Possessive Daddy

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Possessive Daddy Page 4

by Lena Little

  “I see the way you boss my Jewel around. You think I can’t hear from where I’m sitting?”

  My Jewel?

  “But I’m the manager. What I say g—“

  “What I say goes,” he interrupts causing Cruella to jump. “Now unlock the door, and don’t make me tell you twice.”

  She moves quickly toward the door, fumbling with the keys as she tries to get the right one in the lock.

  My eyes drift down to the man he’s still got ahold of. He was red before and now he’s practically purple, his eyes bulging and those veins in his arm about ready to pop like a bicycle tire.

  “Look, bro. We don’t want any trouble. We’ll just be on our way,” one of the other guys says.

  The door to the storage room flies open and Jake’s eyes throw daggers at me. “Little girl you take that wooden thing from the dish rack and you get in the back room now.”

  “It’s called a spatula and you can’t just show up here and tell me what to do. Plus, what are you going to do? You’re on camera. You don’t want to go to jail, do you?”

  Having no idea where that feistiness came from I steady my feet, not ready to move just because he said so. My mind is hyper alert and I know exactly where those words came from now. I’m trying to calm him down so he doesn’t do something we both regret, and the police takes him from me. I’m still not even sure what he did with those two guys from last night, and I’m not about to let the body count start piling up.

  “Little one!” he calls out, causing my back to straighten and I almost jump out of my shoes. “The only thing you need to be worried about calling by the correct name is me…Daddy,” he says for everyone to hear.

  There are a few gasps from some of the other girls in the shop and I feel all the blood in my body go ice cold. He’s staring at me in a way that leaves no room for debate, and as much as I want to continue with the ‘I’m an independent woman who can make her own decisions, thank you very much’ speech, I can’t. I’m too damn turned on, which partly angers me and more so makes me even somehow wetter. Jake is scary, there’s no doubt about it, but there’s something about knowing that that scary is on your side, has your best interests in mind, even when he calls you out in front of everyone.

  “Yes…Daddy,” I say for all to hear, no idea how that flowed from my lips so easily, even though I’m in shock that I said it.

  “And when I get back there your pants better be around your ankles, your hands pressed firmly against the wall and your feet braced. You jeopardize what belongs to Daddy and you get punished. And talking back to Daddy and making him wait just doubled it.”

  “Who said I—“ I start, but immediately get cut off.

  “You did. Last night you said you wanted to open the box and see what was inside. Well here’s a first hand look. Now do as you're told before you make Daddy mad.”

  I swallow hard, wondering why I’m not completely humiliated by all of this. As I turn to move toward the storage room I know exactly why. All the other women and girls in the coffee shop are staring at me…with jealousy in their eyes. How can I feel bad about wanting what every woman in here with a pulse wants, just as badly as I do?

  I can’t. And I don’t.

  “What kind of weird shit are you into?” I hear one of the other bodybuilders say over his shoulder as I grab ahold of the spatula. Jake spins and delivers a kick right to his gut, flooring him immediately and sending the other two guys running out the front door.

  I move past Cruella and I can’t resist getting revenge. “Trust me on this one,” I say, repeating her words from yesterday back to her with a smirk on my face, as I pat her on the shoulder. “Leave guys like him to little girls with a bit less experience, like me,” I change a few words to personalize it and make it sting. “Your time will come, sweetie.”

  Just as I go to shut the door Jake’s eyes lock in on me, making sure I’m following orders, his orders.

  Daddy’s orders.

  I move to the wall and sit the spatula down on a storage rack, just as he instructed. Placing my hands on the wall I can feel my nipples pebble so hard through my shirt they could cut clean through the tiny glass window next to me. Thankfully it’s not big enough for anyone to see inside. As a matter of fact, without the lights on and with the door shut it feels more like a dungeon in here.

  And I can’t wait to get my punishment.



  Keeping the one asshole in a hand lock I move toward the other, grabbing him by the back of his sweatshirt that’s covering his tank top and drag him facing forward toward the exit where I dispose of both of them on the sidewalk.

  I was half tempted to take them out back and stuff them in the dumpster, but it’s better to put their heads on display out here for the whole world to see. I want everyone to know the consequences of what happens when you lay a finger on what’s mine.

  “These men have no honor,” I call out like a Medieval knight. People walking along minding their own business look at me like I’m crazy, raising eyebrows, as they slowly make their way to the other side of the sidewalk.

  But they do look at the two losers and see the condition they’re in, and more importantly, they look at me, the crazy guy. Good. I am crazy. Crazy for my woman, and I want all these passersby to remember my face as the guy who’s not afraid to do anything to protect his little girl.

  “They tried to harass a woman and one that was already claimed. So all you ladies out there passing by, get a good look at this pond scum. That way if they try approaching you at the gym or a club, you already know they’re not worth your time.”

  A few of the women stop and their heads bounce from shoulder to shoulder as they ponder my crazy impromptu speech. “Thanks!” one says, offering me a high five. “I’m tired of dating jerks.”

  “Don’t thank me. It’s what real men do, men who care about the safety of their women. Men who want to live in a real community of like-minded, good people.”

  “You’re not going to high five me?” the girl asks, completely dismayed.

  “Just like I don’t let other men touch what’s mine I won’t ever lay a hand on another woman, even in that way.”

  “Wow, you are a possessive one, aren’t you?” she asks.

  “I wish more guys were like that,” her friend whispers.

  “He’s a keeper,” they both say at the same time and then high five each other and take off down the street.

  Now I’m the one who needs to take off back inside the coffee shop because I’m taking time away from what I’ve been waiting for for weeks.

  I run my hand across the back of my neck, squeezing tightly as I shake my head and push my way through the front door.

  I’m not only pissed at these jerks, but I’m disappointed in Jewel. More accurately it’s not her I’m unsatisfied with, but the position she’s in on a daily basis. Granted, my actions will help, and people in town will see me as crazier than they already do now, but if I’m going to continue to work as a jeweler I can’t be here twenty-four seven to watch over her. And that means I don’t want her working here anymore, letting the boys around here thinking they have a shot at what belongs to a man, this man.

  I push the anger to the back of my head to deal with it later and instantly a smirk covers my face. Slowly I crack each of the knuckles on my hand as I march right to the door to the storage room and slam the handle down and put my shoulder into it, sending it flying back against the wall.

  Stepping across the threshold my eyes scan the room, looking for the little girl who needs to be taught to obey. But first I kick the door shut behind me and lock it. No interruptions and I’m not letting anyone see my angel in this condition.

  I need to build trust and that starts by allowing her to be herself, in all ways, in front of me…her Daddy.

  In that way, I’m going to ease her into things, but that’s the only way. In all others, she’s mine, the way I want. As much as I want to offer her slow and gentle, there’s ju
st no way. She wants this just as much as I do, but I’m still going to confirm it one last time.

  And once I do there truly is no going back.

  “Where are you?” I growl.

  “Here?” a mousy reply comes back.

  I move swiftly around some storage racks and then immediately freeze in my tracks. The small window allowing in just enough light to illuminate her perfect little body. Her hands aren’t pressed against the wall, and she’ll have to answer for that, but she’s actually done me one better. She’s got a white-knuckle grip around the thick, metal, storage rack bars and those shorts that are tiny enough to double as a dishrag are down at her ankles like I ordered, her ass completely bare for me.

  My heart jackknifes in my chest and my cock thumps against the inside of my pants, threatening to pierce the thick denim and cotton that’s keeping it from her.

  My nostrils flare and a rumbling in my throat comes out of nowhere, the feral beast inside me needing to be fed.

  Wasting no more time, I move toward Jewel, fisting those short, dark locks in one hand and yank her head back in one motion.

  “Little girl, I’m about to show you what happens when you don’t obey your Daddy. Actions have consequences and those consequences look like this, and more if you continue to disobey. Do you understand me?”

  She tries to twist her head more to get a better look at me, but I don’t allow it, keeping my fist firmly gripping her fruity-scented locks.

  “It’s not my fault! I can’t control what those guys do and I need to pay my bills.”

  Dammit. She has a point, but I’m not about to allow any excuses to slide through my shield of armor and pierce the need I have for her inside. She’s not getting off the hook, or out of my grasp this time. Being reasonable isn’t in the cards today, sweetheart.

  “I don’t want to hear any more of that nonsense. As your Daddy, I support you in all ways.” I pause. “But what I do want to hear is you letting Daddy know that you want this as much as he does. Tell him that you want him to punish you when you’re a bad girl, and you have been a very bad girl. Tell him you want his hand on your ass, disciplining you as he guides you in the right direction, helps you make better choices. And most importantly, tell Daddy that after the pain you want him to give you the kind of pleasure you couldn’t even dream of.”

  I watch as her head moves forward as much as I allow as she swallows hard, her lips staying open but no words coming out.

  “Tell me, dammit!” I can’t wait another second to get the confirmation I need to take this further, not that I have any clue in the world what I’d do if she told me no. All I know is that before this goes any further, before what we have really starts, and is it ever fucking ready to pop off like fireworks on the Fourth of July, I need her to cosign on this, as an adult…even though she’s about to become my little girl, forever.

  I need to hear those words of affirmation before I hear her scream out my name, and in this case, I’m not talking about the name I was given at birth. I’m talking about the name I will earn each and every day, with love, discipline, and affection.

  “Tell me!” I command once more.

  “Yes,” she says breathlessly, the need in her single word selection very much apparent.

  Releasing her hair I step back and to the side, the sound of my boots on the cold floor beneath us the only sound in this vast room other than her ragged breathing, and the grunts coming from deep within my chest.

  I slide my boot between her feet and give a little tap to the inside of each foot, just signaling those ankles to slide open wider so I can do what I need to do.

  “They won’t go any wider. My shorts,” she protests, but she’s right.

  I lean down, running my hands along the outside of her ass and down the length of her legs, smelling her scent and taking in the sight of that tight little pussy which is dripping with need for me. My mouth literally waters as I slide a shoulder in underneath her ass, serving as a chair as I lift her feet up and off the ground, untying her shoes and tossing them to the side and then sliding off her shorts and doing the same.

  But I keep her little panties, balling them up and bringing them to my face as I carefully settle her feet on the ground, spread wide, and I stand. I breathe in deep and tip my head back and howl like a fucking wolf ready to mate.

  And that’s exactly what I do, but not here and not now. Her first time doesn’t deserve to be like this. I’m not about to pull my cock out and ram it behind her in the back of a Starbucks wannabe. Hell no, I’m giving her the princess treatment she deserves, when we get there.

  But right now she’s still my naughty little girl, and that doesn’t demand anything regal, but it does demand that I be rough with her.

  I stand, placing her panties in my pocket and bring my hand back in one motion before swinging it forward connecting with that firm ass of hers, yet it still jiggles underneath my palm.

  Her globe is so small I can damn near fit both of her asscheeks in one hand, and that’s exactly what I need to try next, not to mention I don’t want my hand to land in the same spot twice. This isn’t about physically harming her, but it is about reminding her who’s in charge and who knows what’s best for her. Always. I would never want to do anything to actually hurt my precious little Jewel, my baby doll. But I know if I do this right some of that pleasure I promised her will be mixed with the pain. And just as much as it hurts, I want it to feel oh so good for her, just like it does for me.

  Bringing my hand back again I deliver another round of discipline, my palm getting both cheeks this time with so much force that my palm stings and her midsection lurches forward.

  “Uh,” she whimpers, and I know that’s enough for today. I know she sees, and more importantly feels, that this is real.

  “You understand when Daddy gives rules, when Daddy dishes out orders, when Daddy lays out boundaries, you are to follow?”

  “Yes,” she replies immediately.


  “Yes, sir.”

  “Try again.”

  A beat passes before she gives it another attempt. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl,” I commend, dropping down to my knees to admire my work. Her ass is the most perfect shade of red I’ve ever seen, and as I bring my face in even closer I swear I can see my handprint. But I’m more interested in what I hear.

  Her moans.

  My face, which is just inches from her globes, slides down and my hands come up, spreading her open wide so in one move I can do what I’ve been dying to do…lick her straight up her center.

  But before I do I just admire the stickiness coating her hole, the drip that runs from one side to the other as I pull her cheeks even wider apart, ducking down and looking up until I see that throbbing nub asking for me to take it in my mouth and show it all the pleasure it deserves.

  And that’s exactly what I do, licking her from clit to her pussy hole, drinking in the juices from her fountain of youth, my tongue caressing her cream right to the back of my throat as I swallow it down like nature’s gift to humanity.

  My gift, and only mine to ever taste, touch, feel, see, and smell.

  The insides of her knees wobble against my ears and I grab her calves, steadying her as I go to town on that tight little pussy, trying to wedge my tongue inside but she’s just too tight, too fresh, too new, too raw.

  My tongue moves back to her clit, the tip flicking her nub before I trace figure eights around it and then suck it inside my mouth, breathing hot air onto it and then flicking it around like I’m tying a Maraschino cherry into a knot, but that’s not the only thing that’s tied in knots. My stomach is full of them, growling in hunger at a taste so perfect, so new, so testosterone inducing that it demands more.

  And that’s just what I give it, licking her like I’m trying to clean her folds, but I can barely keep up with her flow.

  My fingertips dig into her flesh, keeping her spread as I dine on the cream from her cunt, losing any and
all civility I had as I shake my head back and forth violently, coating my nose, and eyes in her juices.

  “Ahhhh!” I yell, pulling my face back before diving right back in, devouring her all over again, licking and sucking every part of her pussy in my path. My hand slides up underneath her, feeling her stomach tighten.

  “Daddy, I think something is about to explode.”

  “It is angel. And you’re going to love it,” I confirm into her flesh.

  “It’s right there, but it won’t quite go,” she confides, her hands gripping the metal harder as she pushes her body down into my face violently, grinding her pussy on my mouth.

  And I’m loving every second of it, drinking in every last drop.

  I continue lapping at her juices that flow like a river, knowing what she needs but not yet ready to give it to her.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong,” she whimpers.

  “Nothing’s wrong, princess. It’s just that you’re learning,” I mumble into her hole as I continue trying to breach her opening with my tongue. But my oral vibrations are apparently understood as she counters immediately.

  “Teach me, Daddy. Show me what I need. Take this tightness in my tummy away, this pain in my pussy.”

  Hearing her say that word is all I need.

  “Are you ready, little one?”

  “Uh huh,” she moans.

  “That’s not the correct reply.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I’m ready. Help me get to where I need to be.”

  “Hold on tight, sugar,” I warn, and she does as she’s told. I smirk into her center and then give her the words she needs to hear. “Come. Come for Daddy. Unleash from your wet pussy all over Daddy’s face as he drinks you down.”

  “Oh my…!”

  She doesn’t even get the last word out, her body jerking violently as she unloads a monsoon of fluids onto my face, just like I ordered.

  Quickly, my tongue working like a windshield wiper on high speed, I mop my skin clean, making sure not to spill a precious drop of my baby girl’s first climax. I swear it holds the keys to longevity, youth, energy, and everything I’ve ever wanted in life and never even knew it.


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