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Page 14

by D Scott

  I’m pulled from my thoughts by Shane calling me from the doorway of his office. I get my ass up and a look down shows Gina hasn’t had a chance to read my message. I slide my phone into my pocket and head to his office. I close the door then sit in one of the seats in front of his desk.

  I don’t have to wait long for him to get right down to the point.

  “Got a call from Johnson over at DPD, he needs some help with an undercover assignment they’re putting together. Said they have a few tips that might help with the illegal substance issue we’ve been having lately.”

  I raise my brow. “You planning to put me up for the assignment or something?”

  He shakes his head. “They need a woman.”

  I nod, waiting for the rest.

  “They’re interested in using Olivia Santorini.” Her name comes out of his mouth and I have to stop myself from visibly tensing.

  Liv and I went through the academy in Dallas at the same time before getting positions with stations in neighboring towns. I don’t see her often but during our time at the academy, we got pretty close. We’ve hooked up a few times but nothing ever came out of it.

  “You trained with her closely when you were both going through the police academy right?”

  My brow knits.

  How the fuck does he know that?

  He smirks. “I have my sources.”

  “Uh, yeah. We went to the academy together, and now she’s an officer at a station a couple towns over. We don’t talk that much though.”

  “Yeah, they know all that. They’re looking for information about her. What’d you think of her during your time at the academy?”

  I shrug. “She proved that she’s a hard worker. She doesn’t take shit from anyone. And from what I remember — she’s just as much of a badass as some of the toughest guys around here. The fact that she’s got some height on her helps too.”

  Shane nods.

  “Does she know she’s being considered for this assignment?”

  He nods again. “Yeah, she’s already consented to it. DPD is just looking into her background now to make sure she’s the right candidate.” His head tilts and he looks at me curiously. “There any reason why she shouldn’t be considered?”

  I force myself to relax before shaking my head. “None at all. She’d be a great choice,” I say honestly.

  She’s tall and lean but still has curves to her — and her long dark hair and rich Italian skin make her standout no matter where she is. But the fact remains that this could be a dangerous assignment. Going undercover usually entails danger and it’s hard putting my friend up for a potentially dangerous job, but Liv has always been ambitious and this is a great opportunity for her. So if she’s already given her consent then I’m not going to stand in her way.

  We settle that conversation then go over a few more work details and before I know it, we’ve been talking for over an hour. We wrap our conversation and I head to my desk to make a few phone calls and log some paperwork before clocking out for the day. I change into a shirt and jeans and put my stuff in my truck then head off to go get my little misfit — I’ve missed her.

  Chapter 6



  I finish changing into my outfit for my evening shift at Lone Star before leaving my room and heading into the kitchen to make myself a snack. Tonight is my first shift back after my suspension for missing my shift, and I’ve got mixed feelings about it. I really like working there and having a steady paycheck, but it’s a bummer that I won’t be able to spend every evening with Gavin anymore — well, almost every evening. I won’t see him tonight because we both have to work, and I he couldn’t follow me to school this morning so I haven’t seen him all day. I’m trying not to be too bummed about it, and we did spend both Saturday and Sunday together, so that helps.

  It had been a cold and rainy weekend, so we spent it snuggling at his house, keeping each other warm. I loved being cooped up with him, talking and playing video games and making love. It was the perfect weekend. Well, minus Gavin giving me a hard time about my going home each night and not sleeping over. I tried to explain to him that with my brothers knowing about us now I want to give them the respect of being home each night so they don’t have to worry too much. It wasn’t the easiest conversation to have, but I wouldn’t quite say we had an argument. Granted, each night before driving me back home, Gavin pinned me up against his truck and fucked me hard. Leaving me aching from his hard, deep thrusts when I slept alone in my bed each night.

  The sound of a car door slamming shut pulls me from my thoughts. A second later my phone buzzes with a text message. I see that it’s from Gavin and my stomach flips with happiness. I love it when he messages me throughout the day. But this isn’t a message letting me know he’s thinking about me, it’s telling me to go outside. I abandon my Lucky Charms cereal and walk to the front door, looking through the peep hole first. I smile when my deputy comes into view.


  I throw the front door open, smiling brightly as Gavin walks up and takes me into his arms, slamming the door shut as he steps inside. I wrap my arms up around his neck, trying to climb him for a kiss, so he reaches under my thighs and lifts me until our lips connect. I’m so focused on accepting his tongue I don’t realize we’re moving until my back meets the front door. We feed off each other’s lips until we’re both breathless — then he pulls back.

  “What’re you doing here, baby? I didn’t think I was gonna get to see you today.”

  I’m still surprised that he’s here.

  “I was in the neighborhood responding to a call — hence, the uniform — and took a chance stopping by to see if you’d be home.”

  I look down suddenly realizing that he is in fact still in his uniform, and his weapon is resting just above my right thigh. Just as I’m about to question him more he beats me to it with a question of his own.

  “What’re doing home alone? I thought your brothers are usually home during the day.”

  “Usually they are, but Gordon texted me earlier saying they were in the city on business and won’t be back until late.” I shrug, not giving it too much thought.

  Gavin’s jaw clenches, and I know he’s not happy. Probably because he doesn’t like it when I’m home alone — even though I am pretty often — and, well, my brothers’ business dealings are usually illegal.

  I decide to drop the subject and get back to the question I was going to ask. “You said you were in the neighborhood on a call...was it serious?”

  I bite my lip waiting for his answer.

  It’s never really hit me that his job is in law enforcement. Probably strange to hear, but I mean — other than the night we met — I’ve never seen him in his uniform. He always changes into civilian clothes when he’s following me to school or picking me up for a date. Even when he brings me lunch, he changes out of his uniform. But seeing him in it now — it’s suddenly dawning on me how dangerous his job can be.

  “It was a domestic disturbance. Nothing too crazy. A pregnant woman called it in because her child’s father, who’s also her ex, showed up at her place to start an argument with her and her current boyfriend.” He shrugs. “The guy probably is struggling with the fact that she’s moving on and this new man is going to be around his kid since this next baby is fathered by her current boyfriend. She said she tried to calm him down but things got escalated between her and her ex so her boyfriend stepped in and shit got even more heated.”

  “What does that mean — things got even more heated?”

  He shrugs again. “Words were exchanged. The woman locked herself in her bedroom, her boyfriend had a bat and the ex was carrying a tire iron. You know, heated.”

  Now it’s my turn to glare at him. “Are you serious? What the hell, Gavin?! That’s completely crazy! You can’t handle something like that by yourself! What if something would’ve happened to you?”

  I’m so upset I don
’t even realize I’m pushing at his chest until my arms are being pinned against the door above my head and his forehead is pressing to mine.

  “Shh, babe, shh...”

  “No!” I jerk against him. “Put me down! You could’ve been really hurt or worse. You shouldn’t take risks like that, Gavin—” I’m cut off by his lips covering mine but I’m too upset to be kissed out of my mad. I want to rant and rave at him, and I try my best to do so even with his tongue pushing between my lips, sliding deep into my mouth. I try to bite him, but he just nips me back, and we battle through our kiss until there’s no air left between us.

  “You calm now?”

  “No,” I pout.

  He rolls his eyes. “I was responding to the call from a unit on patrol this afternoon. I was just providing backup for two officers who were having trouble de-escalating the situation. I gave them some assistance and we got it handled. The woman and her boyfriend are going to file a restraining order and press charges for her ex breaking and entering into their home. It’s handled, babe. And thank fuck, the kid was still at day care when it all went down.”

  I nod, glad about that, too. Unfortunately that’s not always the case, I’m sure.

  I wiggle my wrists to be let free, but he only releases one of them. Immediately I bring my hand down to rub over every inch of him that I can reach. “Are you sure you’re okay? We have a first aid kit or a bag of frozen peas if you need it. Or I can find a towel and put some ice in it...” I ramble on as I search him over, checking for any injuries he might be trying to hide.

  Gavin stands there and lets me fuss until I’m satisfied that he’s still in one piece.

  “Am I good to go, doc? Or do we need to call an ambulance?”

  His sarcastic tone earns him another glare.

  “That’s not funny, I’m still mad at you. And I don’t appreciate the sarcasm when I practically had a minor panic attack just now.” I knit my brows so he knows I mean business.

  He leans in and presses a kiss to my pouted lips. “Sorry, little misfit.”

  He nuzzles my cheek and I sigh.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper. “Just don’t scare me like that.”

  “You’re the one who jumped to conclusions.”

  I turn to look at him where he’s nuzzling his nose against me. “I mean it, Gavin. Be careful — if something ever happened to you...” I trail off, not even able to fathom the idea of something happening to my deputy. I can’t even imagine the thought of having to be without him when I’ve only just discovered what it means to be in love with someone and constantly want them around.

  “I’ll be safe. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

  “You mean it?”

  “Yeah, babe, I do.”

  “Okay.” A whisper is all I can manage.

  He leans in to kiss me again, and this time it’s a soft slow sensual kiss that doesn’t have the frantic edge or angry passion of our kiss from a moment ago. That kiss was good — I mean, kissing my deputy is always good. But this kiss, I can get lost in this kiss. And that’s exactly what I do.

  I use my free hand to grip Gavin’s shoulder and subtly grind against him, trying to press against his length without jostling all the equipment he’s packing on his belt. I press against him firmly, because even with the black skirt I have on his thick pants make it hard to feel him. I whine into his mouth, wanting to feel more of him, then moan in satisfaction when his hips press me into the door.

  “Mmm, deputy...”

  I push him away slightly, just enough that I can look down and take in the view of his big body in his uniform up close and personal. I got myself so wound up about his safety, I’m just now getting around to appreciating the view. And it’s a mighty fine one.

  “So, other women get to see you like this?” I frown at the thought.

  He looks too sexy, and I don’t want women ogling my property. Every inch of him is mine.

  “That’s usually how it goes with work uniforms, babe.”

  I narrow my eyes at his smirk. “Well, I don’t like it. You look too hot.”

  His smirks widens into a full blown grin. “Like what you see, little misfit?”

  I bite my lip and nod. “You know what they say a man in uniform does to women.”

  He shakes his head but he’s still smiling. “Don’t think I’ve heard that one before.”

  Liar — he’s totally heard it before.

  I roll my eyes. “It turns us on.”

  His green eyes darken with heat and his hand under my backside gives me a squeeze. “You turned on, babe?”

  I nod and his jaw clenches.

  “I want the words, Gina.” His voice deepens with his command.

  “Yes,” I answer.

  “That virgin cunt of yours soaking wet?” His hips press into me harder.

  “Uh huh.”

  The lust coming from his deep green eyes has me this close to cumming — my whole body is starting to tense and ache with need. Especially my tummy.

  When his eyes drop to my breasts — which are pressed to his chest — then down to my spread thighs, I shiver.

  “Speaking of uniforms...this what you’re planning to wear to work?”


  It’s his turn to frown.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Why the hell are you wearing a skirt?” His eyes are still on my thighs.

  “I have to wear black bottoms to work and I didn’t get around to washing my black jeans since someone kept me at his house, like, all weekend. So it’s either this or my black fleece leggings.”

  I look over my outfit. I have on a navy blue Lone Star v-neck shirt, a black skirt, and black over the knee boots. The shirt is tight on my chest and there’s a small amount of my thighs showing, but other than that, it’s not too revealing.

  He growls. “I don’t want other men thinking they can stare at my woman.”

  I give him a sassy grin. “Turn about is fair play, deputy.” He gives me another squeeze. “Maybe we should go to my room and see if there’s anything else I can put on.”

  I try to look innocent as he narrows his eyes at me. “Gina.”


  “You’re not slick, babe.”

  I pretend to be offended. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He raises a brow. “Came over to check on you, not get my dick wet.”

  I huff and roll my eyes. “Well, deputy, as you can see I’m perfectly fine. And I would very much appreciate it if you would make love to me now.”


  “Please, Gavin? I know you love me. I know you’re not just using me. Blah blah blah...I love you, too. Now will you take me to bed?”

  He shakes his head, but I can see the ghost of a smile in his eyes. “You’re a pain in my ass you know that?”

  I grin. “Yep! And you know I’ll beg, so...” I trail off and bite my lip as I press my core into him.

  He growls but I know I’ve got him. “How long until your shift?”

  “A little over an hour.” He nods then looks over his shoulder at the rest of the house. “You can have a tour another time — my bedroom is that way.” I point in the direction of my room. “Giddy up, deputy.”

  He gives my backside one more squeeze then pulls me from the door and turns to walk us towards my room. I wrap my arms around his neck, moving carefully so I don’t accidentally bump something strapped to his uniform.

  When we make it to my room, Gavin kicks the door shut with his foot then walks the few feet over to my bed and gently sets me down. My back barely touches the bed before Gavin’s hands are on me, pulling my skirt down my legs and wrenching my damp panties from my body, leaving me bare for his gaze. I bite my lips as he stares at the wetness coating me between my thighs before slowly sliding my legs wider.

  Gavin stands at the edge of the bed, looking down at me, as he starts to carefully undress. It should probably make me n
ervous, or even uncomfortable, seeing all the dangerous stuff he carries on a daily basis for work, but the sight of it only makes me more wet.

  I can’t help it — it’s hot knowing my man is such a badass.

  When he gets the shirt of his uniform unbuttoned and slides it off, then pulls off his wife beater underneath, I almost climax at seeing him in his dark uniform pants and nothing else. We stare at each other in silence until I let out a small whimper when his hands go to work on his pants.

  It feels like forever before he’s pushing the thick material down, along with his boxer briefs, revealing his thick hard cock. My legs spread wider on their own accord and I can hear my breathing start to pick up. Gavin’s eyes rake over me — starting at the way I’m biting my bottom lip, to the tight shirt covering my heaving chest, then down to settle on the mess of arousal dripping from me.

  “Please, Gavin.” I plead for him as he stares down at me like he’s stuck in some kind of trance.

  Instead of moving towards me though, he takes his thick stalk into his hand and starts to stroke it. Seeing him touching himself makes me whimper again and before I realize it I’m sitting up to take him into my mouth. He stops me with his free hand — taking my hair in his fist and using it as leverage to keep me still. He holds me like an inch away from his tip and I whine.

  “Gavin, I wanna taste it.”

  His cock jerks at my words.

  “Fuck, babe. We don’t have a lot of time, and you know what happens when you suck my dick into that hot little mouth.”

  My eyes are on his cock but I can tell that he’s speaking through a clenched jaw.


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