Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Side Chicks

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Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Side Chicks Page 11

by N'Dia Rae

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Who is my father?”

  “What are you talking about? You know who your father is.”

  “Let me ask a different question. Who is Reginald Hoover?” I asked with a smirk stretched across my face. I waited for her to respond, for her to lie to me like she always does. But there was no denying it, not this time.

  “I don’t know who that is.” Toni was dumbstruck, with her jaw hitting the tattered carpet.

  “Why are you in this picture with him? And why did the DNA test come back to prove that he is my dad?” I asked after digging in my purse for the proof. When I waved it in front of her face like an immature child, she snatched them from me and began to read them.

  “You went behind my back and got tested? You went to go find this man after I told you your father was dead? How could you do this to me!”

  “How could I do it to you?! How could you do it me? All these years you have been lying to me. And my father was alive and trying to get to know me. You raggedy winch!”

  “Don’t talk to me like that. Things were complicated. There is a lot you don’t understand. And you need to stay away from that man. He can’t be trusted!”

  “It seems like you’re the one that can’t be trusted! He didn’t lie to me, you lied to me! And you lied to Skye too! You gave her tuition money to that stupid husband of yours. You are never there for us,” I barked. I could see tears welling in her eyes. Perhaps something I said finally struck a nerve.

  “Don’t you talk about my husband that way. He is not stupid. He is building a business that will bring this entire family millions of dollars. Skye knows that I will pay her student loans.”

  “Yeah right! Your husband is too dumb to make a business successful. He is just a washed up jock that was desperate for some pussy from you. He wanted your money and that’s why he married you!”

  “Nova, you have always been such an evil child. And instead of being worried about what my husband is doing why don’t you worry about your own. Worry about the fact that he doesn’t want to knock you up. Worry about the fact that he keeps a secret cell phone in his car!” she revealed, shocking me in the process.

  “You’re a fucking liar!” I screamed.

  “You know I’m right. Why would I lie to you about that? I saw it with my own eyes. You’re so concerned about what I’m doing and who your father is that you aren’t paying attention to that fine piece of dick you got in your home. He’s probably running around with all kinds of little bitches. And you deserve it. You are just like those weak wives of the men I have slept with. You don’t give your husband pussy and you treat him like a child. And then women like me have to come in and clean up your mess. We make your husbands feel like men again.” She laughed to the top of her lungs, causing rage to run rampant through my veins.

  Unable to hold back, I shoved her violently and she toppled down the stairs. On her way down, she screamed as she broke her leg and eventually banged her head against the corner in the wall.

  My heart pumped so hard, I thought it would explode in my chest and I also collapsed, landing beside her at the foot of the stairs.

  She didn’t move, causing me to grow even more fearful. Was she dead? A part of me hoped so because she deserved it, while another part of me hoped she was alive. She was still my mother, after all.

  With caution, I tiptoed down the stairs and knelt down to see if she was still breathing. She wasn’t. In fact, there was blood everywhere. When she hit her head on the corner of the wall, she really split her wig.

  In a panic, I grabbed my purse and rushed out of the front door. I looked around to see if anyone saw me leaving but there was no one outside. Immediately, I jumped in my car and sped away, praying that no one saw me come in either.

  I can’t believe I just killed my mother but the only thing on my mind was checking to see if my husband really did have another phone.

  When I got home he was still in our bedroom, probably still mad at me. Which was good. I had ample time to check his glove compartment. I carried his spare key on my ring so I didn’t need to go into the house.

  I went straight to his car and opened the compartment. Lo and behold, there was a phone there that I had never seen before. I turned it on, praying that there was no password needed. Luckily, it was unlocked. I guess he was so confident that I would never find it he didn’t bother to lock it.

  Most of the text messages were from Kinasha, his assistant. I knew that the way he acted at Sax was strange, but these messages explained it all. There were tons of messages between them about their sexual trysts in her apartment and his office.

  My stomach turned and flipped in knots as I read the disturbing messages. How could he do this to me? And with a hood rat bitch like Kinasha of all people. As I continued to read the messages, I discovered that he was attempting to break it off.

  But she wasn’t having it. He had been ignoring her but she was steadily threatening to go to HR and tell them about him. She was threatening to take everything away from him that he earned. My heart sank to my soles as tears streamed down my burning face.

  I was livid that he would do this to me. However, I was happy that he was trying to end it. But if this bitch thinks she can ruin my husband, she had another thing coming. I wasn’t letting her take away everything that we’ve worked for. He was about to get a promotion and this bitch would rip that apart.

  I had to do something about her and do it before Monday, since her last text message read:

  Kinasha: If you don’t leave your wife by Sunday night, I am going to HR Monday morning and telling them all about us. I have nothing to lose. I can get another shitty receptionist job. But you on the other hand… you will be fucked. How will you explain this to your wife?

  Tears swarmed my face but now wasn’t the time to stay stuck in my pain. I needed to take action and I needed to take it now.



  L ast night was nuts and I almost lost everything. I prayed hard that Skye wouldn’t say shit to my wife because I can’t lose her. No matter how I may come off to her, I love her. She is my fuckin’ heart. I would not be where I am in life if it wasn’t for her.

  But the urge to fuck other women remained. And I thought that Aoki would be done with me after last night, but she had just texted me. She was the baddest bitch I have seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I had to chill. I needed to take time and regroup. Therefore, I wouldn’t be seeing Aoki any time soon.

  Texting her couldn’t hurt.

  Aoki: Are you okay after last night?

  Me: Yeah. Shit was wild. How do you know my wife’s sister?

  Aoki: We used to be friends. But as you can see she’s a little crazy.

  Me: Yeah… lol How are you feeling tho?

  Aoki: I’m good. I was wondering if you could get away from the wifey sometime this week.

  Me: I don’t know. Shit got too real last night.

  Aoki: That hoe Skye interrupted us. You know I was about to bounce on your dick all night.

  Fuck. Just the thought of her pretty ass swallowing my dick made me horny. Right as I was about to respond, Nova walked in the front door. I could hear the alarm go off from upstairs. I quickly deleted Aoki’s messages and slid my phone in my pocket.

  I went downstairs to greet her to see how she was feeling. And when I arrived, I could tell she was stressed about something.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, slowly pacing towards her. Her eyes were red and she looked shook.

  “I’m fine.” She tore her body away from me and went to the liquor cabinet to grab a bottle of vodka and a shot glass. I watched as she downed two shots of Grey Goose like it was nothing.

  “Are you sure? What the hell happened? Where did you go?” I prodded. My wife looked as if she had been to hell and back. I began to fear that she knew about Kinasha or worse, her sister told her about Aoki.

  “I hit a rabbit on the way to the store. And for some reason, it shook me u
p. A nice man came and cleaned the roadkill off my car. I’m fine but just a little shaken. That’s all,” she reasoned. But it seemed as if she were lying. I couldn’t try for more information because before I knew it, she was downing three more shots.

  My wife was a lightweight and I knew that drinking like that was going to make her sick.

  “Baby stop. No more. I need you to drink some water and I’ll run you a hot bath. Okay?” I offered as I pried the bottle of vodka out of her hand.

  A single tear slipped down her cheek as she nodded. I walked her upstairs where I sat her at the edge of the bed. My nerves rattled as I went to run her bath water. Why was she really acting this way? I wondered.

  And if she knew about the cheating, why didn’t she come out and say it. I prayed that she didn’t know, but it couldn’t stop me from texting her sister.

  Me: Did you tell Nova?

  Skye: No nigga. I need that internship.

  I slipped my phone back into my pocket and wandered back into the bedroom to tell her the bath was ready.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she asked while staring off into the distance.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why have you been treating me so badly? I love you with every fiber of my being. But you’ve been treating me so horribly these last few weeks.”

  Her words fell on me like a ton of bricks. It was never my intention to hurt her this way. I knew I had to make it up to her.

  “I know, baby. And I apologize. It’s not you, it’s this fucking job. Gunning for this promotion has been really stressful but I promise to be better.”

  She only shook her head and walked away from me. She went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me and I could hear her sink into the hot water.

  Immediately, I knew what I had to do. I had to cut off those other chicks and just focus on my wife. I texted Aoki back and told her I couldn’t fuck with her anymore. Without waiting for a response, I blocked her number and then rushed to my car.

  I hadn’t checked the phone that I used to communicate with Kinasha in days. I viewed her messages only to be annoyed at the fact that she was trying to ruin my career. She didn’t have much evidence to prove that we were sleeping together, so I knew that I could fight it. I could tell HR she was lying to get a promotion or to get back at me for turning her down. Even if she showed them text messages between us, I could still contest it.

  Those messages came from my burner phone. Not my work or personal cell phone. She could have been talking to any nigga. I wasn’t worried about that little thot. I went back into the house and ordered dinner for my wife. I needed to turn over a new leaf, and I needed to do it fast.



  A fter spending the day at the mall, Quan took me back home to my apartment. This man bought so much stuff for me that I couldn’t carry it all upstairs by myself. He grabbed a few bags and helped me to my apartment. I felt giddy the whole time. I couldn’t believe how amazingly generous he was.

  “Thank you for everything,” I said before wrapping my arms around him and taking him in for a hug.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl. I couldn’t have you walking around like that. Not if you’re going to be out here representing me,” he said as he kissed me on the cheek. His gentle kiss sent shivers down my spine, forcing me to connect my lips with his.

  While pressed into his body, he ran his fingers through my hair as I pulled him in closer. Our tongues began to tango with one another, making my pussy flood. I wanted him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.

  His hands traveled up my shirt to unclasp my bra, freeing my breasts from confinement. He lifted my shirt over my head and threw it onto the floor as if it were a nuisance getting in his way. With my breasts cupped by his hands, he began to kiss and lick my neck. I felt like cumming just from his kisses. I couldn’t wait to feel his dick inside of me.

  He worked his way from my neck to my nipples, swiveling his tongue around my Hershey kisses. I moaned at the sensation while caressing his shoulders.

  He undid his jeans and lifted me up before carrying me to my bedroom, where he placed me down on the bed. He quickly undressed, snatching off his shirt and his jeans before throwing them onto the floor. When he took out his dick, my heart stopped. It was the biggest dick I had ever seen. He had a slight curve that I knew would be up in my g-spot. The veins in his rod pulsed as he moved closer to me.

  “Come here and suck it,” he commanded me, luring me from laying down. I crawled towards him and wrapped my mouth around his dick. I damn near had to unhinge my jaw to fit him in my mouth. How was my pussy going to handle him, since I hadn’t had sex since Chad? And Chad was average size.

  I did my best to suck him by licking the tip and opening my mouth even wider.

  “Shit, that feels good!” he crooned as he placed his hand to the back of my head, his fingers tangled in my hair.

  “Hmmmm” I managed to moan despite my face being stuffed with his cock.

  “You gonna make me cum too fast with that bomb head,” he chuckled, pulling away from me.

  I flashed him a seductive smile because it made me feel good to know that I could have that effect on him. Leaning back on the bed, I spread my legs and allowed him to get a glimpse of my bubblegum pink center. The visual baited him into planting his face between his thighs.

  I lightly giggled at feeling his beard tickle my inner thighs. He suckled on my thighs, causing me to quiver. The tease only made me yearn for him to place his tongue on my clit. My fingers glided to his skull, but he pushed them away.

  “Uh huh, you need to be restrained,” he whispered; the vibrations of his voice titillated me at my core. He grabbed a hold of hands and held them together with one of his while slipping his other hand in between my thighs.

  He began to finger my pussy with his middle and index finger. I had never been so wet in my life. This man had me soaking all over the bed and his hand and he hadn’t even put his dick in me yet.

  “Ahhhh shit!” I squealed as he stimulated my g-spot. He chuckled before licking my clit.

  My thighs rattled uncontrollably as he sucked and licked my cleft. He devoured me as if I were his last meal and quickly, I began to cum, exploding all over his beard and face. Sweat dripped from my body as I squirted bullets.

  When he lifted from me he wiped his face. And smiled at me sexily.

  “Ride this dick,” he demanded before leaning back on the bed.

  Still weak, I got up and straddled him. Despite being high from the intoxicating orgasm I was nervous about riding him. I wasn’t that great at being on top. Chad told me that many times. And on top of that, how the hell was I supposed to fit his monstrous dick inside of me.

  Shoving my fears to the side, I got on top of him and slowly slid down on his dick.

  “It’s too big,” I whimpered.

  “Nah, you got it. Take that shit,” he moaned as I eased onto him. My pussy stretched more than it had ever stretched before.

  “This pussy is good,” he growled, bringing his hands to my hips and forcing me down. He started to pump inside of me, causing my pussy to get even wetter. Eventually, I loosened up some and began to put in work. I bounced up and down on his dick while looking into his eyes. He was in a state of ecstasy.

  “I’m about to cum,” he muttered, lifting me off of him.

  “Suck it again for me, baby.”

  I obliged, taking him in my mouth as he pumped into the back of my mouth. His cream ran down my throat and I loved it. I loved everything about making love to him. He collapsed on the bed and I curled up to him. Together we fell asleep and I was on cloud nine.



  A fter drying off my body from the hot bath, I went to get dressed. It had been a few hours since I had killed my mother, and my nerves were a wreck. The vodka did nothing to calm me down. I wasn’t sure how I felt yet about killing her. Of course, I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t my intention but the bitch had it coming.
/>   She’s been a shitty mother my entire life and now her bad decisions are affecting me as an adult. Well, me and my sister. I just hope no one saw me leave her house. And where the hell is her husband? Why hadn’t he gotten home already to find her? The anticipation drove me crazy.

  But I had other fish to fry. I had to do something about Kinasha. I glimpsed at my clock and it was 9:00 pm; that little bitch was definitely still awake, plotting on ruining my husband’s career Monday morning.

  I decided to head down to Sax, with the hopes that she would be there working tonight. Since she was there the night Ty and I went. I got dressed elegantly. Couldn’t let that bitch catch me slipping. I slipped into a tight red dress that reached beyond my knees. It was backless and sexy. I also brushed my hair back and covered it with a curly blonde wig I had bought last year, when I was trying out a different look.

  Once I was fully dressed with my face beat, I went downstairs, prepared to leave.

  “I got dinner for us. Where are you headed looking like that?” my piece of shit husband had the audacity to ask me.

  “Out,” I stated without looking his way.

  “Where is out?”

  “Oh, you can question me, but I can’t question you. Good night, nigga. I’m going out.”

  I left him standing in the foyer with his jaw unhinged, pissed that I would speak to him that way. I didn’t give a fuck. How could he fuck that ghetto assistant of his? But as always, I was going to fix the problems he created for us.

  Before heading into the city, I grabbed my husband’s phone. Hopefully he won’t try to contact her before I’m back in the house.

  * * *

  W hen I got to Sax , the place was emptying out. I caught Kinasha standing behind the bar, counting money. Surprise, the bitch can count. I hid in the shadows, hoping that she didn’t see me. The restaurant was closing in a few minutes, so hopefully she would be leaving soon.


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