by N'Dia Rae
“May I help you ma’am?” a host appeared out of nowhere and asked me.
“Do you have a catering menu? I was in the area and I saw this place. I just want to know if you cater because I’m planning an office party,” I lied to him so that I would seem less fishy.
“Sure, let me grab that for you.” He kindly fluttered away and returned with the menu. By the time he came back, she was heading outside. Due to the wig she didn’t recognize me. My plan was going to work smoothly.
I went outside as well and got back into my car while keeping my eye on her. Finally, I saw her pull off and I tailed her to her home. My eyes followed her as she got out of her vehicle and went inside. What did he see in her?
He had everything that he could possibly want within me. So why was he chasing this broad? What could she do for him that I couldn’t? I looked to see exactly what apartment she went into.
After about ten minutes, I sent a text message from Tyriq’s phone.
Me: Hey baby, I know that you’re mad at me right now. But I want you. I’m leaving my wife for you. Come meet me at Lou’s Bar and Grille so we can talk. I’ll be there in ten minutes.
Kinasha: Wow! I knew you would come to your senses. I’ll be right there.
And like the thirsty thot that she was, she skipped her happy ass out of the apartment within moments. All I could do was laugh at how naïve she was. Once her car was well down the block, I got out of mine and went to her apartment door.
Cheap apartments were easy as hell to break into. She made it even easier since she didn’t put the top lock on. Dumb broad. I finagled with the lock and got in easily using a credit card and bobby pins.
While inside, I searched for a way to rig her apartment so that she got carbon monoxide poison. At least she would go out peacefully, unlike my mother. It was fucked up of me, but that bitch had to go. She was threatening to take everything away from me and I couldn’t have that. I had worked too hard and I refused to end up like my mother. Broke and dead without shit.
My mother died for the same reason Kinasha was about to. They were side chicks who didn’t stay in their place. They are side bitches who expected more than what they really deserved. My mother married that man after sleeping with him while he was married. Then she gave him her money, hurting my little sister in the process. She deserved what happened to her. She deserved what she did to me and my father.
And Kinasha was no different. These bitches ruin families. They ruin lives and the world would be better off without them.
My mind was racing a mile a minute as I searched for a way to rig the apartment. I couldn’t cut the cord of the stove because she would be able to smell the natural gas and probably would call the gas company.
Finally, I discovered her clothes dyer. I remembered inspectors coming to make sure our dryer gas line was intact when I was little because it could lead to carbon monoxide leakage. Quickly, I ripped it out of the wall. I then went throughout her house to close all vents.
I know this seems fucked up but at least she would die peacefully in her sleep, unlike my mother. Once I was done, I locked the bottom lock behind me and headed back to his car. When I got there, I saw that she had called and texted Ty’s phone several times.
The bitch is now realizing he stood her up, I cackled to myself as I drove away. It doesn’t pay to fuck men who don’t belong to you. And soon she will find out.
* * *
M y conscience was at ease despite the horrible acts I had committed today. All I’ve ever wanted was the good life, and to have two people try to take it away from me meant they had to go. It was either them or me.
When I pulled up to my house, there was a squad car outside. My heart raced quickly, in fear that the cops knew that I had pushed Toni. My palms began to perspire and my stomach turned in knots.
I had to face the music. Hopefully, I could explain that it was an accident.
“Baby,” Tyriq said when I walked in the door. He was standing across from two police officers, one woman and one man.
“What’s going on?” I asked, pretending to be clueless.
“Ma’am, please have a seat. We have something to tell you.”
“What is it? Is it Skye? Is it my mother?” I pried while trying to conjure up some tears.
“It’s your mother. Her husband found her dead when he came in the house this evening. It appeared she had fallen down the stairs. She cracked her skull…”
“Please! Don’t say anything else!” I wailed as I broke down in tears.
“I’m sorry, baby,” my husband said as he held me close while I cried into his chest. It was an award winning performance, if I must say so myself.
I can’t explain just how grateful I am that they thought it was an accident.
T ears trickled down my face when I arrived at the morgue to view my mother’s body. I was with Quan when my sister began blowing my phone up. Graciously, he brought me up here and now I’m distraught. I hated that our last words to each other were not loving words. I was livid that she was giving my tuition money away.
And now, I would give anything to have her back. Her husband and his two kids sat over in a corner trying to comfort him. But I know they didn’t like my mother. They wouldn’t even acknowledge her as his wife.
“Baby, let me take you back home. You need to get some rest,” Quan offered as he extended his arm around me.
Nova and I had just finished viewing the body and we were equally as much of a wreck. I was surprised to see Nova this affected by our mother’s death because they were at each other’s throat all her life. But then again, that is our mother.
“Yeah, I’m ready. Let me just say goodbye to my sister,” I replied before walking away to Tyriq and Nova.
“It’s going to be okay,” I said to her before wiping her tears.
“I know. It’s just so sudden.” Her voice cracked as she attempted to speak.
“Is that guy taking you home?” Ty asked me.
“Yeah, he is.” Why was he asking me that?
“Be careful,” Ty said before I turned around. I was curious as to why he thought I needed to be careful, but I shrugged it off and walked back to Quan.
Quan escorted me out and took me back home. When we got there, he made me a cup of tea and added a little bit of rum to ease my nerves. This man was amazing at how well he was taking care of me. I had only known him for a short while, yet he had been more loving towards me than any man I had ever known.
“Here you go,” he said as he handed me a hot mug. I sipped cautiously while leaning against the pillows in my bed.
“My mother was like my best friend.” My voice cracked.
“I know baby. And I’m sorry for your loss. I know how it is to lose a parent,” he said to me, referring to the fact that he had lost his father a few years ago. He told me once when we were on a date.
“How did you get through it?” I asked as tears showered my face.
“I kept living my life in a way that I knew would make him proud. There were things that he would have expected of me and I made sure that I fulfilled them. That’s what you have to do. Live the life you and your mother can be proud of,” he said before kissing me on my forehead.
“I have to leave because I have some business to handle early in the morning. If you need me to stay, I can.”
“No, don’t worry. I need some time alone.” I gave him a halfhearted smile. He kissed me again on the cheek before pulling a wad of cash out of his wallet. He peeled off a couple of hundreds and handed it to me.
“I can’t take this.” I shook my head.
“Yeah, you can. You’re going to be missing work and quite possibly school over the next couple of weeks. I want to make sure your bills get paid and that you get fed. Take the money,” he asserted. I felt truly lucky to have a man like him.
I kissed him on his lips and he turned and walked away. I slid the cash in my nightstand and turned off the lamp. The r
um relaxed me and caused me to swiftly drift into sleep. But I still was depressed about my mother.
M onday morning came after a very long Sunday. I felt horrible about my mother-in-law’s death. Nova was really going through it and it didn’t help that I had been mistreating her.
All day Sunday, I spent time with her, helping her sort through her mother’s belongings. She and Skye had found her will and insurance policies. Antoinette didn’t have much but the house and one of her polices, which was worth $75,000. After the funeral, they wouldn’t leave much money left to split.
I think I might suggest to Nova that she give Skye all the money and we keep the house. Skye needs her tuition and Nova and I can rent the house out.
Speaking of Skye, her new nigga was a little suspect. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew him from somewhere. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
Even though I was supposed to go to the funeral home with Nova today, I had to go into the office to get a few hours of work done.
On my way there, I braced myself for what was coming. I knew that Kinasha was going to act a fool. She must’ve have been very fed up with me since she hadn’t returned any of my calls since Saturday night, when she told me she was going to tell HR.
But whatever, I can handle it.
When I stepped onto my company’s floor, the executive above me called me into his office.
“What’s going on?” I asked, even though I already knew what he was about to say.
“I’m so sorry to tell you this. Kinasha’s father called this morning and told us she died this weekend.”
“What?! What happened?” I began to perspire. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me.
“Yeah, carbon monoxide poisoning. She died in her sleep. Her father came over Sunday morning to take her to breakfast, but she wouldn’t answer even though he saw her car outside. He used his key and found her. ”
“Wow.” I shook my head in disbelief. Even though I didn’t want to sleep with her anymore, I still wanted her to live a very healthy and happy life. I felt horrible for her and her father, who I know loved her dearly.
She was a daddy’s girl, always talking about how much she cared about him. For him to have found her dead crushed me. I left my manager’s office, distraught. It was tough getting work done, but I some how managed to be productive before meeting up with my wife.
“Hey, do you have a second,” my manger asked when he knocked on my door. Concern riddled my face. What now?
“Sure,” I replied.
“I had to call a temp service to get us someone new at the front desk. She’ll be working here until we figure some things out. Come, Aoki,” my manager said, causing a lump to form in my throat.
That name was too distinctive for there to be more than one running around. And when she walked through the door, my fears were confirmed. It was the sexy ass Aoki that I went out with the other night.
“Aoki, this is Tyriq,” he introduced us. Our hands melted into one another as she stared me in my eyes seductively. I was dealing with too much outside of work to deal with this. And I knew that she wasn’t going to make it easier.
I t’s been a week since my mother has been dead and it still seems unreal to me. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m the one that did it. Either way, it was time to move on. She was a chronic side bitch and it affected everyone else’s lives. She essentially killed Rico Barnes’s wife with the stress she caused her. She lied about my father being dead and was trying to ruin Skye’s education. Good riddance.
As I drove up to the church where my mother’s funeral was being held, I turned on the radio.
“…Woman was found dead a week ago from carbon monoxide poisoning. Autopsy reveals she was ten weeks pregnant. Please remember to check the batteries on your detectors to prevent…”
I damn near swerved off the road after hearing that my husband got her pregnant. That was crossing the fucking line! All this time he wouldn’t impregnate me, yet he’ll sit up here and bust in this little bitch! Tears began to fill my eyes as I drove up the road. I wasn’t sure how to react to him when I saw him, so I figured I would keep busy at the funeral.
I’ll avoid him as much as I can. Because if I don’t, I might kill him too. That was humiliating. He got her pregnant before me.
* * *
R ight before the funeral …
“Baby, what is going on? Are you okay?” he asked, stroking my cheek.
The touch of his fingers to my perfectly beat face made my skin crawl. I had half a mind to bite him.
“Get your fucking hands off of me,” I snarled between gritted teeth.
“I know that you’re grieving. I know that you’re upset and that’s okay. I need you to let it out. Let it all out. You know that I’m here for you,” he attempted to convince me. But I knew it was all lies and bullshit.
“Tyriq, get the fuck out of my face. Why are you even here?”
“Nova, I love you! I loved Ms. Toni. She was like a mother to me. Why are you being like this? What has gotten into you? You were fine when I saw you this morning.”
“It’s funny how quickly someone can change. Isn’t it?” I asked cryptically before turning to walk away.
Yeah, I was fine when he last saw me earlier this morning. But that was before I found out the truth about him. A truth that I have to sort through along with the burial of my mother.
As I walked away from my husband, I weaved in and out of the sea of folks dressed in black. I was the only one that dared to wear a light color, aside from some of the children.
My blue dress stood out as I climbed the stairs to the church. I could feel the dozens of eyes burning into my backside as I approached the church’s door. When I walked back in, my eyes landed on Skye, who was sprawled out on the closed part of the casket. She was banging her fists on the hard cover while yelling, “Please don’t leave me.”
I sighed while watching the pathetic sight. You see, this is why I can’t mourn. This heffa was doing more than enough.
She hollered to the top of her lungs as a couple of our cousins rushed to her side, attempting to pull her away. The veins in her balled fists throbbed while her tears poured.
She was a sad weakling, just like our mother.
Tyriq rushed past me to pull her away from the casket and sit her down. I decided to join them since it looked shady of me to be standing on the side. I didn’t want anyone to suspect me of anything. So I sat on the other side of my sister, cradling her near me. All the while giving my husband an evil eye.
The pastor began the service, but my mind was still somewhere else. All I could think about was Ty getting Kinasha pregnant. I barely noticed when her fake ass ex-husband showed up. This nigga was late to the funeral and absent for the planning of it. Skye kept telling me that Rico loved our mother, so ask him to be involved.
This nigga never responded to my text messages or calls. Instead, he is suing my mother’s estate so that he can get the house and her insurance money. She did all that creeping around with a married man for him to only try to screw her in the end. He didn’t even offer any money towards the funeral.
All I could do was sigh as I continued to listen to the eulogy. All of this was messy.
I t had been a week since my mother’s funeral and I was beginning to return to normal. Accepting that she was gone was a challenge but I was determined to get through it. I had to take Quan’s advice and live my life in a way that would make her proud.
And since her death, there has been a heap of drama with her husband. This nigga wanted the house and the money, which was not going to happen. For all we know, he pushed her down the stairs. He was the one that found her and it’s not like my mother was clumsy.
Despite the family drama and grieving my mother’s death, I needed to get back on the ball with school. Today I was going to one of the Mocha Hut loca
tions by my school to meet up with a classmate named Phonte. Phonte had agreed to take notes and record lectures for me so that I didn’t fall behind.
I met him a couple of years ago in school and I always knew he had a little crush on me, but he wasn’t my type. He was too scrawny and I liked my men muscular, like my bae Quan. Even though we never dated, he had been a pretty good friend when it came to school work.
Last year he had surgery on his ACL and I took notes for him, so this time around, he was there to help me.
I parked my car in front of the café. I had never been to this particular location, but this one was a midway point for Phonte and I. The thought of running into Quan here crossed my mind since he owned the chain. But according to him, he mostly spent time at his headquarters out in Silver Spring.
Speaking of Quan, things were going well. He had truly been my rock through this entire ordeal with my mother. I couldn’t have wished for a better man. He was sexy, his pipe game was on point, and he was wealthy. The nigga had no problems dropping money on me. I could honestly say I was falling in love with him.
“Wsup Fly Skye!” Phonte greeted when I walked through the door. He threw his arms around me in a friendly hug.
“What’s up with you?” I asked, breaking away from him before sitting across from him.
“Nothing much. I got you a vanilla latte with soy milk, just how you like it,” he said, pointing at a cup on the table.
“Thank you so much! That was really sweet of you.”
“It’s the least I could do. How are you holding up?”
“I’m getting there. I’m taking it one day at a time.”
“That’s good. Here are the notes and recordings from the lectures.” He handed me a notebook and a recorder.
“I’ll listen to the lectures and get this back to you as soon as possible. You don’t know how much of blessing this has been.”