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The Milburn Big Box Set

Page 19

by Nancy McGovern

  “At the diner, I killed Raquel.”

  “You...” Nora bit back a curse. “You monster.”

  “I’m the monster? No! She was the monster! She was horrible. A horrible woman. She came between me and the only man I’ve ever loved.”

  “It wasn’t her!” Jeremy shouted. “It was you. You’re a manipulative witch! You manipulated me all your life. Even when we were dating, even when we married, you just kept needling me into doing things I didn’t want, forcing me to become some man you imagined, instead of loving me for who I am. Of course I wanted to go back to Raquel. She was an angel, and you’re just a monster.”

  Ashley turned pale. Absurd as it was, Nora almost felt pity for her. There was actual hurt in her eyes. “If you really hate me that much, Jeremy, I guess I have no other choice. If we aren’t together in life, then death is fine with me,” Ashley said, and pointed her gun at him.

  “No!” Nora jumped towards Ashley, but the gun blew off like a cannon, illuminating the room for a brief instant, then filling it with smoke. Jeremy crumpled to the ground, even as Nora tackled Ashley, who was desperately trying to twist the gun to her own forehead.

  “You won’t die!” Nora screamed. “I won’t let you take a single life more, even if it is your own!”

  Ashley fought like a woman possessed. She tore at Nora’s hair, and tried to scratch her face. But Nora didn’t feel any pain.

  All she felt was rage. This woman, in her arrogance, had taken Raquel’s life as if it were nothing, and it wasn’t just Raquel she’d killed. She’d killed Alan too, an innocent whose only crime was that he wanted to live in his hometown. All the righteous anger she’d suppressed flared up as Nora grabbed the gun, and then hit Ashley with it.

  Ashley’s mouth opened in an “o” of surprise and pain, and then her eyes rolled back in her head as she fainted.

  Nora pointed the gun at her, and slowly backed away. What had she done? Ashley was still breathing, but just barely.

  “The police!” Jeremy called weakly from under the desk. “Call the police, Nora!”



  Bright lights lit up Mrs. Mullally’s house later that night. Nora sat in the dining room, a shawl over her shoulders. She was shivering. The adrenaline had still not worn off.

  Davis and Mrs. Mullally sat on either side of her, a warm mug of cocoa in their hands. Maynard sat on the floor, his brown eyes looking up sadly at the three of them. Even he could sense that something was wrong.

  “It’s all over now,” Mrs. Mullally said.

  “I’m not sure.” Nora sighed. “I don’t dare to believe it.”

  Davis Madden put a hand on her shoulder. “I owe you, Nora. My daughter’s killer has been arrested because of you, and I’ve been granted a second life myself.”

  Nora didn’t say anything.

  “I called my brother in Florida.” Davis cleared his throat. “We had a long talk. I might be needed here again for… for handing over my divorce papers, and testifying against Stanley. But… but he said in the meanwhile, I’m welcome to live with him as long as I want to.” His eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know how I was foolish enough to let Stanley trick me into believing my own family didn’t love me. I suppose Jolene just filled so much poison in me that I… but it’s my fault too.”

  “It’s in the past,” Nora said, her eyes filling at his pain. “You need to move forward, Davis, and be very strong.”

  “I’ll try,” he said. “Like I said before, I’ll lead a life that makes Raquel proud. I’ve already booked a ticket to Orlando. But before I go, I wanted to give you a share of Raquel’s money. I know she would have wanted that.”

  Nora shook her head. “I don’t need it,” she said. “I’ve done the calculations, and the diner will run fine without it. That money is for your future, Davis, and I hope you live a long and happy life.”

  Mrs. Mullally gave Nora a look, but didn’t say anything.

  “Very well then.” Davis sighed. “I better pack. My taxi will be here in an hour. I’ll be staying overnight at Jackson and flying out early in the morning.”

  Nora hugged him tightly, and for a moment, looking into his blue eyes, she felt as though Raquel were with her. Then, the moment was gone.

  All too soon, Davis had packed and left, and Mrs. Mullally and Nora were left standing on the curb, waving at the departing taxi.

  Almost as soon as the taxi had left, a cruiser with flashing blue and red lights pulled up. Sean got out of the car, and leaned against the door. “Well, well. If it isn’t Milburn’s very own detective and hero.” He smiled.

  “Sean!” Nora exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

  “We’ve extracted a detailed confession out of Ashley,” Sean said. “I mean, I know she confessed to you already, but I figured I might as well tell you that the legalities are marching along nicely. Her lawyer told her that the best thing she could do was cooperate. She didn’t have much choice.”

  “That’s fantastic.”

  “Isn’t it just?” Sean smiled. “We found the murder weapon too, and Raquel’s purse. Both were buried in her backyard.”

  Nora leaned forward eagerly. “And?”

  “And?” Sean shrugged.

  “Sean, come on! What about Harvey?”

  Sean sighed. “Well, I regret to inform you that Harvey’s innocent after all.”

  “Why would you regret telling me that!” Nora jumped in the air in excitement. “I knew he was innocent! I knew it!”

  “I regret that he’s innocent,” Sean said. “I am not fond of that guy, and there’s nothing better I’d have liked than to have him behind bars permanently. But...” He sighed. “I suppose I can’t fight the evidence. Raquel’s flash drives had files that absolve him completely. Donovan was using Santino’s money, all right. He made some truly terrible investments with them, and ended up losing it all. Then, terrified of Santino’s wrath, Donovan decided to live out at the ranch with Stanley, agreeing to pay Stanley to keep him hidden. But Raquel’s files prove that Harvey had absolutely nothing to do with that part of the business. I had no choice but to release him. The good news is, there’s enough evidence in the flash drive for me to lock up both Santino and Donovan. It’s quite the victory, and it’s all thanks to you!”

  Nora smiled, and shook her head.

  “Now,” Sean said, “this calls for a real celebration, and I can’t think of a better place to celebrate it, than your diner. When will you open it up?”

  Nora bit her lip. “Not for some time, I’m afraid,” she said.

  “What?” Sean looked confused. “I thought Davis was planning on offering you half of Raquel’s money. Surely you can open it now.”

  “She refused to take it,” Mrs. Mullally said. “She lied to him, and said that she had enough already.”

  “Why would you…” Sean turned to her.

  Nora shrugged. “Because I think it’s what Raquel would have wanted.”

  “But your diner, your dream…”

  “It will still open,” Nora said. “I’ll just have to work a bit harder, and sweat a bit more before I find the money. It will take me time, but I’ll do it.”

  Mrs. Mullally shook her head, and Sean gave Nora a nod. “I respect that,” he said.

  “Will you come in for some coffee, Sean?” Mrs. Mullally asked.

  “I’d love some,” Sean said. “Perhaps, if it’s not too greedy of me, a slice or two of whatever you have in the house would be fine too.”

  “There’s some orange cake I baked earlier today.” Mrs. Mullally smiled. “It’s not half as good as what Nora makes.”

  “Liar. It’s twice as good,” Nora said. “But you will have to excuse me, both of you, I’m exhausted. I’m going to go up and sleep.”

  “Of course.” Mrs. Mullally gave her a hug. “You’ve had a long day.”

  Nodding to Sean, kissing Maynard on the head, Nora gathered the shawl tighter around her, and went up to her room. Downstairs, she c
ould hear Sean talking to Mrs. Mullally, praising her coffee.

  She paused for a moment, with her hand on the doorknob, and smiled. Raquel’s death was far too fresh in her mind, and grief still sat heavy on her shoulders, but for the first time, her tortured heart felt some measure of peace too.

  She opened the door and walked into her room, then gave a little yelp as she switched on the lights.

  Harvey was sitting on her bed, his hair ruffled, and a wide smile on his face.


  “You know, the front door seems too boring now. I think I’ll always prefer climbing up your bedroom window,” he said.

  “Mrs. Mullally will call the cops on you,” Nora warned him.

  He grabbed her in a hug. “Let her,” he said. “I’ve got my very own guardian angel right here, ready to get me out of any scrapes.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. There was so much to talk about, so much she had to tell him, and so much she wanted to hear. But for now, just for now, all she wanted to do was breathe in his scent and share a kiss.

  The End (of Death At A Diner)

  Continue for Death Of A Deputy…


  Death Of A Deputy


  Nancy McGovern

  Chapter 1

  “This is so exciting,” Nora exclaimed as she pulled her jacket coat tight around herself. “A real Viking Festival!”

  “I’d say it’s a pretty major deal,” Tina Scott said. “The committee has been trying to make it happen for three years now, but something always came up.”

  Nora had set up her stall early that morning by the Crystal Lake’s meadow, where the fair was scheduled. She’d worked hard the week before, making sausages and kebabs from fresh ground meat and spices, preparing the batter for her crepes, and learning to make authentic Lefse – traditional soft Norwegian flatbread made with leftover potatoes, flour, butter, and cream.

  Now, her stall was among the first ones up, a festive purple, with silver ribbons spiraling up its poles, and a large placard displaying photos of the goods.

  “Mmm.” Tina took a deep sniff and smacked her lips appreciatively. “I tell you, Nora, you can chuck my paycheck and just start paying me in food. These kebabs smell divine. It’s like my nose has found a new reason to live. I’m trying to tear myself away from it all, and I just get drawn to it.”

  Nora laughed. Tina’s words made her think of old-timey cartoons, the black and white kind, where a character wandering around the street would suddenly inhale a fluffy white cloud, and then get pulled by his nose to drool over the display of a bakery or restaurant.

  “You’ve been a great help, Tina. I would never have been able to set up the stall without you. I might not even have participated if you hadn’t pushed me to.” Nora smiled up appreciatively at her new friend.

  “Oh, It was the least I could do. To be honest, I felt genuinely bad about the way some of us treated you when… when the whole Raquel thing happened.”

  Nora winced.

  She’d returned to her hometown of Milburn, Wyoming, a year ago, determined to begin a new diner with her best friend Raquel, but tragedy had struck when Raquel had been murdered by a psycho a few nights before their diner could open. Back then Nora had been new to town, and the town folk had looked on her with disdain when she had tried to persuade them that it was not the work of a passing drifter, but of someone closer to town. She’d alienated them with her behavior initially, but when she had helped unveil the true murderer, the same people who had been hard to her had come around and now looked upon her fondly.

  Tina was one such townie. She’d sided with the others initially, seeing Nora’s protests as a way to discredit the town.

  Now, she worked smilingly with Nora, helping her plan and set up the stall, and market it with fliers.

  Raquel’s death had also almost killed Nora’s hopes of beginning the diner. Nora had sunk her own money into creating the enterprise. The bank loan they’d taken was supposed to be paid off with Raquel’s savings, but that substantial sum had instead gone off to her estranged parents after she’d died.

  Now, with some luck, the money made at the stall, combined with the money she had saved up from catering jobs this last year, would help Nora pay off what she owed the bank, and finally, start the diner. It had been Nora’s fondest wish, and one she sometimes felt was impossibly hard to achieve. She struggled to achieve it just the same.

  She stood behind the counter, wearing a red turtleneck sweater, dark jeans, and a bright purple apron that matched the stall. The chef’s hat on her head was parked at an angle, and proclaimed “Eat like no one’s watching. Cook like everyone is.”

  “Nora.” May Almand, the coordinator for the event, walked up. “I see you’ve used silver ribbons on the poles. Might I remind you that our rules state that all décor should be in keeping with the festival’s spirits.”

  “Silver ribbons aren’t festive enough for you?” Nora smiled.

  “The other stalls don’t have them,” May Almand said, holding her nose slightly higher than it needed to be. “They might be a little… out of place.”

  “Oh May, don’t be a stickler. She’s fine,” Tina said. “The only thing we need to worry about is if she’s bought enough food. To be honest, I think she’ll be sold out by lunchtime.”

  “Don’t say that.” Nora pressed her hands against her stomach, calming the jitters. “I’ve bought enough food to feed an army of hungry men.”

  “Well, that’s exactly what you’ll be getting,” May said. “We’re expecting at least a thousand people, since we’re counting both townies and passing tourists.”

  “We’ve advertised all over,” Tina said with a smile. “A lot of girls from Jackson are coming over just because of our band.”

  “Who’s playing in the band?” Nora asked.

  “Oh, just the local heartthrob and all around delicious JJ Johnson, aka our very own Wallis.”

  “What, Deputy Wallis?” Nora gaped at her. “Sean’s deputy Wallis?”

  “Sheriff Dracon’s Wallis, yes. He’s in a band. A really good band at that.” Tina leaned over. “I’ve heard Dracon’s quite mad at Wallis lately–what with the reelection for town sheriff coming up, and Wallis trying to campaign against Dracon.”

  “I heard Harvey Nathaniel’s supporting Wallis.” May leaned forward, all enmity forgotten in the hunt for good gossip. “That’s how Wallis was able to afford all the advertising he’s done.”

  “Which Harvey? Not our super rich, super eligible town bachelor himself.” Tina giggled. “I heard he’s dating a model from Cody now.”

  “Nora ought to know about it.” May raised an eyebrow at Nora, a smirk crossing her face.

  Nora felt herself flush. “I try not to get involved in Harvey’s business,” she said.

  “Why, I’ve never understood it,” Tina exclaimed. “Harvey’s business depends on you, doesn’t it? You’re the one that helped him out of that little mess he had with Santino. If you hadn’t uncovered definitive proof that Harvey wasn’t responsible for any fraud he might have gone right to jail.”

  Nora shook her head. “I’d rather not think about the past,” she said.

  “Of course, poor dear,” Tina said. “I think-”

  But what she thought would forever be lost to the others, as a painful screech filled the air, followed by the bellowing voice of a man.

  “I’ll kill you,” the man was screaming. “I’ll murder you right now!”


  Chapter 2

  Nora, May, and Tina all ran toward the voice that had come from one edge of the field, where a makeshift platform was being set up in preparation for the concert.

  “Heavy headed whale! Fat loafer!” the man was shouting.

  Nora reached him first, to see a large, blonde man with clenched fists and a straining neck.

  “I cannot believe anyone as incompetent as you is allowed within ten feet of equipment!”
the man yelled.

  Nora gasped as she recognized the man – Deputy Wallis. Then again, Deputy Wallis was a tall, broad-chested man of the law with a buzz cut and a proud handlebar mustache. The man in front of her was still Wallis, but Wallis in his alternate avatar – JJ Johnson, of JJ Johnson and the Jackhammer Squad. He was dressed now as a Viking, with a false sword dangling from his belt, a fake-fur-lined cape, and a horn-studded helmet. The helmet was dangling behind him, attached to his neck by a cord, clearly having toppled off due to his raging anger.

  The Jackhammer Squad, three tattooed men dressed in somewhat medieval clothes, each holding their instruments close to them, stood anxiously in the background.

  Meanwhile, Wallis screamed at one of the roadies, who had managed to drop a heavy speaker on his guitar. Not having had his fill of screaming at the roadie, Wallis advanced on him and began to shower blows on his head and shoulders.

  Appalled, Nora jumped up on stage and tried to get between the two.

  “Deputy Wallis!” she exclaimed. “Control yourself, I beg you. Calm down.”

  Still trying to swing at the roadie, a boy of barely sixteen, Wallis let himself be pushed back as Nora grabbed him.

  “Yeah, you better run!” Wallis called out. “If I see your face near here again, I’m going to kill you, you hear that? This was a 1970s guitar my father had left me! It was a priceless heirloom! I should have your head for what you’ve done.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” the boy whimpered, tears streaming down his face.

  “Stop it now,” Nora said angrily to Wallis. “You’re a deputy, for goodness’ sake. This is not appropriate behavior. The poor boy made a mistake. You need to let it go.”

  “Let it go?” Wallis got his face close to her and let out a big bellow. “Well, who’s going to give me a replacement right before the concert? Will you do it, Miss United Nations? Who made you peacekeeper anyway?”

  “The name’s Nora Newberry,” she said. “I’d thank you to stop yelling at me. Let’s try and figure out a way to get you a new guitar.”


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