by N'Dia Rae
Just as he said that someone knocked at the door, interrupting our heated discussion.
“Here’s the phone and the wallet,” a bouncer said, relieving me of the stress of having to get a new driver’s license and canceling my cards. That would have been a major headache.
“Thank you,” I spoke while taking the items from him.
When I looked at my phone, I could see I had several text messages from Ty, which I ignored.
“You got me questioning a lot of shit, shorty,” Quan said while shaking his head in disappointment. My face throbbed from the strikes it endured. I could barely fix myself to say anything but finally I mustered the strength.
“Questioning what? I made a mistake. I’m still the same person.”
“Exactly. It seems like you’re the same person as Aoki. Birds of a feather flock together.”
“I am nothing like Aoki! I work hard for everything I have rather than opening my legs to the highest bidder. I can’t help that I flipped when I saw her with Ty. I know how she is so I naturally assumed that she is fucking Ty.”
“I hear you. Which is why I said distance yourself from her. No more of that bitch. And if you have any other friends like that you need to let them go. ASAP. I’m a boss and I only fuck with classy chicks. I don’t have time for bitches that fight in the clubs. You understand?”
“I do. And it won’t ever happen again. How does my face look?” I couldn’t help but ask since I had no way to assess the damage.
“It’s not that bad. I can give you some ice when we get back to my crib,” he suggested.
“You still want me to come over?” I was sure that he would want to send my ass back home.
“Yeah, I do. We need to take you to the spa to help you unwind from this stressful night. And I need to take you shopping because there is no way in hell I want you caught out here in cheap shoes ever again. You look like one of those crazy bitches on World Star fighting and your shoe breaks.” He laughed at me as I rolled my eyes.
“Come on, let’s get the fuck out of here and get you home,” he offered as he walked me downstairs and out the front door.
When we got outside, I could see that Aoki’s car was gone, but Ty was still there leaning against a wall as if he were waiting on someone.
“Hey, Skye, let me holla at you!”
“No nigga!” I waved him off as I kept walking with Quan but Ty ran to catch up to us.
“You need to back the fuck up!” Quan threatened him. He positioned himself in front of Ty to block me.
“I really need to speak with her.”
“About what?” Quan asked.
“It’s okay, Quan, let me talk to him for a second.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I replied as he walked away to give us a moment to speak.
“What were you doing with her?”
“I just met her tonight. We were dancing, nothing more. You have to believe me.”
“I have to tell my sister that I saw you. We may not always see eye to eye but we always have each other’s back.”
“Please don’t tell her you saw me,” he begged. When I looked into his eyes I caught a glimpse of sincerity but I couldn’t tell for sure.
“You know I can’t do that. Aoki is known to sleep with other women’s men. I can’t keep that from my sister.”
“Skye, I am not cheating on Nova. I love her more than anything on this earth and you of all people should know that. You’ve seen what I’ve been through and what I’ve put up with. I will do anything if you don’t tell her.”
“Anything? You can’t bribe me. That is my sister!” I could hear the desperation in his voice. Maybe this nigga had something to hide.
“I know that and if you really care for her you wouldn’t put more stress on her than there already is. You know what she’s been going through with your mother. Why are you going to burden her with some info that you don’t even know is true?”
He raised a good point. By now I was exhausted. My face was in pain, as were my feet from the cheap shoes with the broken heel. Many people were exiting the club, staring at us. I was annoyed and ready to go home to spend time with Quan.
“What can you give me to keep my mouth shut?” I asked out of curiosity. I agreed that Nova didn’t need to know anything if I had no concrete proof. But he was going to have to give me something in return for my silence.
“I can pay your tuition. I know you’ve been having trouble with that.”
“That’s already taken care of.”
“Um, help you with rent? Take you shopping? Just tell me what you need and I can make that happen.”
My mind twisted and contorted trying to figure out the best thing that I could ask for. Unlike basic bitch Aoki, I wasn’t on the quest for shoes, clothes, and cars. I needed shit that could really get me to the next level. And then it hit me. I knew exactly what to ask of him.
“Get me a job at your company. You’re an executive, hook me up with a part time gig or an internship. But it must be paid.”
“That’s it? And then you won’t tell Nova?”
“Yep, make it happen ASAP too.” I was tired of working at Friday’s for those tips. I needed an office job to work on the days I didn’t have class.
“Come by my office on Monday and I will introduce you to some folks. We can work on that,” he said, seemingly relieved.
I smiled and turned away to meet Quan, who was on the phone cursing someone out. When he saw me approaching him, he ended the call.
“Aight nigga, just make sure you’re there at 6:00 am to receive the shipment. Can’t have our café goods sitting out in the open,” he spat before hanging up.
“Damn Quan, it’s damn near 3:00 am and you are on the phone talking business,” I joked.
“That’s how bosses operate. Money doesn’t sleep, so why should I? And did you get everything straightened out with ya boy?” he asked, pointing towards Ty, who was walking down the street in the opposite direction, presumably to his car.
“Yeah, we’re fine. I’ll keep my mouth shut because my sister doesn’t need the added stress right now. But I told him to stay away from Aoki.”
“Good. Come on, let’s roll.”
Worn out, I struggled to walk to his car, and when I got there, I fell asleep on the way to his place.
A oki
When I returned back to my apartment I was livid! I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door closed before throwing my purse on the ground. Who did that bitch think that she was to attack me over some dick? I didn’t know it was her sister’s husband and that wouldn’t have changed anything. Money over bitches all day!
I rushed to the bathroom to assess the damage to my face; there wasn’t much. My lip was busted and I had minor scratches. All of these things could be covered by make-up so I wasn’t tripping. In fact, I felt great knowing that I won the fight. I’m pissed that she snuck up on me, though! I should have been given the opportunity to whip out Betty, my trusted switchblade.
After cleaning my face and icing my lip, I began to grow sleepy. It was late or extremely early, depending on who you asked. I settled into my bed and placed my phone on the charger, but I was still pissed at Skye for trying me. That bitch had no right to come for me, especially not in public.
I decided to send her a quick text message that read:
Me: Bitch, when I see you in the street, I got something for that ass!
Once sending that threat that I swore I would live up to, I blocked her number. That hoe won’t get a chance to respond nor will she see me coming. I will sneak her ass just like she snuck me.
As I drifted off to sleep I received a phone call from Ty. I hit ignore on his call. I didn’t feel like dealing with his ass. He was messy but he kept calling.
“What in the fuck do you want?!” I yelled when I answered.
“I just wanted to apologize about tonight. I had no idea my wife’s sister would
be there. I’m sorry she attacked you. I wanted to know if you got home safely.”
“Nigga, I’m safe. But I gotta go. I can’t fuck with you any more. Bye.” I hung up. Tomorrow morning, I’d call Chop and let him know he can keep his fucking money.
* * *
I was startled by boisterous knocking on my door. I was convinced that it was the police by the sound of it. I jumped out of bed and rushed to put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. When I looked through the peephole, it was Chop’s ass.
“Nigga, what do you want?” I asked when I opened the door, looking at him square in the face.
“Your face doesn’t look that bad,” he quipped as he eyed me up and down before pushing himself through the front door.
“Get out of my house! I didn’t invite you in,” I snapped.
“It’s funny to see you dressed like this. Any other time you look like you’re ready to go to the club. But you’re still cute.”
“Nigga, did you hear what I just said? Why are you here?”
“I came to check up on you after that fight you had last night?”
“How did you know about that fight?” I asked, looking at him suspiciously.
“Red Room is in my network of places that I run. That’s how I know. I saw that shit got pretty bad for you. I just wanted to know if you were okay?”
“Then if you saw what happened you would know that I’m fine. Maybe you should check on the other bitch!”
“She isn’t my employee. You are.” He smirked before casually leaning against my stainless steel refrigerator.
“I am not your fuckin’ employee. I didn’t sign a contract and you don’t give me any benefits. Besides, I’m done. I’m not messing around with Ty. That nigga is messy,” I stated as I shooed him from in front of my fridge. I reached in and grabbed a bottle of water and opened to take a sip.
Chop chuckled at my response as if he didn’t believe me. But that was up to him not to believe me. I needed to get back with Xavier or find a new nigga, because messing with Ty was going to be too much of a challenge. I don’t like to work hard. And that nigga would be like a full time job, especially if Skye pops up again.
Out of nowhere, he rushed me, wrapped his hand around my neck, and pushed me into a wall, forcing the bottle of water out of my hand and onto the floor. His fingers squeezed so tight around my neck that I couldn’t breathe.
“Bitch, I’m going to say this to you only once. Don’t fucking misconstrue what I am telling you. You are still my fuckin’ employee until I decide we’re through. You will call Tyriq and start seeing him again. And you will get the information that I need you to get. Got that?” he asked with an evil glare in his eyes.
He released me so that he could hear my response.
“Yeah, I got that,” I breathed as he stepped towards the door to leave.
“But when my brother gets out, you know what time it is!” I yelled after him.
“Silly hoe. You haven’t realized that your brother is dead by now?” He laughed before walking out the front door.
But I didn’t believe him. I knew that my brother was alive. I could feel it in my heart. Besides, the prison would have told us if he died. Wouldn’t they?
T he sun assaulted my eyelids as it crept through the blinds. I laid in Quan’s king size bed alone, wondering where he went. However, as my senses returned to me I could smell bacon frying outside of the room. He was up cooking for me. Before I rushed out to meet him, I reached for my phone to check my messages.
I had one from Ty, begging me to uphold my end of the bargain. And I had another from Aoki, threatening me. That bitch had some nerve. Fucking with my sister’s man is a no-no and if she didn’t back off, she would have to see me in the streets again.
I gathered myself out of bed and noticed he left a towel and two washcloths for me. He was so damn thoughtful that it made me smile. When I went into the bathroom, I ran the hot water and took a glimpse at my face. The swelling had gone down significantly, thanks to the ice. Make-up would be able to cover the minor bruising. My face was going to be okay.
After I showered, I slipped in a pair of black jeans and a white tank top with a black pyramid in the center. I applied lotion and some perfume and headed to meet him in the kitchen.
“How’d you sleep, shorty?” he asked as he turned the bacon over and slid it on a plate for me. In addition to the bacon was French toast topped with a caramel sauce and strawberries.
“I slept fine, considering everything that went down.”
“Good. I figured you could eat breakfast and then we could head out to the mall. We gotta get you fresh. That shoe situation was embarrassing.” I blushed at his words.
“Please stop bringing it up.” A nervous giggle escaped my lips.
“I will as soon as we get you some new shoes.”
I was amazed at how sweet he was and how willing he was to drop money on me without us even fucking. That’s how I know Aoki was wrong about everything.
“Your home is really nice. You did really good with the décor,” I complimented as I looked around the spacious loft. The luxury home had floor to ceiling windows, white wood floors, and black furniture with gold throw pillows. I had never been in a place so beautiful. He definitely had money because the loft was up in Columbia Heights. I guess the café business was going really well.
“Thank you babe. I had an interior decorator put it together. I ain’t into that decorating shit. You feel me?”
“Yeah,” I giggled as I forked French toast into my mouth. He handed me a glass of orange juice that I washed down. For the rest of breakfast we talked about his business and how he wanted to expand beyond the DMV. I told him my intentions on getting a teaching internship and publishing a book of poetry.
He was disgusted when I brought up my mother again and the shit she did to me and Nova.
“Damn shorty, your mother ain’t shit for that.”
“I know, but she means well. She’s led a rough life. Eventually Nova will come around and understand why she did what she did.”
“You don’t have to make excuses for her. She made stupid and bad choices. I just hope that you can learn from them.”
“Trust, I have. I don’t mess with married men or men with girlfriends. I’m not like that at all.”
“That’s good. You have to have some standards. I really like that you’re trying to do the best out here. But let’s go get you some clothes,” he suggested.
Minutes later we headed out of the door and went to Mazza Gallerie, where he let me get anything I wanted. I bought several outfits and expensive shoes. Two pairs of the shoes were real red bottoms. He also bought me a couple of handbags from Louis Vuitton as well as a Celine bag.
A part of me felt like giving him some pussy just to say thank you. But that’s the difference between me and Aoki. I don’t need to share the preciousness between my legs to get nice things.
“ H ow was it last night ?” I asked my husband when he finally woke up and joined me in the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
“It was fine. Little joint on H Street. I’ll take you there next weekend,” he offered but he knew that wasn’t my scene.
“You know I don’t like clubs. I don’t like being around all those whores dressed half nakedly dancing to those shitty songs,” I replied while sipping from my mug.
“Nova, you never want to do anything that I want to do.”
“That’s not true. Just because I don’t want to go to the club doesn’t mean I don’t want to do things with you. Why do you always have to go to the extreme?”
“Why can’t you just ride with me and do shit I like. I like clubs and lounges. Sometimes I want to go with my wife. Why can’t you just go with me!”
“We’ve had this conversation over and over. I don’t go because I don’t want to go!”
“Fuck it. I’m tired of this shit!” he
yelled before storming out of the kitchen.
I was too exhausted to follow after him and fight. Instead, I went upstairs to my room and put some clothes on. Today I needed to visit my mother anyway so that she could tell me the truth about my father.
As I walked out of our bedroom, Ty walked in, still icy and not speaking to me. I wasn’t sure what the cause of the shift in our relationship was, but I knew it wasn’t because I didn’t want to go to the club. He had known me for years and I never was a club goer. Why did he think that would change all of a sudden?
I stormed out of the room and hopped in my car and drove to my mother’s house. When I arrived I could see that her car was there but her new husband’s was not. That’s too bad, I wanted him to hear about what kind of old hoe he married. Not that it would matter to him, since she was funding his pipe dream.
“Well look what the cat dragged in,” Toni hissed when I stepped foot in her raggedy ass living room.
“It’s unpleasant to see you too, Toni,” I snapped back while closing the door behind me.
Like the irrational bitch that she was, she left the room and went upstairs to her bedroom.
“Where the fuck are you going? I need to speak to you!” I hollered as I climbed the dusty stairs behind her. We stood face to face at the top of the stairs, looking at each other angrily.
“What is it now, Nova? You came over to tell me how horrible of a mother I am? How I ruined your childhood? You know you complain a lot about me, but look at you. You’re successful. You have money! So why are you so fucking mad at me?”
“Don’t turn this around to be about you! I have success, no thanks to you!”
“How dare you, you little bitch. I raised you all by myself. Your father died and didn’t leave you a penny.”
All I could do was cackle. She was standing in my face, telling me a boldfaced lie yet again.