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Fear Episode Two

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by Nicholas Bella


  The Demon Gate Series

  Episode Two

  Season Two


  Nicholas Bella

  First Edition

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidences either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Nicholas Bella

  Edited by Heidi Ryan

  Published by Nicholas Bella

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person as a gift. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please contact the author:

  Demon Gate Series

  Episodes in Order

  Season One










  Season Two




  Special Note:

  This book is part of an ongoing serial. In order to get the full experience of the story and characters, I would suggest you read the books in order, starting with episode/book one of the first season. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on anything! You can find out the order of The Demon Gate series on my website:

  Warning: Scenes depicted in this series and in this book in particular may be too graphic for sensitive readers. All characters featured in sexual situations in this novel are adults, 18 or older. Reader discretion is strongly advised. This series is highly erotic, dark, and twisted. Prepare yourself.

  Special message from the author:

  Hi, I want to thank you for reading my novel and supporting me. I hope you enjoy this book and are looking forward to the next one in the series. I would greatly appreciate a review if you have the time, letting other readers know what you thought about this book and series.

  Again, thank you for choosing to read my novel and I hope you have a great day. :D


  Nicholas Bella

  The Motherfuckin’ Recap

  All right, good people, the last time we had checked in on these demons, the world was in chaos. People were acting crazy, demons were acting like… well… demons. Adriel, the reigning king, has his hands full, but he’s got one hell of an army at his command. He’s put some of his most badass demons on teams so he can find his demonic half-brother, Katashniel. Brian has been teamed up with the gorgeous Dakkar, the demon lord and original Nostera. Andre was left to his own mission and he found himself a partner in an unlikely demon named Tyson, who just happens to be the perfect spy. Raphael has been teamed up with Oria, a Lokai, a fear demon lord. Let’s just say that he’s not all that comfortable around the demon with the face and body of a five-year old child. Oh, did I mention she likes to eat babies? Yeah, that’s her thing, and Raphael has morals. Not a whole lot, but enough to make him want to steer the demon in another direction for her meals.

  Well, that’s the gist of it. Let’s get this party started.



  Whatever the Oasis pool did to me must have been taking affect, because I was getting all sorts of ideas of where to look for clues. For one thing, the thought that was screaming in my head the most was to check underground. Meaning sewers, abandoned tunnels, and the Catacombs. Normally, I wouldn’t have been caught dead in any of these places, but after bringing them up, Oria insisted we check them out. Other demons frequented the disgusting cesspool that were these locations, and may have left me something to work with. In the meantime, I had a very testy lord on my hands, one who was complaining about how hungry she was. Giving her a baby was out of the question for me.

  Granted, I’d been a demon a long time and had seen many things that would probably send Brian into a killing spree just to exact revenge. I wasn’t saying I approved of these things, I was just saying I didn’t interfere all that much. But in the case of infants, something so small and innocent, it was unaware of danger and couldn’t even run away like a child or animal could. Well, that was where I drew the line. To be honest, I didn’t particularly care for demons who fed on children either. Sometimes, I’d feed on those demons for the hell of it.

  The painful memory of me feeding on my own child still haunted me to this day from time to time. It kept me grounded, I thought. Kept my humanity in check, so I’d never become as heartless as many demons were. It also helped that over the years that I had adopted children, raised them into adulthood, and watched over them as they had their own families. Because I was immortal, I would only let my child know and when the time came for me to move on, I did, leaving them a nice inheritance. Leaving or losing them wasn’t easy, never easy… but I couldn’t be in their lives past a certain point. I couldn’t risk exposing them and their children’s children to demons. It wouldn’t have been fair. I hadn’t adopted a child in over thirty years, my last child passing away fifteen years ago. Maybe one day, Brian and Andre would want to. When that day comes, I’d welcome it.

  Anyway, as I was saying, I wasn’t a cruel demon, completely devoid of compassion. I’d bet if I had been, Brian and I would have had some major problems. Not to mention Andre, whose moral compass, though graying since becoming a demon himself, still had a strong sense of what was right and wrong and what was justice. They both did, and often times, I found myself agreeing with them. I guessed that was the power of a triumvirate. Oh, for fuck’s sake, if I had to hear Oria whine about her growling stomach one more time, I didn’t know what I’d do. I had to feed this lord and it was going to have to be something or someone we were both fine with her eating.

  “What’s this place?” Oria asked once we materialized in the backyard of a house I knew harbored criminals. The police patrolled this area constantly, and many cops had been killed in the past couple of months. It’d gotten so bad, the poor people living in the area were demanding that the mayor request assistance from King Adriel, hoping that some of his “good” demons could come clean up the neighborhood. Now, I didn’t doubt that we could. It would be easy, too. And with one command from Adriel, not a demon in his army would refuse. Thing was, humans were still very afraid of us as a whole and the mayor wasn’t as willing to work with us as the president was. To each their own, I guessed.

  “This place is where drug dealers congregate and peddle their wares,” I said as I placed Oria on her dainty, little Mary Janes. She was truly a beautiful child… in theory. I believed that was what made her so much more unnerving. Just being around her gave me a sense of unease I normally didn’t experience around most demons. Whether or not it was something she was doing on purpose or if it was out of her control, it didn’t matter. The effect was still the same. I suppressed the chill that threatened to run down my spine. The last thing I wanted to do was show any signs of weakness around the demonic lord, like a shiver.

  “What are we going to do here?” she asked in a voice so angelic, it was the complete opposite of what she really was. Also, it made her creepy.

  “We will both feed, my lord, and do so discreetly as to not alert any other humans of what we are doing. We don’t need the extra scrutiny,” I informed her.

  Her eyes brightened with glee and she squealed in delight, “Teleport us inside, I want to season them up.”

bsp; I didn’t know what she meant by that, but I knew better than to question her. From my vantage point, I could look through the window and see there were only four people inside; the dealer, his girlfriend, and two buyers. Only the dealer had a red aura, the others had black auras. Didn’t matter to me, I would feed all the same. I took her by her tiny, soft hand, then teleported us inside the living room where the drug deal was going down. All four humans nearly jumped out of their skins when they saw us pop up out of nowhere.

  “Holy shit!” the girlfriend screamed as she scrambled away from the sofa and fell to the floor.

  The two customers, both males, leaped up from the sofa and ran toward the door, but it wouldn’t open. The drug dealer went to reach for his gun that was lying on the table, but froze as he stared at it in terror. He began to scream and scramble away to the point where he fell off the sofa. Again, he continued to crawl away from the gun to a corner in the room where he shielded his eyes from whatever horror he was seeing.

  I looked down to see Oria smiling wickedly as her eyes glowed red. She inhaled deeply, as if the scent of fear was a succulent aroma. I was pretty certain it was, and this was what she meant by saying she wanted to season them. All of the humans were now cowering as they screamed and pleaded for their lives. I didn’t know what they were seeing, but it must have been the things their nightmares were made of. The drug dealer and one of his customers pissed their pants as they trembled in fear.

  This was Oria’s power.

  “They taste so good,” Oria said, then licked her lips. “I will feed on that one.” She pointed to the drug dealer who was curled into a ball in a puddle of his piss. She walked over toward him, her little shoes click-clacking on the hardwood floor.

  “What is he seeing?” I decided to ask, too curious not to.

  “His future. Hell. And the demon torturer, Meziekiel, ripping into his flesh with a razorblade whip and laughing as he strokes his cock in pleasure.” She looked up at me, smiling. “Meziekiel really does love his job.”

  I cocked an eyebrow and was grateful I was a demon on Adriel’s side, so I’d never have to meet the business end of Meziekiel. I’d heard of that particular demon from Vahiel. He was quite the sadistic bastard. Loved to rip shreds of flesh from the humans sent to hell for their crimes against humanity on earth’s plane. He would eat their flesh in front of them over and over again, driving them mad in the process. Not only that, he’d force them to eat pieces of their own body parts, to his delight. Eighth level of hell would be no picnic for any human who had earned the one-way ticket down there.

  Well, maybe not one-way. Only after their penance was paid and if Adriel felt they had earned a second chance the way that FBI agent, Augustus, had, they would see the light of day again on earth. Other demons who were already on this plane were either created like I was or born as demons or half-demons through demons breeding with others or humans. Wait, one other way to be here was one could be released out of hell the way Vahiel had been through portals opening from summoning either by humans, other demons, or our King himself.

  I’ve digressed yet again. Getting back to the present, I watched as Oria stood over the man, laughing manically as he screamed in terror. The other humans in the room were just as scared, but no one tried to flee, almost as if they knew they couldn’t.

  “What are they seeing?” I asked, gesturing to the other three.

  “Monsters drooling over them, teeth gnashing and their claws dripping with blood. The monster is daring them to move so he can eat them, that is why they remain still. You may feed on them if you like,” Oria said. Then she returned her attention to her victim. “Shhhh, do not fear. You are safe,” she whispered over and over until the man’s trembling settled a bit. He dared to open one tearful eye and look at Oria, her childlike voice being deceptively sweet and reassuring.

  “Am… am I… free? Am I… out… out of hell?” he stammered, teeth chattering the entire time.

  Oria smiled sweetly, then shook her head. “Oh no, my dear… you are very much in hell.”

  With that reveal, she threw her head back, cackling in demonic glee, and that was when she began her transformation. The beautiful continence of the innocent-looking child she pretended to be morphed into the real demon that lay beneath. Oria’s blue eyes turned blood red, her tiny teeth elongated into razor-sharp fangs, filling her mouth that widened grotesquely. Her soft, pinkish skin turned black and scaly. She looked every bit as horrific as you’d imagined a demon of fear would look. Cherub-like hands were now black with long, slender fingers and at their tips, claws meant for shredding flesh. The man screamed again and clawed against the wall as if he could somehow crawl through it to get away from her.

  She leaned in closer to the man, her monstrous hand touching his knee.

  “No…no, please god, no!” the man cried, tears and snot running down his face.

  “God does not hear you,” Oria taunted in a voice that was deep, raspy, and wicked. It was then that she lunged forward, diving at his abdomen. She bit through the fabric of his shirt and into his flesh. The blood-curdling scream he released actually shook me a little, it was that devastating. Blood gushed from the wound, splattering her face and pretty clothes, but she didn’t seem to care as she swallowed the first bite, then went in for more. She ripped at the man’s innards while he was still alive to feel every ounce of pain one must have felt while being devoured. As I watched her feed, I had to admit that I was happy my feeding habits were less messy. And every human or demon I killed should be equally as pleased that my method was considerably less painful. I was sure having your soul ripped from your body wasn’t without some discomfort, but it had to be better than being eaten alive by sharp teeth and atrocious hunger.

  I could see the man was slowly dying as he was being consumed. I felt nothing for him, as he’d already sold his soul to a demon. It was time for me to feed, not just on him, but on the other three. They had suffered enough and we did have things to do this night. The drug dealer’s body went limp and I saw his soul floating away. I released my Agoto, sucking all the souls inside my body. I felt them slide into me, warming me, revitalizing me. Energy flowed through my being with the power of a locomotive and my cock instantly hardened in my pants. The orgasm that ripped through me was just as intense as my feeding, and I fell to one knee as I quaked from the pleasure.

  I opened my eyes to see Oria watching me. She was now back into her little girl façade, only bloodier. “Want me to suck your cock?” she asked in that sweet, innocent tone.

  This time, the chill did run down my spine and I shook from the effect. “That won’t be… necessary, my Lord.” I must say, I didn’t enjoy following up such ecstasy with that much revulsion. But what did I expect from a fucking demon of fear?

  Oria giggled. “The rumors I’ve heard about you are quite accurate,” she said.

  “Rumors, my Lord?” I inquired, then rose to my feet again with one last tremor of pleasure. My underwear was sticky and moist with my spent seed, just one of the drawbacks of being an Agoto demon. I should have freed my cock before I fed.

  She nodded. “That you are fierce, powerful, and beautiful. One of our King’s most cherished demons.” She looked off to the side and smirked. “King Adriel does love his Agotos.” She then turned back to me. “But, you don’t like to show fear, even when you’re afraid.”

  I reached down, adjusting my softening cock, making myself a little more comfortable. “Is that a problem, my Lord?”

  She stood up from the bloody mess of the human she had devoured and began brushing bits of flesh and bones from her dress, as if that would make a difference. The garment was ruined. “It isn’t,” she said, then looked back up at me. “I respect that you hide your fear, but you also have made bad decisions because of what you fear.”

  I snorted. “What decisions are you speaking of, my Lord?” Now, I was curious. “Are these more rumors you’ve heard?”

  She shook her head. “It’s what you have shown
me without knowing it. You fear me, what I can do to you.”

  I sighed. “Is that something you would like me to admit, my Lord?”

  She made an offhanded gesture. “Admit it or not, it is true.”

  “Very well, yes. I do fear you, and I don’t fear many demons. But I’m sure I’m not alone in my fear of you, a demon who can conjure the emotion just by existing, my Lord,” I said.

  Again, she giggled. “I can, can’t I?”

  “If that is all, my Lord,” I stated.

  “Your fear of me really wasn’t what I was implying.”

  “Then what do you presume I fear, my Lord?”

  “You fear your mate, Andre.”

  That was complete rubbish to me. “I do not fear him, my Lord. I control him.”

  “And it is that control that you fear losing if you give into him,” she countered, then held her hand up. “And before you thus protest, know that I already know the truth. Shall I show it to you?”

  She didn’t wait for my confirmation before showing me images of Andre fucking me in the same way he fucked Brian. My arms tied to the bed over my head while he plowed his cock inside my ass and me begging him to stop. Him laughing as he kept me pinned to the bed with his massive hand pressed against my chest.

  I shook my head as if that was a way to get rid of the images. “Stop it!” I raged.

  “Oooh, watch your mouth, young demon. I make the commands, you obey,” she said.

  The images faded as quickly as they came and that gave me a moment to collect myself before answering her. I nodded. “My apologies, my Lord. I didn’t mean to overstep. I’m just not used to—”

  “Being overpowered?”

  I nodded.

  “I’d heard such things. That for over three hundred years, you had never met the King until recently. Even your relationship with Lord Vahiel seems to be one based on mutual friendship. He doesn’t hold his rank over you. Isabella is the same, only pulling rank when it’s necessary, but since you’ve been a demon for three centuries, it hasn’t been. You’ve grown accustomed to being the one in control. You’re afraid of losing your dominance over Andre if you let him fuck you,” she said.


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