of my life as I slide in and out of her. I never want to lose this feeling and I hope Hollie feels the same way. Because there’s no way I’m not going to be able to touch her like I’ve wanted to now that I know how she taste and feels.

  “I need more,” she tells me, running her nails down my back.

  “What do you want, Holls?” I ask her with my teeth still clamped tight.

  “Harder and faster,” she answers.

  I start moving my hips faster in and out of her while she continues to meet my every move. Slowly, I add strength to my forward momentum so I don’t hurt her. That’s the last thing I want to do.

  Hollie wraps her legs around my hips and digs her heels into my ass as I begin to pound in and out of her. Her moans are falling steadily as her orgasm builds in her body. A fine sheen of sweat covers our bodies as we move as one.

  I can feel the telltale sign of my impending release as my balls begin to tingle and tighten. Moving a hand between our bodies, I begin to rub circles around her clit. That’s all it takes for Hollie to shatter and lose control. Her orgasm washes over her and pulls me over the edge with her.

  “Hollie!” I moan out as she calls out my name.

  I continue to slowly glide in and out of her as we both come down from our release. Until finally, we’re both too sensitive and I have to pull from her body completely. As soon as I do, I flop down on my side and pull her into my body. I run my hands up and down her back as she traces circles on my chest. We lay still until our breathing comes back under control.

  “Holls, you know I’ve never felt anythin’ like that before. I’m not lettin’ us go back to where we were before today. You’re mine and I’m goin’ to make you my ol’ lady. Soon,” I tell her.

  “I know, Capone. I’m sorry I made us wait so long,” she tells me.

  “Stop. It’s what we needed. I don’t ever want you to feel as if I’m rushin’ you into anythin’. This is at your pace, but I will be makin’ you my ol’ lady soon. You know what needs to happen for that. Right?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, I know. I already know who I want there too,” she answers.


  “Wrath and Rock. I trust them the most out of anyone else because I’ve spent the most time with them,” she tells me.

  “Okay. I’ll bring it up at next church. I’m not waitin’ on this,” I tell her, kissing the top of her head.

  Hollie stretches and stills beside me. I’m not sure what’s wrong or going on in her head, but something is.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask her.

  “Um, we didn’t use a condom. I’m not on birth control,” she says.

  Fuck! I never once thought about using a condom with her.

  “I’m clean, babe. And I know you are too.”

  “That’s not the point. You have Amber and she’s not even two months old, Capone. We’re not ready for another baby right now,” she tells me, leaning up to look me in the eyes.

  “Okay. I’ll get condoms and we’ll use them. I don’t want to, but I’m not goin’ to make you do somethin’ you don’t want to do either,” I tell her honestly. “Now, let’s get up and take a shower before Amber wakes up. Today is just for the three of us and I want to go do somethin’. Anythin’ you want to do.”

  Honestly, I just want to stay in bed all day with Hollie. Exploring and learning her body and what she likes and doesn’t like when it comes to sex. But, we have plenty of time for that later on. Amber will be up soon and there won’t be time for more until tonight. So, we can head out for the day and spend time together as a family.

  Hollie gets out of bed and leads the way into the bathroom. She turns the water on and I look at her as she gets things around for our shower. Her body is covered in scars from her time in captivity, but I barely see them as her personality and inner beauty shine through. Hollie is not shy of her body and doesn’t make a big deal about her scars. She’s finally learned they’re a part of her and there’s nothing wrong with them.

  I’m so proud of all the progress Hollie’s made regarding her kidnapping and subsequent torture. She’s pushed past it and is getting stronger and more comfortable in her own skin on a daily basis. I’m lucky enough I get to be in her life to help her on the days she’s not as strong, when the demons make her believe they’re going to win. Hollie will knock those demons back time and time again. She just doesn’t have to try to do it alone anymore.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  CAPONE IS GOING back to work today. He’s getting out of the house and leaving me alone with Amber while he goes to the clubhouse for church and then heads to Blazing Babes to take care of work there. I know something’s going on with the girls there and he’s been stressed out over it. I’ll know if he thinks I should know what’s going on.

  I haven’t had the feeling of being watched since coming back to Willow Creek. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening. I’ve just been so busy trying to settle in and get accustomed to my new role to pay attention to it. Capone knows about it and I’m sure he’ll let the rest of the club know. I’ll probably end up with a babysitter again while I’m at the house and if Amber and I go out. It doesn’t bother me though.

  Today, I get to see Axel again. He’s bringing me over the paperwork so I can get to work on the books for the businesses again. I just did them, but I want to start working on them once a week like I was before. It’s too much when I only do them once a month and I don’t want to spend days going over the accounts and trying to input everything in the ledgers. If I do it once a week, it’s not so bad and it only takes me a few hours.

  Well, it did before. Now, I’ll have to take several small breaks with Amber getting up and needing attention. I wouldn’t trade it for the world though. I love being with her and she’s such a good baby. The only time she really cries or fusses at all is when she’s hungry or needs to be cleaned up. I’ve been trying to keep her up more during the day too so she sleeps more at night. It’s starting to work. And she’s starting to eat more too.

  I want to talk to Capone and her doctor about adding some cereal before we lay her down at night. It’s something some babies need when they’re younger because they’re so hungry and growing. I think it will help her get more sleep at night and be more awake and alert during the day. But, I’m not going to do anything without Capone’s approval. And I already know he’s going to want to talk to her doctor about it before making a decision of any kind.

  I’ve just laid Amber down for her afternoon nap when there’s a knock on the door. I cautiously walk over to the door and look through the peephole to find Clay standing on the doorstep. I’m not sure why he’s here or how he knows where I am, but he just confirmed my suspicions about him being the one who’s been watching me. We didn’t advertise moving out of the clubhouse or me even coming back here. The only way he’d know where I am is if he’s followed us here.

  Backing away from the door, I grab my phone off the couch and call Capone. Clay knocks again as I
wait for Capone to answer. Fuck! If he’s in church already, he won’t be able to answer his phone. So, I hang up and call Axel. Prospects aren’t allowed in church so he’s the only one I can think to call right now.

  “What’s up, Hollie?” Axel answers.

  “Clay is at the house and I don’t know how he knows I’m here. I’m alone with Amber, Axel,” I tell him as Clay begins to pound on the door.

  “Just hang tight. Grab Amber and lock yourself in a room with her. Try to get to the master bathroom and lock the door. It’s goin’ to be hard, but try to keep her calm and quiet in case he breaks in the house,” Axel tells me. “I’ll interrupt church and we’ll be right there.”

  Axel hangs up the phone and I silence mine as I run to Amber’s room. Grabbing her from the crib, I pull her blankets up with her small body and run to the master bedroom. I can hear Clay now yelling through the door and I hope the guys get here soon. I’m not about to let him harm Amber in any way.

  I run into our bedroom and gently shut the door. After making sure it’s locked, I head to the master bathroom and lay Amber down in the soaker tub with her blankets around her to cushion her against the hard surface. She doesn’t even stir as I sit down in front of the tub and look around the room. I’m going to need a weapon in case he comes in. I won’t go down without a fight this time.

  As I’m looking around the bathroom for anything to use as a weapon, I realize Capone has a gun in the bedroom. It’s in the closet on one of the high shelves so Amber can’t find it when she starts walking and getting into things. I scramble from the bathroom and make my way to the closet as I hear the first splinter of the front door. Clay is going to break in before the guys have a chance to get here.

  I reach up to the box I watched Capone put his gun in and grab it. Once I have it in my hands, I open the lid and find the gun. I’m not sure what the hell I’m looking at right now, and I don’t care. As long as it fires if I need it to, I’m good. Clay will not take me and he won’t touch a hair on Amber’s head if I have anything to say about it.


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