Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance

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Try To Ruin Me: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance Page 7

by G. Bailey

  "Then we are both in for something fucking special. I know I fucked up, and my brothers are messed in the head, but for once, I want something different than them. I'm yours, Trix. I've thought about it, and now I'm buried inside you. I'm fucking sure I'm not leaving your life unless you demand it," he tells me. His voice is firm, demanding, and oh I so wish I could fully believe him.

  "Don't break my heart, and I won't demand it," I whisper, my lips betraying my mind, and my body is no better. My stupid heart just beats faster, wanting more of the man who is likely going to break it.

  "Deal," he grumbles before harshly kissing me once more. My lips tingle as his hands slide to my hips, and I start riding him, letting his cock slide in and out of me. I throw my head back as I get closer and closer with each movement. This position is perfect, letting Griffin hit the right spot each and every time he thrusts deep into me. "Come for me, Trix. I want to see what Gage said was the best fucking sight in the world." I gasp, looking back at Griffin as his thumb finds my clit, and he knows exactly what to do to send me crashing over the edge. I don't hold back, moving my hips quicker as the pleasure rides me and makes me lose all sense of reality. I cry out as Griffin roars, holding my hips down tightly as he shoots hot cum deep inside me. My head falls to his shoulder as his grip loosens, and his arms wrap around my back.

  "Was it a good sight?" I ask because I really want to know the answer. It still makes me blush that Gage would tell Griffin that.

  "The fucking best. I want to see it again real soon." I smile against his chest. I'd like that too. I might even love it a little, and that is a scary thought.

  Loving anything to do with the Hallow brothers is a bad idea. But holy hell, bad ideas never felt so good.

  I watch as Garett runs like a bull, knocking opponents out of the way with his pure strength as he carries the ball to the line and throws himself to the ground, touching the ball to the grass. There is a buzz, and then the crowds break out into cheers even though I haven't a clue what is going on here. Sports really aren't my thing, but Griffin asked me to come to this game, and I did promise. Only because he wouldn't let me orgasm until I agreed to come to the game. Talk about torture. I stand and clap with the rest of the people here, just because it looks like the right thing to do. Garett is jumped on by the rest of his team in what I can only describe as a mud-covered, weird bear hug pile. Men and sports are very odd.

  "You look pretty today, Trixy," Ariel comments, after somehow appearing at my side. I keep clapping as I turn to her, seeing her red lipstick-covered lips first and the red dress that matches them. She must be freezing, not wearing a coat like the rest of us normal people. My coat isn't thick, and I was regretting choosing it; god knows what Ariel is regretting now.

  "You can only see my cream coat," I remark, raising my eyebrows at her, but she doesn’t seem remotely interested in me as she stares at the field as people scream the Hallow brothers’ names. This team wasn’t doing well until they turned up, and now they are heroes to not only the team, but to the team’s families and girlfriends. Hell, even the university loves the ground they walk on for making them look good. I’m sure the donation the Hallow family made to the new library which is having a new wing built sure helped them fit in and be loved too. Money speaks, but not usually in the best way. You can’t buy friendship or love, but apparently, you can sure buy adoring fans.

  "You are always pretty though, Trixy. It won't last you know?" she remarks, her voice so sure and confident. I don’t reply to her for a long while, hoping she will just disappear, but when it becomes clear she won’t, I finally look at her.

  "What won't?" I ask, playing into her game.

  "Being their little play toy. Guys like that can't ever belong to one woman, especially not one who killed their brother," she replies, and she looks so happy that she got to say that. I’ve no doubt she has been practicing and figuring out the best thing to say to hurt me for a long time.

  "You don't know a thing about the Hallow brothers and me," I tell her, raising my head higher for the pure sake of it. "And for the record, David's death was not my fault."

  "But it was, wasn't it?" she chuckles, leaning a little closer. "Being pretty is what made him fall in love, and he killed himself over you. Don't you see him every time you look in the mirror and brush that pretty blonde hair of yours? I would. Have a good night fucking David's brothers.”

  I don't, no I can't, say a word as she walks off, knowing she got to me, even though I know that was her whole point of coming over here. She wants to ruin my night. I sit back down on the cold bench, my blonde hair falling around my face as I can't help but think over her words. I don't feel guilty, but should I? He killed himself because he loved me, and as Ariel said, a lot of that was because he was in love with my looks. This blonde hair and pretty face I never asked to be born with. I’ve always loved being pretty, but this makes me think of what it might have been like if I weren't. David wouldn't have loved me or noticed much when I moved away. He would be alive...even if he wasn't a good person. The Hallow brothers wouldn't be so broken and lost to everything.

  A loud buzzing snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look up to see Garett jogging up the steps, right towards me. He pulls his helmet off, looking sweaty and a mess but a hot one. Holy hell, these guys just get more attractive, even when they have been literally playing in mud with a ball.

  "Trix, did you enjoy the game?" he asks me, sounding out of breath.

  "Yeah, it was awesome," I say because the talent behind the game I didn't understand was awesome. It's not a total lie.

  "I'm glad you liked it. Give us ten minutes, and we will get going to the after party at a club in the centre of London. The building has a rooftop bar, and we have rented it out for the team."

  "Wait!" I grab his arm as he turns to walk away. "I never agreed to any after party. You said it would be drinking at yours."

  "I had to make sure you were dressed up without ruining the surprise, didn't I? Don't worry, you will love it," he tells me with a big grin before running off down the steps. The bastard. My dress under this coat is light pink, tight and fits me like a second skin. I undo my hair from the ponytail it is in, and run my fingers through it before pulling my mirror out of my bag to redo my light pink lipstick. I don't look too bad for a random night out, and I'm glad I wore my knee high black boots.

  I don't know when it happened, but I'm beginning to feel like I love having the full attention of the Hallow brothers. I haven’t spent much time with Garett though because, out of all three of them, he is the one I don't trust or know how to exactly. He is like a storm in a desert. Hot and cold banging against each other and causing a right mess. Though in the end, I would be the one getting hurt and not just some sand. I cross my arms and walk down the empty stands and around to the exit, where I lean against the wall and look across at the university. It is a pretty sight at night, all lit up and quiet unlike how it is in the day.

  "You ready to go?" Griffin asks, coming out of the changing room first, dressed up much nicer than he was in his football uniform. His white shirt is tucked in black trousers, and a few buttons are loose.

  "Yeah," I clear my throat to say, and he wraps an arm around my shoulder, so I can smell his aftershave and how nice it is. I look back, seeing Garett and Gage come out of the room next, and again they both look ridiculously good. Gage has a dark blue shirt on under his leather jacket, and black trousers with thick boots on his feet. Garett has a black blazer covering a grey shirt that is tucked into dark trousers. His black shiny shoes reflect off the light as he puts his phone in his pocket.

  "You're cute when you gawk, Trix." Griffin whispers into my ear, leading me away as my cheeks burn. I don't bother telling him I wasn't gawking, because I totally was. We walk past the university and to the streets, where there is a line of taxis parked right outside. We all get into one, and Gage tells the driver where to go. I don't recognise the address, but I recognise the street. The Strand. The place the rich peo
ple of London go to sleep in hotels or do a little shopping.

  My leg presses against Gage who sits in front of me, and Griffin keeps his arm wrapped around me the whole trip. The only one who doesn't watch me closely is Garett, who instead looks out of the window. Even having two of the Hallow brothers so intently watching me is daunting enough. The taxi stops outside a tall triangle-shaped building, and we all get out, hearing the loud music from inside. There are two bouncers in front of the glass doors, who shake hands with Garett before letting us inside.

  We pass a row of silver statue wall partitions, and the other wall is made of purple marble, as we head down the corridor. The corridor sneaks around to a row of elevators, and we all go inside the one which is open. Garett presses the button for the tenth floor, and it's silent between us all as we head up. Garett surprises me when he moves to my side, and Gage steps aside for him.

  Garett's hand finds mine as the doors open, and I see what they meant by the rooftop bar. The bar is a square room with glass walls all around that show off the perfect views of London at night. It looks like a million lights of the buildings almost mimic the stars above the city. The buildings are a mixture of historic and modern, bringing a strange contrast to the city. I think that is one of my favourite things about London, how they blend the old with the new so seamlessly. I'm so lost in the views of the city as we step out of the elevator, that I hardly notice the busy bar full of students I recognise from the university. A few call the brothers over, but they don't respond. Instead, they look down at me.

  "I'm taking Trix to show her something," Garett states as we step out of the elevator. Gage leans down and kisses my cheek ever so softly before going to the bar. Griffin runs his fingers across my back as he passes us to join Gage.

  "Where could you possibly want to take me?" I ask because, from where we are, unless we are going back down in the elevator, I can't see where we would go.

  "Trust me, Trix," he suggests, and that's the thing. I'm not sure I do. My body seems to trust him though as I walk with him to the other side of the room, where he pushes a glass door open so we can step out onto the balcony. The balcony is a thin stretch, and there are a few people on it looking over the glass half walls to the city as they hold drinks and laugh. Garett leads me through them and towards the back, where there is a pod almost hanging off the building. A thick rope hangs across the pathway, and a bouncer stands in front of it. The bouncer nods his head towards Garett, stepping aside and unclipping the rope.

  "Make sure no one comes in here. Only my brothers if they wish," Garett tells the bouncer, who nods in understanding.

  "Thank you," I make sure to say to the bouncers because, well, manners never killed anyone. Or at least that is what I was told by one of my nannies growing up.

  "Always so nice," Garett tuts at me. At least one of us has manners. Rich people can really suck at times, and they don't even notice they do. It's just how they were bought up to be. Garett opens the doors to the pod, which you can't see inside due to the light pink curtains hanging on the inside of it. I walk in, taking a step down to the cushion-filled pod. Right in the middle of the cushions, the floor is made of thick glass, leaving a scary view all the way down the building and into the streets below. I doubt anyone can see us up here from this height, but man, that is a scary view.

  "It's safe. Don't look so scared," Garett chuckles as he shuts the door and walks over to me. His hands go to my waist, and I gasp as he gently pushes me to stand on the glass.

  "I don't like heights. Can we go?" I ask because I'm not a fan.

  "No." Garett states the one word before smirking at me and stepping extremely close. I can smell his minty breath blowing against my face as he looks at me, seeing something he apparently likes by the look in his pale blue eyes. "I love seeing you like this. Doesn't it make you feel more alive than you ever have been?"

  "I'm not a daredevil, Garett. So no," I nervously respond.

  "Kiss me, my little daredevil. You may not admit it, but you like the thrill. You like when your heart beats faster, when you aren't safe in that bubble you made yourself. That's why you love me and my brothers. Isn't it?" he asks, moving his fingers under my chin and lifting my head slightly so I don't have time to think about what he said and how right he is. Garett doesn't want that though, he wants to control my every action and response. Control is what turns him on, and seeing me weak in a way he could control is what he dreams of. This very place we stand on is a test, and he fully wants me to run away so he can chase. He has such beautiful eyes and a pretty face, but it was a damn shame every other part of him is rotten and broken. And sometimes nothing you do can truly save someone.

  I don't think anymore as I lean forward and kiss him. My lips brush across his once, twice, and just one more time before he snaps and tugs me hard against him as he deepens the kiss. I slide my hands up his neck and into his soft black hair before tugging his head back, revealing his neck. I very slowly kiss down his neck, feeling his beating pulse under my lips, surprised that he let me take control so quickly. I lower myself to my knees and free his hard erection before looking back up at him.

  "You're mine, you know that? You've been mine a long damn time," he growls.

  "You have to earn me first, Garett," I warn, and before he can answer me back, I take his long cock deep into my mouth, earning a deep groan from him. My knees press into the cold glass as I slide him out my mouth and straight back. I keep doing this as Garett places his hands into my hair, guiding my movements until he stops me, pulling my head back. Garett leans down and kisses me, pushing me back onto the glass. I gasp as he rolls me over, parting my knees so I have to look down at the glass and the view below. Garett reaches between my legs, pushing my thong to the side before placing the tip of his cock right at my entrance. He only inches the tip in, digging his hands into my hips before stopping.

  "I was right. You are soaking wet from the danger. You love this, Trix," he says, and I turn my head back, pushing my hips back an inch more onto his cock and seeing his eyes burning with desire.

  "Make me love it more then," I suggest, and he slams all the way inside me. My back arches from the pleasure, the danger of the view below us, and everything is turning me on more than I want to admit. Garett is right, I do like the danger. He thrusts in and out of me, controlling my hips with every movement, and I'm helpless to stop my building pleasure. My orgasm crashes into me like a wave, taking all my senses with it as I cry out in pure bliss.

  "Garett!" I shout his name without realising I even did as he thrusts harder and faster, chasing his own release. His hand wraps around my chest and waist, lifting me up so my back is pressed against his chest as he thrusts harder. This new position makes everything so much more pleasurable.

  "I don't do things once. I like to feel you twice," he growls into my ear, and his hand on my waist slides between my legs, finding my clit. His other hand grips my breast, flicking my nipple as his fingers rub my clit. I throw my head back on his shoulder, moaning from the intense pleasure he is building inside me. His cock, his fingers, everything about Garett in this moment is pure perfect pleasure. I cry out as my second orgasm slams into me, and Garett bites down on my ear as he comes inside me at the same time, feeling god damn amazing. I gasp as I struggle to get my breath back, and to my surprise, Garett very gently kisses my cheek.

  "You aren't like anyone else, Trix. Hell, you're perfect for me. For us," he says before taking a long breath.

  "Don't say things like that. Especially when you don't mean them," I warn him, and he grabs my chin, turning me to look at him.

  "I mean it." Garett kisses me way before I can even think about what he said. It's too late, my heart warms anyway.

  I cry out as my orgasm blasts into me, and I clutch Gage's thick head of hair, holding him in place as I ride it out. When I calm down after getting my breath back, Gage lifts his head from between my legs and grins as he wipes the back of his hand across his mouth.

  "I was rig
ht, you do taste better than the pancakes you made," he cheekily says, and I smooth my dress down as I laugh, sliding off the kitchen counter.

  "You are a rude, crude guy, Gage Hallow," I tell him, picking up my plate of pancakes and going to the table in their kitchen. The marble counters and white cabinets make me feel all kinds of dirty for the morning kiss Gage just gave me. It's been a whole month of being around them non-stop since they decided to put the past behind. I don't know how I have managed to date three guys almost without problems for a month, but this is how my life is turning out. Weirdly enough though, we all are happy. I spend most my weekends at their house, and they take turns with which bed I sleep in.

  "You love it though," he replies, and I freeze. He says things like this a lot. They all do.

  “Right. What are you doing today?” I ask, because all my classes are cancelled due to the professor being ill, and Aunt Linsey has enough help at the bakery during the week. She wouldn’t want me in her hair.

  “Taking you out for lunch was the plan, but now I’m thinking we should stay in bed all day,” Gage says with a grumpy voice that does so many things to me. A day in bed with Gage does sound like the perfect day, and I’m not sure how to disagree with him.

  “Morning, you two,” Garett says, coming into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” I reply as Gage gets some pancakes and places them on a plate before coming to the table and sitting down.

  "What are you up to today?" I ask him.

  "Griff and I have to go to the bank to deal with some stuff," Garett explains to me as he pours maple syrup on his pancakes.

  "Like what?" I ask him, feeling curious as I finish eating my pancakes.

  "We want our trust funds early because our parents are trying to use money to get us to talk to them again," Garett explains to me. "We want the inheritance our grandparents left us, and then we won't have to deal with them anymore." After everything Gage told me about their parents, I can hardly blame them for this.


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