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Unnatural Lover Boxed Set #2

Page 9

by Mac Flynn

  Then Amanda glanced to the side and realized she was being watched on both sides by other drivers, and her blush changed from pleasure to embarrassment. Thankfully traffic moved and everyone went on their way, but she couldn't escape the lustful sensations still pouring out from the touch of the rock. She hardly made it to her apartment without veering off into some side street to gratify her sexual urges. However, she still had half a mind to cut off the tendrils and free herself from the fragment, while the other half pleaded for her to succumb and enjoy the feelings.

  Amanda stumbled into her apartment and locked the door behind her. She dropped her purse to the floor and fell into the back of the couch. Her fingers on her good hand clutched at the top while she pulled out her other, diseased hand from her pocket. She had trouble pulling her hand free, and when she succeeded she noticed to her horror the tendrils were nearly twice the size they were when she first noticed them. Through the waving, twisting things she could just make out the dark surface of the fragment.

  Then light reflected off the smooth surface and she felt herself inexplicably calmed. All thoughts of dispensing with the tendrils completely vanished from her mind, and she felt all her fear disappear. There was only the tendrils and herself now in all the world, and they were calling out to her. It wanted her as badly as her body wanted it, and any hesitation or doubt slipped away. There were no more inhibitions against the creature, no more struggling to decide one way or another what she wanted to do. With the thing inside of her she was a part of the creature now, and there was only their desires to fulfill.

  Amanda stepped away from the couch, and staggered toward her bedroom. She swayed back and forth but didn't fall, and didn't flinch when the tendrils stretched out and slithered up her arm. She didn't bother to flick on any lights in the shaded bedroom, and instead went over to the bed. The covers were smooth and inviting beneath her hands, and she slipped off her shoes before she pulled her legs up beneath her.

  By now the tendrils were beneath her short-sleeved shirt and gliding their way to her heaving breasts. She leaned back her head and groaned when the things reached her stretching mounds which strained against the confines of her bra. The slick tentacles rubbed their bodies along her heated skin and toyed with the hard tips of her aching breasts. Other dark arms slithered behind her back and unclasped her bra, and her firm breasts pushed out against her tight shirt.

  Amanda shifted atop the covers when she felt her hips and thighs strain against the seams of her pants. Everything was too tight, too restraining. Then she felt something shift across the skin of her back, but it wasn't the tendrils from her hand. It felt like her flesh was being pushed out slowly, one small inch atop one small inch. She bent over and heard the back of her shirt rip, and then it fell down atop her hands.

  Though the need to stay on the bed and enjoy the pleasures was strong, her curiosity was stronger. Amanda slid off the bed with half her body covered in the tendrils from her hand. Her bra hung loose along her shoulders until she felt the tentacles cut through the straps, and then the flimsy cloth fell to the ground. She stumbled to the bathroom and in front of the mirrors. Her eyes widened when she glimpsed her radically altered back.

  Her pink skin was now dark, and from half a dozen points large tendrils pushed their way through her flesh to the surface. Some whipped out behind her and others were long enough they trailed down her back and onto the ground. They were growing fast and heavy, but she felt no pain from the entire experience. The large tendrils slithered around her legs and flattened themselves to fit beneath the cuffs of her jeans. They climbed her pants and their bodies split open the seams to reveal darkened skin all over her own body.

  Amanda had no panic from this drastic change, only the pleasure the creature offered her. Several of the smaller tendrils broke open the top of her jeans while the larger ones came up from the bottom to tear them away. She was now only clothed in her underwear, and that was already stretched to the limits with her wider, fuller hips. Her large breasts knocked against one another as she swayed left and right to the rhythm of some soundless tune she heard from the creature inside of her. However, she couldn't be completely comfortable standing there in her bathroom, so half-led and half-leading she returned to the bed.

  This time Amanda slid down onto her side and let the creature have its way with her. Her hair, which before reached to her shoulders, stretched and lengthened to fall over her heaving breasts. Her unchanged hand joined the other as her skin darkened and small tendrils burst out to wrap themselves around and between her fingers. The small stone fragment was still in the grasp of her right hand, and without knowing why she reached up and pressed her fingers against the center of her chest.

  Amanda felt the stone sink itself into her skin and then liquefy to spread out over her entire body. The heat inside the fragment warmed her to her core, and she rolled over onto her back to relish the pleasing sensation. The large tendrils on her back wrapped themselves around her and held her down to the bed while the smaller ones tore her panties away. She ran her hand down from her chest to between her thighs, and the small tendrils emerging from her skin brushed up against her wet, eager folds.

  The changed woman whimpered when the tendrils pulled her hand away and pressed both of her arms against the mattress. Her legs, too, were pushed down and apart atop the covers, meaning her naked body was completely captured by the tendrils spilling forth from her own skin. The thing wanted complete control over her body and mind, and even her soul. At this point she didn't care about any of that. All she wanted was fulfillment for her insatiable lust. The creature could do that, and her body quivered when several small tendrils on both sides of her pelvis muscles sprouted. She closed her eyes and smiled when the tentacles slithered through her soaked hairs and into her heated, eager core.

  "Oh yes..." she murmured. "Please take me."

  They pushed their way inside her to a depth greater than they'd ever penetrated, and every space was filled with that dark, pulsing life. Her muscles quivered with anticipation and her breath quickened when the great mass inside her slowly pulled out. It rubbed across every sensitive bit of skin and aching bit of flesh, and she'd never felt anything so wonderful in her entire life. It was as though every pleasure spot in her body was touched at the same time, creating an orgasmic feeling of delight that peeked just on the verge of being a true orgasm.

  Amanda groaned and squirmed beneath the thing's grasp as it pushed back in and then out. The dance was begun, and she relished the sensuous motions. The other tendrils which had sprouted from her body joined in the fun and pressed themselves against her swollen breasts. She groaned when they pushed them together and tweaked at the stiff peaks. The creature wrapped around her legs and thighs, and entwined their slender bodies through her fingers and over her trapped arms. She felt her entire body ache for more of this blissful torture and for the end the tremblings in her lower stomach promised her.

  The creature felt the pleasure, too, for its massages and penetration deepened and quickened. It became more insistent, more demanding for her moans and pleadings. She didn't disappoint, trapped in its clutches as she was then. Amanda would have done anything, even give her soul, for the orgasm just beyond her reach. It was coming ever closer and closer. Her hips begged to thrust with each push of the tendrils, but the thing ignored her pleas to join in the control.

  Then the creature hesitated. Amanda cried out and struggled to shift, to imitate the motions. It held her down and prevented her from gratifying herself.

  "Please," she moaned. Her fingers flexed and her muscles tensed. She was so close to it. Her body quivered on the edge of eternal bliss. "Please don't stop. Please let me come."

  The thing atop her stretched out into the air and morphed into the strange, mutated shape of a man as it had done the night before. Those dark, red eyes stared at her from the round head, and a mouth appeared out of the mass of darkness. It leaned in close to her and this time she didn't flinch from its touch nor voic

  "You must give yourself entirely to me. Only then can I grant what you wish," the thing whispered. Her own voice came out in a breathy air of need and desire.

  "W-what do you want?"

  "All of you. Your mind, your body-" It paused for a moment and its eyes looked deep into her own. "And your soul."

  "My soul?" she repeated. The body the creature already possessed, and the doubts in her mind were swept away by its lovemaking. She couldn't quite understand how she was to give up her soul.

  "Yes, you must tell me you are mine. You must shout it to the heavens and the world that we are one and the same. Then we can be joined forever in this bliss." His lips pressed against her ear and tendrils snaked out of his mouth to lick at her lobes. "Imagine living without fear of aging and dying."

  "Forever..." The promises the creature made about eternal, ageless bliss were as close to Shangri-La as she ever expected to get. She couldn't just say no and reject such luscious, intense sensations. "I-I am yours."

  "You must be louder than that, my sweet," it teased in a laughing voice. For encouragement the tendrils inside of her shifted and pressed against her sensitive nerves. She groaned, and whipped her head this way and that, desperate and frustrated in not being able to obtain more of that luscious feeling. "Come now, my little one. You must give yourself to me in a louder voice than that. Is this not worth it?" More tendrils touched and massaged her breasts.

  "I am yours." Her voice was louder and stronger, but it still wasn't satisfied.

  "Louder!" it ordered. The tendrils penetrated her deeper, and pushed in and out in a slower, more torturous rhythm than before. Her breath came out in struggled gasps as the muscles between her thighs tightened once more.

  "I am yours! Yours forever!" Over her the creature laughed, a deep, vibrating noise with caused a shiver to run through her body.

  "Good, now let's finish this joining."

  The human figure melted back into the blackness atop her and she felt that form flow through the tendrils into her. The cooling heat inside her suddenly flared up and her body broke out in a thick sweat. Her eyes widened and she gasped when the tendrils inside of her expanded and pulsed. The pushing and pulling of the mass turned into a wave of rolling tendrils so that she was always filled and every part of her always touched. Nothing was left to her but the intense pleasure of her nerves stretching and contracting.

  She could hardly catch her breath with the rising tide of pleasure rolling over her body. Every muscle and bone tensed and pulsed with the aching need the creature created. She felt the shadows sink into her skin and flow through her body, becoming one with her blood and bones.

  Then the sweet, sweet tension rose to a pitch she could hardly stand. Her breasts tingled and her thighs tightened. She twitched all over with muscle spasms as the end came closer and closer. The tendrils inside her moved faster and faster, harder and harder. Her eyes shot open and she let out a gasping mantra of praise for her lover.

  "Oh god yes! More! Please more!" She writhed in its grasp which was now a part of her body. The tendrils moved with her as one and her skin burst into a mass of dark, shapeless arms. The transformation finished with her last, screaming breath. "Yours! All yours!"

  She was blinded by a darkness so thick it put the night sky to shame. Her body spasmed and jerked atop the bed sheets, and the tendrils kept pushing her beyond the limits of what she could withstand. Her back arched again and again until she fell back against the bed exhausted and changed forever.

  Then, against her will, she heard a voice in her head order her to sleep, so she slept.

  Tony was more than worried when he couldn't reach Amanda through her phone. He'd been delayed several hours by a blown tire and by the time he reached her apartment it was dark outside. His eyes looked up to her windows, but he couldn't see any lights from inside. There was a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he wouldn't let that stop him from seeing if something was wrong.

  Tony climbed the stairs to her floor and was soon knocking on her door. There was no answer and neither could he see a light beneath the door.

  "Amanda?" he called out. He knocked louder. Still no response. "Amanda, are you in there?" There was only silence.

  He frowned and dug out his key chain. Fortunately he had a key to her apartment for just such an emergency and quickly unlocked the door. He swung open the door but didn't immediately step inside because of the unknown danger he felt prickling the back of his neck. The whole place was enveloped in a thick layer of shadows and everything was completely silent. He couldn't even hear the hum of the appliances. Tony tried the light switch beside the door, but it didn't work. He wondered if the electricity was shut off.

  "Mandy?" he softly called out.

  Then he heard something faint come from the bedroom. It sounded like a groan, and he worried that maybe she'd hurt herself. Tony shot off toward the room and opened the door. The light from the windows on the opposite wall allowed him to see the bed to his right and the form atop it. Whoever it was kicked and writhed atop the covers, and their skin glowed with a thick layer of sweat.

  "Amanda?" he tried again, and this time took a step toward the figure.

  That's when the door at his side slammed shut. Tony jumped a foot in the air and then grabbed at the doorknob to get himself out of there. He yelped and stumbled back when he felt the familiar slithering of the creature over the knob. His eyes frantically looked for a way of escape, and they couldn't help but fall on the bed.

  With his vision adjusting to the darkness Tony could make out the form of his girlfriend, but also so much more. Over the entire bed lay a swarming mess of the tendrils, and they weaved their way around and over her body. The groaning he heard earlier was from the touch of those black arms sliding and massaging over her naked body. He was horrified by the picture, but Amanda was experiencing a much more pleasurable emotion from her experience.

  She was in the throes of ecstasy as her hands clenched at the covers and her body squirmed beneath the soft touches of the creature. Except for a few times to rest the creature hadn't let up all day, and her muscles both ached and screamed for more of the pleasure. The thing pressed against her nub and pushed in and out of her body, pulling her toward another release in a deliciously long line of others much like it. She arched her back and moaned when the creature suddenly quickened its pace. Her breath quickened, and she writhed and jerked when the pleasure of pleasures swept over her.

  That's when Amanda became aware she had company, and she languidly turned her head toward Tony. His eyes were wide and he shivered beneath her lidded glance. Her gaze drifted lower on his form to his pants, and she licked her lips at the thought of him taking her. After a day of being embraced by the creature, she was eager to feel the push of a human male inside of her.

  "Amanda?" he called out to her in a shaky tone.

  "Oh Tony," she breathed out. She raised herself to sit atop the covers and he saw the tendrils pouring from her back.

  Tony screamed and staggered away from her. Whatever she was before it wasn't what she was now. He glanced from left to right trying to figure out whether to eject himself out the window or risk bashing his shoulder against the creature-covered door. Unfortunately he wasn't given a chance to decide because the tendrils wrapped around the top of his feet and pinned him to the floor. Tony pulled and yanked at his legs, but they wouldn't budge. Instead the tendrils climbed higher to prevent him from falling, and he was trapped up to just above his knees.

  Amanda watched this capture as one watches their own trap ensnare their intended prey. A half smile slid onto her lips and she swung her legs over the side of the bed. The creature wrapped itself tightly around her and flattened the tendrils, creating some semblance of clothes that continually slid over her bare skin beneath it. Her bulging breasts were pushed up and exposed to Tony's sight, and he couldn't help ogling the pair.

  Amanda slid off the bed and stepped over to him. Her full, tight hips swayed as she walk
ed like a lithe tiger over to the captive. She'd never felt so sultry and achy in her entire life. Tony jerked back when some of the tendrils around her reached out for him, but she was able to wrap her arms around his neck.

  "Oh Tony, how I worried about you," she cooed. She planted a soft kiss along his quivering cheek. "You braved such terrible things for me, didn't you?"

  "W-what the hell is going on?" Tony wanted to pull away from her, to scream and run away, but he also still cared for her enough to not want to leave her behind.

  "Something wonderful has happened. I feel so alive." Her voice was low and deep from the constant, heated need between her thighs. Tony lifted his arms and tried to set his hands on her shoulders, but her very skin shifted beneath his fingers. He flinched back and placed his arms along his side.

  "What did that thing do to you? What's happened? What the hell can be so wonderful about...about this?!" His voice raised to a feverish pitch and he felt panic overcome his senses. He squirmed and twisted in her grasp and that of the creature, and he at least forced her to step away. He gasped for breath and some escape, or some hope that this was just a terrible nightmare. "This isn't you, Amanda. You have to get me out of here so I can help you get back to normal. I know there has to be a way of changing you back and-"

  Tony's pleas were interrupted when Amanda tilted back her head and let out a great, deep laugh. Her voice echoed as though there was more than one entity inside of her body. He wondered if there was anything left of the girl with whom he'd fallen in love, and a sparkle in her eyes told him there was plenty left inside of her. The problem lay in the control by that creature.

  "Why can't you see that I'm happier than I've ever been in my life?" Her voice still had that echo effect where he could here a deeper voice beneath her higher range. "I want this happiness for you, too, if you'll just let go of your fear and take me." He thought she meant the mountain and that the creature wished to return to its original dwelling.


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