Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 6

by G. Bailey

  "Do you remember that day I saw you crying on the steps?" I ask him. "Did he hurt her then?"

  "Yes, he beat her until you couldn't recognise her face. We managed to pull him off her, me and Garett. Griffin called an ambulance, and that was the first time I snapped. I punched my dad so hard in the face that he collapsed. I held my mom until she woke up, and do you know what the first thing was she did?" he asks before he humourlessly laughs. "She pushed me away and crawled to our dad. She held him, whispering how sorry she was. Any time I tried to go near her, or Griffin or Garett did, she would scream at us to leave her alone. She treated us like we were the monsters."

  "You weren't the monsters back then," I tell him, really meaning it. “I don’t know who you are now though, but don’t let your past define your future. You aren’t your dad, and neither are your brothers. Your mother chose love over sanity, which a lot of people do to a certain extent. I’m sure she loves you in some way.”

  "Yeah, we are the monsters now, Trix. We don't hide our dark side though, and we don't hurt people as he did," he says, and I have a feeling nothing I say will stop those thoughts.

  "You hurt me," I whisper.

  "I guess we did inherit some our dear daddy's bad temper after all," he replies, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he moves an inch closer to me and slides his hand on my cheek. I freeze as he leans closer, so our lips are so very close but not touching. "Does that scare you, Trix? Do I scare you?"

  "No. You never did, and I know you hate that about me. I am the only one in this messed up world that really sees who you are, Gage Hallow."

  Gage intently stares at me, and I wait for him to deny my statement. I wait for him to tell me I'm so very wrong and I have no idea who he is. That doesn't happen though, because the next moment his lips are on mine, and he is taking every part of the distance between us away. I moan into his lips, feeling how soft they are and how amazing he is at kissing. Kissing Gage Hallow is unlike anything in the world. In one smooth movement, he rolls me onto the ground and presses his body into mine. His hands slide down my chest, pausing to pull my top down.

  I gasp as his lips leave my lips, and he moves them to the top my breast, just above the place where the white lacy bra blocks his view. Gage smirks at me as he undoes the clip in the middle of my chest, and the bra falls to the side, revealing my breasts. Before I can worry he doesn't like what he sees, his lips are kissing down my breast, teasing and nipping as he goes. I know I shouldn't be doing this with him, not Gage Hallow who I don't know if I trust yet. Not Gage Hallow who could easily steal my heart...but I don't want to stop. I want this...just once. I can't fall too hard if it's just once, right? I moan as his lips find my nipples at the same time he cups me through my jeans.

  "We could get caught here," I whisper anxiously.

  "We won't," he replies, as he lifts his head and pulls himself into a kneeling position. I watch as he slowly tugs his shirt over his head, revealing his chiselled chest and all those kissable abs. He pulls a condom out of his jeans pocket and very slowly undoes his belt, tugs down his zipper, and pulls out his hard cock. He isn't massive, but he is on the shy side of big. Bigger than anyone I've had before, anyways.

  "You keep looking at him like that, Trix, and this will be over way too quickly," Gage’s grumbly voice warns as he rolls the condom on. I chuckle, pushing my jeans and my white panties with them off my legs as Gage watches.

  "Maybe you should stop looking and do something about him," I tease, and Gage chuckles low as he climbs over me, lining himself up. I wrap my legs around his hips as he very slowly inches himself inside me until I can only moan as he fills me up. Gage draws out before slamming back into me, and holy hell, he feels fantastic. Gage harshly kisses me as he thrusts into me, driving me insane with need. I'm so close when Gage reaches between us, rubbing my clit with perfectly skilled movements, and he sends me crashing over the edge. A pure cry of pleasure leaves my lips as I come, and a few thrusts later, Gage stills, exhaling my name. We both stay still as I open my eyes, seeing Gage staring down at me with those blue eyes.

  "You are fucking beautiful like this. I don't think I will ever forget your blushed cheeks, wide eyes and happy smile."

  Oh, Gage Hallow is dangerous because words like this will only do one thing: make me fall in love with him.

  And I bet he knows it.

  "Your phone keeps buzzing," Lottie says, handing me my phone as I get back from the toilets in the cafe. Lottie smiles widely at baby Noah in his pushchair, as he chews on a toy and looks very happy with his life. He should be, he has the best mom. I glance at Noah, seeing that silky black hair on his head and familiar blue eyes. Noah looks like his father and the Hallow brothers, but he has more of a cheeky smile that reminds me of his mom.

  "Thanks," I say, sitting back in my seat. I smile as I run through the group chat messages between the Hallow brothers. I don't know when exactly they added me to their group chat, but here I am, reading their argument over who drank the last of the milk and didn't put it away.

  "Who is making my bestie smile like that?" I turn my phone onto silent and place it on the table as I try to not look guilty as I meet her eyes.

  "The Hallow brothers," I blurt out, and she stares wide-eyed like she can't believe what I just said. "And I slept with Gage yesterday. Like three times, and it was amazing. Holy hell, I don't know what I'm doing with my life at the moment."

  "We are talking about the same Hallow brothers who publicly embarrassed you not only once but a few times now?" she asks like she can’t quite believe it. I wouldn’t believe it if it were the other way around. It’s utter madness, but somehow that has turned into the best sex I’ve ever had. I feel addicted to Gage already, and I don’t know when I’m going to stop wanting more of him. I didn’t know it could feel so good, so addictive.

  "The very same," I mutter and look to her. "As long as it's just fun and not serious, I mean, it can't be too bad for a little while? Am I totally stupid?"

  "No, you're not stupid. Everyone fancied them growing up in that town. They have something about them, and I fell for one of them, so if anyone gets it, it is me. I don't regret it, because I got Noah in the end...but I was lucky to get anything good from a Hallow brother. I just worry you might get hurt," she explains to me, and I understand her worry. I’m just as worried about the same thing. It’s crossed my mind on more than one occasion that they might be trying to bully me by breaking my heart. I hope they wouldn’t stoop that low, but honestly I don’t actually know.

  "I worry about the same thing, if I'm honest, but I can't stop myself. They are addictive," I admit to her. “I love being around them, and I now understand why all the girls at our old school whispered about them. They are worth talking about.”

  "Then use them like an addiction, but always remember that it's not a long term solution. Maybe you just need to get them out of your system with a whole load of fantastic sex," she says, reaching over and picking the toy up off Noah as he has dozed off to sleep. She tucks him in with his blanket before quietly pulling the hood of the pushchair up. "I've been reading lots of books about this thing called reverse harem. It's where the girl has more than one guy in love with her, and it totally works. I'm currently addicted to this author from Texas who writes about dark, swoon-worthy bad boys....anyways, it could work with you guys. The proof is in the books."

  "I doubt they want to share me. I know they did that with girls back at our old school, but—"

  "But what? Be shared, girl. That sounds awesome," she cuts me off, and I chuckle. She has a point. Being shared by the Hallow brothers doesn't exactly sound like a bad thing at all.

  "Enough about them, tell me about you and Jake King," I ask, wanting all the details about the first guy she has dated since David Hallow, if you could even call that dating. The texts and little description she has given me about him sound good so far. He is a major at another London university after doing two years somewhere else. She said he works part-time at the bakery
because he likes to pay his own way the best he can as his parents pay for his dorm and university fees. Living in London is expensive, and I know once I finish university and use up the leftover money I have in my savings, then I need a good job here, or I won't be able to stay. I admire that Jake King is trying to fend for himself. I also admire that he is making my best friend blush and smile so widely.

  "Jake is sweet and so lovely to me. He is amazing with Noah, as he said he grew up with a lot of cousins and knows how to look after children. I've told him everything about my past, and he hasn't once judged me for it. If anything, he said I am the bravest woman he knows. I really like him, Trix," she says, and I can tell from her tone alone. This is serious for her, and I just hope he is as good as he seems. “Noah doesn’t scare him off, and he even helps me by singing him to sleep now and then.”

  "I'm so happy for you," I honestly say, reaching over and placing my hand on her arm. She covers my hand and looks back at me.

  "If you want me to tell the Hallow brothers the truth, I will. For you, I will," she says, though I feel her hand shake a little. She is scared of them, their family and the power they have because of their money. They could apply for custody, try and take Noah away from her, and she couldn't fight the lawyers they would pay for. I understand the true fear in her eyes, and I'd never do that to her. Noah means the world to me as much as Lottie does. I lived in that world of money and power, and trust me, this life is a million times better for Noah to grow up in.

  "I don't, and I won't risk telling them. I don't think the Hallow brothers would want major involvement in Noah's life, but their parents? I don't know, so we can't risk that. Anyway, they said they want to move on, and it seems like they are trying to do just that," I say, leaning back.

  "I hope they are. Just remember what the girls who fell for them always said: Never trust a Hallow," she warns, and I squeeze her hand once more before letting it go. I need that saying tattooed on my arm because, every time I’m around them, I always forget it.

  "Come on, let's go and get some new clothes for little Noah. I can't believe how big he is getting every time I see him," I say because I meet up with Lottie every two weeks to take her shopping for things she needs. It digs into my savings, the little I have left from selling the car and all my old things, but I know she needs my help, and she doesn't ask for it. Aunt Linsey pays her a good wage for her work in the bakery, and I know she sees Lottie like the daughter she never had. I hope, one day, Aunt Linsey will retire and give the bakery to Lottie, securing her and Noah's future.

  "Right? It's all the cookies and cake his nanny Linsey sneakily feeds him," she says, looking at her son. That look right there is everything I always wanted to see in my mom’s eyes when she looked at me. Pure love. The natural emotion a mother should feel for her child. I know Lottie would burn the world down to keep her child safe. My mother would happily let me burn with it. It just reminds me that I’ve not heard anything from my mom and dad. They never try to call me or bother to call Aunt Linsey. It’s like they are pretending we don’t exist, which hurts even though they were never really there for me. You always long for your parents’ attention and love somewhere deep down.

  "Lucky kid," I say with a big grin, hooking my arm through Lottie’s when we get outside the cafe. Noah sleeps happily in his pushchair as Linsey pushes him along. For now, I'm going to enjoy the moment and try not to overthink things with the Hallow brothers.

  Because if I do? That is when things become complicated for me, and I know I'd be the one getting hurt in the end.

  I unlock my door, pushing it open with my shoulder and stepping into my room, letting it close behind me. I don't notice anything is different until I see male shoes in the middle of my room, and I very slowly draw my eyes up the body they are attached to as I freeze. Tight black jeans, expensive looking cashmere jumper and familiar handsome blue eyes. Griffin Hallow is in my room. My locked room.

  "How the hell did you get in here, Griff?" I demand, crossing my arms even though my handbag and shopping bag slam against my hip when I do. Griffin's lips tilt up as he stretches his arms above his head, the movement letting his jumper shift up slightly to reveal his golden, toned six-pack with a tiny amount of black hair on it. I gulp as I force myself to look away and place my bags down on the floor near my bed. "Fine, don't answer. Just leave if you're going to be all mysterious, Griffin."

  "I came to see you. I hoped we could talk," he says and reaches over to pick a DVD up off the bed that he must have brought with him. "I even bought a movie."

  "What movie?" I ask, crossing my arms.

  "I found the first girly film I could in the store," he tells me, and I have to smile as I walk over and he hands me the "girly" film. It's P.S. I Love You, and there is no way Griffin wants to watch this. I love the movie, personally, but it always makes me cry. I glance at him and back to the DVD, knowing he isn’t going to leave.

  "Alright, why not?" I say, kicking my shoes off. My bed is too small for us both to sit on, so I hand Griffin the DVD before pulling my quilt onto the floor, placing my cushions against the wall for us each to lean back on before digging out my laptop and snack box. I sit down, flicking the laptop on as Griffin takes his shoes off before coming to sit right next to me. Extremely close, even though there is room. He takes the DVD out of the case and hands it to me before I slide it into the player and place the laptop on my bed, the screen bent down a tad so we can watch it. I quickly jump up and close the curtains when I realise the light is reflecting off the screen before settling back down. We’re silent as we watch the movie but not the awkward kind of silence. It feels oddly comfy with Griffin, even when he doesn't say a word.

  "You bought the movie, and I have snacks. Help yourself," I say, opening the lid of the box and picking out a packet of jelly beans. My favourite sweets, how could anyone not love them?

  "Thanks. Where did you go today then?" he asks. “I’ve been in here forever waiting. By the way, Benjamin had a key of yours, and he graciously gave it to me.” Damn, I forgot I gave Benjamin a key.

  "Shopping. It's my aunt's birthday next week, and I bought her a new apron. She was complaining recently her apron was getting old," I explain to him.

  "I remember now, your aunt owns a bakery here, right?" he muses.

  "Yes," I answer, but I don’t really want to talk about her much to him. It’s best the Hallow brothers and my only family member don’t meet. I have a funny feeling Aunt Linsey would be hitting them with stale bread loaves if she had half a chance.

  "You used to love going there for the holidays," he tells me, and I didn't think he knew that.

  "How did you know that?" I ask him.

  "I remember you talking about it when we were ten or so. I missed you that summer," he says, and I remember it well. I didn’t usually get to go a whole summer at my aunt’s, but this one was different because I had annoyed my mom by asking for attention.

  "No, you didn't, and you are just saying that now to get me to like you," I say with a sigh.

  "I don't need to say anything to get you to like me. You already do," he replies, grinning at me. I roll my eyes and open my packet of jelly beans, popping one into my mouth and chewing it before I answer him.

  "You poured punch all over me, jackass," I remark.

  "You looked fucking amazing soaked like that. I just wish it was a private showing. I am sorry," he tells me, and I look up at him because I think he genuinely means it. His blue eyes are like bottomless bits of water, and they really are something different. He is something different.

  "You liked what you saw?" I quietly ask before I lift my hand and brush my fingers down his jaw. I have no clue why I did that, but he doesn’t stop me.

  "Any guy would be insane to not like what he saw," he tells me in a gruff voice.

  "You're a charmer, Griff," I say.

  "I'm not that good. I haven't got a kiss out of you yet," he remarks, making me nervously smile. I can’t imagine kissing Griffin would do
anything to help me avoid having feelings for any of them.

  "I kissed your brother instead," I reply, raising an eyebrow, and he simply stares at me. There is anger in his expression, but most of it is a burning desire. I don't know which one of us reaches for the other first, but we crash together, our lips harshly devouring each other. I climb onto his lap, tugging his shirt over his head, and he pushes my yellow dress up, ripping away my panties and throwing the remains to the side. I undo his belt as he slides a hand into my hair and harshly turns my head to the side and kisses my neck.

  "You on protection, Trix?" he grumbles against my neck.

  "Y-yes," I moan out as I free his erection and line him up at my entrance. Griffin lifts his head, holding a tight grip on my hair as he looks into my eyes. I stare into his blue eyes as I lower myself down onto his cock, and his hand on my hip tightens as well as his features on his pretty face. When our hips meet, he grabs my hip tighter, stopping me from moving like my body screams I do.

  "I've never done this," he growls, his eyes burning with need, but I don’t understand why he is torturing us both by not moving.

  "Sex? I don't believe that—" I start off, but I stop as he moves me up and slowly back down on his cock, and it feels amazing. The kind of amazing that makes you forget who you are dealing with.

  "Had sex with someone I care about. Someone permanent in my life. And I’ve never had sex without a condom on," he explains to me, running his eyes all over me like he wants to implant me into his permanent memory.

  "I've never done either before as well," I admit to him before biting my bottom lip into my mouth. I don’t like this, telling him personal things and letting him have any control over my feelings. It needs to be just sex…not this. It can’t be this because I will end up falling for him. I’m just that stupid, and he is just that cruel to let it happen.


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