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Deputy Page 27

by D Scott

  I shake my head in disbelief, and take a step back. "That's not gonna happen."

  Her hands drop to her hips and I don't miss the way she subtly arches, pushing her chest out in my direction. "Why not? It'll be like old times."

  "This isn't old times, Liv. I have Gina — and I would never do that to her."

  "She's not even here."

  I shrug, then lean down to grab the rest of my stuff. "It doesn't matter, I know she'll be back. And, like I told you, when she is — I'll be ready."

  I start in the direction of the locker rooms.

  "So that's it? You're just going to let our friendship go over her?"

  I pause and turn back to her. "No, that's not what this is about. This is about you wanting more, and expecting me to give it to you just because Gina isn't around. But you want something that I just can't give you."

  She scoffs and looks away for a moment. "That's not it at all, you haven't even—"

  "That's exactly it. Tell the truth. You want me to let Gina go, and choose you. But I'm not going to do that. I care about you a lot, Liv, as a friend. But if you ask me to choose between you and Gina, she's going to win. Every time." She bites her lip, and looks down to the floor. "I'm sorry if that hurts you, but that's just me being honest."

  She looks back up at my choice of words and her mouth opens, but I speak first.

  "I've gotta go. See you around, Liv."

  With that I leave my workout unfinished and make my way to the locker rooms.


  One Month Later

  I smile as I feel my daughter kick from inside me as I fold another shirt. I reach down and give her a rub before going back to folding.

  I’m now in my third trimester and the baby’s doing great. My stomach hasn’t gotten ridiculously big yet, thankfully, but the doctor made sure to inform me that there’s still a possibility I could get pretty big. She’s on track to be a pretty big baby thanks to her daddy, and while I don’t relish the idea of becoming the size of an actual cow, I’d do anything for my baby girl. Besides, there is the added perk of being able to use my belly as a make shift folding table.

  I awkwardly lean down to grab another top from my laundry basket and lay it on my belly to fold it. I had the day off from my job at the library today so I treated myself to breakfast at a nearby bakery then spent the rest of the afternoon at the laundry mat. The majority of things that I had to wash were my maternity clothes but there are also several items for the baby in the pile too. I’ve still got a ways to go until the baby arrives, but being that I’m by myself right now, I figured it couldn’t hurt to get started buying some things. I know I’m going to need some help getting the bigger items that I need, but my coworker and her boyfriend have offered to help me out if I ever need it. And considering the fact that I’m growing bigger by the day, I know I’m definitely going to need some help. I know I can’t count on Greg since he doesn’t even know about the baby, and he skipped town again before I even started showing. And I haven’t heard from him since I told him that I wouldn’t go with him.

  I sigh as I finish folding my shirt before setting it aside. I lean down and grab a skirt to fold next as my thoughts shift to Gavin. I need to figure out when I’m going to tell him about the baby — or better yet come home — but every time I pick up my phone to call him I get scared that maybe he won’t answer. Then I get even more scared that maybe he will.

  I do plan to tell him about our daughter, of course. I would never try to keep her from him, I just...I just need more time.

  Although a glance down at my belly shows that I’m quickly running out of time.


  One Month Later

  It's been six months since my little misfit left town, and while the anger I had when I first found out about her leaving has gone away, I’m still finding myself on edge. Sexual frustration is part of it, but mainly it’s the difficultly of not knowing. Not knowing where she is, what she’s up to, who she’s with. Each day I find myself wondering if she’s met somebody else, if she’s found someone who looks after her and makes her laugh. Each time my thoughts start to travel down that road I have to talk myself down and pull myself back from taking matters into my own hands.

  It’s not easy, and if you don’t think I don’t contemplate reaching out to a few of my contacts and tracking my girl down, then think the hell again. I battle with that decision every damn day, multiple times a day, but I keep forcing myself to hold back. To give her the time she needs, I don’t know why, but here’s something in my gut that keeps telling me that’s what I have to do. I just hope she comes home soon.

  God please let it be soon.

  I drain my scotch before setting my glass down on the coffee table and sliding deeper onto the couch. I adjust my position, sprawling out the way I usually do, but missing the weight up my little misfit curled up on top of me. She’s left her mark on every inch of my home, and not having her here sharing my space is unsettling. I fell for her hard and fast, and she fit into my life so perfectly that I know nothing will make me feel right until I have her back.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to clear my mind so I can get some sleep. It’s probably a wasted effort since I haven’t slept well at all in the last six months, but I know I need to get some shut eye so I’m not completely useless at work tomorrow.

  I force out another deep breath and try to let my mind go blank. But as I do Gina’s smiling face enters my minds eye, looking so young and beautiful and in love.

  My cock stirs in my shorts, and I let out a sigh.

  Please come home soon, babe.

  Chapter 12


  Two Weeks Later — Tuesday

  My phone ringing has me jolting out of my sleep and sitting up off the couch.

  I search for it in the darkness of the living room but by the time I find it buried deep in the seat cushions of the couch it stops ringing. I look at the number on the screen and it’s unfamiliar, but before I can even tap the screen to call the number back, it’s calling me again. I swipe to answer the call and bring the phone to my ear, immediately I can hear someone crying in the background.


  “Hello? Hi, is this Gavin Brooks?” The voice is soft, almost worried sounding.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Who’s this?”

  “This is Paige Anderson, I’m a librarian at Claxton Library. There’s someone who needs to speak to you.”

  I knit my brows. “Okay...”

  Who the hell could need to speak to me at one in the morning completely unrelated to work.

  I put the phone on speaker as I reach over to turn on the side table lamp. Some static over the line for a few seconds and I hear someone take a deep breath.

  Then I hear her voice.

  “Gavin?” It's barely above a whisper.

  “Gina? Babe, is that you? Where are you?”

  I start firing off questions before she can even respond.

  “I need you. I need you right now, I’m so sorry. I...” She trails off and I hear her start to cry. The same cry that I heard right when I answered the call — it was Gina.

  “Babe, talk to me. What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?”

  Please let her be okay.

  “She’s coming, Gavin. She’s coming right now. It hurts so bad. I need you, please. I can’t do this without you.” She’s openly crying now, practically sobbing, and it’s breaking my heart. My girl’s in pain but I don’t know what the hell is going on. I can barely understand what she’s saying, and nothing is making fucking any sense.

  “Babe, breathe for me. I need you to tell me what happened. Where are you?”

  “It hurts, Gavin, it hurts really bad. Will you come?”

  She starts crying harder but I still need to know where she is.

  “Breathe, babe. I know it hurts, just breathe. Tell me where you are and I’ll come to you. I promise.”

Her sobs lessen and I hear her trying to take a deep breath, but she can’t seem to stop crying. “I’m—” She’s cut off and there’s static over the line again.

  “Gina? Babe?” My knuckles twitch as I take the arm of the couch in a death grip.

  “Gavin?” It’s the other woman’s voice, the librarian.

  “Yeah, I’m here. What’s happening to her? Why’s she crying?”

  “You need to get here, now.” I slam my hand down on the couch. “I don’t even know where you are. Will you please just tell me what the hell is going on?”

  I’m losing my composure as I practically roar into the phone.

  She sighs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you didn’t know.”

  “Know what?” I snap.

  “She’s in labor, Gavin.” I hear that and my whole body freezes.

  Gina’s in labor.

  Gina’s pregnant.

  This whole time she’s been carrying our child, and now she’s bringing it into the world.

  Holy shit, I’m gonna be a dad.

  That thought has me off the couch and sprinting down the hall to my room.

  “Hospital name and address, now.”

  I turn on the light and throw on the first pair of jeans I find. My mind is going a million miles an hour, trying to process the news that Gina is in labor with our child. The librarian woman, I can’t remember her name, tells me the information for the hospital and I use some eyeliner that Gina left and write everything on my arm.

  I quickly throw a bag together with clothes and toiletries, grab my charger and my keys before barreling back through the house. I barely stop to turn out the lights before rushing to the garage and climbing into my truck. I start it up and pull out of the garage when I hear more sobbing from my little misfit in the background.

  My body tenses. “Put her back on the phone.”

  “Gavin, I’m not sure she’s up to talking. She’s in a lot of pain.”

  I clench my jaw and force out a harsh breath.

  “I’m not gonna force her to talk, I’m just gonna calm her down.”

  “I don’t know...” She hesitates.

  “I wasn’t asking. Put her on the phone — now,” I snap. I don’t mean to but the fact that some woman I don’t even know is questioning whether or not to let me talk to Gina when she’s in pain trying to bring our child into the world pisses me off.

  More static comes over the line, then Gina is back, crying loudly into the phone.

  “Gavin,” she cries.

  “I’m here, babe.”

  “I need you, it hurts,” she sobs.

  “I know, babe. Just hang in there, I’m coming.” I speed down the road wishing I was in a squad car rather than my truck. I was on autopilot when I climbed into it but considering I have no idea what I’ll need to get for Gina and the baby, I figured it was my best bet.

  Gina sobs lessen, but I can still hear her crying quietly into the phone.

  “You hear what I said, babe? I’m coming for you. I’m gonna be right by your side and I’m never gonna let you go again.” She cries softly. “You hear me, babe?”

  “Yeah,” she whispers.

  I can feel her calming down and it helps ease some of the angst that I’m feeling. Listening to her tears breaks my heart, but after six months without her, I’ll take what I can get.

  “I’m coming for you, Gina.” I tell her that over and over as I speed down the highway — knowing that I have a long drive ahead of me.

  She doesn’t say much, just gives me a word here and there to let me know she’s okay, but mainly I do all the talking. I tell her how much I love her, how much I’ve missed her, how I’m never going to let her go again. I tell her repeatedly how strong she is, and how great of a mother she’s going to be once our baby is born. I talk to her for two and a half hours, comforting her when she experiences a contraction and consoling her when she starts to cry.

  Two and a half hours it takes me to speed my truck down the highway to the hospital and park in the first lot I get to. I hop out of my truck and sprint towards the sliding doors only to be brought up short my a staff member in green scrubs.

  “Um, excuse me, sir, you can’t park here. This is a restricted parking area.”

  I pause, clenching my jaw and praying for patience as I turn around.

  I reach into my pocket, pull out my badge and flash show it to the woman.

  “Look I know you’re just following protocol and everything, but I don’t have time for this. I need to get to the maternity ward. Now.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up. “Sir, I—”

  “You can run my badge, do whatever you need to do. But I need to get inside, now. Please, my wife is in labor.” I don’t know if it’s my words that appeal to her or the desperate look on my face, but her eyes soften and her hand comes to her chest.

  “Oh, well, congratulations. Let’s get you to the maternity ward. Follow me.” I follow her into the building. “My name’s Amanda, by the way, I’m a nurse here.”

  “Gavin Brooks. Nice to meet you,” I answer briskly.

  She smiles as we walk through a maze of hallways and double doors. She has to swipe her key card for us to enter another wing and then we’re on the move again.

  “So is this you and your wife’s first child?”


  “How long has she been in labor?”

  That question brings me up short. “I—I don’t know.”

  She gives me an odd look then nods. We walk the rest of the way in silence, taking an elevator to another floor and passing through another set of double doors. I hear the sounds of crying babies the moment we enter the maternity wing.

  “Alright, this is it. Head over to that desk and the nurse there can tell you which room your wife is in. I hope everything goes smoothly, and, again, congratulations.”

  I nod thanks as she turns and walks off.

  I don’t waste any time making my way to the nurses’ station and giving them Gina’s name. They give me her room number and directions on how to get there, and then I’m on the move again. I rush through the hallways, dodging nurses and other pregnant women, before finally making it to her room.

  I push open the door and Gina’s soft sobs fill the room.

  “Oh, babe.”

  My heart squeezes when I finally lay my eyes on my woman for the first time in six months. She’s on her side with one arm wrapped around the bed rail and the other holding her round belly. She’s got on a hospital gown and her normally braided hair is gone, and instead, her naturally kinky, curly hair is piled on top of her head. I take in every inch of her and all I can think is that she’s never looked more beautiful.

  I come out of my trance when a tiny five foot nothing blonde woman gets up out of a chair nearby and quietly walks over to me. “Hi, you must be Gavin. I’m Paige.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I answer without taking my eyes off my wife.

  “She’s been asking for you. She’s in a lot of pain,” she says quietly.

  I bring my eyes down to her. “Have they given her an epidural or anything?” I ask, wondering why Gina’s in so much pain.

  “They tried, she refuses to take anything. She said she wanted to wait for you.”

  Wetness gathers in my eyes as I look back to my little misfit.

  She’s putting herself through this, refusing any pain medication, because of me.

  I look back to Paige, “I’ve got her — I’ll take it from here.” She hesitates for a second before nodding. “My number and my boyfriend’s number are in her phone. I live ten minutes from the hospital, don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.”

  I nod. “Thank you.”

  She nods, then turns towards the bed and walks over to Gina. She gives my little misfit a kiss on the cheek before whispering something in her ear. Then she moves around the bed to the chair she was sitting in, gathers her things, and quietly exits the room — l
eaving me alone with my girl.

  “Babe?” She stirs but doesn’t open her eyes. I try again. “Babe?”

  Her eyes flutter but don’t completely open. “Gavin?”

  She whimpers my name and in the next second I’m right next to her.

  “I’m here, babe. I’m here,” I tell her gently.

  Her eyes squeeze shut and a tear slips out before she reopens them.

  Her dark brown eyes are watery with tears and it makes my heart squeeze.

  She tries to give me a small smile, although it resembles more of a grimace, but just seeing her try has me wanting to kiss her. I lean over the bedrail, watching as she slowly lifts her head, and our lips meet in a gentle kiss.

  Our mouths softly reacquaint with one another until Gina gets too tired to hold her head up anymore. She lays back down on the bed, staring up at me.

  “Hey, babe,” I whisper.

  She smiles again before whispering back. “Hi.”

  We sit there silently, just staring at each other, until I can no longer resist the need to touch her. I reach a hand up and gently stroke her cheek.

  Six months I’ve been waiting for her, and now she’s finally back.

  “You look so beautiful,” I whisper. She bites her lip and looks away — shaking her head. I palm her cheek gently, bringing her attention back to me. “You do. You’re bringing our child into the world, and you’ve never looked more beautiful to me.”

  Tears fill her eyes and she lets go of the bed rail to quickly wipe them away.

  “Really?” She croaks out.

  “Yeah, babe. Really.” She reaches for me as I lean back over the bed rail and take her lips in another kiss — a deeper kiss. Not one that is soft and gentle, but one that is passionate. We both pour our emotions from the last six months into the kiss, and when I taste the salt of her tears I kiss her harder. Our tongues meet and we explore each other’s mouths until there’s no air left between us. Gina pulls back and lowers her head back to the bed as I press my face into her neck. I breathe in her scent for several moments before I’m able to pull myself back. “Goddamn, I’ve missed you.”


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