Possessive Daddy

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Possessive Daddy Page 5

by Lena Little

  Because until recently I’d never even met her.

  And now that we have come together, in this way, I know without a doubt that by opening her up I’ve opened up something inside of both of us.

  And now there’s no turning back.

  Her body continues jerking and flopping, the storage rack shaking wildly and an eighty-pound bag of coffee falling and landing on the floor, quickly followed by multi-packs of tea and finally glasses.

  Yet I don’t stop for a second, focusing on the only thing that matters. Everything else in life is replaceable, but not her. Not this moment.

  Seconds turn to minutes and finally her body begins to still, and from head to toe, she becomes boneless, collapsing into my arms where I hold her tight, running my fingers through her hair and kissing her on the cheek as she sits on my thigh.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she says after she’s finally able to catch her breath.

  “There’s more where that came from, angel.”

  “But…do I need to be a bad girl to get your special punishments?”

  “No. You shouldn’t be a bad girl at all,” I correct, but I see the light switching on in her head and I know I’ve probably created a brat for life, or at least when she senses the time is right. As much as I want her to obey, I can’t deny that a little bratty behavior from time to time isn’t going to be a bad thing.

  “Then what should I be, Daddy?”

  I kiss her on the top of the head. “Exactly what you already are.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Perfect. And mine.”



  “Oh my, God. What have I done?” I ask aloud, but to no one in particular as I jump off of Jake’s lap and hurry to put my clothes back on.

  “Wait a minute,” I hear just before a thick finger hooks into the back of my belt loop and pulls me backward, my top still not on.

  “Jake! I have to get dressed. I’m on the clock. I could lose my job,” I protest.

  “What job? The one where you’re seemingly harassed each and every day? The one where you very visibly have a co-worker you don’t get along with? The one where you’re in here sixteen hours a day slaving away to make ends meet? That’s not a job. That’s a prison sentence and it needs to end.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not going to accept financial help, or a job from you, at least not right now.”

  I’m not really sure what he expects out of our relationship, but I definitely don’t want to feel like a sugar baby. I want real because this is very real to me. I cock my head back and once Jake understands I’m not going to run away his hand slides from my belt loop and I turn to face him. And immediately I see the ownership in his narrowed eyes and the look of complete satisfaction on his face. Speaking of his face, his entire face looks like it’s been through a washing machine and his hair, despite being short, is a mess. I suppress a giggle knowing it’s all because he was just buried in my groin, doing what he did to me. What he did being everything…almost.

  Looking up at him and being so close to him, feeling the heat from his body makes me feel so small and feminine. More than anything I feel safe, which is not an emotion I’m at all accustomed to.

  “Remember who makes the rules around here?” his deep voice somehow finding another octave lower.

  “Yes, but—“

  “No, but’s,” he jumps in, the rough tip of his index finger finding the bottom of my lips before sliding along my jawline then across my cheek before finally coming to rest over my lips, gently silencing me…for now. “You’re mine in all ways. Understand?”

  “I…I understand, but that doesn’t mean I completely agree.”

  “My little Jewel,” he says, shaking his head from side to side. “This isn’t open for debate. You saw how I tried to stay away and how I made you tell me you wanted this, that you were ready.”

  “I am ready, it’s just…”

  He cocks his head waiting for me to finish.

  “For starters, I don’t want to feel indebted to you,” I begin, immediately wishing I could reel the words back in.

  “Indebted?” he snaps with a look like someone just put a foul smelling substance in front of his face, his head pulling back. “Everything inside me wants to take care of you, protect you, spoil you. You’re not indebted to me. As your Daddy, I’m the one who’s indebted to you. It’s my job to take care of you in all ways, and guide you.”

  “What if I don’t need guiding?”

  “In that very, very, very unlikely event then I’m your biggest supporter, your cheerleader so to speak, although that word doesn’t exactly fit me.”

  “No it doesn’t,” I laugh immediately, imagining him in some varsity cheerleading outfit, completely full of glee with a big letter affixed to a sweater, matched with a pair of short shorts.

  “See how easy this is? You just let Daddy make all the decisions and everything will be fine.”

  “It’s still embarrassing, Jake. Doing what we just did…here at the coffee shop with customers inside. People talk.”

  “Let them. Why would either one of us ever be embarrassed by what we do, especially when we’re together. Little one, I want to pick you up right now and hoist you up on my shoulders and carry you through the streets as my very own one-woman parade, celebrating what we did, not trying to hide it. You belong to me, angel. And you will give your body, your mind, your soul to me how, when, and where I want it. Are we clear?”

  Something about his words make my skin cover in goosebumps and then go cold before turning red hot. I feel like agreeing with him sets back the women’s movement one hundred years, yet deep down inside I know he’s right. I trust him, not just as a man and for his own decisions, but to help me with my own.

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “Yes…?” He taps a foot waiting on me.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “That’s more like it,” he says, the tension he was holding in his face, shoulders, and neck disappearing when I give him the right answer. “You’re a good girl. Daddy’s good little girl,” he praises.

  Leaning in closer he kisses my forehead and then his hands find my hips, jerking my body into his. “Are we clear on everything? Do you truly understand what it means to be mine?”

  I nod, realizing this isn’t just a huge deal for me. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Very good, my little Jewel,” he says, giving me a big bear hug. What seems like a full minute or two passes, not that I’m counting as I would be happy for time to stand still right now, and then he continues. “Are there any other fears, worries, or wants that you’re holding back? Anything that’s bothering you that we need to talk about so you feel good about everything after I walk out that door and go back to my shop for the day?”

  “You’re leaving?”

  He smirks. “I don’t think you realize just how long Daddy was in-between your luscious thighs.”

  I slap him on the chest but also can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, there’s one thing,” I say playfully, but then the terror of the reality of this moment comes crashing back and the seriousness of my next words sinks in.

  “You can tell your Daddy anything, precious.”


  “Anything and everything. That’s why I’m your Daddy. I’m not here to judge I’m here to help you in all ways.”

  “Promise you won’t judge me?”

  “Little girl, you need to realize we’re on the same team. I know you don’t want to get in trouble, and I appreciate your manners and wanting to do what Daddy asks,” he begins. “Then again trouble can be kind of fun, can’t it?”

  I can’t help but smile yet again as he lightens the mood. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Out with it,” he orders.

  “I…part of you being my Daddy means I hope you can…teach me things.”

  “I’ll teach you anything you want to learn and probably even mansplain some things you don’t.”

  “Even in…the bedroom?”

  He takes a step back and his whole body changes as if he’s Bruce Banner morphing into the Incredible Hulk. “I fucking knew it.”

  “I knew it too! I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “And I fucking love it. Mine,” he continues as if I hadn’t even said anything or if my words had no meaning…because the words before had all the meaning in the world. “I knew you were untouched. I knew you were meant for me.”

  I swallow hard. “What exactly does it mean to be yours?”

  “In all ways,” he says, looking me up and down from head to trembling toe.

  “I understand that, but I mean…well, people talk as I mentioned before. And some people say that you have certain…desires.”

  “Nobody in this town knows a damn thing about me. All they know is I do my job and I keep to myself. They probably try and draw conclusions from there, but like I said, they’re just guesses.”

  “Are they correct?” I ask again, not backing down.

  “It depends on what you’ve heard.”

  “I’ve heard that your older, more experienced, and well…matched with the Daddy talk I can kinda guess.”

  “You can guess or you can wait until tonight and see the truth for yourself.”

  I nod.

  “Would you like that, my precious gemstone…my Jewel?”

  I nod again before I catch myself and mind my manners. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good, because Daddy’s been ready to claim you since the moment he laid eyes on you, little one. And tonight that’s finally going to happen.”

  “Good,” I agree, finding an inner strength. “Because I’ve been waiting on the same thing since I first laid eyes on you, Daddy.”

  He leans in and points to his cheek. I come up on my tiptoes and give him a kiss and he quickly gives me a playful swat on the backside.

  “Now let’s get dressed and go back into the world…and just remember they’re jealous of you because you’ve got me, but no matter what anyone else thinks just remember this. I’m always here, next to you to face anything the world throws at you. Because anything that comes your way has to get through me first and that’s not happening. Not when I’m willing to lay down in front of a speeding train to stop it from so much as causing too much of a gust of wind to disturb you, let alone harm you. Not when I’m willing to give my life without a second thought if it means saving yours. Not when I’m the man who stays in shape, both mentally and physically, so I can take on, and defeat, any and all challengers. And when I’m dead and gone...”

  “I don’t want to think about that.”

  “You won’t have to do any thinking you don’t want to then either, because I’ll have had plenty of time to teach our sons how to give their mother the security and safety she needs, how to protect her forever.”

  “That’s…beautiful, Jake.”

  “You’re beautiful, princess,” he says, pulling me in close and kissing me hard. “Now let’s go be beautiful together. Forever.”

  “Okay,” I nod, pulling myself from his grasp and happily skipping toward the door before I feel his arm wrap around me and pull me right back.

  “But first, put on a shirt.”

  I look down at my bare little mosquito bite breasts and bust out laughing. “I was so comfortable I forgot, Daddy.”

  “Get used to it, because that’s how you should always feel around Daddy. Lost in love.”

  “Did you just say…” my mouth drops open.

  “You heard me, little one. Now get that shirt on and let’s get outta here.”

  A happiness I’ve never felt before washes through me and even though I know Cruella is going to ask me to wash the dishes when I get back out there I don’t even care. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing but us.

  And he’s made it clear that after tonight we’re going to be joined together in that way I’ve been saving forever. Because forever starts and ends with him.

  My Daddy.



  The next evening

  The last twenty-four hours have felt more like twenty-four years.

  I shift my Lamborghini from first gear directly to fourth, racing to her address to pick her up and get the night started…the one I’ve been waiting for my entire life.

  And the one that should have happened yesterday.

  But she just wouldn’t take the evening shift off at the coffee shop, and she wouldn’t accept my job offer either. She doesn’t want anything handed to her, which of course makes me want to hand her all the keys and security codes even more, knowing her intentions are pure, innocent, and that she’s loyal to a fault, just like she’s loyal to her job which doesn’t even treat her well. I can only imagine how loyal she’s going to be to me, and just as responsible too.

  And I’ll show her without a shadow of a doubt that she never has to question my loyalty to her, my commitment, or that I’m responsible for her in each and every way.

  Maybe she thinks differently because after we set up tonight’s date I decided not to come by the coffee shop today for my daily stalking session. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to, but instead because I knew there was no way I wouldn’t be able to avoid taking her right then and there. And that’s not how it’s going to be despite the fact that I swear I could smell her sweet scent all day, that I imagined the curve of her lower back, and that I could taste her pussy on my tongue.

  Ever since my mouth was firmly attached to her pussy, her midsection grinding on me as I drank down every last drop she had to offer when I finally gave her permission to come, that visual has flooded my mind. That and the mental movie where I ram my cock so far inside her that it’s impossible to tell where one of us starts and the other begins. And that will happen. Tonight.

  As I pull up to her apartment complex I adjust myself in my pants, which is just as useless as I expected it to be…my need knowing only one solution, and then hit the button for the scissor style doors to lift up.

  As I pull my big body out of the car I’ve had custom adjusted just so I can fit inside, I feel my entire body tense at the sight of her building.

  My angel lives in this hell?

  I grit my teeth and move swiftly to the front entrance, vowing to myself that she’ll never sleep another night here, or anywhere other than in my arms, ever again.

  Reaching the door, I notice the intercom, but for some reason, I turn the knob first instead, and the door opens with ease. I shake my head and stomp my foot. My baby girl lives in a building where anyone can walk right in the front door at any time they want. And little do most people know, but most people over about one hundred and fifteen pounds can quite easily break down a door that doesn’t have a deadbolt…and something tells me the doors in this decrepit place are lacking exactly that.

  “Hey,” I hear, and a smile belonging to the most beautiful girl in the world peeks out from around the corner. “I hear what sounded like a lion pulling up and when I looked you got out of the car. At least I think it’s a car, although it sounds and those doors move more like some kind of futuristic spaceship or something Elon Musk might dream up.”

  Speaking of dreams the nightmare just continues as she confirms she lives on the first floor…the easiest one to break into. I’m definitely not here to scold her nor does she deserve that. She’s just trying to live, to keep her head above water. If anything I want to kick myself, yell at the man in the mirror for waiting around this long to let her know she’s my woman. If I would have done what I should have done when I first saw her she’d already be out of this place, all her things safely moved into my house, her presence making it our home.

  “Thanks for the deliveries,” she says, making my chest swell with pride that I can provide for my little girl. “Whaddya think?”

  She steps out into the hallway and I tell her the absolute truth. “I think my heart just stopped and I know without a shadow of a doubt that you’re the most beautiful woman to ever walk the face of the earth.”

you,” she says, her cheeks blushing. “It’s because of your gift.”

  “My little Jewel, you could be wrapped in a potato sack and you’d still be an absolute knockout.”

  “Don’t tell Gucci that. It might hurt their marketing.”

  “I think this half flight of stairs looks like Mt. Everest right about now,” I change the subject.

  “You don’t want to come up?” she frowns, sticking out her bottom lip in such a cute way. Cute? What the hell has gotten into me? I’ve never used that term in my life, and now it’s freely flowing through my thoughts…because I’m looking at her.

  I’m pretty sure Gucci didn’t expect the woman who wore the dress to have their hair clipped in barrettes and a black dress matched with what appears to be a white Casio F91w watch, the iconic one that you can still get for ten bucks if you look hard enough. And believe me, I’m looking really hard right now, at her. So hard my eyeballs are about ready to pop out of their sockets.

  “I can’t wait to come,” I say, taking the stairs three at a time, not wanting any more space between the two of us. A split second later and I’ve got her wrapped in my arms, looking down at her and without hesitation, my lips come crashing down on hers.

  She tastes so sweet, so perfect, and that dress she’s got on needs to come off. Now. But I have to summon every ounce of strength inside me to wait, to pull my lips from hers.

  “Well,” she says, her face flush. “That was exciting.” Her dilated pupils telling me everything I need to know.

  “That’s only the beginning,” I say, pulling a small box from my pocket and handing it to her.

  “What’s this?”

  “Something I forgot to have the FedEx man deliver. Or maybe something I’d rather deliver myself, to see your expression.”

  As she slowly opens the box my eyes stay glued to those pouty lips which look like they’ve been sucking on strawberries all day long. How they’re so red and so full is anybody’s guess, but what isn’t a guess is that nobody will ever get to taste them like I just did. That’s a guarantee.


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