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The Rest of Forever

Page 14

by Kitty Berry

  I hacked into the database for Christmas Land and pulled our file to make sure I had included her name. Finding that I had, I swiped their logo and recreated a document with their letterhead. I mailed it to Jordan at our New York City address and asked Mac to intercept it and quickly have it forwarded to her at Elliot’s.

  I created the same letter for myself, stating in both that we had won the grand prize of the year. I played on Jordan’s love for the season and everything Christmas but included a disclaimer at the bottom. It states that the prize can only be claimed if we do it together.

  Then I called the sweet old lady, the Mrs. Claus lookalike, and played on her heartstrings.

  I told her about Jordan’s feelings surrounding the magic of Christmas, and how as a little girl, she’d always dreamed that the love of her life would propose on a sleigh, dashing through the snow, at midnight. She’d oohed and ahhed and quickly agreed to help me pull this vacation getaway off. Hell, she even made suggestions for how to make it better.

  I booked a romance package that she said was ideal for a getaway. It includes a relaxing stay with a full country breakfast each morning, as well a couple’s massage upon arrival. Each night we’d find a bottle of champagne waiting in our room at the Carriage House. Our suite will have a king-sized sleigh bed, sitting room with fireplace and wet bar, Jacuzzi bath, and private balcony. This time, I asked for the frozen fairy-tale themed room.

  Jessica Nicholas, she swears that’s her real name, also suggested the Annual Journey to the North Pole, a magical journey and unique adventure in the White Mountains of northern New Hampshire. We’d take an evening train ride with a bunch of elves and Santa himself. Wearing our pajamas, we’d have hot chocolate and cookies. She sold me this based solely on the train ride.

  We’d done one the last time we were there, but this one would be different. We’d do this one on Christmas Eve. Now, if only Mother Nature would cooperate with me and bring a snowfall that night.

  I’d talked Jordan into accompanying me by playing on her love for the spirit of the holiday and reminding her how amazing it had been when we went last time. “Can you imagine what it will be like on Christmas, Jordan? And it’s predicted to snow. You can’t turn that down just because you’re mad at me. I promise, nothing will happen,” I said with my hand raised like the honorable soldier I’d once been. “And I spoke to Jessica, she remembered us and was so excited that we’d won.”

  “You spoke to Mrs. Clause?”

  “Well, I mean, she’s not actually…” Jordan sent me a look and I decided it was to my advantage if I played along. “Yes, yes, I spoke to Mrs. Clause. She mentioned the naughty list if we didn’t show up.”

  A smile tugged at Jordan’s lips and I knew she was mine. From there, it was going to be a piece of cake.

  We arrive in Christmas Land the day before Christmas Eve, and it’s actually quite magical. We exit my car right before the snow starts and find ourselves immersed in the Christmas Spirit. Jordan takes my hand as we walk through the large double front doors with strands of live garland lit up around them and head straight to greet Jessica at the front desk.

  Jordan spins every which way as she takes in the bounty of decorations. The main attraction in the space is the floor-to-twenty-foot ceiling fireplace and hearth, with poinsettias at the base and surrounded by trees lit in gold lights. “This is amazing.” She gasps. “It was pretty last time, but this…” She tears up a little.

  I squeeze her hand and Jessica smiles. “Welcome back, you two. I’m glad to see you looking so romantic.”

  Jordan clears her throat and drops my hand. Or she tries, but I hold tight and pull her into my side and whisper into her ear, “Remember, we need to be a couple to have won.”

  She offers me a low growl but receives a smirk in return. She can growl at me all she wants. I know the magic will win out in the end and she’ll be all mine before we return to Falls Village.

  Jessica welcomes us back to Christmas Land and provides us with the fake itinerary she and I worked on together then she tells us that her and her husband, Nicholas, can’t wait to have dinner with us later in the evening. “You two go and get settled in first and enjoy that couple’s massage waiting for you in your suite.”

  This time, Jessica provides me with a key card shaped like a sugar cookie and Jordan bounces on the balls of her feet, saying, “Oh, my God! I just know it’s going to smell like cookies when you use that key. This is so exciting, Callan.”

  I smile at her wonderment and hope this vacation is going to end to my advantage. I can’t go much longer the way things have been between us. And I certainly can’t risk another bunch of men moving into the B and B and Jordan using them to piss me off. And yes, it had worked…spectacularly.

  Set high on a hillside above the Main Inn where we checked in, the elegant Carriage House is reached after an easy stroll through the walk-only trail. We enter through the central great room that houses a massive stone fireplace and find our way to the vintage style double staircase that leads to the floor where our frozen fairy-tale suite awaits. And yes, when I open the door with the sugar cookie key card, we’re awarded with the most delicious scents.

  “I hope they’ll have some of those cookies waiting for us inside,” I say, and Jordan agrees with a nod of her head, too excited to speak.

  And then we forget all about those cookies when we enter our deluxe suite because the views of the property and the White Mountains are stunning and take our breath away.

  “Wow!” Jordan exclaims. “That’s amazing. So beautiful.”

  And I agree, but I’m not looking at those views. I’m staring at something much more perfect. I’m looking at Jordan.

  I push her hair over her shoulder and take a chance when my lips find the crook of her neck. I only lay one gentle kiss there. As not to push my luck, then I pull back and whisper, “I hope you’re happy that you decided to come here with me. I’m glad we’re here together.”

  But before Jordan can answer, there’s a soft knock on the door.

  The Carriage House is also home to the spa, and I arranged for our time here to include the ultimate convenience and comfort of a couple’s massage in the privacy of our own suite.

  “That must be the masseuse,” I state. “I’ll get the door, why don’t you pour us a drink? After the massage, I’ll bring our bags into the bedroom and we can unpack before dinner.”

  “Callan, I don’t know about…”

  “Jordan, it’ll be fine. It’s a couple’s massage, not a gangbang. And I’ve seen you naked a million times. If that makes you uncomfortable, I’ll let you get settled before I come in, but if we don’t do this, Jessica is going to become suspicious.”

  She nods, and I open the door to two Nordic looking women, both with stunning features and bright blond hair. Their ample bosoms encased in tight white shirts and their round bottoms in white leggings are hard to miss. Jordan surely notices them because she rolls her eyes at me then asks a question that sends chills up my spine. “Why don’t I get Sven for my massage?”

  “What?” I shout as a cold shiver settles in and threatens to ruin the relaxed and romantic mood of the room. “Why would Dave,” I start to ask but then I pause as I catch on to what she’s saying. Jordan wasn’t asking about my ex-commanding officer by his field name, she was making a generalization about men from Nordic descent. “Um, funny. I thought two women would make you more comfortable. We can…”

  “No,” she says through gritted teeth. “This is fine.”

  I smile when I see the first glimpse of jealousy in Jordan’s eyes. I haven’t seen it in a long time, and I plan to play on that over the next hour. She gave me the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had this summer, and payback is a bitch. If it also helps to make the green monster perch on her shoulder, then so be it. I’ll take every advantage I can.

  But then our massage begins, Jordan and I lying naked side by side on the bed, nothing but a thin sheet in common covering us, and I forget
about everything other than Jordan’s pleasure.

  She moans and groans in appreciation throughout the session, and I have all I can do to keep myself together.

  The vixen soon forces me back to reality. “Cal?” she asks with one eye open and looking at me. “Why are you so quiet? Doesn’t it feel good? Wait, are you not getting a massage? Why isn’t she rubbing you?”

  A nervous laugh escapes and before I can defend myself, Jordan catches on. “Seriously? Come on, Callan. Let her touch you. It’ll feel good, I promise.”

  I shake my head and the woman, sent to stand by my side of the bed but who was told not to touch me, waits for me to tell her what to do.

  “Callan,” Jordan scolds and I cave at her commanding tone.

  “Fine,” I relent. “You can massage my back. But if I…”

  “If you nothing. Rub him,” Jordan demands, and it goes directly to my dick. Her forcing another woman to touch me is hot and I can’t help it, I’m a guy.

  When I notice Jordan keeps an eye open and isn’t moaning like before, I wonder if maybe the sight of another woman touching me is, in fact, pissing her off just a bit. So I start to moan to see if I can make her even more jealous while cringing inside at the stranger touching me. No amount of jealousy on Jordan’s part can make it worth it. Or so I thought.

  Because then Jordan relaxes and closes her eyes again. Jordan’s sounds begin to filter into the air once more and my cock swells. When I open my eyes to watch another woman rub oil on Jordan’s chest, my thoughts take me to a very dangerous place.

  While praying the masseuse doesn’t ask me to roll over anytime soon, or that I don’t come into the sheets beneath me, I notice that it doesn’t feel all that bad. It actually feels pretty damn good.

  And then Jordan ruins it. “You should flip over, Callan. Let her work out that kink,” she emphasizes the word, “in your upper thigh you were complaining about on the car ride.”

  “Jordan,” I scold.

  “Oh, um…yeah, I can do that. Roll over, please.”

  “No,” I refuse.

  Jordan chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Men are ridiculous. I should have guessed you’d be hard.”

  “Sir, I don’t…” my masseuse stutters then whispers, “We don’t do happy endings here.”

  “That’s good,” Jordan quips. “Neither does he. You know what else he doesn’t do? He doesn’t do relation…”

  I stand from the bed naked, my erection on full display to the three women in the room and tell the masseuses to please excuse us. They make a quick fuss but then scurry out when they realize I’m not putting my dick away.

  Jordan does as well, but her fuss is much different. It displays as more arousal than contempt for my less than socially appropriate behavior.

  Jordan’s eyes dilate and the pink tip of her tongue sneaks out to wet her bottom lip before she bites down on it to try her best to suppress a moan as she stares at my dick. She fails and groans my name. It comes out sounding more like an invitation that is too good to turn up. “Callan.”

  “You’re right. I don’t do relationships. I wouldn’t consider ever having one with a woman that isn’t you. But you, for you, Jordan, I’ll do anything. I was doing it; we were in a relationship. I turned down pussy when I could have slept with women when you weren’t in the city. I turned it down because that’s not what I want. What I want is you. I fucked up because I don’t know how to do this, you know that. I can’t make the right decisions when it comes to this shit. I’m trying, I tried. My job, then…”

  “Callan shut the fuck up and take me.” I raise an eyebrow as Jordan kicks the sheet off her body to reveal her spread legs. “I’m as wet for you as you are hard. Fuck me.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that, baby.” Jordan looks confused, but I continue with a smirk. “You’ve been disobedient and obstinate. You spent the summer torturing me, leading me around by my dick.” I reach for my cock and stroke my soft flesh that covers my hardness and watch Jordan as she groans and squirms around on the bed. “So, first, we’ll take care of that.” I shrug. “Then we’ll see about me fucking that wet pussy.”

  I seat myself on the chair beside the bed and pat my lap. I don’t need to instruct my girl; she knows what’s expected of her and finally gives in to my dominance after months of pushing me off.

  Jordan slowly raises to her knees, legs still spread wide, on the bed. I can see the pinkness of her bare pussy and it makes my mouth water as I recall her sweet flavor. I’d like nothing more than to flip her down onto her back and to bury my face into her, but she needs to be taught a lesson. If I’m being honest, I’m pissed at her and I need this to even the score, regain the upper hand. I know it’s not fair and a douchey thing to do, but I have no more fucks to give where Jordan Collins is concerned.

  “Do you need to be reminded what I need you to do?”

  “No, I remember,” she sasses me. “I’m just thinking.”

  “Don’t. You should recall that’s not part of the deal when we do this.”

  “I know. I’m just…Callan!” she screeches as I grab her and flip her to my lap, her ass going into the air.

  I slap her hard and she cries out at the shock of it while my cock hardens to being painful. I ignore it and spank her ass good. Over and over, my hand finds the sensitive flesh of her ass and reddens it.

  Jordan’s breathing becomes harsh and mixed with soft purring sounds, and I feel her wetness on my thighs.

  Looking down and seeing that her cheeks are fire-engine red, I soothe them with my circling palms. Then I can’t help myself and I let a finger wander to her pussy. She was right, she’s wet for me. Soaked and swelled, she’s aching for me as much as I am for her.

  My fingers part her folds, then one sinks inside her tightness and my cock jumps.

  Jordan’s breath hitches as her hips begin to move and her head turns to the side so her eyes can find mine. “Please,” she begs me. “I need you to make me come. I was a good girl and took my spanking. I deserve an orgasm, then I’ll take care of you anyway you want.”

  “Jordan,” I sigh and try to gather my thoughts. “We should talk.”

  “No. I wanted to talk months ago, now I want to come. Either finger fuck me into an orgasm or fuck my brains out. Either way is fine with me.”

  “Fine,” I growl. “But we’re talking when we finish.”

  “Don’t rush through this, Callan. I need your full effort. It’s been forever since I’ve…”

  She stops short because she’s just sold herself out. Elliot and Courtney were right. Jordan has been lying to me, she’s been making me think she’s been sleeping around when in actuality, I’m starting to think she’s as hard up as I am.

  “Since you’ve…” I prompt.

  “Okay, fine,” she huffs. “You fucking win. You think you’re so smart. I haven’t fucked anyone since you. I’ve been making you think there was something between me and the guys at the B and B, but there isn’t. There wasn’t. I haven’t had an orgasm since the last time you made me come. Even my own fingers couldn’t take care of me.”

  Her admission has my dick so fucking hard, there’s a very good chance I’m going to come while I do what she asked and fuck her tight pussy with my fingers. I know my dirty mouth will have her creaming on my thighs in no time flat, but I’m still not sure that’ll be fast enough for my dick.

  I sink my finger inside and curve it until I feel her rough patch behind her clit. “Your fucking cunt is so hot, baby. And you’re squeezing my finger. You gonna come all over my legs like a bad girl?”

  “Fuck, yes,” she purrs as her hips move with my rhythm.

  “Jordan,” I warn. “It’s been a rough few months. I’ve jerked myself off to the point of going blind, I’ve come in my sleep, and yet none of it made this go away,” I say as I grind my cock up into her belly. “You’re going to make me come with you.”

  “Callan!” she screams as her pussy clenches around my finger and my cock pulses my releas
e onto her belly. “I’m coming!”

  Jordan’s body trembles then quickly turns to jelly as my own seeks and requires more.

  I throw her to the bed then climb on next to her and lie on my back. I motion for Jordan to kneel over my face so I can taste her pussy and make her come again, this time in my mouth and stronger than the last.

  This is a female dominant position for oral sex, but after her spanking, Jordan needs to be allowed some control. Hovering over my face, she can raise or lower herself over my mouth, direct the exact stimulation she’s looking for, or remove it all together.

  “I want to taste that pussy,” I beg. “Your come. I want to give you another. Sit on my face and use the wall to balance on, this one is going to be intense.”

  Jordan does as I ask and mounts my face, her body facing the wall, her clit right under my nose. Her scent fills me, and my cock hardens once more. I’m ready to take her again just like that, but I won’t. I’ll lick and suck on her pussy until she collapses on my face in a puddle of pleasure from her second orgasm.

  Jordan begins to rock, using my nose and mouth for her pleasure, with no regard for my ability to breathe. I should be flipping the fuck out. I would be under any other circumstance where I was restrained. Sure, I’ve been trained to ignore my impulses to wig out when in combat, but in a situation like this, with any other woman, this would never be tolerated. But right now, with Jordan sitting on my face, using me to get herself off, it turns me the fuck on.

  Her sounds fill the room as she gets close to her second climax, and my name on her lips is enough to threaten my own. But I push my desire to come again aside and add pressure from my thumb to her clit as my tongue fucks into her pussy.

  Jordan’s a goner. She explodes over me, her body collapsing and spent as she moans my name and luxuriates in orgasmic bliss.

  I let her enjoy the liquidity of her limbs for as long as I can hold out, but my need for oxygen finally forces me to toss her pliant and much too lithe body next to me on the plush bed.


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