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Forbidden Arcana: Morgana

Page 8

by Tamryn Tamer

  “Holy shit,” Jericho admired his reflection. His eyes were glowing red like Sable’s but there were other changes as well. The red veins in the corner of his eyes were replaced with glowing silver ones, and that seemed to go for all of his veins.

  Despite having a light-infused circulatory system it normally only appeared that way while using light magic. Now it looked like if he cut himself his flesh would ooze mercury or melted platinum.

  “Okay,” Jericho nodded while handing the mirror back to Ariel. He unbuckled his pants and looked at his cock. He sighed in relief as it’d retained all of his previous glory. Sure, it had a healthy glow but nothing drastic. He buckled his pants. “I can work with this. What do you think Jinx?”

  “Hm,” Jinx glared at him suspiciously. “I’m fine with it. You’re still you. Do I look red now? Jerk. Bastard.”

  “Is that how it works?” Ariel asked. “Do you see everything as red?”

  “No,” Jericho answered. Things did look slightly different though. It wasn’t so much an appearance but there was an increased depth to them that wasn’t there before. Life somehow felt more vibrant, intense, alive. “Is this normal Talia?”

  “I’ve never actually seen anybody use cosmic magic like that,” Talia shrugged while looking up at the shifting sky. It was like they were looking through a membrane reflecting the city. “I have no idea. Sable might but I doubt it.”

  “Now that we have the barrier up when do you intend to leave?” Raven asked. “There’s no rush since we have a system in place. Well, I guess I shouldn’t assume that before asking how long it’ll last.”

  “Somewhere between a year and two years,” Jericho answered. “But really I have no idea. Also, Plague and Owl still have a way into the city. They could always stop the siege of the city and then use the city’s main portal to gain entry before starting another.”

  “That won’t happen,” Cynthia smiled. “If they drop the siege, I regain my full powers. And as for current travelers, anybody entering through any of the portals will be inspected by Mirage and executed on the spot if they fail inspection.”

  “Well,” Raven smiled at Jericho. “That turned dark really quick.”

  “Let’s brighten it up then,” Jericho laughed and held out a map for Talia. “Point to where the temple is. I’ll teleport there and open a portal back to here as soon as I can. Then we can go about capturing this god.”

  “First we need to convince his herald to grant us an audience with him,” Talia grumbled. “And I don’t think she’s going to do that.”

  “Talia,” Jericho smiled. “You were locked away for a long time. They probably have a completely different herald now.”

  “If only,” Talia pointed to the map and Jericho immediately envisioned the location. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Chapter 7

  The Temple of Eberis

  Jericho expected something different. He expected a dark desolate valley littered with bones and monsters, not a vibrant valley full of flowers and cascading waterfalls. The only indication he was in the right place was a landmark that was mildly shaped like a three-headed dog. From each of the mouths water flowed down into an enormous lake and at its center was a temple.

  He opened the portal to Dayrose and Jinx came bursting through with weapons drawn looking for a fight. Ariel first poked her head through as if checking to make sure the coast was clear. Finally, Talia came through and was obviously anxious about being there.

  “It’s so pretty!” Ariel said cheerfully. “Look at all the flowers! And it’s so peaceful!”

  “It’s evil,” Jinx said while backing up toward Jericho. “Nothing here has a spirit. Fools. Dolts.”

  “Really?” Jericho stretched his spirit as far as he could through the valley and found it discomforting. Even the smallest plants had some trace of spiritual energy but everything in the valley was completely devoid of it. Technically, while it existed and was certainly alive, none of it was really alive. “That’s weird.”

  “That’s death magic,” Talia said calmly. “Death magic, the acquisition of power through the eradication of life. When people die their life is dispersed. Sometimes a life will become lives for a thousand plants and sometimes the lives of a thousand plants will become a life for a person. But life carries on. Death magic is the harvesting of what makes up itself, souls. It’s a fairly tricky type of magic.”

  “You know a lot about death magic. Witch. Shrew.” Jinx said suspiciously.

  “Yes,” Talia grimaced. “I suppose I do.”

  “This is all horrible,” Ariel said no longer pleased with her surroundings. She approached one of the flowers and upon touching it realized there was nothing there for her to communicate with. “It’s so sad.”

  “Why?” Jericho asked. “If death magic is harvesting the souls then they must be harvesting them for something.”

  “Gods aren’t satisfied being gods, they want to be the strongest god so they keep gathering souls to increase their power,” Talia answered.

  “So, it’s similar to what Jinx does,” Jericho gestured at his spirit beast.

  “No!” Jinx growled while squeezing her claws into his side. “I feed on your spirit energy! I don’t eat your soul! It’s different! Fool! Goon!”

  “She’s right,” Talia laughed approvingly at Jinx’s response. Jericho was happy to see the blonde time witch laugh. “Death magic feeds on everything that you are, your very being. Comparing Jinx feeding on some spirit energy to death magic is like comparing drinking a glass of water to emptying an ocean.”

  “Got it,” Jericho pulled Jinx’s nails from his side and patted her head apologetically. “But why isn’t this place a wasteland then?”

  “It is,” Talia answered. “It’s just not the type of wasteland you’re used to seeing. Imagine walking into a city where every person was a lifeless statue. Just because their blood continues to flow and hearts continue to beat wouldn’t make the city alive. They’d be lifeless zombies.”

  “Interesting,” Jericho was getting excited. He was curious to learn more about death magic as well as meet a god. “This should be fun.”

  “I doubt it,” Talia grumbled while leading the way to the temple. “And be careful not to make any deals while you’re here. And don’t sign anything, I mean anything. That goes for all of you, understood?”

  “Why?” Ariel asked as they passed through the valley. “What are you scared of.”

  “I imagine death magic operates off of deals,” Jericho discerned from the warning. “That right?”

  “Exactly,” Talia answered. “Deals and bets primarily but a person can also voluntarily give their life away. Plants and some animals can simply have it removed by force but anything sentient or powerful is different.”

  As they arrived at the temple ten beautiful maidens came out to greet them. Jericho was immediately stricken by not only their beauty but their attire. He smiled wickedly at the lewd outfits the priestesses wore. It was like the women were pulled straight from the catalog of the filthiest lingerie store. Their breasts and pussies were exposed and the variety of colors and designs was magnificent.

  “Stop looking!” Jinx said hitting Jericho several times in the arm. “You can’t have them! Pervert! Deviant!”

  “Welcome back priestess Talia,” a priestess said as she approached. The brunette was wearing a black mesh bodysuit with both the breasts and pussy exposed. Black star pasties covered her large but surprisingly perky breasts. “Although I see you still refuse to wear proper vestments.”

  “I wear them Cecilia.” Talia grabbed Jericho’s arm tightly. “But only for my master.”

  “Master?” Cecilia smiled seductively as she approached Jericho. Talia and Jinx simultaneously moved in front of him to block the beautiful priestess from getting too close. The priestess grinned playfully at Talia. “So, you refused to serve a god but instead gave yourself to a mere mage? And here I thought you intended to become a goddess yourself.”

>   “He’s not just a mage,” Talia growled through clenched teeth. “He defeated an archdemon on his own!”

  “Ooh!” Cecilia turned to the other nine priestesses who were all stifling their laughter. “An archdemon! All on his own you say? That’s so cute!”

  “I don’t like you,” Jinx growled at the priestess. “You’re weak and stupid. Your god must be weak and stupid. Bimbo. Harlot.”

  “What an adorable little pet,” Cecilia said snidely at Jinx before turning back to Talia. “You know Talia, since you’ve clearly fallen on hard times, I’m sure Eberis would welcome you back if you were willing to offer him your soul. You have made quite a name for yourself after all. What was it? Can somebody here remind me?”

  “You must be thinking of somebody else,” another priestess chuckled. “I heard nobody remembers her.”

  “That’s not true,” a red-headed priestess giggled. “I heard the Seraphim call her temperamental Talia.”

  “Don’t the Fallen call her Mad Memoria?” another added to the pile.

  “You’re all so mean,” Cecilia grinned. “The Nyxian’s knew her name. I suppose they don’t count since their civilization crumbled. But I’m sure Talia’s accumulated tons of followers! She’s had centuries after all and she was going to become a goddess. How many followers have you accumulated? How many temples have been built for you?”

  “She has a statue!” Ariel chimed in proudly. “How many statues do you have?”

  “A statue!” Cecilia and the priestesses laughed uncontrollably. “And it only took you how many years? At this rate you’ll achieve godhood in no time! We’re just so proud of you!”

  “I see,” Jericho wrapped his arm around Talia and pulled her close. The blonde blushed as Jericho tilted her face toward him and kissed her passionately. He pulled away and smiled, “These idiotic mean girls were why you were so nervous about coming here? Why do you care what they say? They’re nothing but puppets.”

  “They’re not the ones that bother me,” Talia mumbled.

  “Excuse me,” Cecilia’s smile failed to hide her discontent. “Did you just call us puppets?”

  “Yes,” Jericho said smugly. “Would you prefer to be called dolls? How about shells?”

  “I see you’re just as insolent and arrogant as Talia,” Cecilia forced a grin. “Which is funny considering you’re the one coming here seeking aid.”

  “I’m not seeking aid,” Jericho said. “I’m seeking an audience.”

  “You think you’re worthy of standing before Eberis?” Cecilia and all of the other priestesses laughed. “Eberis doesn’t see just anyone. But we’ll be thrilled to take you to the Herald and watch you embarrass yourself. I’m sure she’ll be especially happy to see Talia again.”

  “Well,” Jericho gestured toward the temple. “Lead the way.”

  Cecilia gestured for the group to follow as she walked toward the stone bridge leading to the temple entrance. As soon as they stepped on the first stone of the bridge Jericho felt an overwhelming power binding him. It was suffocating.

  “Bastards! Assholes!” Jinx growled as she followed. Ariel had a similar twisted expression. “You think I’m going to run just because you took away my power? Thieves! Burglars!”

  “Jericho,” Ariel gestured with her hand attempting to create an illusion. “I can’t use my power.”

  “We can only use our powers here with the permission of the Eberis,” Talia said as she stepped onto the bridge. “Unless you’re a god. In which case the rules of other gods don’t impact you. Eberis is a gambler so he doesn’t like violence.”

  “Clearly you’re not as powerful as you think,” Cecilia said arrogantly at Jericho. “How does it feel to be stripped of your powers? To be at the mercy of superior being?”

  “Good,” Jericho answered playfully. “It means he’s scared of me. I would have been a lot more worried if he let me keep my powers.”

  “Exactly,” Jinx grinned maniacally. “The weak resort to weakening others. The powerful fear nothing. Cowards. Chickens.”

  “He doesn’t fear you,” Cecilia said snidely. “He simply abhors violence. And the barrier is to protect us and his temple. Stupid brutes.”

  Jericho sighed as he followed the group of erotically dressed women. It was frustrating to find such a gorgeous group only to have their personalities be such shit. It wasn’t as though he’d turn down fucking them if the chance came up, but it would definitely be more of a hate fuck. God, he wanted to hate fuck those priestesses.

  “Stop imagining hate fucking the priestesses,” Jinx growled. Jericho panicked for a moment as he glanced at her. “No, I can’t read your mind. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what you’re thinking. Adulterer. Rake.”

  “Master,” Ariel stifled a laugh. “The look on your face.”

  “How can you all be so carefree about this?” Talia grumbled. “We’re completely defenseless in here.”

  “If we can’t fight then neither can they,” Jericho said. “If Eberis could make it so his followers could attack and others couldn’t then he’d be conquering cities, not sitting in a temple.”

  “Fair enough,” Talia said.

  The temple was surprisingly contemporary in its design and Jericho found himself wanting to meet Eberis even more. He was in awe of the god’s aesthetic sensibilities. Instead of a dark temple Eberis managed to construct something that allowed natural daylight into the deepest recesses by utilizing mirrors, orbs, and well-placed windows.

  They passed through a central garden where an orb in the sky was being fueled by sunlight refracted into the area via narrow stone pathways. Fountains pumped fresh water from the outside which then flowed through aqueducts watering the gardens before exiting the temple through well-hidden drainage systems.

  “Did Eberis build this temple?” Jericho asked Cecilia.

  “Yes,” Cecilia smiled triumphantly. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Eberis demands perfection.”

  “Jericho,” Jinx glared at him. “You have that look like you’re thinking of something. Dummy. Dimwit.”

  “Maybe,” Jericho grinned as he thought about the city plans for expanding Dayrose. “But let’s worry about that after we get our audience with him.”

  They arrived at a massive doorway covered in gorgeous etchings depicting various beautiful women bathing. Cecilia knocked on the door and waited. Before long both of the doors opened revealing a large lavish bathhouse with an altar in the center. On the far end of the room stood a tall woman with long black hair and a large colorful tattoo of a butterfly on her upper back.

  “So, what do you want now Cecilia?” The woman sighed and turned around. Jericho immediately fixated on her naked chest and trimmed black bush. She stared at Jericho for a moment then turned to Cecilia with the most hateful glare he’d ever seen on a woman, “You’re supposed to announce it if there are guests.”

  “Oh?” Cecilia smiled wickedly. “I’m sorry my herald.”

  “I somehow doubt that,” the woman said while grabbing a black robe. She quickly covered herself and turned toward the group. “Welcome to the temple of Eber...Talia?”

  “Ebertalia?” Ariel repeated.

  “Mind introducing us?” Jericho nudged Talia forward.

  “Hello Morgana,” Talia said rigidly. “This is the Grand Archmagus Jericho Voidcaller, Slayer of Dalmeth, Conqueror of Castle Black, Champion of Dayrose, Destroyer of Raycastle, and…um…”

  “He’s the most wanted man in the world! He reached number one on the bounty boards!” Ariel offered supportively. “He’s also the future king of the fairies!”

  “He’s not marrying you!” Jinx objected while trying to take a swing at Ariel. She was stopped in her tracks by Eberis’ strange blessing. “Dammit! I’ll get you later! Pest! Worm!”

  “He’s also completed the Magus Puzzle,” Talia said anxiously. “And he commands a brood of Magus Dragons. He runs one of the most powerful guilds in the world…”

  “Talia,” Jericho tur
ned to the nervous blonde. “Why do I have the uncomfortable feeling that you’re trying to justify me to her?”

  “Talia,” Morgana said with a smile. “I’m so happy you’ve finally come back to me! I’ve missed you so much! Did you finally put aside all of that nonsense about becoming a goddess? And who are these people? If they’re your friends I’m sure I can find a room for them to stay in while we catch up!”

  “Jericho is my master!” Talia blurted out before jumping behind Jericho. “I’m bound to him and only him. I didn’t even want to come back. I’m only here because he wanted to come.”

  “Master?” Morgana’s happiness faded as she glared at Jericho. “As in the love of my life serves you?”

  “And to think you chose her over the rest of us,” Cecilia said snidely. “That has to be disappointing.”

  “You’re no longer needed here Cecilia, go!” Morgana said coldly. Cecilia turned to walk away with the other priestesses as Morgana returned her attention to Jericho, “You haven’t answered yet Grand Archmagus Voidcaller.”

  “Jericho is fine.” Jericho stared at the gorgeous woman. “I’m her master. What’s your relationship?”

  “She was my betrothed,” Morgana answered. “At least before she developed a delusion that she could become a goddess.”

  “Oh, thank god,” Jericho sighed in relief. “With the way she was acting I was worried that you were her mother or something.”

  “Do I look old enough to be her mother?” Morgana asked getting angrier. “We are the same age!”

  “I am now realizing how foolish that was to say,” Jericho said while trying not to laugh at his own stupidity. “I’m sorry. It was just obvious that she was trying to impress you with my credentials. She obviously cares a lot about what you think.”

  “If she cared about what I thought she wouldn’t have run off,” Morgana said. “Instead, she left me at the altar while ranting about how she was going to become a goddess. Not even the slightest bit of concern about how I felt.”


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