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Forbidden Arcana: Morgana

Page 3

by Tamryn Tamer

“Alright,” Carrot said while slowly making her way to the seat opposite Cynthia. Cynthia shook her head no and patted the chair right next to her. Carrot quietly walked around the table and sat down as Cynthia slid a bottle of liquor to her. “Thank you.”

  “So, Carrot,” Cynthia smiled playfully as the orange-haired girl took a gulp of her drink. “Has Jericho had you yet?”

  “Pfft!” Carrot spit out her drink and Whippet immediately jumped onto the table to lick up the spill. “No! We haven’t. I mean, no! Why? What do you mean yet? Has he said something?”

  “Interesting.” Cynthia found Carrot rather adorable but too innocent. More Jericho’s type than hers since she had a strong preference for the very guilty ones like Jericho, Terra, and Raven. God, she missed Raven. Friday couldn’t come soon enough. She considered offering sessions twice a week to the naughty dark elf but the waiting made everything more exciting. “He doesn’t talk to me very much and he tends to be very careful with his words around me.”

  “I wonder why that is,” Carrot said sarcastically on reflex. “I mean…”

  “You don’t need to mince words,” Cynthia chuckled. “I know what you mean. I just miss having him a little. It’s so much more fun commanding a strong virile man. Raven is fun, but she’s so small and feminine. Anyway, I’m sure that’s not why you came here.”

  “Yeah,” Carrot put down her drink as she remembered her reason for visiting. “I was hoping to talk to the boss. Where is he anyway?”

  “Helping Raven with something,” Cynthia answered while avoiding a direct answer. She was sure if Carrot heard there was a battle she’d run off to join it leaving her alone again. “It’s not important. What were you hoping to talk to him about?”

  “Why?” Carrot asked suspiciously. “Is this going to be some trick where you find out why I’m here, offer me it in exchange for something else and then wham! Next thing I know I’m hanging from the ceiling with a gag in my mouth?”

  “Nothing of the sort,” Cynthia shook her head. Everybody really did think the worst of her. It’s not as though she forced anybody to do anything. She always gave them a safe word and the option to walk away. It wasn’t her fault they chose to see it through. “Besides, you’re not really my type.”

  “Good.” Carrot paused and glared at Cynthia. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Huh?” Cynthia chuckled as the petite beast girl tried to look intimidating. Unfortunately, her feline features and playful tail prevented Cynthia from seeing her as anything but adorable. “You’re a very lovely young woman Carrot. But I prefer people that are a little more, well, let’s say durable.”

  “Are you saying you don’t think I could handle it?” Carrot looked around the table as if waiting for somebody to back her up. Unfortunately, neither the dragons nor spiders appeared to be interested in anything except the food and drinks. “Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I’m weak.”

  “Of course not,” Cynthia agreed. Raven was small as well so it wasn’t her size that made her appear fragile as much as the way she carried herself. She was likely very capable in dungeons but Cynthia imagined in bed the beast girl would be emotionally fragile. “But I’m afraid we’re getting off track. I was asking you why you came here.”

  “Right,” Carrot said as she went back to staring suspiciously. The cat girl adjusted her hair and bustier as if trying to make herself more appealing for Cynthia. Clearly the comment about not being her type got to the girl. “Why do you want to know so badly?”

  “I’m drinking with dragons and spiders,” Cynthia said while gesturing at the creatures in the dining room. “Let’s just say I’m bored!”

  The dragons chirped disapprovingly at her tone and all three spiders stopped what they were doing to stare at her. She gritted her teeth as she realized they were probably going to tattle to Ariella later. The last thing Cynthia wanted was to sit through another lecture about how sensitive the spiders are and how kindness is important for their growth.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Cynthia said sharply. “And don’t you go tattling on me again! Nobody likes a tattle tale!”

  “Wow,” Carrot chuckled as she finished her drink. “You really are bored if you’re having conversations with them.”

  “So,” Cynthia looked at the young woman. “Why are you here?”

  “Oh,” Carrot sighed. “I suppose if it’s not a trick and you’re bored there’s no reason not to tell you. I was hoping Jericho could help me find a house in Dayrose. Now that the city is expanding, I feel like it should be easy enough for me to get the inside track. I’ve saved some gold up too. I just don’t really like sharing a guild hall with Des. She’s boring. And Viola’s place is basically just a giant S&M dungeon, no offense.”

  “None taken,” Cynthia said.

  “And the Greenridge office is really just a whorehouse,” Carrot laughed. “I mean, I suppose it’s still better than rooming with Des. She’s so serious all the time. But the last time I visited I was practically mauled by their followers.”

  “Why not just buy a place in one of the smaller villages or cities?” Cynthia asked. The truth was that there was no shortage of cities where they could purchase a guild hall so Carrot could run one anywhere. She was starting to suspect it was less about having her own guild hall and more about being closer to Jericho. “Unless there’s a reason you want to be in Dayrose.”

  “I just really like the area,” Carrot said while taking another drink. “And the city is growing so the value should increase over time. So having a guild hall here just makes sense and then I’d have somewhere to stay that’s fun.”

  “Or,” Cynthia grinned wickedly. “You could just move in here.”

  “What?” Carrot coughed as her drink went down the wrong pipe. “I couldn’t move in here! Mirage told me about the types of things that go on here and I’m not sure how I’d deal with that sort of thing. Greenridge was weird enough without getting into those sorts of things.”

  “Those sorts of things?” Cynthia chuckled. She stroked the cat girl’s hand. “Carrot, you really are innocent, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t look down on me,” she replied defiantly. “I’m not as innocent as you think. It’s not like I don’t fool around. I’ve been to whorehouses and to a bunch masquerade parties. I’ve been romanced by dukes and duchesses!”

  “Romanced? That’s adorable,” Cynthia teased. Harassing the feisty feline woman was much more fun than drinking with dragons. “How many of those duchesses shoved their hand inside of you?”

  “Hand?” Carrot asked, unsure of what she heard. “You mean fingers, right?”

  “No.” Cynthia smiled and gripped the wrist of one hand with the other while wiggling her fingers. “I mean hand. I could always demonstrate if you like.”

  “What?” Carrot squeaked before turning back to her drink. She sat quietly while pondering Cynthia’s words. “You all do stuff like that here? With each other? And Jericho is okay with it? He doesn’t mind sharing?”

  “Yes,” Cynthia answered. Although technically it was only a half-truth. She knew that while Jericho was okay with most of what they did he also found it immensely frustrating if he didn’t at least get to watch. At least that’s what she deduced from his expression whenever Raven came to visit. Cynthia rubbed her thighs together at the thought of making Jericho wait in a corner while she whipped Raven. Suddenly Carrot was looking awfully appealing, “So, if you and I went upstairs he’d be completely okay with it.”

  “What makes you think I’d be into that?” Carrot asked anxiously.

  “Carrot,” Cynthia said seductively as she leaned forward and whispered in one of the beast girl’s large furry ears. It may have been the general boredom or the sexual shift in their chat but she was developing an intense desire to play with the pretty little cat woman, “I thought you were all about fun, adventure, and new experiences. Don’t you think I’d be a fun new experience?”

  “It’s not about that!” Carrot jumped from
her seat. “I’m just not into the bondage stuff!”

  “Is that all?” Cynthia stood up and gently grasped Carrot’s hand. “Not everything I do involves bondage. I have other interests.”

  “Other interests?” Carrot said as she followed the dark fairy. “What do you mean by that? Just so you know I really don’t want to be tied up or powerless.”

  “My partners are never powerless,” Cynthia said defensively. Her partners might talk afterward about their powerlessness, but that was just an excuse to hide how much they enjoyed themselves. “They can end everything with a word. It’s up to them on how far I go. So just ask yourself, if they didn’t like it why didn’t they say the word? But that’s neither here nor there. As I said, I have other interests. How do you feel about roleplay?”

  “Roleplay?” Carrot asked anxiously as Cynthia guided her to the stairwell. “Like pretending to be a naughty nurse or schoolgirl? Something like that?”

  “Something like that,” Cynthia smiled impishly. While she wasn’t opposed to the role of teacher, Carrot clearly didn’t want to be punished and she’d respect that. She had something entirely different in mind. “Is that something you think you might like?”

  “Maybe,” Carrot blushed and followed Cynthia to the second floor. The dark fairy’s room was right down the hall from the main stairwell. “You’re not trying to trick me, are you?”

  “Carrot,” Cynthia laughed. “I assure you there is no trick. Do you want to be with me or not?”

  “Well yeah,” Carrot said while averting her gaze. “Obviously. But only if we’re doing normal stuff.”

  “Normal is relative,” Cynthia said as she opened the door to her bedroom. While she did have a few dungeon items littering the place, for the most part it was clean. The fabric on her queen-sized bed was a luxurious dark violet and softer than silk. She also had some bindings on the bedposts but she wouldn’t be using those with Carrot. “I just want you to pretend for me.”

  “Pretend?” Carrot asked as Cynthia locked the door behind her. She looked around the room at the various whips and bindings littering the room. The giant saltire’s cross next to the sawhorse especially drew her attention. “What kind of pretend?”

  “It’s just you and me here Carrot,” Cynthia said as she began kissing her neck. “So, you don’t have to be embarrassed about anything you do for me you know. You can do the most embarrassing things and I promise to never let anybody know.”

  “I asked what kind of pretend,” Carrot’s heart was pounding and Cynthia could feel it. She pressed her chest against the beast girl and savored the quickening pace. She wondered if it was fear or excitement causing such an intense response. “Cynthia?”

  “You’re such an adorable cat girl,” Cynthia whispered while slowly guiding her toward the bed. “If you’re uncomfortable with anything you know you can tell me, right?”

  “You’re being evasive,” Carrot said as Cynthia crawled into bed.

  “That’s only because I’m afraid you’ll reject me,” Cynthia pouted. “Rejection hurts you know. Why don’t you tell me what kind of roleplay you want to do?”

  “What?” Carrot blushed. “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it.”

  “What would you like to dress up as?” Cynthia smiled as Carrot’s face turned a deeper shade of red. “Is there something specific you’re hoping for?”

  “Cynthia,” Carrot panted as Cynthia rolled around in the soft bedding. “Can’t you just tell me what you had planned?”

  “Well,” Cynthia reached out and pulled the slender girl onto the bed with her. She ran her fingers up and down Carrot’s cloth assassin’s tunic. It wasn’t high-grade fabric like she was used to but it was what was underneath that interested her. “Do you promise not to judge?”

  “I promise,” Carrot whispered as Cynthia began to undress her. “What do you want me to be?”

  “Okay,” Cynthia smiled as she tossed Carrot’s top on the floor. She smiled at the pink bra the beast girl was wearing and wondered if her panties matched. She hooked her fingers in Carrot’s black leggings and pulled them out to confirm they matched. “You see, you’re such an adorable cat girl so I was thinking you might want to roleplay as my kitty.”

  “You want me to pretend to be a cat?” Carrot’s face had reached peak redness and her body appeared to be catching up. “Like with the meowing and everything?”

  “Mmhm,” Cynthia could tell that Carrot at the very least wasn’t deterred and was arguably intrigued. She grabbed Carrot’s hand and placed it between her legs. “Just the thought of it, can you feel how hot you’re making me Carrot?”

  “I wasn’t expecting this,” Carrot said nervously as Cynthia reached for her pants. Cynthia knew she had her once Carrot moved to help her remove them. “So, no spankings? No tying up? No whips? You just want me to pretend to be a cat? And you won’t tell anybody about it?”

  “Does that mean you’re going to do it?” Cynthia rubbed her thighs together excitedly. She found herself getting more eager with every second. The beautiful cat girl was already kneeling on her bed in her pink bra and panties and soon she’d be meowing for her. “You better not be teasing me. It’d be so cruel if you were teasing me.”

  “I don’t really know how,” Carrot blushed and looked away as Cynthia ran her fingers up and down her naked stomach. “So, you can’t make fun of me if I look stupid. And you really can’t tell anybody!”

  “I won’t,” Cynthia began stroking Carrot’s hair as if she were already her pet. Cynthia always loved how soft beast girls’ hair was. Outside of the ears and the tail they were mostly hairless but she found herself wondering how hairless Carrot was beneath her panties. “But we do need to discuss some rules if you’re going to be my cat.”

  “Rules?” Carrot asked pensively. “What do you mean?”

  “Just a few things,” Cynthia said as a red leather collar appeared in her hand. With a wave of her hand the name Carrot was emblazoned into the collar in gold. She handed it to the orange-haired beast girl, “The first is you need your collar.”

  “Okay,” Carrot looked at the red collar and placed it around her neck. She adjusted it until her name was in the front and shuffled awkwardly. “This is as close as you’re going to get to tying me up though.”

  “At least for today,” Cynthia teased as she admired the neck decoration. She was debating on whether or not she should add a tag to it with instructions on returning her to Cynthia if she’s found. Just as a reminder that she was her property. “The next rule is pets don’t need clothing.”

  “But I’m already in my underwear and you’re still in your corset and pants,” Carrot objected. “You want me completely naked?”

  “You’re a pet,” Cynthia insisted while staring at her nearly naked body. “Don’t worry, we’ll get to my clothing eventually. Trust me, just be a good kitty and you’ll have so much fun. I promise.”

  “I’m trusting you,” Carrot said while unhooking her bra revealing her perky pink nipples. Her panties soon followed and Cynthia couldn’t help but reach out and stroke Carrot’s beautifully kept orange bush. It was even softer than the hair on her head and if she wasn’t careful, she might spend the entire day petting it. “There.”

  “You’re such a good kitty,” Cynthia smiled as she pet Carrot’s lush mound. “The final rules are the easiest. You should be on all fours and you can only communicate through meowing and body language.”

  “What?” Carrot’s body tensed up. “That’s so embarrassing!”

  “But you can do it, can’t you?” Cynthia grabbed one of Carrot’s breasts and began adeptly massaging her nipple. “Please Carrot, be my good little kitty. It’s so easy. Just let all of those reservations you’re having wash away and shut everything up. Just be my pet kitty.”

  “It’s so embarrassing,” Carrot repeated while dropping to all fours on the bed. Cynthia ran her hand along Carrot’s body, correcting her posture until she was satisfied that Carrot’s back was arched to he
r liking. “Like this?”

  “You are so beautiful Carrot,” Cynthia said approvingly. She found words of affirmation were particularly important with new partners. Reminding the target of her affection that she found them attractive even while they were humiliating themselves before her allowed them to comfortably go even further. “You are the prettiest kitty.”

  “Meow,” Carrot whispered while clenching her eyes shut and Cynthia could barely handle it. She wanted to hear her do it again and again. Cynthia grabbed Carrot’s face and kissed her passionately. Her tongue entered Carrot’s mouth and soon she felt Carrot’s tongue doing the same.

  “Alright,” Cynthia ran her hands all over Carrot’s body savoring her soft flesh. She decided she wanted to feel it against her skin and removed her corset revealing her pale breasts and pink nipples. She quickly followed up by sliding off her tight pants revealing her black thong which came off right after. She moved to the head of her bed and leaned against the pillows while tapping the bed. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty.”

  “Meow!” Carrot said excitedly as she rushed to the spot and snuggled up next to Cynthia. She smiled playfully as she leaned over and began kneading Cynthia’s breasts like a cat preparing a spot to sleep. Carrot was obviously excited by Cynthia’s naked body and the dark fairy adored her enthusiasm.

  “You are just the cutest.” Cynthia reached down between Carrot’s legs and began stroking her hair. Getting her breasts massaged was surprisingly relaxing, especially when it was being done by a delightful beast girl pretending to be a cat. Carrot’s soft tongue began circling her nipples, “Mmm, lower.”

  “Meow?” Carrot questioned as Cynthia slightly opened her legs. The innocent beast girl quickly realized what Cynthia meant. Carrot’s tongue alternated between her breasts one last time before finally starting the long journey south.

  “Good girl,” Cynthia said as Carrot’s tongue moved down her sternum to her flat stomach. The orange-haired girl stopped to play with her belly button for a bit before moving down to her black trimmed bush. Finally, after an eternity of waiting, Cynthia felt Carrot’s soft tongue against her clit. “Yes, just keep doing that. Your tongue feels so nice.”


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